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Hearthstone |OT9| Our raid wiped in Icecrown Citadel

It's not like these decks can't win w/o Alex. There's enough burn and inevitability with either medivh or Antonidas to finish from 30 just as well.

Not to mention that dirty rat is the much more effective card in that matchup



I could see Blizz doing "shuffle your hand back into your deck" before they ever do "discard your hand".

Though even that might be too much fuckery.

I'm glad that they're at least testing the waters with riskier mechanics rather than staying with a bland game.
I could see Blizz doing "shuffle your hand back into your deck" before they ever do "discard your hand".

Though even that might be too much fuckery.

I'm glad that they're at least testing the waters with riskier mechanics rather than staying with a bland game.

warrior is a getting a shuffle your hand into your deck card

I hate to break it to you but warrior is a getting a shuffle your hand into your deck card
I think he's referring to wheel effects, he just omitted the drawing part.

They already did discard your hand on astral communion and deathwing early on after all.

A discard your hand draw as many would probably be what's needed to make discardlock a thing.
Not just your hand, a COPY of your hand, so you get duplicates.

I think he's referring to wheel effects, he just omitted the drawing part.

They already did discard your hand on astral communion and deathwing early on after all.

A discard your hand draw as many would probably be what's needed to make discardlock a thing.

I see that would be too OP so priest would probably get it


Finally made it to rank 10 in standard with a hybrid dragon priest.

Feels good man. Been running DP for over a year and never got closer than rank 12.

Scaled Nightmare can be a game changer in the right conditions.

Looking forward to seeing what fluffy dragon can bring.
For the longest time I have wanted Priest to get a scry effect. Look at your top card and choose whether to out it on the bottom of your deck or keep it there.

In average Renolock decks, there are at least 9 essential cards in the control matchup:
Twisting Nether

So you have a good chance of forcing a Renolock to discard a VERY high profile card. I will run this in my Renolock deck for a while and see how often it gives me the win.

The top aggro decks in Wild also have key cards that let them function. Murloc Warleader, Arcanite Reaper, Leeroy, and Living Mana come to mind. If I made my opponent discard any of these I would be overjoyed. Not to mention things like Tirion. Imagine if your Control Paladin lost Tirion - poof, gone! That might only happen one out of 10 games, but that doesn't sound too bad to me.

The word "interactive" in Hearthstone means that there are things I can do to reduce the potential effect an opponent of mine might inflict upon me. A silence isn't non-interactive, because I can choose what I play for them to silence. Wild Control Shaman has multiple cards in its deck just for baiting out hard removal so that their big stuff can survive. That is interaction.

Every deck has multiple win conditions now. And if it doesn't, it's not a great deck. Any single one of those cards can be recovered from to a degree. Keeping in mind that you included a crappy card to only maybe remove one of their cards. And in wild this card is probably less viable since it is just so bad vs aggro and midrange.

In renolock you're basically making your inconsistent deck more inconsistent and vulnerable to boost your deck in a direction it doesn't win by which is running your opponent out of their entire deck.

Aggro doesn't care about losing 1 card. Aggro is okay with losing many cards, see fel reaver. They'll never draw their entire decks. This is the whole fel reaver thing except you're the one sacrificing a valuable slot for an under-powered card to only remove 1 card.


Corporate Apologist
So, the New Warlock Card is kind of a non-factor outside of fatigue matchups right now, unless Blizard is adding a way to change the order of your cards in your deck this expansion.


Imagine that gnome said "remove the bottom card from your opponent's deck". Pretty shitty, right? Well, theres actually no relevant difference with that text vs the text it has now.

The people that think this card are OP are probably the same people that think Tracking is a bad card.


Super Sleuth
It supports slower hunter but if it doesn't get supported enough then the card won't see play regardless of how good it is.

Rad art on it though.


Unconfirmed Member
Why are they making all these fatigue based cards when Jade Golems is still a thing?

Seems like such a waste of space.

Stitched Tracker definitely has potential at least.
It supports slower hunter but if it doesn't get supported enough then the card won't see play regardless of how good it is.

Rad art on it though.

Feel like this is the asterisk on basically every hunter card. "It's OK or even good but the whole class is a mess so it probably won't see play."

Good card though. If it were a mage card it would get discounted by 3.


this is made for secret hunter like yogg and load we had for a bit. you don't want to play many minions in that deck. The more you play, the worse this card is. This could allow you to combo secrets and enablers more consistently otherwise I don't think it's worth running in midrange. You don't want to discover alley cats and other low value cards when most of your deck is 1/2 drops.

you can just play these, Barnes, huntress and highmanes for example. You don't need anything else. Maybe Y'shaarj if you want to high roll here and there or Yogg. Call of the wild could be pretty good if meta is slower.

maybe malygos hunter can be a thing... hmmm...
Hunter is pretty stacked at the 3 slot (and hunter runs TONS of minions so it's not going to be all that consistent), I like the card a lot but I doubt it will see play. The Terrorscale Stalker/Dispatch Kodo of the set, probably.

E: also, it's not a Beast so pulling Houndmaster isn't going to be a good choice to curve out.


3 mana 2/2: put a random Savanah Highmane into your hand.

Seems good. Shame 3 slot is crowded, but this is not really a curve card anyway.
that's way better than the paladin card

In hunter you want to thin your deck. This doesn't thin your deck.

3 mana 2/2: put a random Savanah Highmane into your hand.

Seems good. Shame 3 slot is crowded, but this is not really a curve card anyway.

Well, we'll have to see someone do the math of that. Hunter does run a lot of minions, so it might not be as consistent as you'd think. It's also in a class that really wants to tempo out early turns. So I wouldn't say it necessarily crowds the 3 slot, since you don't want to play it on 3.


I've just hit my opponent for 26 on turn 5 with Ravenous Pterrordax. I was initially disappointed Power Overwhelming was sent to HoF, but these combos are frustrating to play against. Especially when you get both from Dark Peddler.


Control Hunter incoming!

That's a good card for anything that isn't Aggro/Midrange Hunter.

Which means it might not even see play LOL! But I doubt it I think it's powerful enough to see some play.


Finally! A new Hunter card that I actually like from this set! This would be tough to include in a Midrange deck though, but I think I can make it work. I've had space for Dinomancy in my Hunter deck during the whole Un'Goro meta lol.
Mage in Arena is just too OP and broken right now. I don't understand how Blizzard can let Arena be this bad? Mage has an answer for everything. It's come to point where I just concede before round 1 just to skip the bullshit that is Mage right now.

Blizzard, fix your shit bro.


I think "thinning your deck" is the most overrated concept in hearthstone.

Except with Mysterious Challenger.
Why? Some of the most powerful cards in the game thin your deck.

Mad Scientist, Arcanologist, Curator etc. Even got Hemet blowing up your deck these days.

Hunter would absolutely play more "thin your deck" cards. Like late game if they had a beast that was 5 mana and was:

"5 mana 5/6 Beast: Destroy all 3 mana and lower Beasts in your deck."

Hunters would probably play it because they want those degenerate Highmane top dicks in the late game to squeeze them out of a tight spot.

Mage in Arena is just too OP and broken right now. I don't understand how Blizzard can let Arena be this bad? Mage has an answer for everything. It's come to point where I just concede before round 1 just to skip the bullshit that is Mage right now.

Blizzard, fix your shit bro.
Welcome to Arena for the past 3+ years.
its a good card but it also suffers the huge downside almost every failed hunter card runs into; it's not a beast. so while it's alright it really breaks up the mojo of a beast deck. i still think it's good tho but that point has really killed a lot of fringe cards like terrorscale.


Hahaha I finally got blood of the ancient one to work! Against jade druid, got it off free from Amber with a mirage caller on hand. Feels good to beat jade with the bigger minion for once 😅



Reoccurring in Eternal.

Discard effects aren't bad, but considering the situation warlock is in, already drawing off hero power, discarding cards, jaraxxus... they're not playing a fatigue plan so why bother devoting resources to that effect.
Equpping your opponent with "cursed" weapons is something I'd like HS to experiment. They've already gone artifact/relic route already with stuff like Medivh, it'd be interesting if you could equip your opponent with weapons they want to get rid of ASAP, like how Blingtron can sometimes give your opponent the Cursed Blade. Just a 1/2 or 1/3 would suffice, or make the weapon more efficient and damaging to balance for strong negative effect.

Also, "Oh, hello there", says Set 2


Mainly a meme, but continuously recurring the effect through different void interaction is hilarious.


Makes world leading predictions like "The sun will rise tomorrow"
Yep, agree with Dahbomb. Too slow for Hunter. Would be better in basically any other class.
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