At this point, I am expecting the DK Warlock card to return discarded cards to your hand and have some kind of discard protection, and I am expecting the DK Warrior to deal 1 damage to all minions on the board every turn as the new passive hero power.
You can play it for free in any turn you used your hero power on face as a priest. So it's two mana heal for 2 summon a 3/3. Seems good to me. I don't think it sees play outside of priest and it's debatable you even need a tempo card in a control/value class.
Even Renolock appreciated these kinds of tempo cards, and I can see the potential to play Farseer on turn 3 along with this card. That's a lot of board tempo to free up taps for the next turn or two.
Hmm, disappointing. I want to find a way or two to proc that Howlfiend after I donate it. I think people are underestimating how valuable that combination is in control matches. Imagine you are playing Renolock vs. any other control deck and you suddenly force them to discard 6 cards in their hand. In a lot of situations, that is game over right there.
While Dreadsteed is getting nerfed, it's one of the best ways to get those Howlfiend procs once you get the penultimate board fill of 6. So Howlfiend, Treachery, and then hit the card with all 6 Dreadsteeds is an incredibly strong combo, and outside of Priests being the stealbitches they are, most decks have no answer to this vicious combo.
Which, of course, leads us into questions of how you make space for these fantastic combos in Renolock, haha. I think I am gravitating toward removing most of my deathrattles (Sludge Belcher, Piloted Shredder, Dr. Boom) in favor of these combos, and putting a Dreadsteed in.
On the other hand, if the DK Warlock card is discard-oriented and makes Discard Control legitimate, we might be in a position where Lakkari Portal becomes the win condition over Dreadsteeds or Jaraxxus. That's actually something I'm really interested in: between Dreadsteeds, Jaraxxus, and Lakkari Portal, which one(s) will be viable as Renolock's win condition? I think they're moving toward all 3 as an option, and I would probably drop Jaraxxus from my deck and go for Dreadsteeds or Lakkari Portal depending on how the DK Warlock turns out.