Hunter even with all the cards available to them is still playing the same shit in Wild that they have always played. It's a badly designed class and always will be until they do something about it. Meanwhile other classes are playing multiple archetypes in Wild spanning combos, control, grinder/fatigue, aggro, midrange etc.
In Wild if you queue up into a class, you don't know what deck they have and that's interesting.. unless it's Hunter then you know they are going to start with over powered 1 drop beast into overpowered 2 drop beasts into a bunch of bull shit Deathrattles to curve out with and hit your face.
The sad part is that this new Hunter Death Knight is the first card I have seen that actively promotes control hunter... the problem is that at least in Standard it's just going to be beat by a regular Hunter deck instead. Maybe in Wild that Death Knight card get some use but even then it's difficult.