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Hearthstone |OT9| Our raid wiped in Icecrown Citadel


Any good decks use the Warrior DK yet?

I'm thinking of blowing my dust to make a good Druid deck too since they are so OP

It's really hard to make a great DK warrior deck, when the best warrior deck is pirate, and it doesn't need the DK card.

Maybe you could try the fatigue one.
It's really hard to make a great DK warrior deck when the best warrior deck is pirate and it doesn't need the DK card.

Yea, I've noticed lol
There was one deck on Tempostorm but it's not very good.....the dead man's hand one with arcane giants as the finisher

Ugh....I'd need to craft Fandral, Lich King, Malfurion, Aya and Black Knight for Jade Druid....and Ultimate Infestations



Yea, I've noticed lol
There was one deck on Tempostorm but it's not very good.....the dead man's hand one with arcane giants as the finisher

Ugh....I'd need to craft Fandral, Lich King, Malfurion, Aya and Black Knight for Jade Druid....and Ultimate Infestations


You don't need Lich King nor Black Knight for jade druid.


Sub them out for what?


I run 2 spellbreaker and 1 naturalize.

And I don't see people playing Lich King on jade druid anymore.


Here's mine

### Jade
# Class: Druid
# Format: Standard
# Year of the Mammoth
# 2x (0) Innervate
# 2x (1) Jade Idol
# 1x (1) Naturalize
# 2x (2) Wild Growth
# 2x (2) Wrath
# 1x (3) Feral Rage
# 2x (3) Jade Blossom
# 1x (4) Fandral Staghelm
# 2x (4) Jade Spirit
# 2x (4) Spellbreaker
# 2x (4) Swipe
# 2x (5) Nourish
# 2x (5) Spreading Plague
# 1x (6) Aya Blackpaw
# 2x (6) Jade Behemoth
# 1x (7) Malfurion the Pestilent
# 1x (8) Primordial Drake
# 2x (10) Ultimate Infestation
# To use this deck, copy it to your clipboard and create a new deck in Hearthstone
To all people whining about Priest meta... you are not prepared for Quest Mage/Grinder Mage meta lul.

Quest Mage is easy! You either use a mill deck, or you have Eye for an Eye, or you use Valeera DK and using just as they're about to pop time warp




It's the only other deck besides jade druid that can beat anything. No 0-100 match ups, you will get a win out of 3 tries for sure.


Yeah, it makes me happy seeing a lot of priest in tournament.

Razakus is my fave deck since I've played this game, and I used to loathe priest.
Just played against a jade druid that was on 6 mana when I was on 3 but didn't end up playing an Ultimate Infestation for the remainder of the game.

He had Black Knight and 2 Spreading Plagues but double Bonemare was too good.

Finally hit legend for the very first time. Here's how many games it took me. I stuck with priest the entire time.


Final Boss

My final boss was against a Razakus. It's a match up where I am heavily disadvantaged in the late game. I ended up using a lot of my board clears early on in the game after he played a Skulking Geist. My first Shadow Essence pulled a 5/5 Barnes which I traded with his Elise. My second one pulled a 5/5 The Litch King. It lasted one turn and gave me Doom Pact. This is always a dead card in my deck. Most of the cards in my deck focus on removal so burning all the cards off the top of my deck is a good way to lose the game. The turns go by and I play my thought steal. The only card that stands out of the two was Kazakus. Another dead card in my hand. I switch to Shadow Reaper on a turn he's played doom sayer. I may not have the large board removal, but I can ping things off now. His elise pack gives him a few minions to play to the board. I mass dispel them to keep them under control. Then he plays Anti-Magic Shell. Now I'm staring down a board of 4 minions that can't be targeted by spells or hero powers vs my own Obsidian statue that's already been silenced.

I can play Eternal Servitude and hope that he doesn't have any answers to it, but my grave yard has already become pretty clogged up at this point. Ysera and Y'shaarj are both in my hand. I'm on mobile with no deck tracker but a quick touch of my deck shows me that I have about 8 cards left. This is where Doom Pact becomes the star of the show. I go face then clear the board. It burns 5 cards off the top of my deck and I jam Kazakus down onto the board. It lowers my hero power to 0 and I gained control of the game. The rest is the stuff of legends.


For those of you counting at home, yes, Barnes was my very last card drawn from my deck.
When Razakus Priest doesn't draw perfectly it's actually quite sad, at least the more combo versions.

Murloc Paladin is having an insane winrate for me right now. There's just so many buffs, decks can't keep up.
Gratz man. Been seeing you bounce around 2 the last few days. Welcome to the club.

Chasing your rank was always a good source of inspiration.

Congratulations. When did you reach Rank 5 and how long did it take you to reach Legend?
I hit it on the 16th on a win streak. I've been playing pretty heavily after that on weekdays and a little in the evenings. I only play on mobile so I play when I'm not busy dadding or working. It took me about 132 wins to get from 5 to Legend. If you win 25 straight games after rank 5 you'll be legend so I lost a crap ton of games. I haven't figured out my win percentage yet.


Makes world leading predictions like "The sun will rise tomorrow"
Ultimate Infest nerf idea.

Deal 5 damage. Gain 5 armor. Summon a 5/5 ghoul. Draw a card and change its cost to (5).



Finally hit legend for the very first time. Here's how many games it took me. I stuck with priest the entire time.


Final Boss

My final boss was against a Razakus. It's a match up where I am heavily disadvantaged in the late game. I ended up using a lot of my board clears early on in the game after he played a Skulking Geist. My first Shadow Essence pulled a 5/5 Barnes which I traded with his Elise. My second one pulled a 5/5 The Litch King. It lasted one turn and gave me Doom Pact. This is always a dead card in my deck. Most of the cards in my deck focus on removal so burning all the cards off the top of my deck is a good way to lose the game. The turns go by and I play my thought steal. The only card that stands out of the two was Kazakus. Another dead card in my hand. I switch to Shadow Reaper on a turn he's played doom sayer. I may not have the large board removal, but I can ping things off now. His elise pack gives him a few minions to play to the board. I mass dispel them to keep them under control. Then he plays Anti-Magic Shell. Now I'm staring down a board of 4 minions that can't be targeted by spells or hero powers vs my own Obsidian statue that's already been silenced.

I can play Eternal Servitude and hope that he doesn't have any answers to it, but my grave yard has already become pretty clogged up at this point. Ysera and Y'shaarj are both in my hand. I'm on mobile with no deck tracker but a quick touch of my deck shows me that I have about 8 cards left. This is where Doom Pact becomes the star of the show. I go face then clear the board. It burns 5 cards off the top of my deck and I jam Kazakus down onto the board. It lowers my hero power to 0 and I gained control of the game. The rest is the stuff of legends.


For those of you counting at home, yes, Barnes was my very last card drawn from my deck.


So it means on this thread at least you, karsticles, and I hit legend for the first time this season.

Do I miss anyone else?


Tier 2 deck and a dream!

Climbed with Control Lock, Secret Mage, Highlander Priest this month.

20-10 - Control Lock
10-6 - Secret Mage
8-5 - Highlander Priest

Final boss was Pirate Warrior. Came down to him top decking and it was so close. I've actually won all of my games against Pirate Warrior today, I also run Ooze + Crab + Healing Potion since I run into them so frequently.



This season has been a blast for me. It genuinely makes me sad that people are so focused on what's wrong with the meta that they can't anything to be positive about.

I shot up the ladder to rank 5 with less trouble than I ever have before. I've enjoyed learning all the new match-ups. I've seen plenty of Druid but it hasn't been the only thing I've faced. (Lately I see way more Paladin and Mage than Druid in standard.)

Wild is truly a "wild" format now, with so many crazy synergies and combos. I got to OTK someone with Shadowreaper because I got a Coldarra Drake from a discover effect.

I'm playing "Wallet Paladin" right now and it's so awesome. I've won and lost so many times in fatigue over the past few days. When I've lost, I can usually figure out a mistake I made earlier in the game (a wasted clear, going tall instead of wide, mulliganing wrong).

I'm steadily climbing in rank 5+, I've got wild for when I get tilted/stressed, I don't mind facing Druids because I've got game against them AND they're only a portion of what I face so I'm not getting bored.

I feel bad for ya'll who aren't having fun. I hope the nerfs come soon because HS is pretty sweet you guys and I wish you all were having as much fun as me.


This season has been a blast for me. It genuinely makes me sad that people are so focused on what's wrong with the meta that they can't anything to be positive about.

I shot up the ladder to rank 5 with less trouble than I ever have before. I've enjoyed learning all the new match-ups. I've seen plenty of Druid but it hasn't been the only thing I've faced. (Lately I see way more Paladin and Mage than Druid in standard.)

Wild is truly a "wild" format now, with so many crazy synergies and combos. I got to OTK someone with Shadowreaper because I got a Coldarra Drake from a discover effect.

I'm playing "Wallet Paladin" right now and it's so awesome. I've won and lost so many times in fatigue over the past few days. When I've lost, I can usually figure out a mistake I made earlier in the game (a wasted clear, going tall instead of wide, mulliganing wrong).

I'm steadily climbing in rank 5+, I've got wild for when I get tilted/stressed, I don't mind facing Druids because I've got game against them AND they're only a portion of what I face so I'm not getting bored.

I feel bad for ya'll who aren't having fun. I hope the nerfs come soon because HS is pretty sweet you guys and I wish you all were having as much fun as me.

I'm having a lot of fun with standard. Got to play a ton a Jade druid as well as a ton of razakus priest, control paladin and right now I'm thinking of crafting jaina to play elemental mage since I have been loving what I have seen from my opponents, but I'm not sure.

I've been slowly learning in which situations play DK anduin since I often want to optimize the battlecry-hero power and I found that even if I never get a raza or even get a good battlecry value, if I get the time to play it, I might play it since the hero power suddenly becomes a win condition if I have enough cards.

what list do you use for wild priest?

Have a challenge a friend quest. PM me.

if in NA, add me Wiibomb#1871
I'm currently in the luxury of expendable dust, heck I crafted golden malf, but is it me or have decks gone crazy heavy on legendaries?
I have a ton of legendaries accumulated at this point but these days even rogue decks run 4 or more legendaries. Even a comparatively aggro deck like murloc pally run 3 or 4.


what list do you use for wild priest?

I started with this list and I've cut Lich King, Geist, and Naaru for Kabal Courier, Forbidden Shaping, and Wild Glimmerroot.

I've also tested Obsidian Statue, Loatheb and Lyra in the list and didn't much care for them.

Win condition vs control is a 28 damage burst combo finisher. Vs aggro you just outheal their damage. Vs midrange you either outvalue them or use part or all of your combo. If you're seeing wild Jade Druids put Geist back in. I've faced 2 in 60ish games.

# Class: Priest
# Format: Wild
# Year of the Mammoth
# 1x (1) Light of the Naaru
# 1x (1) Northshire Cleric
# 1x (1) Potion of Madness
# 1x (1) Power Word: Shield
# 1x (2) Bloodmage Thalnos
# 1x (2) Doomsayer
# 1x (2) Golakka Crawler
# 1x (2) Loot Hoarder
# 1x (2) Shadow Visions
# 1x (2) Shadow Word: Pain
# 1x (2) Spirit Lash
# 1x (3) Acolyte of Pain
# 1x (3) Mirage Caller
# 1x (3) Shadow Word: Death
# 1x (3) Stonehill Defender
# 1x (4) Eater of Secrets
# 1x (4) Kazakus
# 1x (4) Priest of the Feast
# 1x (4) Spawn of Shadows
# 1x (5) Azure Drake
# 1x (5) Excavated Evil
# 1x (5) Holy Nova
# 1x (5) Raza the Chained
# 1x (6) Dragonfire Potion
# 1x (6) Entomb
# 1x (6) Lightbomb
# 1x (6) Reno Jackson
# 1x (6) Skulking Geist
# 1x (8) Shadowreaper Anduin
# 1x (8) The Lich King


I'm currently in the luxury of expendable dust, heck I crafted golden malf, but is it me or have decks gone crazy heavy on legendaries?
I have a ton of legendaries accumulated at this point but these days even rogue decks run 4 or more legendaries. Even a comparatively aggro deck like murloc pally run 3 or 4.

it totally has. I expect this time next year we will see even more legs on decks, mainly because of this direction of Team 5 of releasing so many class legs and these 1 off legs that do an unique thing like the hero cards.

that is one of the reasons I really think Team 5 should rework the dust system.

I started with this list and I've cut Lich King, Geist, and Naaru for Kabal Courier, Forbidden Shaping, and Wild Glimmerroot.

I've also tested Obsidian Statue, Loatheb and Lyra in the list and didn't much care for them.

Win condition vs control is a 28 damage burst combo finisher. Vs aggro you just outheal their damage. Vs midrange you either outvalue them or use part or all of your combo. If you're seeing wild Jade Druids put Geist back in. I've faced 2 in 60ish games.

this list might be the first I try in wild, love everything I see there. good list.
it totally has. I expect this time next year we will see even more legs on decks, mainly because of this direction of Team 5 of releasing so many class legs and these 1 off legs that do an unique thing like the hero cards.

that is one of the reasons I really think Team 5 should rework the dust system.

part of the reason I don't get people compaining about facing a ton of PW and Aggro Druid (complaining about the deck is a different matter), those decks are cheap. No legendaries whatsoever and top tier anyway.


part of the reason I don't get people compaining about facing a ton of PW and Aggro Druid (complaining about the deck is a different matter), those decks are cheap. No legendaries whatsoever and top tier anyway.

this is something good yeah, may be the outburst will happen next rotation when pirate warrior loses some of their tools.

and well, jade druid doesn't need much legs, just 2 are a must, I believe. DK malfurion and fandral.
this is something good yeah, may be the outburst will happen next rotation when pirate warrior loses some of their tools.

and well, jade druid doesn't need much legs, just 2 are a must, I believe. DK malfurion and fandral.

aya is a must way above both fandral and malf imo, people have been turning back to Yogg at times because the deck wasn't BS when it was 100% consistent. Black Knigh, Lich King or whatever catches your fancy really the deck can afford to play a couple cards of anything really.


Neo Member
Ultimate Infest nerf idea.

Deal 5 damage. Gain 5 armor. Summon a 5/5 ghoul. Draw a card and change its cost to (5).

I like it. Very reasonable. Compared to firelands portal, it's 3 extra Mana for 5 armor, draw a card which costs 5, which is still plenty good, possibly great depending on your draw.
Token druid is disgusting. Play like shit and win. Aggro in hearthstone

The problem isn't that it's aggro, it's that it's overtuned and to the point that few if any fast decks can compete with it. 2 mana 1/5 taunt and 3 mana 1/6 growing taunt pretty much guaranteed a monopoly over other tempo based decks, let alone innervate which seems to almost always be in their hand.


This season has been a blast for me. It genuinely makes me sad that people are so focused on what's wrong with the meta that they can't anything to be positive about.

Never in the history of HS has there been a meta where the masses didn't complain en masse.

I love this meta.


I'm having a lot of fun with Jaina at least. She's very powerful, probably the most underrated card of the set. I'd say it's 5/5 now. By itself it allows you to build a deck that's only removal, it's all the end game you need, that's very powerful. The problem? Drawing her in time.

Against some match ups like priest, it will be hard to find something to ping. I hope we get some more synergistic cards. I don't like Sindragosa. I've been trying babbling books and dirty rats to get more ping targets and utility. I think there is a lot of room for improving the deck. Purple is doing great with it.

After Jaina comes down, it's basically impossible for a lot of decks to win.


Unconfirmed Member
Ultimate Infest nerf idea.

Deal 5 damage. Gain 5 armor. Summon a 5/5 ghoul. Draw a card and change its cost to (5).

I like the thought behind this nerf as it gives UI a place in deck instead of just being an autoinclude in any druid deck that ramps (which is all of them). That last part makes the card into something you'd want in big druid or astral druid, but probably don't want in Jade (making that Jade Idol cost 5 really hurts or worse hitting something like Wild Grown or Jade Blossom). It gives the card an identity which is something it sorely lacks. I don't know if this version of it would get played, but at least the card would have an identity.
The problem isn't that it's aggro, it's that it's overtuned and to the point that few if any fast decks can compete with it. 2 mana 1/5 taunt and 3 mana 1/6 growing taunt pretty much guaranteed a monopoly over other tempo based decks, let alone innervate which seems to almost always be in their hand.

Haven't you heard the good word? Let me introduce you to the shadow word, horror. Move into the light and play priest and all token decks will start looking like free wins.
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