the cards were quite interesting. I'm not going to make any bold prediction, some of these are brand new territory. Mage hero card is good btw. One of the worst match ups for mage is control paladin. You basically shut down a lot from the class with this card. Slow? If there is one class that can play slow it's mage. You are seriously underestimating life steal on minions and how game flipping those can be.
Druid taunt generator is very interesting, you basically go full stall against zoo like decks. which are your worst enemy. Imagine buff on them too, it's gg. I think original midrange druid deck with violet teacher/power of wild could make a come back. I liked that deck a lot. I'm not sure what is the cost on the taunts in relation to devolve? if it's 5 it's very strong, could give a big boost to druid against shaman.
Rogue weapon is ok, it's good to have options but I'm not sure it's going to be good enough. Longbow is not a bad weapon, it just doesn't fit hunter and cost too much, maybe this one works out.
4 drop prince could be playable in rogue, the only 4 drop rogue plays is sherazin, I'm not sure if it's worth running but it's heal and taunt, it might be a good tech.
Freeze shaman seems really weird and completely new, it seems that you'd need many of the new cards so it's basically entirely new deck. I have no idea how good it's going to be but I'd be surprised if full freeze shaman is going to be a thing, you just take some of the cards that are good like the taunt, I think spirit echo is more desirable than this legendary. Apparently there is another freeze card which could change everything. The whole thing looked increasingly combo dependent and slow but it's interesting.
Druid taunt generator is very interesting, you basically go full stall against zoo like decks. which are your worst enemy. Imagine buff on them too, it's gg. I think original midrange druid deck with violet teacher/power of wild could make a come back. I liked that deck a lot. I'm not sure what is the cost on the taunts in relation to devolve? if it's 5 it's very strong, could give a big boost to druid against shaman.
Rogue weapon is ok, it's good to have options but I'm not sure it's going to be good enough. Longbow is not a bad weapon, it just doesn't fit hunter and cost too much, maybe this one works out.
4 drop prince could be playable in rogue, the only 4 drop rogue plays is sherazin, I'm not sure if it's worth running but it's heal and taunt, it might be a good tech.
Freeze shaman seems really weird and completely new, it seems that you'd need many of the new cards so it's basically entirely new deck. I have no idea how good it's going to be but I'd be surprised if full freeze shaman is going to be a thing, you just take some of the cards that are good like the taunt, I think spirit echo is more desirable than this legendary. Apparently there is another freeze card which could change everything. The whole thing looked increasingly combo dependent and slow but it's interesting.