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Hearthstone |OT9| Our raid wiped in Icecrown Citadel


Any reason on why they do a facebook dump for the rest of the cards?

I'm sure that there are enough streamers to fill the announcements


actually every time there are like 1-2 high impact cards in there. I think last time murloc buff guy was there and for msog, the pirate was there. Mysterious Challenger was also there. But yeah, most of them are either vanilla or arena cards.
Re-posting because why not.


Around four and half hours.
there are actually impactful cards in those dumps. Bittertide Hydra was in that dump for Ungoro. They are worth watching.

actually every time there are like 1-2 high impact cards in there. I think last time murloc buff guy was there and for msog, the pirate was there. Mysterious Challenger was also there. But yeah, most of them are either vanilla or arena cards.

both of you are right whether these are in there to get people to actually look or drive more interest or simply were missed by the devs is up to discussion but doesn't change the nature of these dumps.

Heck Wizards had to ban a card they revealed in their dump a couple months ago.


I think people are dreaming hoping that the release is next week.

Yeah, it's not releasing the 10th. Their usual pattern is a final stream w/ Frodan on a Friday followed by a Facebook dump. They will announce the date during the stream and it's usually one week out. Then on Tues we get the patch and then the expansion goes live a couple days after that. So since there is no Frodan stream today, it's not going to release next week. My guess is the final stream will be next Friday with the release being on the 17th.


Unconfirmed Member
So that Priest card is worse than Earthen Ring Farseer in MOST cases. Unless it survives and deals damage twice it is inferior. If it gets removed with a spell or w/e you don't even get the heal at all. Seems bad in lots of cases. Probably decent to good in arena though.

Shaman card seems bad also. Maybe it's a good arena card just because you desperately need board presence. Surely it's pack filler for constructed tho.
I said I know mage is probably the best in Arena, closely challenged with Paladin right now. My bitching comment wasn't directed at you its all the "I went 4-3 in Arena and mage beat me 3 times." Since the frost festival started I haven't had less than 6 wins, due to the easy competition. Pick mage if you can in Arena, draft against mage/paladin if you cannot was my point.

Congrats on being so good at Arena! Someone of us are just starting to play the mode due to the free tickets..and we came in expecting some sort of balance. But hey, an experienced jobber such as yourself has sure shown me the light. Not sure what I'd do without you.


Do we know which death knight they're showing today? (I hope warrior or druid, I want my warlock to be last)

From Reddit

Brian Kibler said:
I literally don't even know what card we're going to be revealing, so I'm not sure why you're claiming it's the Priest DK :p
Also, it's on my channel, but the reveal will also include Frodan, Firebat, and Mike Donais



Unfff I'm super excited about these cards. They're all very mana expensive, but also very weird.

Aug17 would be a good date to release this given that they also need to give some time so common mortal streamers can also make their own videos.


so,for what i have seen,they still have no intention to make the priest mroe comeptitive...it's kind of absurd that the class that has deathrattle in its quest didn't receive a bump from an expansion based on deathrattles


Playing a bunch of Jade Druids and Miracle Rogue matchups in a row. Frustrating, since I frequently don't have the removal for their Auctioneer.


"Priest needs early game"
Gets early game.
"Priest needs deathrattles"
Bunch of neutral deathrattles.
"Priest needs late game"
Gets free from amber and an amazing class specific late drop.



trump's summary of geist seems on point:

  • doesn't kill jade but converts a 10-0 matchup into a winnable one for control decks
  • other control decks running the card will trump silence priest as a side effect as it loses its win condition
  • the card is way too expensive and slow for anyone to run other than control decks that struggle against jade

card seems like a natural tech choice for my Elisa/Lyra/Medivh priest, just going to drop Horror. if I end up crafting Kazakus it fits there too but right now all my dust is for KotFT


7 - 0 so far with this Mage deck in arena. I underestimated Pyroblast in this mode, I think it won me 6 out of those 7 games.


Super Sleuth
Awaken the maker was already great it was just an unhealthy meta for the deck.
It doesn't need much support.

I disagree. It's inherently flawed just like hunter and shaman. It's too slow for aggro matchups, and often midrange matchups as well. And the effect isn't very relevant in control matchups.

Having to keep a useless card in your mulligan hurts a lot too. You're essentially starting a card down which is often worse than the benefit of amara.

I've played quest priest a decent amount in wild and it just never feels good.


I've never struggled so hard to hit Rank 15 haha.. I keep switching up my decks and keep getting matched up against it's worst matchup.

Enjoyed a few games of Freeze Mage then ran into 2-3 Jade Druids in a row. I hope the fear of the new Geist card just outright kills Jade Druid from the meta.

I also hope all the new archetypes make me run into less Pirate Warriors.

I like Hearthstone, it's a fun brain exercise during my morning coffee but god I hate this current aggro meta. I've always enjoyed slower Control decks and I'm just constantly punished for that.


I disagree. It's inherently flawed just like hunter and shaman. It's too slow for aggro matchups, and often midrange matchups as well. And the effect isn't very relevant in control matchups.

Having to keep a useless card in your mulligan hurts a lot too. You're essentially starting a card down which is often worse than the benefit of amara.

I've played quest priest a decent amount in wild and it just never feels good.

Feels great when you outlast someone and get to play Amara, Reno, Kazakus, Sylvanus, Nzoth, etc. but between Pirate Warrior and Renolock, it's tough to do.


I disagree. It's inherently flawed just like hunter and shaman. It's too slow for aggro matchups, and often midrange matchups as well. And the effect isn't very relevant in control matchups.

Having to keep a useless card in your mulligan hurts a lot too. You're essentially starting a card down which is often worse than the benefit of amara.

I've played quest priest a decent amount in wild and it just never feels good.

Yeah awaken the makers has always seemed counter to it's purpose to me. You give up a card and your turn 1 in the early game which is already killer in aggro matchups. And your reward is something that has fringe usefulness in control matchups and is strong against aggro. You get the reward way too late for it to matter against aggro and especially since you are giving up so much just to play the quest. I don't really see how it's any better than just playing n'zoth priest without the quest. Priest would need some insane early game tools to beat aggro while down 1 turn and 1 card. I just don't think they will ever give that to priest. Life lash is strong, but I don't think it's enough.
I disagree. It's inherently flawed just like hunter and shaman. It's too slow for aggro matchups, and often midrange matchups as well. And the effect isn't very relevant in control matchups.

Having to keep a useless card in your mulligan hurts a lot too. You're essentially starting a card down which is often worse than the benefit of amara.

I've played quest priest a decent amount in wild and it just never feels good.
You're starting a card down but you draw a powerful card in the mid to lategame in return.

You're giving up the early game which means any deck that can punish that is a doubly difficult matchup. Which is why this meta is unwelc9ming for the deck.

Amara won't often win the game but stall it at least to the point that your superior late game allows you to win you the game.

Another issue is that standard pool if cards is not big enough just yet to support Kazakus Awaken the Maker.


"Priest needs early game"
Gets early game.
"Priest needs deathrattles"
Bunch of neutral deathrattles.
"Priest needs late game"
Gets free from amber and an amazing class specific late drop.


look,i'm a ttoal noob at this game,but for what i could see

shadow ascendant: decent,priest needed 2 mana,but it already has a better card in radiant elemental..can have some uses when played after a northshire cleric but not much else

spirit lash: priest needed much more powerful aoe to deal with aggro decks..this will not kill much, and lifesteal on a priest that can already heal it's kind of redundant.

acolyte of agony: cabal talonpriest seems better in almost every way..sure you can buff it and try to make it a threat, but there are better card to apply buffs to...it needed at elast another point in def to make it survive one turn against things like pirate warrior

eternal servitude: too slow IMHo when resurrect was a 2 mana..sure you can now choose between 3 cards, but to get value,you need to play it late, which means that there are going to be a bunch of low mana card in the pool too...sure tyou can design the deck entirely around this card and put just a bunch of really powerful creatures..but priest early game is already dramatic as it is.

devour mind: priest didn't really need another "steal cards" card

embrace darkness: cheaper mind control that it's just a "force to trade" card more than anything

archbishop benedictus: almost a joke card..sure you can try to fatigue your way to victory with this,but it also dilutes your deck a lot..there's already that legend that gives you 5 random legends and it isn't played a lot because of the same problem..think about an enitre deck shuffled with your own...at least warrior gets to add his own hand to the deck instead of another deck entirely....maybe i'm just not seeing the brilliance.

Obsidian statue: pretty meaty card,but also pretty costly..good to pick from free from amber, but again,this is not what priest needed..it needed something to contrast all those aggro/zoo decks (and to eliminate jade from meta :p), some aoe damage that is between dragonfire potion and holy nova..something like excavated,that it's now out from standard that can clean he board and make priest catch up to faster decks


Unconfirmed Member
That fallen sun cleric is a okay card, but pretty good in zoo and I think aggro decks would run it too. Giving 1 charge damage if you already have something on the board is a good effect for an aggressive deck.

This is a scaled down version of the venerable Shattered Sun Cleric. 2 mana 2/1 that gives +1/+1. They just cut 1/1 off the stats and made it 2 mana and called it a day.


oh wait toast was accidentally right? lol

well, we still don't know some key components of the expansion (5 Death Knight cards at least) so we'll how better this can get. I am already happy about seeing what the expansion has.
SSC used to be ran in zoo, even in it's post-nerf form.

This is no murloc, rock thing?, whatever it is called, but imagine playing flame imp, into this, into SSC, you'd have a pretty big flame imp... granted it's not as high of a tempo push as the murloc nor does it come with demon synergy so meh. I think the strength of this card shows that the murloc one is slightly overtuned, by at least 1 stat. The restriction comes with the benefit of being a murloc too.


In a bubble the card is decent but 1 hp minions are god awful in this meta game and they're going to be even worse with defile and priest spell added. You don't want to play low impact 2/1s.

What this card shows actually is how broken abusive sergeant was. Like holy shit, how we tolerated that for 3 years.
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