OK thanks. I don't have Fandral or Aya so added in druid of the claw and I also only have one tar creeper so added in stonehill defender.
Man decks are so expensive! I'm missing two of the key legendaries in this deck. Is it even worth running without them? It sucks though as don't have the new legendaries for Paladin either, don't have lyra for priest, etc. Not sure what to run expect boring cheap midrange hunter or quest rogue that is getting nerfed. I've also got the Warrior quest but I sucked at that too.
Druid of the Claw is too slow against aggro. Feral Rage is cheaper if you want 4 damage.
Stonehill is not a great substitute for Tar Creeper; it's more of a value card (discover a useful Taunt for later) than a card you play on curve (it's not great against aggro). Does Druid have any good Taunt minions (that aren't a choice)?
Not sure about the Verdant Longneck. Seems too slow.
Thalnos is okay since you don't have a second Drake. 2 damage AoE (used with Swipe) is so valuable against tokens. And in a pinch, it can be combined with Wrath. But I would toss it in the mulligan since you really should be ramping early.
I would definitely craft Aya, though. Useful in Shaman decks and may even make a return in Jade Rogue with QR on the way out.