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Hearthstone |OT9| Our raid wiped in Icecrown Citadel

Okay, so since I got the golden Primordial Drake last week I actually have 3500 dust. I'll probably stay away from C'Thun Warrior just because I already have 2 viable Warrior decks, and I am like 5000 dust away from making any kind of Paladin deck (RIP).

So on to Rogue, and I am hoping Mobius will chip in here because he's our resident Rogue expert. The only Rogue legendary I have is Shaku. I have zero interest in Quest Rogue. So for deck considerations, that leaves Edwin, Sherazin, and Xaril. Xaril seems much less popular these days, but I don't know why because he still seems great to me. What's my best craft here?

Also @Mobius, have you ever tried Sherazin + Shadowcaster to try and get a Sherazin Board that you maintain through value generators like the petal cards?

I am also really interested in Water Rogue, which would mean crafting Finja - thoughts on that deck vs. a more classic Miracle approach?

Keep in mind that I only play Wild.

Edit: Kind of looking at this deck:

Or this deck:

Both are just within my crafting range, with the major difference being Sherazin vs. Finja.

Edit2: This deck looks like it's exploring my Sherazin + Shadowcaster idea:

Edit3: How does N'Zoth interact with Sherazin?

i could see pyros being good in reno zoth mage. a golden one would be hard to keep tho

I know it has a lot of value, but I just don't see it as a great card. 10 mana for a 10/10 that does nothing when I play it? How often do we have the luxury to play something like that in this game?


Super Sleuth
I know it has a lot of value, but I just don't see it as a great card. 10 mana for a 10/10 that does nothing when I play it? How often do we have the luxury to play something like that in this game?

Yeah, and it would probably be best value-wise against priest but they have the most tools to absolutely destroy pyros, namely potion of madness, shadow of madness, cabal shadow priest and entomb.
So on to Rogue, and I am hoping Mobius will chip in here because he's our resident Rogue expert. The only Rogue legendary I have is Shaku. I have zero interest in Quest Rogue. So for deck considerations, that leaves Edwin, Sherazin, and Xaril. Xaril seems much less popular these days, but I don't know why because he still seems great to me. What's my best craft here?

Also @Mobius, have you ever tried Sherazin + Shadowcaster to try and get a Sherazin Board that you maintain through value generators like the petal cards?

I am also really interested in Water Rogue, which would mean crafting Finja - thoughts on that deck vs. a more classic Miracle approach?

Keep in mind that I only play Wild.

Edit: Kind of looking at this deck:

Or this deck:

Both are just within my crafting range, with the major difference being Sherazin vs. Finja.

Edit2: This deck looks like it's exploring my Sherazin + Shadowcaster idea:

Edit3: How does N'Zoth interact with Sherazin?
Shadowcaster I think is just too slow in Standard, especially since there's limited healing.

As for Wild, I tried to make the greediest deck possible with Sherazin and Shadowcaster and it was SO much fun. I didn't think it would work but I've won quite a few games with it, but the games last a LONG LONG time. What's funny is another poster linked a video to a deck that was similar to mine and I was just surprised to see someone actually try it. The idea is to eventually just have a bunch of 1/1 Shadowcasters, Brann, Healbot, New Elise, Vilespine Slayer. So you avoid fatigue, can heal forever, destroy everything and deal damage with Sherazin. I feel like it can be hard as fuck to set up, but it's so satisfying. I'm still working on the deck. I feel like I can squeeze Edwin in there somewhere.

Edit: Gonna try to find that video so you get an idea. That deck didn't have Sherazin though, I don't think


Super Sleuth
Shadowcaster I think is just too slow in Standard, especially since there's limited healing.

As for Wild, I tried to make the greediest deck possible with Sherazin and Shadowcaster and it was SO much fun. I didn't think it would work but I've won quite a few games with it, but the games last a LONG LONG time. What's funny is another poster linked a video to a deck that was similar to mine and I was just surprised to see someone actually try it. The idea is to eventually just have a bunch of 1/1 Shadowcasters, Brann, Healbot, New Elise, Vilespine Slayer. So you avoid fatigue, can heal forever, destroy everything and deal damage with Sherazin. I feel like it can be hard as fuck to set up, but it's so satisfying. I'm still working on the deck. I feel like I can squeeze Edwin in there somewhere.

Edit: Gonna try to find that video so you get an idea. That deck didn't have Sherazin though, I don't think

Dane is the king of shadowcaster shenanigans.
HS should have friendly king of the hill lobbies where the winner stays on and others can spectate and chat. the problem with playing a friend is it gets stale quick, you only have so many decks for each format, having a match away to tinker with a deck and change your lineup while your buddy keeps playing and doesn't have to sit around and wait would be alot more fun than the current meh option (you can't even switch from std to wild without re challenging)

or just, ya know, introduce side boards, but too complex etc


Super Sleuth
Yup it was Dane. I'm gonna have to check out more of his shit since I've really come to like Rogue.


Speaking of, he is currently doing shadowcaster shenanigans in the heroic brawl and just had the most epic game against a control shaman.

He ended up winning in fatigue after losing his combo pieces (after a whole lot of combo turns) from his golden monkey giving him Mal'ganis.
i might have to experiment with youthful brew master as tech in hunter...getting back a razormaw for 2 hits in a late turn is nasty, esp on highmane, or possibly in quest since would either get 2 1 drop drops or 2 carnassas or raptors late which might be better than novice engineer


Super Sleuth
i might have to experiment with youthful brew master as tech in hunter...getting back a razormaw for 2 hits in a late turn is nasty, esp on highmane, or possibly in quest since would either get 2 1 drop drops or 2 carnassas or raptors late which might be better than novice engineer

Sounds way way way way too greedy for hunter.
I must have played 15-20 games today and can't get past level 20. Just when I start liking the game again it does everything it can to make me hate it.
Sounds way way way way too greedy for hunter.

well with quest hunter you're being greedy by definition. i like novice engineer in it since it just cycles to a raptor late game or a 1 drop early game. it would have some uses with double razormaw, an extra 1 drop (alley cat would be alright to hit on for instance), but a double raptor late game means it would help either before or after. havent tried it yet tho.


I've been stuck around 15-13 for a week, decided to play mage. So far it's quite consistent. Medivh into fireland portal and suddenly you have 2 minions on board.


Can you imagine purify priest mirror match? All 4 attack minion.

I've seen a lot of Priest decks run a copy of Pint-Size Potion alongside Lyra.

I netdeck Amaz's miracle priest, it runs 1 pint-size potion to steal enemy's minion and then go crazy with divine spirit and inner fire.


Almost lost to a Moat Lurker + Ferryman combo on my Primordial Drake in Arena. As if Rogues didn't have enough hard removal already.


So I'm a basically a F2P player on a newish account (started late February). Saved up 1600 dust. Would it be better to craft a legendary I've been wanting (Aya, Tirion, or Tarim), or work on some epics/rares that I could use?

I'm generally running Elemental Shaman, Control Pali, and Midrange Hunter.

Aya allows me to run a better Shaman and Jade Druid (which I played at the end of Gadgetzan), I don't feel I can go wrong with any of the Pali legendaries, and on the Hunter I'm mostly missing 2 rat packs, the eaglehorn bows, and a Savannah Highmane (I substitute Volcansaur in).

I have a legendary itch since my luck is crap in opening packs, but want some advice from people who have been playing longer or have been in my situation.


Can you share your decks? I think it'd be the best, instead of us saying craft this and that.

By sharing maybe we can give you input on what cards you needed instead of just Tirion is good, so craft it. Eventhough crafting Tirion is never wrong if you play pally.


Sure. I'll get that in the morning. Heading to bed right now.

Edit: Screw it, it takes 5 minutes. Pally is more of a buff paladin right now, but I could easily switch it to control.



Personally I'd rather use bloodlust rather than glacial shard on your shaman. And I'd replace 1 Lightning storm with volcano.

Why no bow on your hunter?


Haven't opened one yet and I've just been hoarding dust.

Basically if I don't go the legendary route, I'm going for the bow, Equality for pally, rat packs, another highmane, and a few other things.


Playing secret mage. Is a great deck, sadly I still lose hard to pirate warrior

Dont know if it is better than burn mage or not


Pulled Sherazin from a pack. So I built a deck around it.

Started with a 20% win rate, but after some tweaks and getting used to Rogue (I'd never played the class in constructed before) I'm creeping over 50.

Current list:

2x Backstab
1x Counterfiet Coin
2x Preperation
2x Fire Fly
2x Swashburgler
1x Bloodmage
2x Eviscerate
2x Razorpetal Lasher
1x Sap
2x Undercitt Huckster
1x Fan of Knives
2x Mimic Pod
2x Questing Adventurer
2x SI:7
1x Sherazin
1x Leeroy
1x Vilespine
2x G Auctioneer
1x Arcane Giant

I don't have the other Rogue legendary cards, so I subbed in the Arcane Giant for Van Cleef.

The deck I based this on ran 2x Cold Blood in place of the Swashbucklers, and didn't include the Hucksters, but I found it starved too often.

The added card draw gives me a chance to keep my combo cards and helps when the deck doesn't pull card draw.

So far it seems really fun! I've never piloted a deck like this before so it feels quite exciting when the combos work, and it seems to have enough utility. Drawing two Sherazin and some QA shenanigans have caused people to concede. Plus the random aspect of the stolen cards can swing/be really fun.

Of course, this is my first time playing Rogue. I feel quite exposed as I usually play control with armour/healing, but I've tried to view my health as a commodity here, and to focus on setting up devious ways to force a win, but if anyone could give me advice on the deck or tips on how to play combo Rogue I'd appreciate it.


Pulled Sherazin from a pack. So I built a deck around it.

Started with a 20% win rate, but after some tweaks and getting used to Rogue (I'd never played the class in constructed before) I'm creeping over 50.

Current list:

2x Backstab
1x Counterfiet Coin
2x Preperation
2x Fire Fly
2x Swashburgler
1x Bloodmage
2x Eviscerate
2x Razorpetal Lasher
1x Sap
2x Undercitt Huckster
1x Fan of Knives
2x Mimic Pod
2x Questing Adventurer
2x SI:7
1x Sherazin
1x Leeroy
1x Vilespine
2x G Auctioneer
1x Arcane Giant

I don't have the other Rogue legendary cards, so I subbed in the Arcane Giant for Van Cleef.

The deck I based this on ran 2x Cold Blood in place of the Swashbucklers, and didn't include the Hucksters, but I found it starved too often.

The added card draw gives me a chance to keep my combo cards and helps when the deck doesn't pull card draw.

So far it seems really fun! I've never piloted a deck like this before so it feels quite exciting when the combos work, and it seems to have enough utility. Drawing two Sherazin and some QA shenanigans have caused people to concede. Plus the random aspect of the stolen cards can swing/be really fun.

Of course, this is my first time playing Rogue. I feel quite exposed as I usually play control with armour/healing, but I've tried to view my health as a commodity here, and to focus on setting up devious ways to force a win, but if anyone could give me advice on the deck or tips on how to play combo Rogue I'd appreciate it.

Hallucinate > swashburgler imo
Second gaint and second vilespine would be sweet too maybe for a Si7 or mimicpod.
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