"Priest needs early game"
Gets early game.
"Priest needs deathrattles"
Bunch of neutral deathrattles.
"Priest needs late game"
Gets free from amber and an amazing class specific late drop.
look,i'm a ttoal noob at this game,but for what i could see
shadow ascendant: decent,priest needed 2 mana,but it already has a better card in radiant elemental..can have some uses when played after a northshire cleric but not much else
spirit lash: priest needed much more powerful aoe to deal with aggro decks..this will not kill much, and lifesteal on a priest that can already heal it's kind of redundant.
acolyte of agony: cabal talonpriest seems better in almost every way..sure you can buff it and try to make it a threat, but there are better card to apply buffs to...it needed at elast another point in def to make it survive one turn against things like pirate warrior
eternal servitude: too slow IMHo when resurrect was a 2 mana..sure you can now choose between 3 cards, but to get value,you need to play it late, which means that there are going to be a bunch of low mana card in the pool too...sure tyou can design the deck entirely around this card and put just a bunch of really powerful creatures..but priest early game is already dramatic as it is.
devour mind: priest didn't really need another "steal cards" card
embrace darkness: cheaper mind control that it's just a "force to trade" card more than anything
archbishop benedictus: almost a joke card..sure you can try to fatigue your way to victory with this,but it also dilutes your deck a lot..there's already that legend that gives you 5 random legends and it isn't played a lot because of the same problem..think about an enitre deck shuffled with your own...at least warrior gets to add his own hand to the deck instead of another deck entirely....maybe i'm just not seeing the brilliance.
Obsidian statue: pretty meaty card,but also pretty costly..good to pick from free from amber, but again,this is not what priest needed..it needed something to contrast all those aggro/zoo decks (and to eliminate jade from meta

), some aoe damage that is between dragonfire potion and holy nova..something like excavated,that it's now out from standard that can clean he board and make priest catch up to faster decks