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Hearthstone |OT9| Our raid wiped in Icecrown Citadel

I'm going to assume you use Petals over Sinister Strike because of the versatility. Might help remove something from the board that'd kill you off otherwise. Granted, using your win condition just to survive probably means you might lose anyway.


Ask me about the GAF Notebook
After letting the meta sit for a bit and the best decks filter down into the single digits I decided to start my play again today.

C'Thun Druid putting in work. Earthen Scales is pretty legit in this deck. Gives me that cheap armor for 1 mana. Swapper bite for Earthen as it buffs me without losing tempo.


After letting the meta sit for a bit and the best decks filter down into the single digits I decided to start my play again today.

C'Thun Druid putting in work. Earthen Scales is pretty legit in this deck. Gives me that cheap armor for 1 mana. Swapper bite for Earthen as it buffs me without losing tempo.

Hmmm makes me curious about Cthun warlock


got the win as rogue quest

don't have edwin for miracle or the quest and only one prep unless I craft one

well let's see what kind of bullshit I can come up with
Kraken malygos rogue would dominate in this meta, without a doubt.

Mammoth malygos is like tier 3 at best. The loss of emperor hurts too many match ups, and no conceal. If you're banking on bully to get your coins you might as well play a much faster more consistent miracle rogue deck. I'm not seeing it being worth playing atm. Maybe high roll off barnes but even then many times when you get maly you cannot play spell damage on face either because of mana constraints or being short of killing them.
So here is my take on a midrangey-control paladin.

So far enjoying the deck cause there are a lot of discovery effects and interactivity with the deck and I am 6-0 so far gained about 400-500 ranks to 735.


I've thought about directly adding tirion and lightlord, but so far it hasn't been very necessary since I can get those cards off discover if the match up needs it. Just played 2 taunt warriors back to back (same dude actually) and won the first narrowly and dominated the second cause of neverending value off getaway kodo.


My favorite part of Paladin vs Freeze mage is using equality on a board i own to make sure rag heals my face.
there's nothing as satisfying as beating every card in their deck.
you got your alex
you got your pyroblast
you got your doomsayers
you got your fireballs
you got your valets
you got your frostbolts

and you still lost.

Edit: fionally climbing out of the dumpster with murloc paladin, deck is putting in work, dropped a couple games but i'm finally getting a number of good matchups for my deck instead of being consistently shitcanned by bad matchups


Assuming you don't hex or polymorph, the odds of that are still quite low. Try it yourself if you want to see how it someone's takes 8 turns to play the quest. :p
Case in point, I just played against a quest Shaman who got 2 unite the finishers before turn 5.

On my side as quest Rogue, I couldn't ever complete or play the quest and lost on turn 10. I never drew enough of my 6 bounce cards.


Makes world leading predictions like "The sun will rise tomorrow"
The Paladin Quest is the worst. Not only is it hard to complete, but Galvadon is a piece of crap reward for all that effort.

The Paladin Quest literally has the worst winrate of any card in the entire set. Even dumb idiots like Ultrasaur have better winrates.

I'm gonna be put on blast for this one because I played it safe by giving it a 3, even though my instincts said it was probably bad.


The Paladin Quest literally has the worst winrate of any card in the entire set. Even dumb idiots like Ultrasaur have better winrates.

I'm gonna be put on blast for this one because I played it safe by giving it a 3, even though my instincts said it was probably bad.
By that point we should also be on blast for giving Lakkari Sacrifice a 3 because that card actually tanks your win rate by 10% or more if you put that in your Zoo deck and do nothing else.

Hunter Quest too. These 3 quests are mathematically so bad that they tank your win rate. Though I think that people don't actually play the Hunter and Warlock Quest properly. I personally played the Lakkari deck quite a bit and I did quite well after losing a lot and relearning how to play that type of deck. You don't ALWAYS keep the Lakkari Sacrifice in your hand based on the match up, like if you are up against an Aggro Druid you don't keep it in your hand.


Ok. ok. ok. OK!
I got it.

No more N'zoth.
No more Quests.

I'm going full Lyra.
Hold me, priest bros....

I've had very good success playing this list

I was playing jade rogue before the rotation and wanted to make it standard legal, but I didn't open any Un'Goro packs on launch day nor did I want to spend any dust. I leaned into burgle a bit, and the list has been killing it on ladder.

How is Barnes in that list? Seems like he'd wiff a lot.
I want to play Rogue next; just waiting for Shez-chan and her two Epic, plantassin buddies.
Best part is when you select "can't be targetted" to avoid getting dunked on by the opponent's removal only to realize you can't play your buffs on it because your deck is filled with buffs.

It just blows my mind how hard it can be to get good effects on the minion. 5 adaptations and the best defensive minion I could make was an 8/5 poisonous minion that's immune to spell effects - no taunt. That was two games in a row where I couldn't get a beefy tank out of the card. Adaptations are very good, but Galvadon needs to start as a 10/10 or something. I would even take Megafin as my reward over that guy.


"Marsh Queen is one of the worst Hearthstone cards they've made in a long time, and this is a world where we have Pompous Thespian."

Has he turned out to be wrong?

The Paladin Quest literally has the worst winrate of any card in the entire set. Even dumb idiots like Ultrasaur have better winrates.

I'm gonna be put on blast for this one because I played it safe by giving it a 3, even though my instincts said it was probably bad.
Jesus, that bad?

I just don't see how every other quest in the game is a kind of win condition (or something similarly amazing), and then you have this piece of crud. Well, Marsh Queen seems bad as well.

It would be nice if they want back and retuned these quests...but that would never happen. :-(


Has he turned out to be wrong?
In the past? Yeah he has been wrong on cards before but his prediction rate in general is quite good. He has called cards good/great that most people even the pros have called as bad (stuff like Dark Bomb, Shield Maiden, Healbot, Unstable Portal etc.).

But I wouldn't really count that review he put up because it was after the set was release so it's sort of a "how good are these cards after day 2 of the meta" rather than a prediction review. It's still an interesting watch though.

"Marsh Queen is one of the worst Hearthstone cards they've made in a long time, and this is a world where we have Pompous Thespian."


reynad is the troll of the HS community, everything he says is more polarized than anyone. that said it's not the best quest but it's more than playable , best in wild with brann but the list i posted is more than capable of a positive winrate from anyone who knows how to play, people build the deck very wrong though (lifecoach's 25+ 1 drop idea dies the first time you top deck a 1 drop late game), but my build with a buzzard, rhinos, novice engineers, hyenas, etc keeps enough steam to be competitive


the only non beasts to run are firefly, tolvir warden, and novice engineer, with maybe a knife juggler or two for some early game (1 is probably best), you could make a case for the 4 mana draw a card when things die but you are better off playing my beast list without a doubt, hyena and rhino are the win conditions of the deck, not this silly balls in to get carnassa a turn earlier garbage.


Makes world leading predictions like "The sun will rise tomorrow"
Jesus, that bad?

I just don't see how every other quest in the game is a kind of win condition (or something similarly amazing), and then you have this piece of crud. Well, Marsh Queen seems bad as well.

It would be nice if they want back and retuned these quests...but that would never happen. :-(

Here's the Tier List for the quests.
S tier: Fire Plume's Heart
A tier: The Caverns Below
B tier: Unite the Murlocs
C tier: Awaken the Makers
D tier: Lakkari Sacrifice, The Marsh Queen, Jungle Giants, Open the Waygate
F tier: The Last Kaleidosaur


@Sonic, I have marsh queen (thats the Hunter quest I'm assuming). I always thought it looked bad (Hunter Quest) but maybe I'll give your deck a whirl if time presents. bookmarked for now
@Sonic, I have marsh queen (thats the Hunter quest I'm assuming). I always thought it looked bad (Hunter Quest) but maybe I'll give your deck a whirl if time presents. bookmarked for now

like i said in wild it is better with brann (lets say you have 8 mana, brann, and a raptor. every time you drop raptor, you have 2 shots at grabbing another. then another. then another. along with another card for next turn) and quickshots to pick up steam. but i've played a ton of it, my rules:
TAKE BEAST SYNERGY. it's silly not to, cards like glacial shard seem good but they are 100% GARBAGE in top deck late game draws.

use 2x novice engineers, tolvir wardens, tracking, and tundra rhinos. don't even think of skipping these.

for draw i use buzzard, you can try the cult master but they both have their downsides.

most importantly, take beast synergy and play 2 hyenas! if you do this you have a deck with like 40 beasts! hyena is a freaking monster, and you even are capable of giving it charge.

also play mad board control early! you are a burst deck! not a face deck! sometimes you get a good game and win by turn 6 or 7 without the quest but your win conditions are:

rhino with a carnassa chain: 17 + damage out of hand depending what you get

hyena: this thing is a game winner

attrition: how many board clears does your opponent have? it's probably not enough.

and make sure you play 2 timber wolves and 2 UTH. this is your main comeback mechanic/board clear unless you need to spend a rhino to do so (don't be scared to)

the point of the quest is this: you can refil your board easier than your opponent can! you have 15 1 drop beasts that draw a card for goddsake. seeing people play the deck as a face deck is why it's communially looked at as a joke.


Corporate Apologist
I still think The Last Kaleidosaur has some potential in a Mech Paladin Deck in wild, but I'm still not crafting it to try it out.


Here's the Tier List for the quests.
S tier: Fire Plume's Heart
A tier: The Caverns Below
B tier: Unite the Murlocs
C tier: Awaken the Makers
D tier: Lakkari Sacrifice, The Marsh Queen, Jungle Giants, Open the Waygate
F tier: The Last Kaleidosaur
Probably my ranking of the quests too. Though in terms of potential Rogue Quest is very high because every time I play against it, it feels they are stuffing it with more degenerate stuff like Glacial Shards to lock your board to secure their Quest activation.
i'd put lakkari as F tier. the fact that rogues get immediate changes to their board state and you cannot even do something like defender of argus on your quest minions when you play it is a joke. how can you utilize them when you play them? knife juggler? LOL, its so shittily designed. you even give up a spot on the board for a max of 6 minions so zoo is inherently a bad deck build! What!


i'd put lakkari as F tier. the fact that rogues get immediate changes to their board state and you cannot even do something like defender of argus on your quest minions when you play it is a joke.
Lakkari seems bad compared to the Rogue quest but it's still free value on the board in the long term. You win against most control decks using it.

What makes Lakkari sacrifice mediocre is that the condition to activate is actually the toughest out of all the quests and the pay off isn't as big as it should be. Those imps should probably had been 5/4 Imps or the Quest activation should've required 1 less discard.


Probably my ranking of the quests too. Though in terms of potential Rogue Quest is very high because every time I play against it, it feels they are stuffing it with more degenerate stuff like Glacial Shards to lock your board to secure their Quest activation.
They even run doomsayer now
Lakkari seems bad compared to the Rogue quest but it's still free value on the board in the long term. You win against most control decks using it.

What makes Lakkari sacrifice mediocre is that the condition to activate is actually the toughest out of all the quests and the pay off isn't as big as it should be. Those imps should probably had been 5/4 Imps or the Quest activation should've required 1 less discard.

the only way i have thought that is even close to playable for lakkari is to play it in wild with elise so you can transform your discard garbage into legendaries late game. if you don't play old school elise the entire deck you built around the deck COMPLETELY keeps you from playing a long control game, since you are inherently playing with like a 24 or less card deck. i even resorted to malchazar in my wild quest to make it work since you need to discard so much that your late game suffers, the fact that you are shooting yourself in the foot in a foot race makes it 100% useless in standard no doubt. how do you play a control game when you had to build your deck around throwing cards away? elises are literally the only option in the damn game besides malchazar which inherently sucks as well.
Here's the Tier List for the quests.
S tier: Fire Plume's Heart
A tier: The Caverns Below
B tier: Unite the Murlocs
C tier: Awaken the Makers
D tier: Lakkari Sacrifice, The Marsh Queen, Jungle Giants, Open the Waygate
F tier: The Last Kaleidosaur
It's funny that you never see Fire Plume's Heart in Wild.
fire plum def exists in wild, sludge and the 1/4 discover are better there. but wild is so crazy now anyway, the only constant i've seen is that i face 2x as many priests as any other class, but all the builds for everything outside of pirate warrior tend to be unique in some way.


the only way i have thought that is even close to playable for lakkari is to play it in wild with elise so you can transform your discard garbage into legendaries late game. if you don't play old school elise the entire deck you built around the deck COMPLETELY keeps you from playing a long control game, since you are inherently playing with like a 24 or less card deck. i even resorted to malchazar in my wild quest to make it work since you need to discard so much that your late game suffers, the fact that you are shooting yourself in the foot in a foot race makes it 100% useless in standard no doubt. how do you play a control game when you had to build your deck around throwing cards away? elises are literally the only option in the damn game besides malchazar which inherently sucks as well.
You don't play this in a control deck, I don't know why people keep trying to make that work (and then fail).

You play it in regular Discard Lock but with a few more discards (so you have to play Lakkari Felhounds).

The Quest is mulligan'd away in every aggressive match up. The quest is useless against fast match ups or in any match up where you need to just pile on the pressure and don't care about losing hand quickly.

Against a slow or control deck, you keep it and play the game slow.. don't tap too much because it just lessens your time in the late game when you have the quest active.

That's essentially what Lakkari Sacrifice is, it's a tech card for Discard Lock. Only it's a pricey tech card because it requires more discards than it should. And in the current meta it is for sure useless because your up against aggressive decks where you can't afford to skip turn 1 (Hunter, Druid, other Zoo decks, Pirate Warrior, Aggro Mage) or Rogue decks that you need to apply pressure at maximum.
its garbage in discard lock though. discard lock doesn't need 'free' minions, you will run out of cards and die if you actually discard enough cards in that deck to play it. deck sizes are too small for it to work with anything else. i mean it's garbage all around but like i said, after playing with it a bunch since i drew it, using old school elise is the only thing that makes any sense and does anything worthwhile. if you don't play as many discard cards as possible you will never come close to triggering it soon enough for it to do anything you could've just done otherwise.

it's still bad and really poorly designed. i assume next expansion or two will have cards that make it really good though bc that seems how this game releases cards, hopefully.


Here's the Tier List for the quests.
S tier: Fire Plume's Heart
A tier: The Caverns Below
B tier: Unite the Murlocs
C tier: Awaken the Makers
D tier: Lakkari Sacrifice, The Marsh Queen, Jungle Giants, Open the Waygate
F tier: The Last Kaleidosaur

I'm really interested to see where the quests end up at the end of their time in standard.
I'm really interested to see where the quests end up at the end of their time in standard.

next expansion will have some stupid OP paladin buffs and discard cards for sure. the stegasaurus buff is already pretty damn good, it kind of reminds me of totem golem where the card is good but needs a little more to be in a playable deck, then they release tunnel trogg and the deck appears and wrecks shit.

1/3 every time you play a buff/discard a card gain 1/1, LOL! seems to be the way they design this game.
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