if you are programming anything that relies on opengl or direct x mac is pretty crap if not unusable.
fuck. sorry, I don't do game development (not does anyone I know)
meant outside of game development. 100% my bad.
Ok I need to try the photos app again then.
But the whole setup is still bad. Like my two choices to upload photos from my iPhone right now are use Image Capture or use the Photos app to transfer photos. It would be a lot simpler if I used Finder and drag and drop. I feel like Apple want too much control over the photos transferring process. If I want to transfer photos from my computer to the iPhone they need to be in the Photos app, and then use iTunes. That's just convoluted.
yes it defaults (aka doesn't present an option) to your system drive. Go to preferences, create a new library on an external drive, and make that your primary library.
as for getting photos on there.. two things. First, use iCloud Photo Library... for me this has been a nearly transcendent experience. I never worry about photo storage and availability EVER anymore. When they added RAW I just about died. Worst case scenario is you drop $3/month ($36 per year) for the 200GB iCloud option. To have your photos EVERYFRIGGINWHERE.
If you are bringing them in from a camera.. Photos honestly does a good enough job for that. It brings them in, leaves them alone, and automatically sends them up to iCPL making them instantly available on all other devices.
Yes this all requires you to invest 100% into Apple's photo solution... but with Photos in OS X 11, iCloud Photo Library and now the facial and scene recognition in iOS 10 and macOS 12, IMHO apple's photo solution is FINALLY comparable to Google's with virtually no downsides (aside from not easily accessible from Android devices)