Looks like a bunch of filler
Only for your plebes that don't play arena. Neutral commons pretty much define arena play.Looks like a bunch of filler
You don't want a lot of spell damage flying around with mage decks already occupying 1-2 of the tier 1 spots.only card with spell damage is this set. disappointing, still you can give something woth stealth spell damage and make a little malygos in there with brann lol.
toxic arrow is a weird card, feels like what warrior wants to accomplish instead of hunter
Nope. And even if they did, Geist could delete all secrets in their hand and deck if they don't get set by turn 6.Did Paladin not get a secret this set?
Nope. And even if they did, Geist could delete all secrets in their hand and deck if they don't get set by turn 6.
Surely these have to be the final cards even with my miscount. Oddly enough, one is spell damage.
Only for your plebes that don't play arena. Neutral commons pretty much define arena play.
Yeah I've given up counting, I'm lost too.Looks like each class got ten cards;
Currently the site shows 90 neutrals.
- Three Uncommons
- Three Rares
- Two Epics
- Two Legends
That's only 126 cards!
Looks like each class got ten cards;
Currently the site shows 90 neutrals.
- Three Uncommons
- Three Rares
- Two Epics
- Two Legends
That's only 126 cards!
Sucks for the person who opens pre-order packs and gets 3 legendaries, all three princes.
One of these days I'll have to post like 5 Pirate Warrior replays again. It still boggles my mind how people can succeed with it at the rank 15 / rank 10 floor against the sort of decks I encounter.IMO they have done an excellent job with this expansion. Even the cards that are generally vanilla pack fillers do something that makes them considered for specific decks (like 4 mana 2/4 summon 2 1/1s, that's a solid card for token decks).
My only real concern with this expansion is that Pirate Warrior still looks dominant, there haven't been that many good anti aggro tools this expansion unlike in Ungoro. Best option are Defile and a few life steal cards but that by itself won't stop PW.
Did they say for sure when it's coming out? When's the last day to pre order?
Keening Banshee is dumpster fire tier
You can pre-order with Amazon Coins, right? Don't want to buy the coins and find out it's not possible.
You can pre-order with Amazon Coins, right? Don't want to buy the coins and find out it's not possible.
Is that a new change? Brode also said Tuesday was the last day at first, but then it sounded like he wasn't sure if it was that or Thursday. I know I got Gadgetzan 15 minutes before the packs unlocked.Comes out Thursday.
Preorder goes away when the cards get patched in. They usually patch the game on Tuesday. So... today.
You can, yes.
By the way, are you making the card rating survey thing again for this set?
Cool, thanks.
Yup. Working on it now!
Is that a new change? Brode also said Tuesday was the last day at first, but then it sounded like he wasn't sure if it was that or Thursday. I know I got Gadgetzan 15 minutes before the packs unlocked.
Unless somebody doesn't have the money on hand, there's no point in waiting until the last minute though. There's an 100% chance you can preorder today, and a less-than-100% chance you can do it tomorrow or Thursday.Well, Reddit is saying you can preorder up until the set drops. :shrug: