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Hearthstone |OT9| Our raid wiped in Icecrown Citadel



Unconfirmed Member
Righteous Protector is the grossest card in this set revealed so far.

Oh my, I didn't notice that one. That is insane.

I am most concerned about Bonemare. It's almost Dr. Boom levels of value on a common neutral. That shit is going to break arena and you're probably going to see a fair bit of it in Constructed too.

I can definitely see where you're coming from. At least it's fairly conditional as a 7 mana card that needs a minion in play, so you don't get to always curve into it. I'll have to think about it more.

Here's my top 5 so far (from a Wild perspective):
1. Shadowreaper Anduin - insane card. Lightbomb plus potential OTK combos and such. But the battlecry is so good you could play this in every Priest deck and it would fit.

2. Skulking Geist - meta-defining. Kills Freeze Mage, Secret Paladin, Jade Druid, and hurts Control Warrior.

3. Simuacrum - so flexible. You can get a second Antonidas in your hand, a second Reno Jackson, a second N'Zoth, a second Pyros, a second Sorcerer's Apprentice for Exodia Mage. It opens up a huge number of options.

4. Defile - a 2-mana board clear that will almost certainly hit up to 2 or 3 damage against key decks you want to use it against like Pirate Warrior. I might sub out Demon Wrath for this in my Renolock (which I just hit 10 with in Wild somehow! - MVP Ragnaros in 2 matches).

5. Dead Man's Hand. The only thing that kept Fatigue Warrior from being a thing was Jade Druid. With Skulking Geist, Warrior decks have so many more control options in general. How many C'Thuns, N'Zoths, Brawls, Gorehowls, etc. can you stuff back into your deck? As many as you goddamn want! You can even put endless Un'Goro Packs into your hand from Elise.

Honorable mentions to Spreading Plague, Tomb Lurker, Eternal Servitude, Treachery, Frozen Clone, Howlfiend, Roll the Bones, Hadronox, and Valeera the Hollow for just being generally exciting cards. Some of these are cards that will change matchups, and others are going to open up entirely new archetypes (like Taunt Druid).

Shadowreaper Anduin and Simulacrum seem maybe good. They're very slow but they may be still worth it for the value in a slower meta.

Defile is certainly interesting too. It probably isn't that hard to get a 2 mana consecration or hell fire. Does seem very good anti-aggro.

I suppose it just feels odd that none of these cards obvious build arounds when the previous expansion was basically only build arounds. That is what I asked for, but I'm a little at a loss for where to begin thinking about decks that's not just adding things to old decks. Hopefully that's just me being uncreative and rusty at deckbuilding and not the expansion being inconsequential.


Super Sleuth
New druid spell.


Seems just awful.
Clicked on the Howlfiend card on Reddit; these made me laugh:
Blizzard: We're running out of Warlock card ideas
Team 5: Imagine armoursmith, but instead of gaining armour, you get rid of your deck
Blizzard: holy shit
New warlock hero, 10 mana
Battlecry: discard your hand
Hero power = passive: whenever you draw a card, discard it.
This is a huge nerf to Bane of Doom :/

Oh my, I didn't notice that one. That is insane.

I can definitely see where you're coming from. At least it's fairly conditional as a 7 mana card that needs a minion in play, so you don't get to always curve into it. I'll have to think about it more.

Shadowreaper Anduin and Simulacrum seem maybe good. They're very slow but they may be still worth it for the value in a slower meta.

Defile is certainly interesting too. It probably isn't that hard to get a 2 mana consecration or hell fire. Does seem very good anti-aggro.

I suppose it just feels odd that none of these cards obvious build arounds when the previous expansion was basically only build arounds. That is what I asked for, but I'm a little at a loss for where to begin thinking about decks that's not just adding things to old decks. Hopefully that's just me being uncreative and rusty at deckbuilding and not the expansion being inconsequential.
I think all of the DK cards are looking to be "buildarounds", even though Blizzard said that wasn't the goal.

New druid spell.


Seems just awful.
I'll wait to see all of the cards...but that is extremely expensive for what it does.
I roughtly drafted a n'zoth paladin list. We still don't know the DK hero and like 2 cards i think so there is definitely room for change. I'll probably include 1 primordial drake and 1 more divine shield minion somewhere.


thats a cool idea for sure, gonna need lost in jungle and 1 mana divine taunts to survive early though.


Corporate Apologist
New druid spell.


Seems just awful.
Was this made by the guy who made Ball of Spiders? I really doubt they are going to release a card that makes this worthwhile. Did they just come up 1 card short for Druid, and gave the class some trash? Was this 4 mana at one time, with the idea of combining it with Crypt Lord, and then they found it was "OP"?


That druid card is the single most confusing card of the expansion for me. There are 4 more druid cards so the only thing I can figure is that one of them makes it a better deal, or Blizzard believes there are situations where killing 2HP minions efficiently is difficult.
Was this made by the guy who made Ball of Spiders? I really doubt they are going to release a card that makes this worthwhile. Did they just come up 1 card short for Druid, and gave the class some trash? Was this 4 mana at one time, with the idea of combining it with Crypt Lord, and then they found it was "OP"?

it makes up for lack of druid hard removal in arena, in a sick expensive way but it's something. the druid cards in general seem to be heavily made for arena, which is actually really needed for some balance.

ultimate infestation is just going to end arena games, it will be very hated


Unconfirmed Member
I think all of the DK cards are looking to be "buildarounds", even though Blizzard said that wasn't the goal.

I guess so. Just mostly arround decks that already exist.

Hunter one is very interesting though to me. It's the one I can see maybe building a new control hunter with.


Corporate Apologist
I guess Druid still has the most cards to reveal, maybe something else will make this playable in constructed.

Looks like Mage and Priest already got all their cards shown. Priest only got 4 new minions, 1 of which is a meme card.

Its looking like this is going to be yet another expansion with a single token Mech, that doesn't make Mech Decks better in wild. LoE was the last time Blizard even pretended to care about the archetype.


I can't really theory craft how Hunter could stay alive long enough to even use its death knight power.

There are only 2-4 sources of taunts in a typical hunter deck off the top of my head, plus maybe some adapts if you're lucky. There's basically no AOE by design. There's no healing and no armor besides a tiny bit from the death knight.

Are there cards I am forgetting that might make it possible?
I can't really theory craft how Hunter could stay alive long enough to even use its death knight power.

There are only 2-4 sources of taunts in a typical hunter deck off the top of my head, plus maybe some adapts if you're lucky. There's basically no AOE by design. There's no healing and no armor besides a tiny bit from the death knight.

Are there cards I am forgetting that might make it possible?

corpsetaker if they make neutral lifesteal...i imagine one of the neutral legendaries or something out there has to be released with it


Unconfirmed Member
I can't really theory craft how Hunter could stay alive long enough to even use its death knight power.

There are only 2-4 sources of taunts in a typical hunter deck off the top of my head, plus maybe some adapts if you're lucky. There's basically no AOE by design. There's no healing and no armor besides a tiny bit from the death knight.

Are there cards I am forgetting that might make it possible?

Attack spells do it, like in that Barnes Y'shaarj cheese deck. There's not that many charge minions out there to worry about.

And i'm totally reviving barnes y'shaarj cheese with that card.
Unless they are going to reveal some neutral healing, that DK Rexxar card is Wild-only. No way can a deck around that card work in Standard as-is.


After about 25 packs my Un'Goro pity timer hit and I got Sherazin. As far as I know it's playable, so that's cool, unless Geist causes issues. :p


After about 25 packs my Un'Goro pity timer hit and I got Sherazin. As far as I know it's playable, so that's cool, unless Geist causes issues. :p
I'm pretty sure it's an awesome card.
Think about it this way: if you get the effect once (which isn't very hard in most rogue decks), it's better than Piloted Shredder (but slower).

The druid card isn't quite as bad as it seems, but still pretty bad.
Dealing with several poisonous minion at the same time is pretty annoying, but in no way is it worth 5 mana.



New druid spell.


Seems just awful.

So this card used to be four mana and it was very strong at that in testing. I can see it being some kind of delayed removal and druid might want that, better than no removal.

At 5 though, it's very sketchy. You're better off playing gastropod.


Hey guys I'm coming back to the game a 6 month break and advice or tips would be helpful !

So your last expansion was MSG?

Then buy un'goro at least 10 packs, you'll get 1 legendary, and now there's no duplicate for legendary.

And new expansion is coming in 4 days.


This is knteresting, so basicaly they are saying us this is better than we all expect it to be.

Thd change to 1 more mana means it isn't a 4/5, but may be a 3/5, which means it could see play.

I'm surprised even at 4 mana this was good.

I can really see this very good at 4 mana

after wild growth this kinda like stronger doomsayer for ram druid curve
Handbuff isn't terrible. But like Inspire cards, I think Blizzard misjudged the losses accumulated from delayed tempo and giving your opponent board control.

People who play Dirty Rat on curve without any backup plan make me giggle. Last week a guy pulled my Ragnaros on turn 2. WELL PLAYED!
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