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Hearthstone |OT9| Our raid wiped in Icecrown Citadel

they've never nerfed for wild since introducing standard have they?
Not before, no.

A lot of people wanted Mysterious Challenger nerfed for Secret Paladin once it rotated it out. But now Secret Paladin is hardly even noteworthy.

Dreadsteed is getting nerfed SPECIFICALLY for Wild.

Kripp on Jaina Death Knight, making some crazy predictions:

It's getting nerfed specifically for laziness.

tbh i think it's an excuse since it's had mad complaints on reddit every 4th brawl. the fact that they don't half ships cannons ping is pretty glaring.
Or change Ship's Cannon to "play" instead of "summon" so Patches doesn't trigger it. That's the main issue.
Secret Paladin still looks to be tier 1 on win rate and numbers on Wild.
I'm not saying it's weak, just not particularly noteworthy since there's so much competition. I haven't had problems with the deck in a long time, and I also hardly ever see it. When I do see it, the deck seems to have evolved into Secret Murloc Paladin for some reason, and it uses the Water package along with the MC package.
It's funny how Buccaneer was supposed to balance Pirates, but instead the deck just stopped including him - LOL!

It's almost as if the ridiculous charge card that thins your deck and is summoned for 0 mana and merits not only its inclusion but the inclusion of two other cards in almost every single deck that cares about early game board presence was the problem.

Weird. Who would have thought?


It's almost as if the ridiculous charge card that thins your deck and is summoned for 0 mana and merits not only its inclusion but the inclusion of two other cards in almost every single deck that cares about early game board presence was the problem.

Weird. Who would have thought?


I am pretty sure Patches is now in "we are putting it in Wild soon anyway" tier.

Same as Tunnel Trogg even though that card was considered for nerf but Shaman was already getting a bunch of cards nerfed so they decided not to go for the triple whammy. That card is definitely busted too.

We'll see what the nerf list looks like before the finals, that's when they do their balance changes.


Makes world leading predictions like "The sun will rise tomorrow"
I am pretty sure Patches is now in "we are putting it in Wild soon anyway" tier.

Same as Tunnel Trogg even though that card was considered for nerf but Shaman was already getting a bunch of cards nerfed so they decided not to go for the triple whammy. That card is definitely busted too.

We'll see what the nerf list looks like before the finals, that's when they do their balance changes.

Mana Wyrm is on the same tier as Tunnel Trogg and needs to be addressed someday.
patches is the kind of card to kill my interest in wild though once it's the only mode he's legal in.
I. can only take so much I'm in charge now.

Fuck Mana Wyrm, fuck classic altogether it's so imbalanced.


Yesterday I had the most degenerate/hilarious win with Reno Mage ever in Wild.

I did my usual Primordial Glyph, Kabal Courier shenanigans. Got a Pyroblast and a Blood Bloom from them. I had Alex and Emperor in hand. Played Emperor got, tick on Pyro, Fireball, Bloom and Alex. Emperor got to survive a turn. Then on turn 10 I did Alex (8 mana), Blood Bloom Pyroblast (both for 0 mana) into Fireball (2 mana) for an OTK.

Of course I got a salty message after that.
Fuck Mana Wyrm for sure.

Pirates are pretty balanced atm. I could not safely say the same if STB was still 2 hp.
Not in Wild! And remember I want bottom of rank 9 -> rank 5 undefeated with it, lol.

The problem with Pirate Warrior in Wild is primarily Ship's Cannon. The card is so good that it's better NOT to play Patches on turn 1, and instead go Skip -> Axe -> Cannon + Pirate or Skip -> Coin + Cannon + Pirate. It's such a huge tempo swing so early. I have only once lost a game where I pulled this combination off, and it happens surprisingly frequently. If the opponent cannot kill Ship's Cannon on curve, the game is completely over. There's no hope of coming back.

Pirate Warrior is so good that I will tech out my control decks with 2x Gluttonous Ooze and 2x Crab, and my winrates will still hover around 50% against the deck. That's four tech cards just for one matchup! That is absolutely not balanced.

Again, I'm just talking about Wild. I only play Standard when my 2-year old wants to play his Hunter deck filled with cool dinosaurs and jungle animals for him to have fun with.


Again, I'm just talking about Wild. I only play Standard when my 2-year old wants to play his Hunter deck filled with cool dinosaurs and jungle animals for him to have fun with.
So Blizzard had designed the Hunter class for 2 year olds all along.

It makes so much sense now...


I mean they are already thinking about moving Stonetusk to HoF.

I am not aware that they ever said they were thinking about moving Stonetusk. I know that they did say that Stonetusk inhibits design space. They have to consider Stonetusk whenever the do something like making the new Hunter hero power, printing buff cards, making cards that copy another minion's text... I don't think they'll ever HoF Boar, but I bet it gets changed eventually. Either they'll completely rework charge or they'll remove it from this card and either change the cost or add a stat or two.

They could have changed Dreadsteed to make it work with Defile. But how many other cards would they have to change in the future? Why let that one card so harshly restrict the kinds of cards they can print? I want NEW experiences, and I don't think one single card that barely sees play should be allowed to prevent that from happening.

I think Dreadsteeds number came up when they made that "give an adjacent minion charge on the left or taunt on the right" brawl. We know they use Brawl to test future mechanics and as long as Dreadsteed exists, that mechanic can't be printed outside of one-off Brawls. How many other mechanics and cards have to stay in the concept phase only so this card can exist and .001% of the playerbase can play meme decks with it? I hate nerfs and I wish it didn't have to happen, but when they nerf cards in order to make room for new cards and new experiences I feel a lot better than when they nerf something just to depower it.

As far as Brawl balance, I don't think they care. They want us to break things in it. They give us a pack to entice us to beta test their ideas for them. They can't ever do a Public Test Realm because of the deleterious effect it would have on the meta and the hype cycle for a new expansion, so brawls are where they invite us to break shit.


Who is quest mage good against? I just beat one with an explore warrior deck and it felt like the quest was useless if they don't already have tempo on you or you're already at very low health.


New experiences is what Standard is for, the Dreadsteed stuff only applies to Wild as it's a Wild card.

I think some change had to happen if Dreadsteed created a situation where it locked the game out which is apparently what is happening here. Anything that prevents the game from being played like that is definitely something that should be changed, Wild or Standard.

But the way they are planning on changing Dreadsteed kills a ton of other combos with it that are pretty innocuous. And again these are all just Wild specific combos.

As far as Stonetusk Boar goes, if they plan to change the card's text then that's probably fine too but at this point they probably should start looking at charge as a mechanic in general. This is what the 10th card with charge on it that had to be nerfed?

Leeroy, Arcane Golem, Charge, Warsong Commander, Unleash the Hounds, Force of Nature, Argent Commander etc.


New experiences is what Standard is for, the Dreadsteed stuff only applies to Wild as it's a Wild card.

As far as Stonetusk Boar goes, if they plan to change the card's text then that's probably fine too but at this point they probably should start looking at charge as a mechanic in general. This is what the 10th card with charge on it that had to be nerfed?

So they should print cards that break Wild and not worry about it? I actually like Wild, so I have to disagree with you there.

I hope they eventually just make charge mean "can't attack heroes this turn" and then make a new keyword for any exceptions.


So they should print cards that break Wild and not worry about it? I actually like Wild, so I have to disagree with you there. .
I already said that interactions that break the game should be changed.

But not in ways that change other less dangerous interactions. The Dreadsteed change is a bad change itself, not that they shouldn't have changed it but the way in which they changed it is bad.

Dreadsteed actually made Sacrificial Pact playable, now that card is back to being terrible again since you can't do combos with it (ie. you can't do stuff like Power Overwhelming a Steed, Shadowflame then cast Mortal Coil and Sac Pact on it on the same turn).

I was playing Dreadsteed when it was released. Imagine how terrible that deck was back then, now at least it has way more support. Now that deck is going to be worse than what it was in TGT.
Maybe the one I played against wasn't good then.

What's the dirty rat needed for? Kabal Couriers?
there's 2 semi successful quest mage builds both are combo. Exodia mage which depends on sorcerers apprentice and antonidas and giants mage which depends on alex plus arcane or molten giants. Dirty rat kills those decks.


Not before, no.

A lot of people wanted Mysterious Challenger nerfed for Secret Paladin once it rotated it out. But now Secret Paladin is hardly even noteworthy.

It's getting nerfed specifically for laziness.

Or change Ship's Cannon to "play" instead of "summon" so Patches doesn't trigger it. That's the main issue.

It gets really tiresome to hear you call decisions you don't have insight into 'laziness'.


Does your tag mean you actually work at Blizzard, by the way? Are you on the Hearthstone team or just Blizzard in general?

I do work at Blizzard, but not HS (I'm on Overwatch). I do get the pleasure of hearing Brode's infectious laugh echoing down the hall from where I sit though, lol.


Corporate Apologist
I wonder if they could have made Dreadsteed's card text read something like "Deathrattle: Summon a Dreadsteed after the previous action fully resolves"
It gets really tiresome to hear you call decisions you don't have insight into 'laziness'.
It gets tiresome to hear you Stan for the company you work for no matter what they do, without any actual justification. Feel free to put me on ignore!

I do work at Blizzard, but not HS (I'm on Overwatch). I do get the pleasure of hearing Brode's infectious laugh echoing down the hall from where I sit though, lol.
I'll tell you what. Get the OW team to un-delete Roadhog from his recent nerfs (which were stupid, contradictory, and lazy) and I'll never call a balance decision lazy again! But thus far only the HotS team has shown itself to be highly competent in this regard, to be honest!
rat is pretty weak in this meta, quest mage should not be of concern to you.
Rat is never weak.
I wonder if they could have made Dreadsteed's card text read something like "Deathrattle: Summon a Dreadsteed after the previous action fully resolves"
Too inelegant for casuals.

You can disagree with a design decision without being insulting.
Deleting a deck archetype that has been around for years isn't cool. I will still gladly throw a "bullshit" at the HS team for deleting Handlock.


Lazy is implying half assing a job with nothìng better to do.

Surely devs team have a lot better thing to think for than found better way to preserve meme card that only 2 people care for rather than getting new card to work for now and future.

Even if the decision is made in 5 second.. its all justified if thing can move on to better stuff to do.


Deleting a deck archetype that has been around for years isn't cool. I will still gladly throw a "bullshit" at the HS team for deleting Handlock.

You want a time capsule of a game that never changes and you can use the same strategy forever without ever changing, this isn't the game for you.

This is the end of the conversation as far as I'm concerned. No point to discussing it when all you're doing is throwing out ad homimen attacks. There's nothing to engage with or discuss about that.

Sorry a deck you liked is nerfed. Time to move on.

wouldn't we receive another hero card today? I though there was going to be a reveal each day until next friday.

Blizzard takes weekends off. If I remember correctly, there weren't any reveals on weekends in the Un'goro spoiler season on weekends.


You want a time capsule of a game that never changes and you can use the same strategy forever without ever changing, this isn't the game for you.

This is the end of the conversation as far as I'm concerned. No point to discussing it when all you're doing is throwing out ad homimen attacks. There's nothing to engage with or discuss about that.

Sorry a deck you liked is nerfed. Time to move on.

Blizzard takes weekends off. If I remember correctly, there weren't any reveals on weekends in the Un'goro spoiler season on weekends.

We just had one card :D


I got to rank 3 this season but stalled out. Feels bad man. I was hoping to at least get to rank 2, because I've been 3 before and it'd be nice to at least feel like I'm making progress.
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