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Hearthstone |OT9| Our raid wiped in Icecrown Citadel

Heh completed the deathrattle quest by playing Aya 20 times.

Got pretty good in the mirror and against Raza priest, realized somewhere along the way that if you can't tempo them that you just need to ramp jades until they can't deal with them anymore as they only have one wrath that deals with shit post 5/5s and they can't get copies of that one. For that emptying the library is more important than not burning cards.

Also getting Malf online asap and just swinging in for 3 each turn


Some weird decks today.

Aggro priest that completely over ran me.


Variation of Big Priest where the only minion in the deck is Malygos.



priest gonna rule supreme. They even nerfed hex just in case you want to counter big priest.

I like how they admit shaman has no identity, that's very true.

Honestly shocked they didn't jam in a rogue nerf here.


fired zero bullets in the orphanage.
If Priest becomes legit top tier, we will really see true forum rage. Now there's a class a lot of people already hate fighting, even without it being good.


I decided to play some Jade Druid during my lunch break to try and get a sense for how the nerfs are going to change the deck.

Sadly I got 4 mirror matches so I wasn't able to gleam as much as I wanted (happy to say I went 4-0 because I actually know how to pilot the deck compared to my opponents who were pretty dreadful.)

I think Jade Druid will be a lot weaker to aggro (but they also nerfed murPal and PirWar so maybe it evens out?). Innervate being a coin is pretty bad. Maybe it even gets cut in any list that doesn't run spell synergy (IE Yogg or Auctioneer).


man, I used to have a golden warleader ages ago. RIP.

With pirate warrior gone, if you could run a miracle list that beats priests, you're in business.

It's very hard actually. Gotta jam in some 4 attack minions in the deck, or red mana wyrm. That beats priests.

A Pretty Panda

fuckin' called it, man
"The other option we considered for Fiery War Axe was to lower its attack to 2, but that change didn’t feel intuitive enough. Generally, changing the mana cost of a card is less disruptive, because you can always see the mana cost of cards in your hand."

Glad they're catering to people that don't read the cards in their hand
I'm light on dust and hating Arena right now, but the golden Warleader in my collection will open up some new opportunities for me! Time to join the Priest Razakus army.


honestly you will be able to play quest rogue. They just removed all the bad match ups lol. It would be funny if it comes back. Dog said quest is the best rogue deck right now.


Makes world leading predictions like "The sun will rise tomorrow"
Jesus Blizzard.

Just redesign the classic set if you're gonna murder class defining cards.


I am amazed that UI dodged the nerf bat.

Innervate refilling 2 empty mana crystals would have been the right nerf for that card.


Unconfirmed Member
So I upgraded my Giant Druid and it feels a little better. I decided to not include any of the excess ramp because you don't really need extra mana when you're cheating everything out on low mana. Wild Growth and Innervate seem like enough. Ultimate Infestation is still easy enough to get to by just distracting them with one or two giants along the way.

It opened space for Golakka Crawler to help with the aggro matchups, and mulch which is good against aggro, Hydra, Taunts, and the mirror's giants.


# To use this deck, copy it to your clipboard and create a new deck in Hearthstone


it's a necessary step going into the 3rd year of standard.

why? because every warrior deck runs FWA? that argument is just valid for someone that wants to sell you as many packs as it wants and never use the cards from everlasting or free sets.

I was seeing the image going on reddit about the other 3 mana weapons, warriors got royally fucked with this.


People are mad at war axe nerf? That thing went 1 for 2 everytime, aggro, control or whatever doesn't matter. For an early game card that's not ok at all. It's way too broken.

Remember they changed webweave to 5 mana because at 4 it always went 1 for 2.

The problem is that they didn't nerf mana wyrm. That's too strong for a one drop and not many answers exist in the game that can immediately deal with it. Overall disappointed by lack of mage changes. They went there finally but they didn't change mana wyrm or fireball.
why? because every warrior deck runs FWA? that argument is just valid for someone that wants to sell you as many packs as it wants and never use the cards from everlasting or free sets.

I was seeing the image going on reddit about the other 3 mana weapons, warriors got royally fucked with this.
because there's both an imbalance in classic and basic and it gets real boring facing the same cards over and over.


It's not about going face. It's about having your two cards being nullified by 1 every time with minimal investment on turn 2.

Now you can actually play hunter or zoolock and don't instantly lose because they drew war axe.

That's not just a control warrior thing. Pirate warrior denies you board with war axe and wins. Going face with war axe is generally abysmal play even in pirate warrior unless you have more weapons in hand.


Just make it so it can't target face.
Too complex for your average HS player.

It's not about going face. It's about having your two cards being nullified by 1 every time with minimal investment on turn 2.

Now you can actually play hunter or zoolock and don't instantly lose because they drew war axe.
No it's exactly about going to face. No one cares about its ability to remove two minions because that has been in the game since forever. Now people complain because it's 2 mana 6 damage to face over two turns or more. Hunter could easily beat Warrior with War Axe, War Axe sucks against Jeweled McCaw and Alley Cat. Zoolock can also play Argent Squire and Possessed Villager. Those decks suck because War Axe can go face and kill them before they get the board.

Don't get it twisted son, War Axe got nerfed because PW is abusing the weapon mechanics.


War Axe is a terrible change

It's okay for Warrior to have the best weapon in the game. That's core to the class identity.

War axe goes from one of the best weapons in hearthstone to one of the worst.


FWA wasn't really the problem in my experience, it was all the durability buffs from minions and from upgrade that was the real PITA with pirate warrior as they kept getting bigger and never breaking effectively putting you on a clock.


Just make it so it can't target face.

now, this was the correct nerf.

Playing the same card everytime doesn't seem to be problem for cards like FWA, the problem was running this in an aggro deck where it showed the problem was it helped kill the opponent faster.

but as Dahbomb said, it's unintuitive for the average HS player since that set needs to be as simple as it can get.


It's not about going face. It's about having your two cards being nullified by 1 every time with minimal investment on turn 2.


Warrior trades life for tempo. It's what warrior does. It's why warrior has the hero power it does. This is yet another way to make the warrior hero power useless.

They took the best weapon in the game and made it one of the worst ones. Spirit claws is a better weapon now FFS.


The FWA nerf is such a fuck yout to the warrior class.
They are suppossed to have awesome weapons and now they have one of the worst(if not the worst) for it's mana cost.


They will print new weapons. They just printed a good one for warrior in this set. I'm sure there will be a 2/2 weapon with text at some point. Let's not forget that N'zoth first mate and patches are insane and you can play that in other warrior decks. It's muster on turn 1, that's not just an aggro tool. It's board control on turn 1.

No, spirit claws is not better... please. No one will ever play spirit claws anymore. This war axe will still see play.

They don't want to add text to basic cards, specially not can't attack heroes. You have newer players getting confused by must attack the minion with taunt already... yeah.

Basic cards are supposed to be very simple.


Honestly nowadays we have 1/2 mana spells that can clear two or more minions. Potion of Madness can clear 2 small minions same as War Axe and Defile can kill a whole board. Not to mention spell powered up Maelstrom Portals and such.

War Axe usually is only an issue at the start of Standard and then it gets normalized.

Alright enough about War Axe, time to start lobbying for the next batch of classic cards.

Mana Wyrm (especially now that War Axe is nerfed)
Highmane because fuck Highmane and fuck Hunter
Animal Companion because fuck Hunter
Divine Favor because fuck Divine Favor
Power Word Shield

Kill all the sacred cows!!!


welp, I'm glad I got legend with warrior when it was actually a good class.

the bad part is that I'm still about 140 wins from the golden portrait.


Unconfirmed Member
No it's exactly about going to face. No one cares about its ability to remove two minions because that has been in the game since forever. Now people complain because it's 2 mana 6 damage to face over two turns or more. Hunter could easily beat Warrior with War Axe, War Axe sucks against Jeweled McCaw and Alley Cat. Zoolock can also play Argent Squire and Possessed Villager. Those decks suck because War Axe can go face and kill them before they get the board.

Don't get it twisted son, War Axe got nerfed because PW is abusing the weapon mechanics.

Did you forget that even before Pirate or Dragon Warrior when Warrior was exclusively control it was still called the winaxe with the highest win percentage of any card played on curve?


Did you forget that even before Pirate or Dragon Warrior when Warrior was exclusively control it was still called the winaxe with the highest win percentage of any card played on curve?
I actually do remember, right before the Standard rotator War Axe was not cutting it against stuff like Secret Paladin (who was using Minibot, Muster, Shredder, Belcher) and they actually cut one War Axe and went to use two Death's Bite. Shocking I know but it has happened. Even right now in Wild, if you play Tempo Warrior with Enrage mechanics you don't run two War Axes ever.


Unconfirmed Member
I actually do remember, right before the Standard rotator War Axe was not cutting it against stuff like Secret Paladin (who was using Minibot, Muster, Shredder, Belcher) and they actually cut one War Axe and went to use two Death's Bite. Shocking I know but it has happened. Even right now in Wild, if you play Tempo Warrior with Enrage mechanics you don't run two War Axes ever.

Sometimes playing only one because you don't want to draw it late doesn't change the fact that every single warrior in every matchup and every meta wants to have that card on turn two to hugely increase their chance of success.
This is what I get for succumbing to the idea that nerfs are good. I fell to the darkside and agreed that there were cards in this meta that needed nerfs.

Never again. Fuck nerfs. Get the fucking cards right the first time or deal with it in the next set.
Yeah but that doesn't apply to basic and classic cards at all.


3 mana 3/2 is certainly better than 2 mana 2/2 weapon. 2 attack weapon is too weak, cards like stromforged axe were never any good. Jade Claws gives you something on board and still has overload.

I think they should have nerfed mana wyrm to balance the early game interactions overall but they probably want to move it to hall of fame along with iceblock next year. Meanwhile just play doomsayer, it's pretty good.


People are mad at war axe nerf? That thing went 1 for 2 everytime, aggro, control or whatever doesn't matter. For an early game card that's not ok at all. It's way too broken.

Remember they changed webweave to 5 mana because at 4 it always went 1 for 2.

The problem is that they didn't nerf mana wyrm. That's too strong for a one drop and not many answers exist in the game that can immediately deal with it. Overall disappointed by lack of mage changes. They went there finally but they didn't change mana wyrm or fireball.

Yeah I'm still new, but one recent game I had a Mana Wyrm on 1, and then on 2 I had Primordial Gylph discover itself three times. I was amused, but that shouldn't be.
Edit: Also I guess Ice Block has an excellent chance of being Hall of Fame'd come next year?


Unconfirmed Member
Everything Mage and Rogue are a lot more likely to be changes at the rotation, because even though those classes might need their classic sets adjusted, they're in a pretty bad spot at the moment.
As priest main, I endorse all these changes. FWA was abysmal and every warrior had it in hand and either coined it out or played it turn 2, every fucking time.

Hex, good. Should cost the same as polymorph. Nuisance card finally in line with other cards. They just need to raise the mana on the rogue vilespine card and all will be well with easy removal.

Innervate. Thank you based team 5. Fucking most cancerous card in the game. Creates too many lopsided and one-sided situations you can never counter. Turn 1 flappy bird. Turn 1 nourish. Straight up bullshit.

Spreading plague should be 6 mana and 1/3 for each taunt. I have to tech in double 2 attack or less board wipes because of the shit. Fuck that noise. Team 5 dropped the ball on this one.
I tried that Wild Naga Giant Druid deck, and after 5 games (and 4 wins), I am honestly still unsure what the mana of the giants will be after I play the reduction cards. It's like a surprised every time. Last time was... "OMG I can play 32/32 of stats in 4 mana... that's good!."

This feels more like a Brawl deck that a ladder deck.


Super Sleuth
Some on Reddit were predicting that this is just like the nerfs to shaman that led to midrange shaman being the most overpowered deck in the meta by far. Shaman got nerfs but they also never certain cards in other classes that far outweighed the nerfs that shaman received.

Innervate feels like a more important nerf than spirit claws though.
I was going to make a big post, but I agree with Dahbomb.

I am so goddamned pissed about Fiery War Axe. What were they thinking? All of my control and mid-range Warrior decks are trash now. :(

Innervate should have refreshed mana. I don't know if I want to run it now... I would miss the Falstag + DK combo without it.

No Naga or DK Priest Nerf makes me very unhappy.


Super Sleuth
How badly hurt is pirate warrior (both standard and wild) by this nerf? Seems like wild is OK still because of ships cannon. Standard?


pirate warrior is done. Their entire early curve is affected, making upgrade girl more awkward, can't delete opponent's board and developing your own anymore, no more disgusting dread corsair opening and so on.

It's garbage. Fairly certain even miracle rogue can beat pirate warrior.

And no, druid nerf is much harder than rockbiter weapon nerf. Innervate was a curve correcting card. It's gone now, that makes any and all druid deck significantly worse. You can easily draw dead and be forced to pass in jade druid without innervate. This is on top of denying power plays with innervate. It's a massive nerf. People that say it doesn't affect jade just don't understand the game and are generally bad players...
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