Good to know it wasn't just me. I thought my connection was acting up again.
I'm still looking for someone to do it as friend challenge, people are getting the pack that way
Good to know it wasn't just me. I thought my connection was acting up again.
I'm still looking for someone to do it as friend challenge, people are getting the pack that way
Pretty sad that the reddit thread for this article got locked within hours of being posted.
You absolutely need Oozes and a Crawler in any Renolock deck. At least 1/4 of your match-up are Pirate Warrior. With Aggro Shaman and Egg Druid it approaches half.Time for some theory crafts boys and girls:
Prince Keleth Zoolock
Pretty easy deck to make, throw in some of the newer cards that I think might be solid in a Zoo deck.
Kazakus-Lock (ie Highlander Handlock)
Probably not enough heals to make this viable.
Demonlock ft. Warlock Deathknight (non-Zoo variation)
There's no Jaraxxus in there because this deck has tons of midrange style threats anyway. And if you curve out you should win especially with a good Voidcaller. Deathknight for the late game win condition if you get there. Cut one of the early game demons if need be although if you are running a lot of early game Demons then Demonfire becomes a pretty good choice (or the other demon buff cards).
Demonlock Highlander variant (with Krul)
This deck ends up having enough space for Kabal Trafficker and it makes sense to have her in as well. This type of Krul deck may finally be playable after so long.
That new Warlock legendary not being a Legendary is a major buzzkill. I could've squeezed her in first Wild deck.
playing against a Shammy who has me on the run with a zooish deck of low cost cards, I had already blown my aoe
he has about 6 monsters out, he uses evolve
one of them transformed into Doomsayer. Then he conceded. It's great.
This is like a first draft so I am purposely missing tech options.You absolutely need Oozes and a Crawler in any Renolock deck. At least 1/4 of your match-up are Pirate Warrior. With Aggro Shaman and Egg Druid it approaches half.
I don't think Implosion is good. You don't want to resurrect a bunch of 1/1s that push out Mal'Ganis when you play the DK. I think you have to limit your demons so the DK ends the game. The winning play has to be Krul to board fill, and then DK if they wipe it, and they probably can't wipe your super strong board twice in a row.
Not a lot of taunts or heals, either.
Edit: WTF no Twisting Nether?!
playing against a Shammy who has me on the run with a zooish deck of low cost cards, I had already blown my aoe
he has about 6 monsters out, he uses evolve
one of them transformed into Doomsayer. Then he conceded. It's great.
I rated those respectively:My top 5 underrated cards for the new expansion (like yeah yeah I know Bonemare and Skelemancer are potentially good, this is not about those cards that most people think are good):
*Acherus Veteran: I think a lot of people including myself kinda gleened over this card when they first saw it. They were probably "oh its like Abusive Sergeant but better stats and smaller battlecry, cool". Well a lot of people are not mentioning that the +1 attack is actually permanent which is significant enough to bring up. This is a really solid 1 drop aggressive card, which means someone is going to play the hell out of it in some deck.
*Bone Baron: Decent stats up front and adds 2 minions to your hand which is perfect for Handbuff Paladin which also uses Igneous Elementals and Firefly.
*Grim Necromancer: Another card that works well in Aggressive decks. People look at this card "oh it's kinda like Dragonling Mechanic, but that card sucks". That's true but two 1/1s are a lot better than 2/1 when you are playing an aggressive deck that wants to buff the board like Token Druid. This is a very playable card even in Constructed.
*Phantom Freebooter: Having a big weapon equipped as a Pirate Warrior is more common than one might think. A very common scenario is having a War Axe equipped with 1 charge, this is a 6/4 for 4 mana Pirate in that case. Any time you start having 2 or more charges equipped then this card starts to become kinda nuts for the cost and it will always be aggressively statted which is what you want in that deck anyway.
*Saronite Chain Gang: I think most people consider this a good to decent card but to me this looks like the Firefly/Tar Creeper/Stonehill Defender of the set ie. a very strong, bordering on power creep neutral minion. There are just so many applications for this card, I honestly thought about putting this card in my control Warlock decks too because why not? It generates two taunts on the floor. This card is also amazing in both Evolve Shaman and Handbuff Paladin, not to mention in aggressive decks like Zoo and Token Druid. This card has too many applications for it to not see play IMO.
Not a lot of conversation around these cards, I just thought people thought they were OK cards and moved on.I rated those respectively:
Acherus Veteran: 4
Bone Baron: 4
Grim Necromancer: 4
Phantom Freebooter: 4
Saronite Chain Gang: 5
No underrating here! Of course, I rated pretty much every other card a 4 as well, BUT STILL.![]()
-If you get Divine Shield and Taunt, it's a little better. But how much better really? Tol'vir Stoneshaper, a 3/5 Taunt with Divine Shield, had a lot of hype prior to Un'goro as a great anti-aggro tool. And it got played a ton early on but ended up getting cut from most Elemental lists. Turns out Tar Creeper was good enough to stop early aggression. This is Tol'vir but minus 2 health. Meh.
We estimate that Knights of the Frozen Throne will be available for play by the following times:
Americas Region: August 10 12:00 PM PDT
Asia Region: August 11 07:00 AM KST
Europe Region: August 11 05:00 AM CEST
When you're building to survive early game so you can win late game with cards like DK paladin, a 4m 3/3 lifesteal, divine shield, taunt, is very good. And paladin has very few options for 4 drops.
Tol'vir breaks your elemental train, that's why it didn't get played.
When do the new packs go live?
When do the new packs go live?
.We estimate that Knights of the Frozen Throne will be available for play by the following times:
Americas Region: August 10 12:00 PM PDT
Asia Region: August 11 07:00 AM KST
Europe Region: August 11 05:00 AM CEST
moorabi and rotface are so bad. idk how anyone give them > 1
I know right!
Seeing all the pros shit on it has made me feel a lot better. I thought I was taking crazy pills when so many people were trying to convince an 8 mana 4/6 with a bad to mediocre effect was a good card.
moorabi and rotface are so bad. idk how anyone give them > 1
moorabi and rotface are so bad. idk how anyone give them > 1
Were people from other websites calling it a good card? I don't remember seeing anyone here defend it as anything more than mediocre at best.
It's just 1 card spot for a card that has a pretty good chance of summoning a very powerful minion.
The card is mostly likely worth it if you can get the effect twice, which really isn't that hard in that deck.
Paletress was played in some lists and this isn't as bad so I dunno.
And I think you're nuts for calling the warrior legend unplayable garbage. I don't doubt that reddit overreacted, but I think it'll be strong in a tempo warrior deck.
I guess grim patron is also shit, because it's a 5 mana 3/3 that won't proc on it's own.
Also, you are seriously underestimating how many legendaries have good stats.
Let not froget that patrons gets many new tools this expansion.
Judging cards out of context is idiotic.
Now, if I can get a grommash from this, a alexstrasza, a leeroy. There is potential in this. Of course this is not going to be run in every warrior deck.
You get a 4/8. Damage it 1 point, and you get a ysera - on board. That's 8/19 worth of stats off like 8 or 9 mana. Then your rotface takes damage from a trade and it summons another legendary. And then another. Saying it should have just played ysera in that situation is absolutely bonkers. It's far from the same. And rotface certainly doesn't require you to not run gromm, I don't see why you wouldn't run both. Tempo warrior at one point was running a 7 drop, 2x 8 drops, and a 10 drop. I don't buy this "I could just include these cards" in my deck for a second. That's like saying I could have ran 10 spells and cast them all in the same turn INSTEAD of playing yoggsaron.
Once someone does the averages, we'll see the expected value off of one or several procs off rotface. This card is on sneed's shredder power level, except it can summon multiple legendary cards and it doesn't have to worry about sylvanas shutting it down completely.
Warrior legendary seems like a cool card. It's going to be pretty rare that you don't get at least one proc off of it so it's very comparable to Sneed's in that respect. Warrior is likely to be running an absolute ton of Whirlwind effects for the foreseeable future so I could see this finding a spot.
Here's some reactions.
Here's some reactions.
I'd rather they abandon disco lock. I liked Doomguard and Soulfire as cards that you tried to *not* discard stuff for. But knowing Blizzard, they're going to come up with something like the warrior quest to force the archetype through.
I liked Discardlock after Karazhan perfect mix but that still had PO and didn't have to compete witht the current aggro.
So not thinking a card is unplayable trash warrants pulling out some quotes? Most of those quotes are quite level headed and neutral in their assessment .
I think if they hadn't lost PO then Warlock could at least compete with other aggro decks and find the reach for slower decks. PW exposes itself in aggro matchups by keeping boardcontrol with their face, that's exactly where PO shines.I think it worked well that way, too. The big issue is current aggro decks either have access to better minions, better buffs / synergy or have weapons (or all three in some cases). But having a few discard cards and then Imp seemed like the right amount unless they are going to fundamentally change how discard works. I still play a similar deck from time to time, it's just not good.
Here's some reactions.
So not thinking a card is unplayable trash warrants pulling out some quotes? Most of those quotes are quite level headed and neutral in their assessment .
I too think the card is 2/5 "mediocre to below average" but worst card of the set this is not.
Makes Grapplehammer look like a good card.
Unless the Warrior Hero has SERIOUS synergy with this bullshit this is pretty much the nail in the fucking coffin for slow Warrior in Frozen Throne.
trash tier would be an improvement over what this is.
You open this shit in a pack and you WISH you had a prince instead.
Worse than Hobart. Worst class warrior leg of all time.