Man, my ladder anxiety is real. 75% win rate (I only played Paladin this season to get to 500 wins) and yet I couldn't get the motivation to play more than 27 games. yikes.
Man, my ladder anxiety is real. 75% win rate (I only played Paladin this season to get to 500 wins) and yet I couldn't get the motivation to play more than 27 games. yikes.
kibler just mentioned that they will be revealing a card tomorrow during omnistone
it is a legendary (looks a little like a DK) and mike donais will be revealing it, kibler doesn't actually know which card it is.
Omnistone is at 1pm PT tomorrow
Since it's Kibler I would think it will be the Priest DK which will be Dragon related. Or I'm horribly wrong.
they mentioned the Priest DK had something to do with shadowform, so I totally expect some kind of new shadowform.
Also the image heavily resembles shadowform anduin.
they mentioned the Priest DK had something to do with shadowform, so I totally expect some kind of new shadowform.
Also the image heavily resembles shadowform anduin.
Not to mention he's holding a shadowform card![]()
somehow I lived through 2x pyro and triple iceblocks. Only possible with 2x Kalimos.
Glyph balanced card /s
That's neat, where did you find those stats?
Warrior is the only class that hasn't had a legendary revealed.
I have a bad feeling about this.
We got a big bomb, though!Is it just me or has today been light on card reveals?
C'mon Blizzard! ...I need my fix...
It would need to interact with the current Shadowform in some way.Why not just gain shadow forum. Also every time you damage heal a random friendly character.
Fade: as long as you have minions you can not be targeted this turn.
Now it need something more..
Quite a few people getting 2000 dust added to their account, I'm guessing to do with the pity timer bug.
I've gotten nothing thus far.
I have a hard time thinking of anything I would even want for Warlock.
New cards got me back to HS for one arena run.
5 games in:
Yeah, back to quitting this shit ass shit game. I know some people think I suffer of health issues but honestly? I think those playing and enjoying this game must be the ones with issues. Or, these people simply haven't played anything good in the past 3 years, thus being stuck with a game they think they like.
Oh well, back to that one card game that requires, you know, actual skill. Have fun with the new expansion boys.
Edit: I honestly wish I could give away my 30k dust and 15k gold. That would be my only guarantee for not coming back. I might just save them for that one expansion/rehaul when they decide to make the game good, which should be around the time when the playerbase is at around 500k and they're forced to give a fuck.
How many games have you broken something playing. It ain't just hearthstone.
You can dust your collection then start crafting golden legendaries until you're out of dust then dust them and repeat until no more dust or cards.
Patch 8.4 for Hearthstone introduced new infrastructure to prepare for the recently announced improvements to card drop rates. As a side effect of this change, a small number of players who opened packs after the patch launched received one fewer Legendary or Epic card than they would have otherwise. We have identified you as one of those players, and we've given you 2000 Arcane Dust to use however you want!
Thank you for your continued support, and we'll see you at the Inn!
Hearthstone Team
In retrospect, should have opened a couple of packs while the bug was well known. It was obvious Blizzard was going to placate the community after the knowledge of the bug went public.
I didn't get anything, either, and I specifically opened packs figuring I'd probably get compensated.I think you might have had to actually trip your pity timer, I opened a solid dozenish ungoro packs since I didn't care about waiting for the changes as mine just tipped over, and didn't get the dust
Drafting is important, but mage has a lot more options than some classes. Which classes do you suspect have the highest winrates in arena, since you make this assertion?
If it makes you feel any better, I just went up against a Mage in Arena who had:
It was painful.
- 2 primordial glyphs
- firelands portal from one, I forget what the other one was
- blizzard
- polymorph
- vicious fledgling