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Hearthstone |OT9| Our raid wiped in Icecrown Citadel


I bought the adventure and got swashburglar.

I deleted 2x assassinates, 1x mimic pod, 1x igneous elemental.
I added 2x eviscerates, 2x swashburglar.

Unfortunately I'm now stuck at rank 20 instead of 18-19, so I'm not yet sure it's an improvement. :p Sometimes it takes 6+ turns to get a second bounce card.

Coincidentally, I just got Patches this past saturday from a pack. I'll be sending over my good luck to you, just give it back.
Why thank you! I never buy classic packs anymore so I probably won't need it. Maybe I should start again. :p


I dont know bout buying classic packs I sure as heck don't. I think I stopped shortly after getting Edwin. Esp now they have a 'Hall of Fame' lol. I just craft what I need from Classic. Still missing some legends like Ysera & Deathwing.


I'm still missing a some good legs from classic, never got a leeroy or a deathwing.

also a few epics, I have only 1 doomsayer, 1 ice block and no faceless manipulators


I set this guy up so hard, though it's hard to come across on mobile. He kept ramping up to 8 Mana, played the mirror entity and got his Ironbark 😂😂😂😂

I'm thinking about teching in some more aoe into this secrets deck the handle pirates and rogue a little better. Probably Volcanic Potion would be my guess.



I'm still missing a some good legs from classic, never got a leeroy or a deathwing.

also a few epics, I have only 1 doomsayer, 1 ice block and no faceless manipulators

better off buying other packs and using dust to craft if the density of desired cards isnt there.
Is it weird to want to dust all wild cards? I don't really play that much and when I do it's just standard. I guess they'll help in certain brawls, but I don't know.


Corporate Apologist
I'm still missing a some good legs from classic, never got a leeroy or a deathwing.

also a few epics, I have only 1 doomsayer, 1 ice block and no faceless manipulators

I have never been sold on Deathwing, but I am glad I crafted Leeroy. He really pulls his weight in Aggro decks.

Is it weird to want to dust all wild cards? I don't really play that much and when I do it's just standard. I guess they'll help in certain brawls, but I don't know.

It's not weird, just a bad value. If you do want to play Wild again, it can go up in cost a lot having to recraft stuff. But at the same time, the majority of non-standard cards that get played in Wild tend to be Commons and Rares, so it may not be too awful.


Just played Pirate Warrior for the first time Vs a Quest Mage. He kept emoting Amazing after every turn. I won.

This deck is fun!


Just played Pirate Warrior for the first time Vs a Quest Mage. He kept emoting Amazing after every turn. I won.

This deck is fun!
Prepare to win a lot if you play that deck! It's been winning since time immemorial.

I think somebody has to put down Primordial Drake.

Queen Carnassa can't stand her brood being eaten wholesale.
I'm more impressed that you survived to get Queen Carnassa and more than 2-3 raptors. :p


Prepare to win a lot if you play that deck! It's been winning since time immemorial.

yeah even before patches I would play Pirate Warrior and had a good WR.

granted now I only play the deck if I'm tilted. Like- if I have lost like 5 games in a row. funny nowadays PW is not quite the same though. people taunt more.

Wild PW is still fun cause of the cannons and deathbite. And taunts were always bad there (belchers)

I also play PW if I get a Warrior quest sometimes so I can knock it out and get back to whatever deck I really want to play (usually that's Rogue)


Quest Warrior = Taunt Warrior.....right?

Feels like people talk about the same deck but either call it Quest or Taunt.


Nice to beat a burn mage off rag lightlord alone lol

I like how you can identify quest vs non quest very easily. People don't really play sly enough too.

You can hold mage quest but usually you don't have other turn 1 plays unless you are playing worm in a tempo deck. When I first tried mage quest I forgot coin counts and was worm + coin into quest on T1 for value.


Quest Warrior = Taunt Warrior = Control Warrior

It's all the same deck.

Might as well clear up some other decks for the new players here because a lot of weird name decks get thrown around.

Zoolock/Discolock: An aggressive Warlock deck that uses efficient minions to control the board in the early game. It is extremely efficient at using up its mana slot.There are two main variations of this deck, one that relies more on stick/multiple body minion synergy and the other that relies more on Discard synergy. Both of the decks use some discards and some board centric minions but the extent of each varies. The term Zoo comes from the fact that the deck uses an assortment of minion types and doesn't care for the tribal aspect of them (you have demons/beasts/elementals etc.).

Handlock: This is a slow, control style Warlock that uses the hero power to get a big hand and use combination of cards to gain advantage over the opponent. Mountain Giants and Twilight Drake get synergy off of high hand count and because you can have a high hand count you can do combination plays more easily like Ancient Watcher into Sunfury Protector and Defender of Argus. Because HP pool is used as a resource to draw cards, protecting yourself with massive taunts is a must in this deck hence the deck uses non attacking minions like Ancient Watcher/Razorleaf for defense. It uses Jaraxxus as a late game win condition against other decks.

Lakkari Lock: A bad deck based around using the Warlock Quest.

Plant Miracoli: This is a slightly adjusted form of the classic Miracle Rogue deck. The deck is called Miracle because it pulls out "miracles" through fast draw engines and seemingly gets its win condition despite dire situations. It is draw and combo heavy, revolving around Auctioneer and cheap spells to keep the combo/draws going. The new version has a Plant focus because of the new class cards... Sherazin is a sticky minion getting benefit from combo plays, Razorpetals add fuel to the combos and Vinespine Slayer is a tempo removal that benefits from combos. Why is it sometimes called Miracoli instead of Miracle? I don't know man

Hybrid/Face/Midrange Hunter: Face Hunter is the classic aggressive style of Hunter that is designed to kill the opponent as fast as humanly possible. Cheap minions and burn damage is the name of the game. Hybrid Hunter is slightly slower, a bit more focused on tempo/curve minions to secure board long enough to get some damage in. Midrange Hunter or Beast Hunter is the slowest Hunter that is focused on curving out on every turn up to turn 6, sometimes even throwing in a King Dredd and Call of the Wild for late game. It also uses a lot of Beast synergy as do a lot of Hunter decks because their best cards are related to Beasts.

There's no slow/value Hunter deck, play a different class.

Exodia Mage: This is technically not a new deck but it has a new spin on it thanks to the new Mage Quest. The term "Exodia" comes from a set of 5 cards in Yugioh that if assembled means you automatically win the game. It's a similar thing in Hearthstone where if you assembled 2 Sorcerer Apprentice, 2 Molten Reflections and an Antonidas with the Quest activated... you can kill anyone despite their HP total (minus Ice Block preventing lethal). This is also sometimes referred to the Giants/Alexstrasza combo that can technically kill anyone from full HP provided they don't have any armor/taunts/Ice Block in the way so it's like a pseudo Exodia play. This is a stall/combo deck.

Water Rogue: This is an aggressive tempo based Rogue deck that utilizes the Pirate package (aka some Pirates with Patches) combined with the Murloc package (Finja plus Warleader/Bluegills) to gain board advantage over the opponent and beat them fast. The "Water" part is related to Finja/Murlocs package.

Token Druid: An aggressive style of Druid that is very focused on spreading the board with cheap minions and buffing it to make them very threatening. Token in this case means extra minions generated through extraneous effects like Deathrattles, Battlecries or spell effects. This is similar to a Zoolock style of deck only this one specializes in board wide buffs which Warlock lacks compared to Druid (so stuff like Savage Roar, Soul of the Forest, Mark of the Lotus, Power of the Wild etc).


I fucking love Dinomancy. I've played a few games and my opponents can't deal with the constant +2/+2 to my minions. I even played against a Priest and just buffed my minions to 4 attack and he couldn't deal with any of them and conceded by turn 5 lol. Guess I'll settle with this Midrange Hunter list.
Basically didn't play ladder for months due to everyone playing pirate and jade decks. I was rather worried with expansions going (for now) that F2P would continue to be a struggle, but I was very wrong.

Used all the free dust from Sylvanas et al to craft Lyra and a few other cards, got tempo OTK priest setup and boom hit rank 10 for the first time in a longggggg time. Really fun deck, although kinda boned vs ele shaman and quest warrior. It can beat quest rogue pretty well too as long as you get your board up early, having a 10/10 cleric on turn 5 usually kills them. Even beat a few pirate warriors (fuck those people).


Win streak to rank 10 with silence priest. So far it's the most consistently winning deck I've played, and here I thought inner fire combo was teh lame but it's so ez with Lyra and mostly shadow visions.


Super Sleuth
It seems bad. Quest rogue doesn't draw enough to make use of gang up. There is no immediate pay off. Reminds me of people saying gang up in miracle rogue.

Patches is very reliably spawned and a lot of your deck is pirates. Drawing gang up and completing your quest is all that is necessary.

It still sucks against aggro but makes it even more unfun to play against with anything else.


What do you guys think the chances of blizzard trying to balance quests are?

Like they could just change the number required for rogue and warlock and it would help a lot I think.
Patches is very reliably spawned and a lot of your deck is pirates. Drawing gang up and completing your quest is all that is necessary.

It still sucks against aggro but makes it even more unfun to play against with anything else.

Still sounds bad. You don't want to include a bad card that is situationally good when you're only in a winning position. Maybe if you didn't have to sometimes play a pirate before quest activation, but sometimes you do. Strikes me as an unnecessary high roll card.


What do you guys think the chances of blizzard trying to balance quests are?

Like they could just change the number required for rogue and warlock and it would help a lot I think.
Blizzard doesn't buff so the Warlock Quest is RIP in peace.

I don't see them changing the Rogue quest mostly because not only is it not a tier 1 deck, it probably has a low win rate online. So there's no real reason to nerf the Rogue quest. The only way it gets nerfed is that people are still complaining about two months after because it's unfun to play against. I don't think that will happen as long as the deck isn't super popular.

That said Blizzard ABSOLUTELY has to nerf Patches.
Rank 3 gatekeeper was a pirate warrior.

Fire fly turn 1
Turn 2 backstab, shadowstep firefly, play firefly, coin, 10/10 van cleef
warrior concedes

never fails to amuse

Current list (cut shadowcasters for si7 agents)



You guys want to play a cheap (both in dust and in playstyle) filthy aggro Ladder deck that does good against the meta?
You say cheap, but Patches still shows up. :p I played almost exclusively Druid in ranked last season so I want to try something else this time around.

I think I'll keep statistics over 10 games playing quest rogue. Then I'll report back, get advice here, and if people think my deck is good and I'm just misplaying, I'll look at getting one of the game-recording utilities.


Guys, share the list too, so we can try :D

Sry can't post screen atm but deck is:

Silence x2
Inner Fire x2
Northshire Cleric x2
Power Word Shield x2
Ancient Warden x2
Divine Spirit x2
Purify x2
Radiant Elemental x2
Shadow Visions x2
Shadow Word Pain x1
Sunfury Protector x2
Curious Glimmerroot x1
Humongous Razorleaf x2
Kabal Talonpriest x2
Faceless Shambler x2
Kabal Songstealer x1
Lyra the Sunshard x1

Just realized I took out 1 defender of argus, putting it back in for talonpriest probably or sw:p.
He could double coin into arcanite reaper and just swing twice over two turns at the van Cleef and all of the sudden advantage pirate warrior. Too early to concede imo.

Am I in bizzaro world? Swing into a 10/10 van cleef twice? You realize that means he spent 5 mana without coin on turn 3 right? Even if he could he is dead because hitting van cleef twice does you 20 damage, and you take 10 damage from getting hit by van cleef. Does this pirate warrior have 50 hp and taunts?

You didn't mention their side at all but PW could very well race it if they draw well.

It's turn 2. What do you expect them to have after backstab with a minion on my side to use? No way a pirate warrior races a 10/10 even with the best openings they have available.


Super Sleuth
Am I in bizzaro world? Swing into a 10/10 van cleef twice? You realize that means he spent 5 mana without coin on turn 3 right? Even if he could he is dead because hitting van cleef twice does you 20 damage, and you take 10 damage from getting hit by van cleef. Does this pirate warrior have 50 hp and taunts?

That's why he had to double coin...


Ask me about the GAF Notebook
Doing ok with my Warlock deck. I do wonder how much better I'd be doing if I had that one discard legendary. Might help my win rate by a couple percents.


Wait... everyone here DOESN'T have Patches already?
Nope, I started playing in Gadgetzan era, was F2P besides welcome pack and dino pack (and now the adventure), and my Gadgetzan boxes didn't ever get me Patches or Aya Blackpaw. :(

Rank 3 gatekeeper was a pirate warrior.

Fire fly turn 1
Turn 2 backstab, shadowstep firefly, play firefly, coin, 10/10 van cleef
warrior concedes

never fails to amuse

Current list (cut shadowcasters for si7 agents)

Thanks! Do you strongly feel Novice Engineer is better than Swashburglar (despite Patches) because you're drawing your own deck?


Super Sleuth
I'm having a lot of luck with Secret Mage, which interestingly doesn't even run many Un'Goro cards.

I can't wait to Counterspell someone's Quest on turn 1...

Problem is they would always have the coin to test it. It will happen eventually though hah.
That's why he had to double coin...

I see. In bizzaro world you have bizzaro coins and player one starts with 2 of them. Forgot about that :)

Thanks! Do you strongly feel Novice Engineer is better than Swashburglar (despite Patches) because you're drawing your own deck?

I'd much rather dig than get random cards. I think swash is only played because it's faster to bounce. But I don't personally think it's significantly faster. I'd sooner run glacial shard than swash, which actually kicked my ass when I was playing paladin vs rogue cause he was at 1 hp and I got froze 3 turns in a row with weapon in hand.

The other reason why I have chosen to not run swash is because I don't like the fact that it summons patches. I'd prefer patches to come out post quest in slower match ups. It's just so damn powerful at that point.
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