hobart wouldn't be so terrible if he didn't spoil your hand almost completely
Is the max number of KOFT packs we can have right now 53?
Right now yes, 50 preorder + 3 arena rewards.Anyone?
6/4 pirate is not good Dahbomb
I play Pirate Warrior a lot.. and you'll be surprìsed how often Naga corsair played at turn 4 without battlecry activated.
And I'd arģue the only time freebooter is great is when you highroll rusty hook to big ass shit because gettìng 1-2 health high attack low durability weapom is not enough
Who else is a little disappointed in the Death Knights? They have cool effects, but many of them feel like cards that you just slot into decks that we already have.
The designer already said that kinda the goal designWho else is a little disappointed in the Death Knights? They have cool effects, but many of them feel like cards that you just slot into decks that we already have.
I'll rate them by cool factor.Who else is a little disappointed in the Death Knights? They have cool effects, but many of them feel like cards that you just slot into decks that we already have.
Probably Lich King or Arfus.What is everyone's first legendary craft of the set?
I got this close to arguing with Levi, lol.
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Probably Lich King or Arfus.
I theorycrafted this, I don't think it will be very competitive, but when I pull it I will be so happy, I was thinking of adding an arfus of thalnos but IDK
I theorycrafted this, I don't think it will be very competitive, but when I pull it I will be so happy, I was thinking of adding an arfus of thalnos but IDK
N'Zoth is a bad pull. You don't want him or Lyra in this deck. Ysera is better. Resurrect or Onyx Bishop aren't bad inclusions.
I'd open packs first then craft.
I'd replace 2 smite with radiant elementals cuz you're playing lyra.
Thanks! both suggestions I like, I think I will try both and see what works better, but I am inclined to the Onyx bishops option, no resurrect since this is standard
What is everyone's first legendary craft of the set?
Right now yes, 50 preorder + 3 arena rewards.
Right now yes, 50 preorder + 3 arena rewards.
What is the announced expansion launch time tomorrow anyway?
I'm going to craft my two goldens first, since I know I want them golden and won't want to get the non-goldens in a pack. So I'll craft Lich King and Archbishop gold and then start cracking packs to see what I get, then I'll do the prologue and hope for a cool DK hero.
I hope that they were playing it safe with their announced times. The expansion releases an hour before I start my late shift so it would be nice if they were a little early.
Pretty sure it has been earlier than this in the past, so hopefully that time is "worst case scenario".
Edit: Just went in the old thread to check and Un'goro released at 10 AM PST.
Rotface is similar to Paletress. Whirlwind is more difficult than Inspire but you could setup for multiples in a single turn. Also he is basically inspire when you are Scourgelord Garrosh.
Neat little site that uses game logs to track pack openings and calculates some luck values based on the average. Should be fun to test out on release day.
what do u think is best thing to tutor with stitched tracker? I feel like i could make some wild shenanigans with that card but not sure what would be dirtiest highroll to shoot for
Here's some reactions.
The more I think it the more I am convinced that the weapon you get from the warrior DK is better than the one from Paladins, you are getting a semi flamestrike for 3 turns which could lock your opponent out of options in the late game
Those all seem about right to me. No one is hyping it as great, but it is not unplayable.
Warlock - like the Mage card, it isn't very interesting, but it at least enables a new deck archetype. Siphon Life honestly feels like a downgrade in the lategame. Why would I want to do 3 damage and heal 3 instead of get a 6/6 or another card? That should have been the Priest ability. I can only think of one deck that uses the hero power effectively, and we'll see how it pans out...
will dispatch kodo / gastropod kill on battlecry? I don't think so but worth asking
It should.
They just patched better logic for poison minions. Any damage a poison minion does will kill.