what doomrang does when you don't have a weapon? nothing at all...card is terrible.
what doomrang does when you don't have a weapon? nothing at all...card is terrible.
What does power word shield do when you don't have a minion? nothing at all.... card is terrible.
What does cold blood do when you don't have a minion on board? I don't think this is a good argument.
because having a minion and a weapon is same thing. please..
Yeah I definitely thought of Ragnaros and Lich King. I'm not sure if there are some other strong cases too.drakkari enchanter + any wild deck that includes emperor and fire ragnaros....i can't believe that wasn't made a legendary tbh , having 2 of them will allow some nicely consistent abusive decks to emerge i think
Because having a weapon in a class that can generate weapons at will, plus is stocked with a bunch of useful weapons that might see more play as a result of this card, is the same thing. please...
It may not be powerful enough yet but it could be nice for rogue in the future.
Now let's all hug and then go rate Snowflipper Penguin 5/5. I did my part.
Yeah I definitely thought of Ragnaros and Lich King. I'm not sure if there are some other strong cases too.
because having a minion and a weapon is even remotely similar, please...what you're even arguing here.
What does power word shield do when you don't have a minion? nothing at all.... card is terrible.
Generate weapons at will, how? You want to return your 1/2 daggers to your hand? How is that different from hero power in druid and savagery? You have a useless card in your hand that takes space? Sure... if you think about it a little, doomerang is laughably poor. That's the thing, you don't want to run weapons in rogue to begin with as there is no good reason to and this card is not even close to justify running them.
Thanks for everybody who came to our card review stream. We will get to the neutrals tomorrow, hopefully. However we will probably start a bit later.
Twitch Archive: https://www.twitch.tv/videos/165249340
I'll post the YouTube when I can.
So you don't want to return a weapon that makes immune for a turn to your hand for one mana while simultaneously doing three damage and even turning cards over for gadgetzan auctioneer? or you don't want to continue to get value from an assassins blade that has had lifesteal for three turns? or even poison added to it? There has never been a one mana deal three damage card that hasn't had a big downside, this is a card that will reliably deal 2-3 damage for one mana with an upside. If you think there is no good reason to run this card, or the weapons that accompany it, we will have to agree to disagree.
you have like 12-15 minions in your deck, you might be able to run 4 weapons and if you draw this along with them and can play them at the same time, that's a big if. That's the difference. Also good luck holding your weapon without risking weapon removal in a weapon hate meta.
Yes, I understand shadowblade and doomrang are good together, but so are willdpyro and plague scientist, you should run those too!
I'd argue wildpyro by itself is far more usable in rogue than doomrang.
see above post. What else you can do with doomrang? Explain that.
The more I think about it, the more I like Skelemancer, if I could go back I would rate it 5/5 even.
It's absurdly sticky, it's the stickiest minion you can possibly play on 5 or really any mana cost in standard honestly. It's very good in midrange paladin deck because basically your opponent doesn't want to kill it so you have a great target for steed on 6.
But that's not all, playing this on 5, protects your board against board clears, you don't want to brawl anymore, it's extremely annoying.
One of the defining cards in the meta right now is Primordial Drake. It's a card that you can easily tell if it's in hand or not and whether it's coming down next turn, well you play this, you completely deny it.
It comes back with N'Zoth, duh!
I don't know if it's going to be as effective in other classes but Bonemare is good and this is like the best target for it as no one wants to kill this. Minion oriented decks will want to have both.
People might want to start running silence, that is all. Sure priest can punish this with potion, they won't get an 8/8 but they still killed your 5 drop with a one mana card, you can be smart about it though and play it at the right time. Overall if priest wants to dumpster paladin they can run all kind of dumb cards like the new 6 cost spell, cabal or whatever, that doesn't change anything, they're still good cards every where else.
Card rating spreadsheet is ready! Quote to reveal link.
I'm just forwarding you to Unearthed Raptor and handbuff to see the flaw in doomrang.
Can also just play Skelemancer into Doomsayer.
I think he could definitely make the cut in Pally due to spikeridge but I'm not sure about other classes.
Raptor saw some play before Rogue sank to the depths (with any other archetype beyond miracoli) :b
Well, for a starter, it is a one mana card which allows you to start triggering EVERY SINGLE COMBO EFFECT THAT ROGUE HAS. This doesn't even take into account the fringe synergies like letting priests steal a dead card, using a cheap card to trigger a ton of different secrets, bouncing a weapon to avoid weapon removal, potentially going over the top of a taunt to kill a valuable minion, pre-emptively allowing low impact board clearing to avoid buffing against classes like druid, hunter and paladin (particularly where they have divine shields) and a whole lot more I don't care to touch on.
There is no doubt in my mind that this card will not break the meta, nor will it single-handedly revive rogue. But to call the card bad is nothing but folly, pure and simple. Every HS pro has (rightly) pointed out the strength of one mana cards, and this one is strong as all get out due to its unique effect. Perhaps more importantly, even if this card doesn't find its way into current decks, all it takes is one really solid weapon (which one might argue rogue is lacking) and it will all the sudden be an undeniable problem.
I'll leave it at that.
I'm sure this will too and it will end up at the same place as Raptor rogue in a month.
Of the "On Opponents Turn" deathrattle cards, the 3 mana 3/1 is the only one that's slightly interesting as an maybe aggro card, but that probably doesn't make the cut.
Seems like Arena cards to me, where they do seem useful and fun. They are commons.
Why would Skelemancer be an amazing card when Twilight Summoner is bad?
twilight summoner is not a bad card, it has its uses but it's not exactly sticky.
An 8/8 is very scary and very expensive to deal with unlike a 5/5 and that helps this guy stick, the main reason you play it is to protect your board and guarantee a target for your future buffs, not to summon an 8/8 on 5, you don't play this in face decks trying to race, that's not its point. Summoner doesn't do any of this well. I think the card only works in paladin right now.
The warrior one has potential.
Murloc pally can play thattwilight summoner is not a bad card, it has its uses but it's not exactly sticky.
An 8/8 is very scary and very expensive to deal with unlike a 5/5 and that helps this guy stick, the main reason you play it is to protect your board and guarantee a target for your future buffs, not to summon an 8/8 on 5, you don't play this in face decks trying to race, that's not its point. Summoner doesn't do any of this well. I think the card only works in paladin right now.
You can trade to pirate warrior 3 drop if they ignore is which is their most valuable mana spot.Maybe? Against aggro I'm worried they'll just ignore it and go face, and I'm not sure how great of a trade you'll end up with. Against control or midrange, I'm not sure how different it is from just playing a normal 4/3. Could see it either way.
Ok, look at this. What about me keeping my weapon equipped and play shadowstrike instead of this card? It cost more mana, well I still have a weapon instead of it being in my hand and paying another 3 mana to equip it again.
Murloc pally can play that
But I think the 5 drop dragon is just better
You just cant risk that 2/2 is your play when you not curve well
What if your weapon is zero mana?
Keeps mentioning savagery, an irrelevant card. I don't like when people do this. This is obviously way higher impact than savagery and in a totally different class to begin with! Hell, savagery is better in rogue than druid because of weapons too (and combo enablers)!
This is a classic pitfall. The poor comparison. Savagery gets bonus points for not being in the same class. We see this every expansion.
It's kind of insane how many really, REALLY good hand buff targets are in this set. I would not be surprised to see the Paladin version take off and hell, maybe even see Warrior take a stab at it.
You still can't justify why this card is good and worth inclusion over any other rogue card while I explained thoroughly why it's horrible. I think that's more telling :b
No, it's about same as savagery. 2/5 card that doesn't do anything in 95 percent of spots, it's exactly that. I'm honestly amazed that I have to use this many words to explain the obvious.
Doomerang returns the weapon to your hand though.
Doomerang upsides:
no face damage taken
1 mana (auctioneer cycle, combo enabler)
poisons applied (imortant more for the fact that you can get usage out of each charge of the poison, or at least plan to)
returns weapon to hand for multiple battlecry uses and additional swings generated for weapons with more than 2 charges.
Shadowblade turn 3, remove something. Later (as soon as turn 4), you doomerang and replay the shadowblade for immunity again and remove something. I think it's real solid single target removal akin to arcane blast rather than something clunky like savagery.
Obsidian shard will return the weapon at cost reduced, so you can hit face twice, doomerang something, and equip for 3 more hits, getting you an additional 6 damage. 5 hits instead of 3.
Perdition's blade, similar to shadowblade but the 2 damage battlecry instead of immune. Maybe not good enough, although maybe it is dunno.
Maybe these 3 weapons aren't good enough yet? Can't say for sure. Maybe they're just 1 weapon better than perdition's blade away. Maybe assassin's blade is viable as it would get 7 hits potentially and with leeching poison that seems actually possible.
It's kind of insane how many really, REALLY good hand buff targets are in this set. I would not be surprised to see the Paladin version take off and hell, maybe even see Warrior take a stab at it.
If you think I haven't explained why this card is good, then you have ignored my posts. Bouncing your weapon back to your hand, while still getting value out of the last hit, is very solid.
The downside to minion bouncing is you don't get the minion back. You also have a lot less control over the minion since far far far more cards interact with minions. This lets you get immediate impact off the act of bouncing and you get your weapon back. It's not even losing card advantage like savagery does. This generates hand value as it exchanges the 1 mana card for a weapon.
What cards did you have in mind? I always preferred Paladin for handbuffing since it just scatters on everything in their hand
I think they can also come from Stonehill Defenders, so there's that as well.Not looking forward to seeing Lich King in every deck for a few weeks.