I doubt it sees play. They're not going to print enough of these cards to make it a viable archetype. If this was a rogue card, sure. But warlock? Probably zero chance. To begin with, you're not running this in zoo. Zoo games never go to fatigue. Oh, you removed a taunt. Well, there was a solid chance that taunt would never have been drawn anyway. I'm not convinced warlock fatigue decks will be a thing, unless they add several other new cards this set to make it work.
I think the best chance it sees play is in control but considering the style of decks that have worked in the past for warlock, even there it's very doubtful. You want cards that impact the board faster rather than cards that accellerate your opponent's fatigue by a single turn. You often win off cards like jaraxxus and alexstrasza, not fatigue.
Could be the weakest card of the set so far unless I am missing something. I guess it occasionally high rolls against combo decks reliant on a few specific cards.