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Hearthstone |OT8| Elise's Extremely Irresponsible Field Trip To Un'Goro

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Made a Hunter Quest deck and the first game could not have gone any better. Managed to complete the quest by turn 4 and played Carnassa on 5 and proceeded to kill the opponent. Nothing like playing Tundra Rhino and chaining 2 to 3 1 cost 3-2s and hitting face
I've tried like 4 games with this and only ever drawn one raptor after playing Carnassa. The problem is you end up with about 32 cards and only 15 raptors, so the chances of ever chaining are remote.

I'm not sure how to make it work if you complete the quest quickly. The only reliable way would seem to be having yet another legendary (Hemet), waiting until turn 7 to play Carnassa, and THEN starting to play raptors. But that's so slow I highly doubt it would work.

He already had Grommash he got the quest 3 times lol.
Oh, my bad. That's still 400 dust and a free legendary of their choice, though.


This game was legit the nuttiest, high roller game of Zoo I have ever played:


Absolutely nothing because the entire meta will crush it.

Handlock, Quest Warrior, Quest Zoo, Quest Rogue, Quest Mage (Exodia version), Midrange Hunter, Jade Druid etc.
Thank God! I hated Reno and fatigue decks so much. Although sometimes I did play Reno with kaza cause tempo mage was having troubles for me


I miscalculated the count for Hunter quest. It's actually something like 37 cards you end up with in your deck, so the odds of getting raptors before you die on turn 7-8 are VERY low. It's only 1/5 or 1/6 games thus far I've drawn a raptor after playing the queen in 4-5 turns.


I've tried like 4 games with this and only ever drawn one raptor after playing Carnassa. The problem is you end up with about 32 cards and only 15 raptors, so the chances of ever chaining are remote.

you try slotting starving buzzard in there somewhere?


you try slotting starving buzzard in there somewhere?
I'll try it, but that would burn an extra early slot if it shows up. If it does show up, you have to spend your entire turn 5-6 playing it, after which it will probably die before triggering.

I did end up chaining a second raptor in one game, but still lost. I think I've only managed to win 1/7 times now thanks to unlucky cards on the other side.


Neo Member
Out of 128 packs I opened the following:

- Spiritsinger Umbra x2
- Ozruk
- Kalimos
- Priest quest x 3 (goddammit)
- Tyrantus
- Jungle giants
- open the way gate :)D the one I really wanted)

Plus a bunch of epics including 5 devilsaurs. I'm still missing a lot of epics so I'm really
salty that I got these many duplicate devilsaurs and 3 damn priest quests, I hate priest.


damn, I forgot about zoo/discardlock losing Imp Gang Boss and Dark Peddler. RIP best 3 drop in the game

It's still better odds than me on the drops. And you get 2 good legendaries + 400 dust so it's not a total wash. Cheer up. :)
it's hilarious, honestly. what are the chances to get the same fucking legendary 3 times in a row I wonder.

I don't even see taunt Warrior being anything more than a tier 2 deck, but I hope to be wrong at this point.


Ask me about the GAF Notebook
Running C'Thun Druid for now. Only big loss is Bran. So far so good.

Opened all my packs, but rolling with this until the meta sells, I get more cards, and I can figure out what to craft.

I don't want to make any rash decisions day 1.


it's hilarious, honestly. what are the chances to get the same fucking legendary 3 times in a row I wonder.

I don't even see taunt Warrior to be anything more than a tier 2 deck, but I hope to be wrong at this point.
Tier 2 is very good.. tier 1 is deck that can get you high rank even if you braindead.. quest warrior will never that good


Out of 128 packs I opened the following:

- Spiritsinger Umbra x2
- Ozruk
- Kalimos
- Priest quest x 3 (goddammit)
- Tyrantus
- Jungle giants
- open the way gate :)D the one I really wanted)

Plus a bunch of epics including 5 devilsaurs. I'm still missing a lot of epics so I'm really
salty that I got these many duplicate devilsaurs and 3 damn priest quests, I hate priest.
1/13 packs having a legendary is insane. I had like 1/27 odds, someone else had 1/21.

After playing about 10 games, I'm convinced that the Hunter quest is not feasible without some strange mid-range deck that involves staying alive and/or getting lucky with card draws to avoid losing the board AND hand. I just wanted to make Hunter work again, darnit.
Some people are getting extremely lucky with packs...

I will be opening 125 packs once this goes live in Europe... and I expect 3 Legend cards!
Running an Elemental/Jade Shaman right now. First game I stomped the shit out of a Quest Priest, but I get wrecked by anything aggressive right now. The early game is pretty rough.


Faced time warp mage. Play 2 sorcerer's​ apprentice. Duplicate it into 4, into time warp, into antonidas, into free fireball.

I had lethal but my board was full and frozen.

I really have no idea how priest will survive this.


I just wanted to make Hunter work again, darnit.

Managed to go from 15 up to 11 fairly easily with midrange-y Hunter today, for what it's worth. Can't speak for how the deck will do beyond that. It'll probably fall apart in the next couple ranks.

No quest, start with your sticky little minions in the beginning, then roll into the big dinosaurs like Dred and Volcanosaur.


Neo Member
1/13 packs having a legendary is insane. I had like 1/27 odds, someone else had 1/21.

After playing about 10 games, I'm convinced that the Hunter quest is not feasible without some strange mid-range deck that involves staying alive and/or getting lucky with card draws to avoid losing the board AND hand. I just wanted to make Hunter work again, darnit.

Yeah I guest I got lucky, too bad I got 4 dupes but it is still pretty good. I'm gonna craft and mess around with the rogue quest it seems pretty interesting with teachers and stuff, mage otk seems pretty fun also.


Unconfirmed Member
I feel like an idiot playing paladin quest turn 1 when there's a one drop in hand.

Did not occur to me that it's strictly better to play the 1 drop turn 1.


Get Inside Her!
Opened 75ish packs, only three legendaries. None in classes I traditionally play. SWEET.

I'm sittin on like 8k dust tho (and have a golden rag waiting to be nuked) so I can craft my way to success.


Dog: Quest rogue is bad guys
*wins game*
Dog: No seriously guys quest rogue is bad
*keeps winning*


Get Inside Her!
look at the only 3 legendaries I got. is this real? Can I get my gold back? Help?

goodbye everyone, uninstall button is ready

Golden version of a legendary you already have is actually a pretty sweet draw, you can turn that into whatever you want.


Makes world leading predictions like "The sun will rise tomorrow"
Dog: Quest rogue is bad guys
*wins game*
Dog: No seriously guys quest rogue is bad
*keeps winning*

And this is happening at double digit legend ranks too, lol


Azure drake crying in reddit is just sweet tears, that card was bullshit and i fucking glad its gone.
i know, have nothing better to do since i play on EU :(


4 vilespine slayers in one game, followed by a sap.
I killed
a bloodhoof brave
a 5/9 bloodhoof brave
a bruiser
and finally grom hellscream
then I sapped his tar lord for lethal
I love it =D


Cool Facts: Game of War has been a hit since July 2013
Is King Mosh supposed to be good? I've always wanted to play some sort of control warrior.


Dog is on fire.

He is a very good combo player though, he undersells himself quite a bit. It's not really highrolling.

I guess quest rogue is pretty decent and scary...

hunter quest seems bad man, you lose before raptors even matter lol.
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