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Hearthstone |OT9| Our raid wiped in Icecrown Citadel

Cat Party

Moorabi is going to be useful. I believe in Freeze Shaman. Brrloc and frost shock are good activators.

And Rotface has enough upside to be a regular in warrior. Especially if priests are running rampant.


Cool Facts: Game of War has been a hit since July 2013
Who else is a little disappointed in the Death Knights? They have cool effects, but many of them feel like cards that you just slot into decks that we already have.


6/4 pirate is not good Dahbomb

I play Pirate Warrior a lot.. and you'll be surprìsed how often Naga corsair played at turn 4 without battlecry activated.

And I'd arģue the only time freebooter is great is when you highroll rusty hook to big ass shit because gettìng 1-2 health high attack low durability weapom is not enough
6/4 pirate is not good Dahbomb

I play Pirate Warrior a lot.. and you'll be surprìsed how often Naga corsair played at turn 4 without battlecry activated.

And I'd arģue the only time freebooter is great is when you highroll rusty hook to big ass shit because gettìng 1-2 health high attack low durability weapom is not enough

that sounds about right.


Who else is a little disappointed in the Death Knights? They have cool effects, but many of them feel like cards that you just slot into decks that we already have.

Nah, you can't just put Valeera in miracle and call it a day. And there's no current warrior that wants Scourgelord -- if it works, it'll be in a tempo warrior deck. Jaina doesn't fit in burn mage or freeze mage or secret mage. Hunter wants a slow deck, which doesn't exist. Priest maybe you can just slot in a current deck but it's not going to be ideal. You kind of what to rejigger the deck to take advantage of the hero power. Gul'dan wants a slow demon list and that isn't in standard right now. Druid I guess you could just shove in Ramp and call it a day, but again, I don't think that's ideal.

Now Paladin I agree with you. You can run that in any midrange or slow Pally list and call it a day.


Who else is a little disappointed in the Death Knights? They have cool effects, but many of them feel like cards that you just slot into decks that we already have.
The designer already said that kinda the goal design

I even surprised they has
build around abilities as much as it is

Jaina, Garrosh and Guldan need specific deck build around them

So I'd argue they not accurate enough about their word already that the DKs is designed tò be solid card even without build around.
I like Moorabi and it has the potential to be solid but the problem is that Shaman really has no synergy with freezing minions aside from that. Ice Breaker is just not good enough so Shaman is going to need to get more cards that actually make me give a shit about freezing minions before I start putting Moorabi and support for it in my deck.


I think Freebooter might end up seeing play in some kind of aggressive weapon based rogue deck.

Throw in the new weapons/weapon synergy cards, a pirate package, some draw and some burn and you got yourself a stew going.


Frost Shaman just seems like they felt obligated to have ice effects but didn't want to buff Mage. I don't see it being a good deck just yet. Maybe if they keep supporting it.
What is everyone's first legendary craft of the set?

I got this close to arguing with Levi, lol.

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Who else is a little disappointed in the Death Knights? They have cool effects, but many of them feel like cards that you just slot into decks that we already have.
I'll rate them by cool factor.

S Tier:
Hunter - stitching two beasts together means every turn is a double-discover moment of excitement. So many combinations means you get to be creative, effective, and see new stuff happen. A lot of people thought other classes were going to get "crafting" hero powers, and it's incredibly disappointing that Hunter is the only one to get it.

Rogue - people have semi-joked about a Rogue card that gives stealth forever. Now you can! Effectively Ice Block in most matchups, and the hero power, like the Hunter one, will result in creative and interesting turns every time it gets used. This should have been the design standard.

A Tier:
Paladin - the weapon isn't very interesting, but summoning the four horsemen is thematically badass. I can't give it an S just because a deathknight hero card that is basically a curve card that ends up in most Paladin decks shows the design is lacking to some degree. Only a face deck doesn't want to play this card.

B Tier:
Mage - didn't we all want her hero power to freeze as well? The card is kind of hum-drum overall, but at least it enables a new approach and archetype instead of pure generic value.

Warlock - like the Mage card, it isn't very interesting, but it at least enables a new deck archetype. Siphon Life honestly feels like a downgrade in the lategame. Why would I want to do 3 damage and heal 3 instead of get a 6/6 or another card? That should have been the Priest ability. I can only think of one deck that uses the hero power effectively, and we'll see how it pans out...

Warrior - like the above, the hero power isn't interesting, but it enables a new archetype. The battlecry is at least unique.

C Tier:
Priest - okay, it has huge combo potential. That's interesting and exciting. The board wipe is thematically lame, though, and there's zero Shadowform synergy. Instead, Blizzard just decided they were going to make a card that is way better than Shadowform in every way. Can I have my dust back, please?

Shaman - Blizzard confirmed to think that Charles Darwin is evil. It's a good Timmy card, but not much more. There's no control over what you get, and there isn't a lot of strategy behind using the hero power.

D Tier:
Druid - your hero power is just a slightly different Trueheart. Completely phoned in. The battlecry isn't exciting as well. You can play these minions from your deck. Why is +3 attack "Pestilent"? I wish Malfurion's attack became poisonous, but dealt extra damage to him instead. That would at least be thematically appropriate if not creative.

A Pretty Panda

fuckin' called it, man
Can't pull the three Princes if you craft them all first



Probably Lich King or Arfus.

I'm gonna craft Scourgelord gold so I don't accidentally open the pleb version, and then open my packs. From there I'll decide what epics and legendaries I need for day one but I expect I'll be a bit conservative. Hoping I open the cards for WW Warrior and ramp druid so I don't have to craft 'em.



I theorycrafted this, I don't think it will be very competitive, but when I pull it I will be so happy, I was thinking of adding an arfus of thalnos but IDK


I'd open packs first then craft.


I theorycrafted this, I don't think it will be very competitive, but when I pull it I will be so happy, I was thinking of adding an arfus of thalnos but IDK

I'd replace 2 smite with radiant elementals cuz you're playing lyra.

I theorycrafted this, I don't think it will be very competitive, but when I pull it I will be so happy, I was thinking of adding an arfus of thalnos but IDK

N'Zoth is a bad pull. You don't want him or Lyra in this deck. Ysera is better. Resurrect or Onyx Bishop aren't bad inclusions.


N'Zoth is a bad pull. You don't want him or Lyra in this deck. Ysera is better. Resurrect or Onyx Bishop aren't bad inclusions.

I'd open packs first then craft.

I'd replace 2 smite with radiant elementals cuz you're playing lyra.

Thanks! both suggestions I like, I think I will try both and see what works better, but I am inclined to the Onyx bishops option, no resurrect since this is standard. If I put Ysera what would you say if I put one Drakkari enchanter? I would have 3 big hitters with end of turn effects and I would keep resurrect them, but maybe is too greedy
Here are my rough drafts of decks I'll probably be trying out first, depending on what I open in packs.

In order, tempo finja rogu, n'zoth paladin, stealth tempo rogue


Stealth tempo could easily be the first since the additions are like 2 rares and 2 commons.


What is everyone's first legendary craft of the set?

Probably will open first. If I don't get Lich King, I'll craft that first. Then it depends which DK I got and what I can build with them. I can craft 3, gotta make it count.

Probably Arfus though because puppers.


If everything goes allright, this could be the first expansion in a longtime were I will spend a lot of money to build decks. Only if the meta gets diverse.

It helps that the security of not pulling repeat legendaries is a big incentive too


Super Sleuth
I hope that they were playing it safe with their announced times. The expansion releases an hour before I start my late shift so it would be nice if they were a little early.


What is the announced expansion launch time tomorrow anyway? If this article is accurate, it's 3pm ET, which doesn't sound right...

Right now yes, 50 preorder + 3 arena rewards.

I'm going to craft my two goldens first, since I know I want them golden and won't want to get the non-goldens in a pack. So I'll craft Lich King and Archbishop gold and then start cracking packs to see what I get, then I'll do the prologue and hope for a cool DK hero.

Right now yes, 50 preorder + 3 arena rewards.



Super Sleuth
What is the announced expansion launch time tomorrow anyway?

I'm going to craft my two goldens first, since I know I want them golden and won't want to get the non-goldens in a pack. So I'll craft Lich King and Archbishop gold and then start cracking packs to see what I get, then I'll do the prologue and hope for a cool DK hero.


12pm PST for NA.


I hope that they were playing it safe with their announced times. The expansion releases an hour before I start my late shift so it would be nice if they were a little early.

Pretty sure it has been earlier than this in the past, so hopefully that time is "worst case scenario".

Edit: Just went in the old thread to check and Un'goro released at 10 AM PST.


Super Sleuth
Pretty sure it has been earlier than this in the past, so hopefully that time is "worst case scenario".

Edit: Just went in the old thread to check and Un'goro released at 10 AM PST.

Yeah that's why I was sort of optimistic that it might come earlier.
Rotface is similar to Paletress. Whirlwind is more difficult than Inspire but you could setup for multiples in a single turn. Also he is basically inspire when you are Scourgelord Garrosh.

paletress is only playable in a gimmick deck that just wants to high roll and resurrect/cheat it out it over and over or can get it's hero power to be free. enraging your board is junk unless 2015 warsong commander returns. early game pings are good but playing that shit in endgame when golems are raining isn't going to cut it
what do u think is best thing to tutor with stitched tracker? I feel like i could make some wild shenanigans with that card but not sure what would be dirtiest highroll to shoot for


what do u think is best thing to tutor with stitched tracker? I feel like i could make some wild shenanigans with that card but not sure what would be dirtiest highroll to shoot for

cloaked huntress / highmane / Barnes.

Drawing huntress more consistently I think is a big deal.


The more I think it the more I am convinced that the weapon you get from the warrior DK is better than the one from Paladin’s, you are getting a semi flamestrike for 3 turns which could lock your opponent out of options in the late game


The more I think it the more I am convinced that the weapon you get from the warrior DK is better than the one from Paladin’s, you are getting a semi flamestrike for 3 turns which could lock your opponent out of options in the late game

Yeah the weapon is the only thing that is really good about Scourgelord. The only issue I see is taking all that face damage after getting rid of armor up.

Those all seem about right to me. No one is hyping it as great, but it is not unplayable.

It is unplayable. People will test it but it won't be part of any net decks once the meta is semi settled.


Well, if for some reason (maybe dead man hand could help there) you still have an armorsmith that late in the game your hero power could help you tank those hits with your weapon
One interesting thing about this set, at least from my perspective, is that the overall powerful level seems a good bit lower than the past couple expansions. I'm hopeful that that will open up some more unique build options.
My first craft is definitely the new Warlock DK. I think it potentially synergizes with 3 decks:

Classic Demonlock. This is my list right now:

The cards worth considering for this deck in the new set are:
Sanguine Reveler
Despicable Dreadlord
Bloodreaver Gul'dan

I think I try to cut Defender of Argus for Despicable Dreadlord - I'm overloaded on 4-drops anyway.

I will try to put Sanguine Reveler in for Abusive Sergeant, but I'm not convinced the card is better and there's nothing else I'm willing to sacrifice. The idea of playing Reveler turn 1 really bothers me.

Bloodreaver Gul'dan would have to replace Dr. Boom, otherwise the deck becomes too top-heavy.

This is my attempt at Krul Deathlock:

It's a little more value-oriented than a typical Renolock deck, and that's mostly because you aren't able to play some of the demons in the deck. Though you can if you are facing Pirate Warrior and need those taunts. Losing a mana crystal is only meaningful in that matchup if it means you won't get Reno at 6, which is honestly rarely the case. This deck does not have Geist because against Jade Druid you should be able to compete with their draw scheme. I might tech it in depending on how things go. The goal is to end the game when Krul plays, and Bloodreaver is your backup win condition.

Here is my new Dreadsteed deck, which sucks ass now that you need a 10-mana card to get more than one Dreadsteed out per turn. RIP.

It was really hard to cut that correctly, but I think this is the right play.

Here is my updated Renolock deck with the new cards; I don't think Bloodreaver Gul'dan sees play in this, and honestly I expect this to be the best deck of all those I have posted...lol.

There's also the Bloodbloom variants of the Reno decks, but I don't have experience using them well.


Warlock - like the Mage card, it isn't very interesting, but it at least enables a new deck archetype. Siphon Life honestly feels like a downgrade in the lategame. Why would I want to do 3 damage and heal 3 instead of get a 6/6 or another card? That should have been the Priest ability. I can only think of one deck that uses the hero power effectively, and we'll see how it pans out...

Nothing new about the archetype it will create. The pseudo-meme Doomlock will evolve into a much more playable deck thanks to the Bloodreaver Gul'dan. Honestly, they may drop Bloodbloom because of Defile and play Nethers instead of Doom, but it will still basically be Control Warlock.

As for why you want to do 3 and heal 3 instead of get a 6/6 - because Jaraxxus is unplayable as long as Mage has so much burn, and the only reason Warlock isn't HANDS DOWN the best control class in the game is because there's no good heals for it. Lifetap being amazing in the early stages of a game and beyond worthless in the later stages of the game elevate that new hero power to god status.

You replace the Jaraxxus-infernal win condition with the N'Zoth-like demon resurrection. There are quietly great on-curve Demons to fill it out. I also think this is going to be a good deck for the tech'd in Geist, as Warlock can cleanly wipe big Jade boards.

It's the first deck I'm playing and the first legendary I'm crafting - unless I open it - is Bloodreaver Gul'dan.


OK, I've downranked myself to rank 20, 0 stars. I'm ready for the expansion. Here are my final Legendary Death Race rules I'm going to hold myself to for the first month:

  1. I'm guaranteed at least 3 legendaries including at least 1 death knight.
  2. After getting the first 2 legendaries from packs, I will stop opening packs and do the mission(s) for the death knight.
  3. If all 3 of these legendaries can legally be built into a single deck, I will do that.
  4. If only 2 can be built into a single deck, I will choose which 2 and use them.
  5. If against all odds I get 3 death knights as my first 3 legendaries, I will craft a golden Snowflipper Penguin if I haven't unpacked one, and combine it with one of the death knights.
  6. Once the combination has been decided, I will only play decks that include those 2-3 legendaries until I get from rank 20 to rank 10, which is as high as I typically get playing normal meta decks.
  7. These rules only apply to ranked games, of course.

This should be pretty doable and it'll hopefully mix things up for me.


What the fuck is up with that Hunter recipe deck? The list looks really weird and feels like someone just wants to cram new cards in it.

I guess it's time to accept that this is gonna be another meta with Hunter at the bottom. I really can't think of adding new cards in my Midrange deck no matter how much I theorycraft. Also thought of the old Hybrid Hunter with new cards but I'm still not sure. There's the possible Secret Hunter but I'm really not convinced by Professor Putricide.
It should.

They just patched better logic for poison minions. Any damage a poison minion does will kill.

nice. similarly, i made in buildabeast similator combination of the lifesteal 4/4 beast and the 2/1 bat with 2 damage to all enemy minion deathrattle. you'd get lifesteal from that AOE, right?


So you can create the cards right now on iOS, but not really because it asks you to exit the game and then you get your dust back. But is a nice way to preview the golden cards with their audios
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