I don't know why people underrated Rotface
Warriors have cards specifically made to proc it
tbf Rogues really prolong games now with their DKs.
First deck I've buit that feels really strong. Not super original (just Pally with a bunch of broken cards) but goddamn it is just rolling over people.
If u saved him he would, wouldn't he?
It's annoying and/or weird that in 7 games so far, I don't think I've had Prince Keleseth for mulligan or my top 10-15 cards in a single game.
I cannot for the life of me beat Saurfang.
So buying the new card packs a must to get past the new raid stuff? Got past the prologue but haven't played in over a year and my cards are probably quite outdated?
TFW Anduin got DK Jaina, and opponent Jaina haven't gotten his, so opponent concede.
Pirate Warrior
A year? I guess you only have Old Gods and classic then? Well that's pretty outdated
Because that is not going to be the norm.I don't know why people underrated Rotface
Warriors have cards specifically made to proc it
Warrior, throw all the weapons on with the pirates that boost your weps.I cannot for the life of me beat Saurfang.
Don't do pirate warrior, just do a warrior with tons of weapons and the new draw-weapon card. Then throw in some weapon-related cards, draw cards, heal cards, taunt cards, armor cards, whatever.I've been using the pirate warrior build. I've lost to Saurfang 15 times with it.
Because that is not going to be the norm.
I'm not sure what you mean? I buffed my deck with Keleseth's ability, but the minions that Tracker copied from the deck did not have the buffs.
well met, uther
well, that's rather.. huge.
I wonder how doable DK hunter is after all.
Got 15 legendaries in 180 packs.
Prof Putricide
DK Rexxar
DK Jaina
Archbishop Benedictus
Lilian Voss
DK Valeera
DK Thrall
Blood Queen Lanathiel
DK Guldan
DK Garrosh
Prince Taldaram
Prince Valanar
The Lich King
Damn that's sick
seeign right now omnistone, my goodness, Raza/anduin is such a strong deck.
I finished the first mission with a miracle rogue using no new cards from this expansion, but then I completed the other two with nothing but basic/classic cards. I'm sure each of the missions is doable this way, even if I can't figure them all out, but the first one was definitely the hardest.So buying the new card packs a must to get past the new raid stuff? Got past the prologue but not the next guy lol...haven't played in well over a year and my cards are probably quite outdated?