Ah, my mistake then. A skin is still pretty cool then.Arthas isn't the hero card he is a paladin skin you get for beating lich king with all 9 heroes.
Arthas isn't the hero card he is a paladin skin you get for beating lich king with all 9 heroes.
The Lich King should be a 10 Mana 10/10 with battlecry: discover a hero card.
Taunt and freeze anything he hits, and I'm in.
I'm more disappointed that warrior legendary is not Muradin. This was the perfect expansion to have him in the game finally with his two bros.
Don't let him hit face!Permanently freeze.
A permanent freeze is kind of an interesting gameplay idea.
So if this ends up seeing some competitive play are you going to ask the mods to ban you again?
Battlecry: Freeze a target while this minion is alive.
So for one turn, most likely?Battlecry: Freeze a target while this minion is alive.
I could see them doing something similar to OG Elize with the Lich King. A card that shuffles Frostmourne into your deck and you need to draw it.
This is the only way I could see this type of permanent freeze being doable in the game. Sorta like the one unit they have in eternal. That perm freeze shit in eternal was dumb though.
So for one turn, most likely?
I think Mobius brought this up before, but that would grant the game's first real neutral weapon to every class. That would mark a huge shift in deck potential. Personally, I don't think blurring class distinctions is a good direction.
Must overrea this but isn't the Medivh staff the games first neutral weapon?
Any predictions for decks that are currently in the meta that won't be after frozen throne?
Quick question, is there an algorithm in place that actively searches to match you up with your deck archetype counter? 😤
Quick question, is there an algorithm in place that actively searches to match you up with your deck archetype counter? 😤
Token shaman also loses evolve if Geist becomes popular.If skullking geist becomes popular, silence priest will be the first deck to die. That deck relies heavily on those cheap spells.
I also think token shaman might die because there are going to be many board clears
I don't think Blizzard specifically tries to counter your deck, but I do suspect the deck/class somehow affects the matchmaking algorithm.Play Warrior for 2 weeks, see zero Freeze Mages in Wild.
Play Priest for a day, fight four Freeze Mages in a row.
Oh hell yes there is, though Blizzard will always deny it.
It would be better if Arthas was the hero card paladin.
Also, when you play the card, it should reuse thier dialogue from WC3:
Uther :"I dearly hope there is a special place in hell waiting for you, Arthas"
Arthas :"We may never know, Uther. I intend to live forever."
Although, it could still work with the Arthas skin, just change the dialogue to:
"I will give anything and pay any price if only you can help my save my people!"
I was doing pretty well for having to deal with 6 Tirions.
I didn't expect 6 more.
I don't think I'm going to play anymore Hearthstone today
I was doing pretty well for having to deal with 6 Tirions.
I didn't expect 6 more.
I don't think I'm going to play anymore Hearthstone today
Would spirit lash get played in this meta in priest? It would be okish against pirate warrior, okish against aggro druid, pretty good against token shaman and then pretty bad against most other decks.
It seems best suited for teching against dude paladin in wild.
What are the upcoming cards that people are hyped/worried about?
I haven't really been keeping up very much. A glance at the list of cards doesn't have anything popping out to me but I haven't had the time to think about most of them in much depth. It does seem like a very fun Arena and wild set, i'm just not noticing anything to hype me for standard.
I wonder what the best shadow reaper anduin deck will be in wild. Definitely reno based, i just wonder if it will be nzoth based, combo based or inspire based.
What are the upcoming cards that people are hyped/worried about?
I haven't really been keeping up very much. A glance at the list of cards doesn't have anything popping out to me but I haven't had the time to think about most of them in much depth. It does seem like a very fun Arena and wild set, i'm just not noticing anything to hype me for standard.
Would spirit lash get played in this meta in priest? It would be okish against pirate warrior, okish against aggro druid, pretty good against token shaman and then pretty bad against most other decks.
It seems best suited for teching against dude paladin in wild.
I guess it depends on how the card works with Garrison Commander. Can you cast two bolts before needing to refresh with a spell?
Also just imagine the crazy shit you can do with Raza + Lyra. You can recast your two damage every time you cast a spell in your Lyra chain. That's a crazy amount of damage.
And i definitely bet garrison commander let's you hero power twice before refresh.
Then add in Radiant Elemental.I guess it depends on how the card works with Garrison Commander. Can you cast two bolts before needing to refresh with a spell?
Also just imagine the crazy shit you can do with Raza + Lyra. You can recast your two damage every time you cast a spell in your Lyra chain. That's a crazy amount of damage.
Here's my top 5 so far (from a Wild perspective):What are the upcoming cards that people are hyped/worried about?
I haven't really been keeping up very much. A glance at the list of cards doesn't have anything popping out to me but I haven't had the time to think about most of them in much depth. It does seem like a very fun Arena and wild set, i'm just not noticing anything to hype me for standard.