Monday, big stream with Kibler and Brode.
I missed that part. They confirmed all cards revealed by monday, right?
EDIT: OMG... puppy card reveal on monday.
Monday, big stream with Kibler and Brode.
Nah, ZealousD is an active contributor, does the Neogaf branded review streams and youtube videos, and creates the OPs. If there *is* one person you'd say "uh oh it's neogaf" in a Hearthstone stream, it's Mr. D.
the murloc draw spell could replace the doppleganger evolve package with the water package.I feel pretty confident in saying that Shaman is probably going to end up with the worst set of cards this expansion. So far they've only gotten two cards that are MAYBE playable in Hexxer and Deathseer.
With only two cards left to reveal for Shaman I feel like it's going to be a class that's essentially spinning its wheels for the next 4 months.
Priest main here that hasnt posted in forever because ungoro was ass. But this right here, this legendary has me all in. Raza Shawdow Anduin deck will be glorious.
I probably am one of the most recognizable Hearthstone GAFers for whatever that is worth. But we are pretty buried in the Community section, and the NeoGAF-branded stream gets very little views. The only people who watch us live are GAFfers (except for that one time Matt Place showed up) and even though you might think that my Streamers Were Wrong videos might drive YouTube subscriptions... They don't. The YouTube archives of our card review streams only get a couple hundred views at max. I've literally seen only one dude on Reddit mention our stream.
So I was pretty sure the GAF callout in chat was either somebody in this thread or the rare lurker.
Valeera the hollow 1600 (still contemplating)
Shadowreaper Anduin 3200 (Priest Legendaries are Golden only) (Day 1)
Archbishop Benedictus 1600 (LUL, no thanks)
Ysera (lol) 1600 (Priest staple)
Raza 3200 (Golden only) (Crafted day 1)
Geist 400 (Golden so you can crack a shit eating grin as you drop it after druid just fills his deck with jade idols. (Day 1)
10000 dust (if you remove Benedictus)
11k dust in reserve isn't enough
Hopefully I can avoid the princes. (Dust princes obviously)
Unpacking one of the princes is going to be a meme.
I'd say it's possible. There's also a chance there are people who track / watch popular communities. Can't say for sure.Matt Place tuned in to one of your review streams? That's awesome. I wonder if he lurks this thread?
So what streamer plays nzoth mill rogue in wild? it's not OP or anything but anytime I queue against a rogue it's that stupid deck, and it's just obnoxious, I want to face some jade zoths or miracles or something but the past week that's like the most common deck I face for some mysterious reason
Solid arena card, kinda like Argent Protector. Not a lot of vanilla cards shown so far, hope we don't get too many on card:
Battlecry: Give a friendly minion immune this turn.
Really strong in Arena, maybe good enough for card:
Battlecry: Give a friendly minion immune this turn
Playing Jade Druid makes me wish I had a deck tracker in the UI. I've lost multiple games because I lost track of how many Jade Idols I have. >_>Barnes is a cool card that I wish they had more stuff like, though I REALLY wish they had an integrated deck tracker because it HEAVILY rewards card counting and tracking what is in your deck.
Or someone who got banned. Most GAF haters have been banned.I probably am one of the most recognizable Hearthstone GAFers for whatever that is worth. But we are pretty buried in the Community section, and the NeoGAF-branded stream gets very little views. The only people who watch us live are GAFfers (except for that one time Matt Place showed up) and even though you might think that my Streamers Were Wrong videos might drive YouTube subscriptions... They don't. The YouTube archives of our card review streams only get a couple hundred views at max. I've literally seen only one dude on Reddit mention our stream.
So I was pretty sure the GAF callout in chat was either somebody in this thread or the rare lurker.
Wut.Priest main here that hasnt posted in forever because ungoro was ass. But this right here, this legendary has me all in. Raza Shawdow Anduin deck will be glorious.
Hmm. What could this combo with?new card:
Battlecry: Give a friendly minion immune this turn
new card:
Battlecry: Give a friendly minion immune this turn
Hmm. What could this combo with?
Slap it on Thalnos for defile shennagians? Fairly expensive but could be a good anti-deathrattle board clear if such a situation arises.Hmm. What could this combo with?
Not much of a combo card but you can use this on Wild Pyeomancer and activate a bunch of spells with the remaining mana to clear the board.Hmm. What could this combo with?
Deathspeaker reminds me of Kabal Talonpriest a little bit.
Play Dead is a cool card but have to remember Fein Death wasn't played at all.
Play Dead, puppy-themed hunter card (revealed by CreMasterHS):
That's cool to hear. I liked the card myself but I'm not a Wild player.Feign death has been an alright wild card for a while and is gonna resurge like hell next week
Me 2 days ago: OMG RENOLOCK ON TOP.priest DK busted af in wild, shit's going to be a 30 minute reno/raza/kaz/dk priest mirror match every effing game for the next few months
Matt Place tuned in to one of your review streams? That's awesome. I wonder if he lurks this thread?
So, with Velen you can do quite OTK.
Correct me if my calculation is wrong.
After DK + Raza
HP = 2 dmg
Velen + HP = 4 dmg
Radiant elemental + HP = 4 dmg
Holy smite + HP = 8 dmg
Mindblast + HP = 14 dmg
So, it's 32 dmg?
And you can do more if you play burgly bully and coins
Play dead wasn't good attached to a body, it's not really much if at all better as a spell imo.
Looks possible, but probably hard to pull off. Probably just best to run Lyra and radiant elemental.
My plan
Holy Smite × 1
Northshire Cleric × 1
Gonna lose to aggro so badly.