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Hearthstone |OT8| Elise's Extremely Irresponsible Field Trip To Un'Goro

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Get Inside Her!
Mouse over your deck on the right to highlight your hand size.

place your pointer on your deck, it will display the number of cards in you deck and the number of cards in you hand above your hand

Aha, I tried hovering there but didn't notice the tooltip appearing down on my hand as well. Thanks!

[Edit] Only works on your turn tho, which is pretty weird.


Unconfirmed Member
Always fun to look at the most controversial cards.

Emerald Reaver (1 mana 2/3 minions cost 2 more)

Seems like it sucks for aggro, and seems way worse than mistress of mixtures for control. I wonder what people think will make it so good. Gave it a 3 for being a fair option if you don't have Mistress of Mixtures, but almost gave it a 2.

The Caverns Below (Rogue Quest)

Understandable why there's so much variance here. I gave it a 4 because I want to believe, though I guess I might regret that if it ends up too strong somehow.

Molten Blade (1/1 weapon changes into new one every turn in hand)

I gave it 4 stars just because there's a lot of good weapons out there. Seems almost certain to find a place in control to me when topdecking isn't as much of a thing. Maybe even works in aggro depending on how the variance works out, though they probably don't have the time to wait for the right weapon.

Bittertide Hydra (5 mana 8/8, deal 3 damage to your hero every time it takes damage)

There's absolutely no way this is a 2 or 1. It's pretty equal to 4 mana 7/7 exchanging 2 overload for 1 mana, and the drawback is basically nothing. And not even just in the sense of aggro not caring about health, but in the sense that you're aggro, so you control the board, so the only way for them to get rid of it is hard removal. Most of the time they're going to use hard removal that wont even cause you any damage.

I'm fairly certain it makes the pirate list somewhere, except if worried about aggro vs aggro matchups. That's why i gave it a 4.


I think you might actually not play that 5/11 Tar minion in Warrior decks. I think you are better off playing Bog Creeper in most cases.

The best taunts available to Warrior right now:

Tar Creeper - 3 mana solid taunt
Second Rate Bruiser - Solid tech against Aggro
Dirty Rat - Taunt on 2 or combo ruiner with Brawl
Alley Armorsmith - Solid 5 mana taunt that gives armor
Bloodhoof Brave - 4 mana solid taunt
New 5 mana beast Taunt - Can be pulled with Curator, thickens deck against other control decks.
New 6 mana beast Adapt taunt - Can be pulled from Curator and fills 6 mana slot. Usually better than Sunwalker.
7 mana Tar - Massive taunt but gives no pressure.
Bog Creeper - Also 7 mana, less HP but way more pressure.
Curator - Taunt itself, can pull dragon and beast taunts.
8 mana dragon taunt - Board clear and can be pulled from Curator

That's a ton of taunts and I am ignoring weaker taunts like Senjin, Sunwalker, Psychotron etc. I think you will end up cutting some of the taunts for utility cards and clears as you just want to survive until you can play taunts and finish with quest.

Might make a deck when I get home.


Update live on iOS? I can't get it for some reason.

I see it on PC, but no Valeera or expansion cards
edit- ah, under crafting only

lol - the game won't launch on my phone, saying I need to update, but in the App Store, the only option is to open the game, no update available. Every time...


the dragon was 4/8 right? I think that card is good. It's Baron Geddon battlecry with good stats and taunt for 1 more mana. Seems reasonable.

It kills all the raptors!


the dragon was 4/8 right? I think that card is good. It's Baron Geddon battlecry with good stats and taunt for 1 more mana. Seems reasonable.

It kills all the raptors!

it could potentially kill all murlocs on board too... I like that card.

may be a little expensive, but seems like a nice semi board clear



Tomorrow's login/quest reward has been distributed and made available for play in Asia.


New Quests

Happy New Year! (Un'Goro Launch Period - Free Packs)
A special reward to celebrate the Year of the Mammoth!
Rewards: 3 Un'Goro Packs

Maiev Shadowsong
Win 10 games in Standard Play mode.
Rewards: Maiev Hero

Free Card Day!
Have a free card on us!
Rewards: Fight Promoter


Free Card Day sounds like something that will stick around. That's interesting.

I think primordial drake is only average, like the definition of a 3.0 card. It's got some potential in quest warrior, due to curator synergy. Maybe niche in other decks.

Yeah that seems fair. The minimum for a constructed playable card. I think that qualifies as good (enough).


Hopefully they put some extra luck in those free packs and we all get a legendary quest. ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)


Unconfirmed Member
Free Card Day sounds like something that will stick around. That's interesting.

They should make the Free Card an entirely newly designed one, so people don't just log in but also stick around to play a game or two just for the fun of it.

Doesn't have to be anything meta breaking, but something fun to try out.


Lots of free stuff this expansion.

I feel like next expansion we're gonna be like that kid from harry potter

"I got 25 gifts last year and this year I only got 24!?"

I think we got actually less than WotOG, I remember having about 15 packs from just the promotion stuff, and that after getting C'Thun and the other 2 commons.

this is pretty close to that, but again, it is just gold and dust and 6 packs (counting all the free packs being given recently)


fight promoter is an interesting choice, it's a card that didn't see any play, majority of the player base have never seen that card but it's still a good card. It encourages players to take another look at the card. There are a lot of cards like that in the game.


fight promoter is an interesting choice, it's a card that didn't see any play, majority of the player base have never seen that card but it's still a good card. It encourages players to take another look at the card. There are a lot of cards like that in the game.

it is also ironic...

"Hey! you need tickets?"


New References

We don't want to be too quick to jump to conclusions, but the latest patch has a lot of additions.

GLOBAL_RACE: Undead, Tauren, Totem, Nerubian, Draenei, Gnome, Orc, Dwarf, Night Elf, Human, Blood Elf, Troll, Scourge, Goblin, Worgen, Ogre
Druid of the Claw

Before : Choose One - Charge; or +2 Health and Taunt.

After : Choose One - Transform into a 4/4 with Charge; or a 4/6 with Taunt.

Druid of the Saber

Before : Choose One - Transform to gain Charge; or +1/+1 and Stealth.

After : Choose One - Transform into a 2/1 with Charge; or a 3/2 with Stealth.
From hearthhead


Hah, they don't have a Hunter recipe deck with the quest.

I think somewhat highly of ornery direhorn because it seems like a powerful card against midrange decks.
If you look at the possible adapt choices, almost 50% of them are bad for it (Living Spores, Lightning Speed, Massive, Shrouding Mist). You might as well play a Sunwalker.


Can some one help me figure out the Rag and Sylvanas dust refund? So I have both regular but have enough dust to craft both Golden before they both rotate to wild. I'm not clear on how Blizzard is handling the situation? I just want to go the route that gets me the most value. Sorry if I'm stupid, I'm just a casual at this point who does his dailies to save gold for each expansion. Have 8500 going into UnGoro.
Hah, they don't have a Hunter recipe deck with the quest.

If you look at the possible adapt choices, almost 50% of them are bad for it (Living Spores, Lightning Speed, Massive, Shrouding Mist). You might as well play a Sunwalker.

Living spores isn't bad. I don't rly know the names. Elusive protects you from removal, i.e. sap or swd. Stealth against some decks is perfectly fine imo, because while you don't get taunt protection the turn it is played that might not matter. You might just get to make a value trade which is fine.


Living spores isn't bad. I don't rly know the names. Elusive protects you from removal, i.e. sap or swd. Stealth against some decks is perfectly fine imo, because while you don't get taunt protection the turn it is played that might not matter. You might just get to make a value trade which is fine.

Living Spores is bad on a 6 mana minion, it's great on a 1-3 mana minion. Stealth is very questionable considering most of the time you are going to be the control deck and want the taunt immediately.


Math was already done on Adapts. If your card is good with 3 options (in this case I would say +1/1, +3 HP and Divine Shield are best options) then you have over 70% chance to get one of those options.

That means 70% of the time this is a good card. I would argue that something like Elusive (can't be targetted) is also fine. At 4 choices you are looking at 83% or higher.

I like those odds to be honest.


Can some one help me figure out the Rag and Sylvanas dust refund? So I have both regular but have enough dust to craft both Golden before they both rotate to wild. I'm not clear on how Blizzard is handling the situation? I just want to go the route that gets me the most value. Sorry if I'm stupid, I'm just a casual at this point who does his dailies to save gold for each expansion. Have 8500 going into UnGoro.

don't do anything then. given your outcome, you will get the same dust as if you craft golden sylv and rag.

just hold on to them until the rotation comes
Living Spores is bad on a 6 mana minion, it's great on a 1-3 mana minion. Stealth is very questionable considering most of the time you are going to be the control deck and want the taunt immediately.

I think often enough you want to minion to survive a turn so you can make the choice on how to utilize it. And sure living spores isn't great, but it's not bad either. You've got a 5/5 taunt + deathrattle 2/2. Against midrange that is a pretty good value proposition and sticky value.


Makes world leading predictions like "The sun will rise tomorrow"
Can some one help me figure out the Rag and Sylvanas dust refund? So I have both regular but have enough dust to craft both Golden before they both rotate to wild. I'm not clear on how Blizzard is handling the situation? I just want to go the route that gets me the most value. Sorry if I'm stupid, I'm just a casual at this point who does his dailies to save gold for each expansion. Have 8500 going into UnGoro.

If you don't care about the gold versions of Rag or Sylvanas, there's no reason to craft them. The maximum amount of dust you can net in your current situation is 1600 dust and that's the same whether you craft the golden versions and then redust them or not.


Can some one help me figure out the Rag and Sylvanas dust refund? So I have both regular but have enough dust to craft both Golden before they both rotate to wild. I'm not clear on how Blizzard is handling the situation? I just want to go the route that gets me the most value. Sorry if I'm stupid, I'm just a casual at this point who does his dailies to save gold for each expansion. Have 8500 going into UnGoro.

Here my understanding. They give you the dust back for however many can be used in your deck.

So here's your options:

1) Do nothing: Get 3200 dust, 1600 for each card

2) Craft golden version of each: Get 0 dust. Spend 6400 dust to craft a golden version of each and then get the 6400 dust back. You get no dust for the normal versions you have.

3) Craft golden versions of each and dust your regular versions: Get 800 dust Spend 6400 dust to craft a golden version of each and then get the 6400 dust back. You then dust the regular versions and get 400 dust for each.

I'd go with option 1.


If you don't care about the gold versions of Rag or Sylvanas, there's no reason to craft them. The maximum amount of dust you can net in your current situation is 1600 dust and that's the same whether you craft the golden versions and then redust them or not.

don't do anything then. given your outcome, you will get the same dust as if you craft golden sylv and rag.

just hold on to them until the rotation comes

Thanks for the help!


And they made him a Lord of Cinder. Not for virtue, but for might. Such is a lord, I suppose. But here I ask. Do we have a sodding chance?
Is any of this shit out in EU yet?


Looks like they might retroactively be adding more races to other cards like they did with Mechs and Elementals.

Senjin finally gets to have a tribal tag.


Makes world leading predictions like "The sun will rise tomorrow"
Looks like they might retroactively be adding more races to other cards like they did with Mechs and Elementals.

Senjin finally gets to have a tribal tag.

They're probably thinking about this ahead of time just in case. Not that they absolutely will do it. It was probably a minor pain to decide what old cards were considered elementals.

Personally I don't think the humanoid races should have a tribal tag but that's just me.

Undead makes a lot of sense as a tag. I'm actually surprised they haven't done it yet.


Unconfirmed Member
Looks like they might retroactively be adding more races to other cards like they did with Mechs and Elementals.

Senjin finally gets to have a tribal tag.

OR I think they are adding the ability to search the cards more easily without adding tribal tags to the card.

For instance, I know that Vol'jin is a troll but I don't remember his name or how to spell it. I search "Troll" and Vol'jin along with lots of others shows up in the search. This seems the most obvious use to me.

I can't count how many times I've searched for Taz'dingo because I forgot Sen'jin Sheildmaster.


Corporate Apologist
Looks like they might retroactively be adding more races to other cards like they did with Mechs and Elementals.

Senjin finally gets to have a tribal tag.

Would be nice. Most Card games do have every card have some sort of Tribe.

I still hope they eventually do multi-tribal cards.
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