I NEED to see if there is an animation for the 4 horsemen when they are all summoned on the field.
I NEED to see if there is an animation for the 4 horsemen when they are all summoned on the field.
Are you just talking about the style of animation? The model's completely different, and it looks like the color changes for each horseman.I just watched the video. ROFL @ DK Uther's hero power using the Dreadsteed entrance animation.
There is. The video shows it off.I NEED to see if there is an animation for the 4 horsemen when they are all summoned on the field.
I'm not saying the DK Druid is bad. Just that you look at Priest, which is going to get at least 4 free clear damage per turn plus the Lightbomb, and then look at the Druid and the power difference is staggering.The Druid DK isn't bad but not its game breaking either.
The Paladin DK though... I don't think they should've unveiled those side by side LMAO!
Paladin DK is potential 5/5 card. Like people are talking about OTK and stuff but nah...
5/3 Ashbringer with Life steal insane first of all. Then just having 2/2 minions that spawn with your hero power is amazing, that's Justicar power level there.
And then if you stick 4 of them on the board you win meaning you can't really be fatigued out. It's a Paladin win condition against those greedy as hell decks that people plan on using.
The Beardo stuff is cool and probably will get thrown in the deck but the card is just great standalone. Should honestly had been 10 mana.
This isn't a fair comparison because the DK gives you value over time with the hero power which Ancient of War doesn't. Two 1/5s and 5 armor is worth about 5 mana in the game, for 2 more mana you get a buffed hero power which has versatility.
Yeah Nachos, I am just talking about the animation.
I'm not saying the DK Druid is bad. Just that you look at Priest, which is going to get at least 4 free clear damage per turn plus the Lightbomb, and then look at the Druid and the power difference is staggering.
Druid's is not only cheaper, they have access to mana ramp and innervate. Different classes have a lot of different implications.
Druid's is not only cheaper, they have access to mana ramp and innervate. Different classes have a lot of different implications.
Druid's is not only cheaper, they have access to mana ramp and innervate. Different classes have a lot of different implications.
Probably because if you give druid anything too powerful, it becomes a problem because of their ability to ramp and also innervate.
That's all fair and true. I think I am mostly disappointed because the minions are low impact and the hero power isn't straight up better than Justicar. If the minions were 1/3 poison taunts that would have been more exciting to me. In general I feel skeptical about this new 1/2 no taunt poison trend in Druid. Especially when Potion of Madness is running around.Yup, Malfurion will be regularly played on turn 5, and some times even 4, so its power while lesser than others will determinate games earlier
Yeah, I am not happy about this at all. If the hero power said that the autokill happened at the start of your next turn, it would be just a cool side effect. But now my opponent has an OTK that goes through all defensive options? Egh...Beardo
Garrason commando
That's all fair and true. I think I am mostly disappointed because the minions are low impact and the hero power isn't straight up better than Justicar. If the minions were 1/3 poison taunts that would have been more exciting to me. In general I feel skeptical about this new 1/2 no taunt poison trend in Druid. Especially when Potion of Madness is running around.
Reddit with the eagle eyes
Yeah, I am not happy about this at all. If the hero power said that the autokill happened at the start of your next turn, it would be just a cool side effect. But now my opponent has an OTK that goes through all defensive options? Egh...
Does anyone think the Druid DK is quite similar to running Justicar Trueheart in Druid? That didn't see play back in the day, I wonder if this slightly different version will...
In a meta with Shielded Minibots, Consecrate, Muster for Battle, Potion of Madness, Ship's Cannon, 2/4 weapons, Backstab...I need to cut myself off. There are so many ways to deal with a 2-health drop in this game that everyone plays. I can't see anyone giving a damn about having to clear this at 5 mana.Since they said a 4 mana spell that summons 2 1/2 spiders was too good, I'm holding my judgment just yet for that, we might be seeing this out of the future KFT context.
Yeah, If the final reveal is tomorrow at 12 PST, then that's in 24 hours!
Fair but it's all the same to me! I'm just hoping for meltdowns!The stream probably won't have the rest of the cards. It will have the rest of the legendaries likely, but a lot will be revealed in a Facebook dump after the stream tomorrow.
Should I throw a Dirty Rat into my Dragon Priest deck? Perfect with Dragonfire or Shadow Word: Pain/Death follow up.
No. Craft and use a scaled nightmare instead. Better yet- 2. Especially with the pending expansion.
Does anyone think the Druid DK is quite similar to running Justicar Trueheart in Druid? That didn't see play back in the day, I wonder if this slightly different version will...
I honestly thing the Paladin DK victory condition is going to go off a lot less than people think
While it rarely gets used, Eye for an Eye is a counter to Freeze mage in aggressive Palladian decks.Just curious, what are the current tech cards in the meta right now? All I can think of right now are;
Glolakka Crawler
Gluttonous Ooze
Eater of Secrets
Dirty Rat
Just wondering if there are more.
Mainly thinking about all of the crazy stuff that's possible with Knightsotfk and pondering how to work against it. Only card that comes to mind is Mindbreaker for now.
Of course, nothing can really be said until it's all playable.
Don't take this advice. LolNo. Craft and use a scaled nightmare instead. Better yet- 2. Especially with the pending expansion.
Something I really appreciate is all the Death Knight animations. They're all similar in that a bunch of particles surround the hero and corrupt them, but those particles change per-class, with Malfurion getting things like butterflies.
Are you just talking about the style of animation? The model's completely different, and it looks like the color changes for each horseman.
There is. The video shows it off.
That's a good point, interesting to think about. Reminds me of the new Paladin spell Desperate Stand. It's usable on enemy minions, so if they play something like Rattling Rascal or Bittertide Hydra, you can eek out those negative effects a little bit more.While it rarely gets used, Eye for an Eye is a counter to Freeze mage in aggressive Palladian decks.
per dev on reddit, The horseman tokens work like shaman totems, they're random, but you can never have more than 1 of the same type.
If the rumors are true, for 10 mana (the highest cost DK so far) the Warlock DK must be insane right?
Set your max HP to 1, you can only take damage from Fatigue. Hero power, draw 2 cards, lose 1 max mana, passive.If the rumors are true, for 10 mana (the highest cost DK so far) the Warlock DK must be insane right?