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Hearthstone |OT9| Our raid wiped in Icecrown Citadel


I'm teching Bright Eyed Scout into my Jade Druid so I can set one of my idols to 5 mana, and then Shuffle it into my deck AFTER my opponent has played 'Skulking Geist'.

It's a fool-proof plan!


Counterpicking. After rank 5 control decks become much more popular.

right but other decks that do the same thing have much better win rates

my pet theory is that the quest rogue nerf brought the Jades out of hiding and this is just a temporary spike. or maybe the win rates are so close to 50 and the players just don't want to play other decks. i dunno.
that retarded card completely ensures that the last kaleidosaur is 400 dust forever and always. meanwhile murloc shaman gets a great card for its quest the same day. what a goofy way to tech. could have done something like '1 mana spells now cost 5 this game' which would block auctioneer and, idk, not make people want to uninstall the game after the one deck they dusted everything they had for becomes 100% useless. gg

i run an off meta goofy ass all in jade druid.
# Class: Druid
# Format: Wild
# Year of the Mammoth
# 2x (0) Innervate
# 2x (1) Earthen Scales
# 2x (1) Jade Idol
# 2x (1) Living Roots
# 1x (2) Bloodmage Thalnos
# 1x (2) Mark of the Wild
# 2x (2) Wild Growth
# 2x (2) Wild Pyromancer
# 2x (2) Wrath
# 1x (3) Acolyte of Pain
# 2x (3) Jade Blossom
# 1x (3) Mulch
# 1x (4) Fandral Staghelm
# 2x (4) Swipe
# 1x (5) Azure Drake
# 2x (5) Nourish
# 1x (6) Aya Blackpaw
# 1x (6) Emperor Thaurissan
# 2x (6) Gadgetzan Auctioneer
# To use this deck, copy it to your clipboard and create a new deck in Hearthstone
# Generated by HDT - https://hsdecktracker.net

sure would be fun to be hit with a neutral that blows that up. meanwhile golakka crawler kills a 1/1 half the time it's played against, oh idk, the highest win rate deck in the goddamn game.


Corporate Apologist
You know, I really can't see how Blizard can print Ultimate Infestation when they nerfed Ancient of Lore. Ultimate Infestation looks good when compared to the pre-nerfed version, and crazy compared to the post-nerf version.



2 Mana Rogue Spell
"Draw a card. If it has Deathrattle, cast this again."



this looks a lot like the art of Skelesaurus Hex hero power

it's terribly designed because you can't do shit all against it but not play 1 cost spells. Jade Idol is a problem but one that could have been adressed in an isolated matter w/o compromising every single 1 cost card printed forward.

For instance this wil affect every single paladin secret printed ever.

well, first of all, a lot of mechanics in HS are mechanics you "can't do shit about," I don't know how this is any different, or are you going to do shit about Beneath the Grounds, or Dirty Rat? that is just nonsense unless I hear what is this "I can't do shit about"

second, Sorry, but jade idol isn't a problem, are you going to run jade idol outside jade druid? Cards like ice block are real problems because they are run in every single mage deck, 1 single deck archetype that isn't even run that often isn't a real problem. The team printed this rather big jade idol hate card, but in all honesty there aren't that many and this even might not even be run if those continue being rare.

and third, that card is understated, it kills both players spells and it is on a late turn, this is a card that has to be run in very very specific matchups to be even worth (BTW, when was the last time you saw a secret in paladin being run since the existence of hydrologist?), this won't "kill" anything unless people start running really powerful 1 mana cost spells, this isn't anything huge and still this isn't a bad design, it has just enough drawbacks to not run it unless it is quite worth it.

The only bad thing I see about this card is that it kill from hand, which I don't necessarily think is good given that it might ruin a player plan for next turn, but even then, since it is on a turn that late (potentially even later), this is fine.
2 Mana Draw a card. With how crap Hunter's Card Draw is, this may be better than running Novice Engineer. How often is the effect expected to proc? 50% in a Deathrattle deck?

you build around that card and if you do....that card is effing amazing, esp in wild, holy schneikes!

edit: not a hunter card. very lame, killed my dreams, crying in the corner etc


2 Mana Draw a card. With how crap Hunter's Card Draw is, this may be better than running Novice Engineer. How often is the effect expected to proc? 50% in a Deathrattle deck?

I first thought it was a Hunter spell as well, but it's a Rogue spell.

2 Mana Rogue Spell
"Draw a card. If it has Deathrattle, cast this again."
Lol rogue card.
well, first of all, a lot of mechanics in HS are mechanics you "can't do shit about," I don't know how this is any different, or are you going to do shit about Beneath the Grounds, or Dirty Rat? that is just nonsense unless I hear what is this "I can't do shit about"

second, Sorry, but jade idol isn't a problem, are you going to run jade idol outside jade druid? Cards like ice block are real problems because they are run in every single mage deck, 1 single deck archetype that isn't even run that often isn't a real problem. The team printed this rather big jade idol hate card, but in all honesty there aren't that many and this even might not even be run if those continue being rare.

and third, that card is understated, it kills both players spells and it is on a late turn, this is a card that has to be run in very very specific matchups to be even worth (BTW, when was the last time you saw a secret in paladin being run since the existence of hydrologist?), this won't "kill" anything unless people start running really powerful 1 mana cost spells, this isn't anything huge and still this isn't a bad design, it has just enough drawbacks to not run it unless it is quite worth it.

The only bad thing I see about this card is that it kill from hand, which I don't necessarily think is good given that it might ruin a player plan for next turn, but even then, since it is on a turn that late (potentially even later), this is fine.
and those mechanics are berated if not straight nerfed. You can play around Dirty Rat just fine by mulliganing your big impact minions or holding onto additional minions in hand. In fact that sort of stuff is rewarding gameplay, or bullshit RNG depending in what happens.
You can only play around this by drawing and playing all your 1 cost spells before this is being dropped.

The kill from hand is exactly the problem.

Jade Idol is problematic since it shuts off Fatigue, Ice Block comparatively only delays the game.


it's mediocre. How many DRs you can play in rogue? Jade has exactly 3 DR minions. If they gave rogue deathrattles worth playing sure otherwise it's just worse shiv.
Oh boy, Roll the Bones, my favorite Rogue mechanic from World of Warcraft!

Card itself seems alright I suppose. Cheaper than Mimic Pod but you lose those juicy dupes on Vilespine or other cards that can just outright win you the game.


It's too expensive, but Doomed Apprentice would be a fun combo to delete rogue spells, the coin, innervate, silence, etc.

*edit* It also hits pint-sized potion, potion of madness, and binding heal. Binding heal in particular might be nice late game.
All mediocre cards except early game potion of madness in some matchups.
It actually better for potion of madness since you can outright lose games if u draw it late game.


yeah it should have been a hunter card, that could have helped a lot hunter.

although given the whole idea of hunter by the team is that it should lack card draw. May be they thought about this and decided against giving hunter card draw.


Super Sleuth
Right? Hunter actually needs the draw. Especially if they want a slow/control hunter archetype to ever work.

I guess Nzoth Rogue might use this as cheap cycle that might high-roll.

And it wouldn't really help an aggressive/face hunter nearly as much as nzoth hunter.
Rogue having plenty of draw is really inaccurate. Unless you're running auctioneer or sprint, which many decks don't want to, then your deck probably lacks solid draw. It's part of the reason jade rogue never really took off, it was too inconsistent.

I think the card is pretty good. Can't say if it'll see play at this point though.

And it wouldn't really help an aggressive/face hunter nearly as much as nzoth hunter.

It would very much help the midrange hunter which most people complain about as if it were face hunter.

I am fairly certain we don't want hunter to have access to card draw like this.


Rogue having plenty of draw is really inaccurate.

Maybe you're right but it's strange to think when I just lost this morning to a Rogue who Mimic Podded into Arcane Giants -- TWICE, and outdrew me by almost 10 cards even though I had a Northshire Cleric stick on the board through the entire mid-game.


It is illegal to Tag Fish in Tag Fishing Sanctuaries by law 38.36 of the GAF Wildlife Act
The card concept is cool, but how many Deathrattle minions you need to get value from it? Like 15?


latest VS report is out

looking at the matchup data i guess the jade popularity could be tied directly to the freeze mage surge, it's the best non-freeze mage counter and that's where it outperforms pirate warrior and murloc paladin.

Jade Druid continues to see high play rates even though its performance against the field overall is lackluster. In a way, it behaves very similarly to Crystal Rogue (decks with polarized matchups being played more than they should). The reasons why these decks behave the way they do is a fascinating subject, and requires more than one paragraph to properly explain. In short, there is a phenomenon in which decks with very glaring strengths and weaknesses are more popular than decks that are decent all-around, even when the latter options have higher average expected win rates. A major contributor to this is that the polarized decks are more often queued up in response to a specific strategy rather than a fabric of strategies (the ”meta"). In this case, Jade Druid is a clear, direct and ”easy" response to Freeze Mage.

freeze mages all going to run geists

Mage may become extremely aggravating to play against.



that retarded card completely ensures that the last kaleidosaur is 400 dust forever and always. meanwhile murloc shaman gets a great card for its quest the same day. what a goofy way to tech. could have done something like '1 mana spells now cost 5 this game' which would block auctioneer and, idk, not make people want to uninstall the game after the one deck they dusted everything they had for becomes 100% useless. gg

Which card are we talking about?
Which card are we talking about?

skulking geist, sure it effs jade druid but it casualties a lot of wonky fun stuff in the process , case in point last kaleidosaur has no design space to ever become playable (as dumb a quest as it is all the buffs cost 1 mana)


People still thinking Jade Idol is "overpowered" or "broken design" in GAF. Jesus Christ
Good thing that Blizzard agrees that Jade Idol is overpowered and is making an absurdly powerful card to counter it. They even hyped this card for us in advance.

Even Blizzard knew that Jade Idol was gonna put a damper on their shiny new cards.
The card's strength is okay. It does it's job as a counter to jade idol. I don't think that means blizzard thinks jade druid was OP, it obviously is not. It means they thought they needed a counter to it, which of course makes a ton of sense in the long run of the game.
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