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Hideaki Itsuno apoligizes for his game not being at E3.

already in the rejection phase

its not a lol post

is their any legitimate reason why it has not be the equal chance to be that besides other possiblites?
Because DmC was a reboot to reach a bigger audience that was largely rejected by the existing audience, thus selling quite a bit less than the previous entry (DMC4)

They then brought both games to current gen, with DmC addressing nearly all fan complaints with gameplay, and as far as I'm aware DMC4SE still outsold it by quite a bit

People voted with their wallets but apparently this is a bad thing, fans are petty, etc

It's a shame if you liked DmC and want to see it continue but the constant trolling of the original series fans on here every thread is tiring. (especially when a huge part of the backlash to DmC is fans fearing the series as they knew it wouldn't be continued)

MvC:I is currently getting shat on by fans, now imagine MvC fans saying they want a return to its roots and Infinite fans go in every thread saying "lol I want Infinite 2 ;) lol".

I came to DMC super late so I wasn't even there for the initial controversy but as someone drawn to the style of 4, DmC's aesthetic does nothing for me. I wouldn't buy a sequel, regardless of hair color

DMC5 in 2017, believe/etc

Astral Dog


I still think they look alike


Also ALOT of people don't know that DMC4 is the highest selling entry in the franchise. When you decide to reboot a franchise after that then yeah that makes me question your decision making from a business stand point. They literally did something nobody wanted. I remember reading forums and stuff about what people wanted from the next DMC game and NOBODY said that they should reboot it.

Astral Dog

If Lord Itsuno-sama is making DMC5 then i hope it shakes up the formula, If it's another combat arena action game like DMC4 then I'm not sure I'd be very interested tbh. If anything, taking it back to its DMC1 origin with more emphasis placed on atmosphere would be more exciting than a linear, room-to-room character action game.
But it still needs the combat engine of DMC 3/4 (and much better humor than 1) thats what makes DMC a step above the rest (DmC).

Not that you have to get one over the other but the combat focus on the biggest draws of DMC
they basically tried to do this with DmC reboot
I sincerely hope that the game takes place after the events of DMC2 and sees Dante journeying ever deeper into Hell and traversing the 9 Circles to find Vergil's soul and restore him to life. It's really that simple and for some reason Capcom is dragging their feet. Each circle acts as a realm that has its own distinctive enemies, who in some way reflect the cardinal sin and punishment of that area. There will be bosses, hopefully inspired by literary demons, that'd lord over the areas and feature mini-bosses that are the manifestation of a sin. The realms would connect is some way and feature hidden areas, etc.

That's what I want from the next DMC

They did that theme with the dmc3 enemies.


He's a pretty swell guy in my books anyway.
As disappointed as I felt at the end of Sony's presser for not having more, I think they made the right choice if it's too early.


Believes Dragon Quest is a franchise managed by Sony
Don't need to apologize. Take all the time you need. I guess they might show it at PSX


I want a DmC sequel tho, definitive edition was really good. ninja theory could really knock it outta the park if they got the chance.


I really hope the next proper DMC tries to reinvent itself a bit. I enjoyed DMC3 and 4 to a much lesser extent, but in hindsight, I have no desire to replay either game as I don't find them very much fun to play nowadays.

This might sound blasphemous to some but I want the combat to feel closer to something like Bayonetta or better if they can. I want enemies to be more aggressive instead of relying on overcrowding you and having a lot of HP. Some people love these games for the combos and I get that, I just find the combat to feel like a lot of busywork (especially vanilla DMC3) even if it is fun sometimes.

Either way, I would buy a proper DMC5 even if it tries to emulate the older games more than I'd want.

I'd be more excited if it was DD2 or something similar though.


I want a DmC sequel tho, definitive edition was really good. ninja theory could really knock it outta the park if they got the chance.

Nah, they got a chance and couldn't do it. Definitive Edition had things in it that should have been in the vanilla release. There was 0 reason why the original ran at 30 FPS while DMC 1-4 ran at 60 FPS. I remember fans complained about that when they found out but nobody listened to them.
I really hope the next proper DMC tries to reinvent itself a bit. I enjoyed DMC3 and 4 to a much lesser extent, but in hindsight, I have no desire to replay either game as I don't find them very much fun to play nowadays.

This might sound blasphemous to some but I want the combat to feel closer to something like Bayonetta or better if they can. I want enemies to be more aggressive instead of relying on overcrowding you and having a lot of HP. Some people love these games for the combos and I get that, I just find the combat to feel like a lot of busywork (especially vanilla DMC3) even if it is fun sometimes.

Either way, I would buy a proper DMC5 even if it tries to emulate the older games more than I'd want.

I'd be more excited if it was DD2 or something similar though.
Don't want DMC to turn into bayonetta, you have Bayonetta for that. The freedom you have for combos in DMC is not felt in any other action game.
UE4 is the best guess, SFV used it, a lot of Japanese devs are using it. RE7 was the new RE Engine but I doubt DMC would use that

Absolute worst case scenario (which wouldn't even be terrible) is you get MT Framework again. Which I doubt but if Capcom has negative dollars, who knows
I really hope the next proper DMC tries to reinvent itself a bit. I enjoyed DMC3 and 4 to a much lesser extent, but in hindsight, I have no desire to replay either game as I don't find them very much fun to play nowadays.

This might sound blasphemous to some but I want the combat to feel closer to something like Bayonetta or better if they can. I want enemies to be more aggressive instead of relying on overcrowding you and having a lot of HP. Some people love these games for the combos and I get that, I just find the combat to feel like a lot of busywork (especially vanilla DMC3) even if it is fun sometimes.

Either way, I would buy a proper DMC5 even if it tries to emulate the older games more than I'd want.

I'd be more excited if it was DD2 or something similar though.

Honestly the combat system shouldn't be changed one bit. DMC4SE still is the most in depth action game out there. But I do understand your point. Enemies need to be re-imagined akin to DMC1, Bayo, etc...
If anything dark souls has taught us is difficult boss fights are rewarding and atmosphere can make or break the game.

Itsuno has a lot of homework to do since DMC4 but the combat is not one of them.


Also is it just me or does DMC have more weight to its combat compared to Bayonetta?

I dunno about that. It seems like you can charge a lot more attacks giving them more oomph in Bayonetta compared to DMC3 and 4 where it's mostly the Beowulf. Maybe that's not what you're talking about but I personally love that feeling though.

Honestly the combat system shouldn't be changed one bit. DMC4SE still is the most in depth action game out there. But I do understand your point. Enemies need to be re-imagined akin to DMC1, Bayo, etc...
If anything dark souls has taught us is difficult boss fights are rewarding and atmosphere can make or break the game.

Itsuno has a lot of homework to do since DMC4 but the combat is not one of them.

Yeah, good point of view. I have never thought of DMC4's combat as 'amazing' but I think it's because I don't like how the enemies function that much, I would be more than happy if they addressed the changes we both mentioned though. It doesn't necessarily have to feel like straight Bayonetta, I just don't want to fight lazy sponges anymore.

Don't want DMC to turn into bayonetta, you have Bayonetta for that. The freedom you have for combos in DMC is not felt in any other action game.
Well, Kamiya and his team did start the series after all but I do agree with you about it being the only combo centric action game. I don't know that I necessarily prefer that given 3 and 4 though. I'm sure if I was way better at the game I would probably be adamant about not wanting to change it though.


already in the rejection phase

I'd buy DmC2 and play it if that is we what get. Although maybe not if it turned out worse than even vanilla DmC. I played bought DmC on PC day one, and have played over 100 hours, not including the demo. Would have bought Definitive Edition if it was on PC.

Capcom hard bailed from outsourcing after DmC and RE6 underperformed. They cancelled basically every outsourced project that was cancellable, moved all development of original titles in-house and spent most of 2013 restructuring. Ninja Theory is mostly focused on original IPs now. In an interview with Tameem and Dominic Matthews of Ninja Theory in December 2014, they stated there was no sequel to DmC in development, and in a recent interview Tameem stated Hellblade was the biggest title they were working on. DmC2 was supposed to happen 2.5 years after DmC according to Capcom's plans at the time. Capcom staff have stated that any internally developed DMC title would be DMC5. DMC4 Special Edition is the latest title in the series, and included all-new content including new story. It makes sense to follow up on that, especially since Itsuno started development of this game right after finishing directing 4SE.

I don't see any way for DmC2 to happen right now.
already in the rejection phase

its not a lol post

is their any legitimate reason why it has not be the equal chance to be that besides other possiblites?

Not really. The highest selling DMC game is DMC4. And the highest rated game is DMC1. Both of which are from Capcom Japan. DMC4's metacritic is like 86% and DmC's metacritic is like 87%. So it's not like it has that working for it either.

Honestly I think the biggest reason why DmC happened was because Itsuno wanted to focus on Dragon's Dogma, and now that he got that out of the way, he's got that DMC itch again and he's back.


Not really. The highest selling DMC game is DMC4.

Honestly I think the biggest reason why DmC happened was because Itsuno wanted to focus on Dragon's Dogma, and now that he got that out of the way, he's got that DMC itch again and he's back.

It was actually Inafune's incredibly stupid decision to outsource Capcom IP's to appeal in the west that forced DmC to happen. No wonder why this buffoon resigned from his position at head of global production 6 months after he was promoted there. That same man that promised that the new DMC was going to be what the fans wanted from a sequel. Then we got DmC. He literally betrayed the DMC series setting it into near-limbo and totally divided and shat on the fanbase. He is one of the main people responsible for Capcom's near bankruptcy back then.


Nah, they got a chance and couldn't do it. Definitive Edition had things in it that should have been in the vanilla release. There was 0 reason why the original ran at 30 FPS while DMC 1-4 ran at 60 FPS. I remember fans complained about that when they found out but nobody listened to them.
Because they used UE3, it was still a really good looking game though.
Question, who actually went out and purchased DmC day 1, payed full price, and loved it?

I did.


When was the last time they revealed anything big at TGS? 2010?

TGS 2015 had a good number of announcements ( King of Fighters 14, Yakuza 6 and Kiwami, Gravity Daze 1 HD and 2, Ni-Oh, Danganronpa 3, Bloodborne The Old Hunters DLC etc) unless you mean Capcom specifically.

They could definitely announce something there but it's probably mostly down to the timing lining up.


You said that in the last thread of this kind also. Can you please link to where they exactly said that? Especially the DDO is DD2 quote.

Sorry, trying to find it back now, it was around release.
Pretty sure there's elements showing it's a sequel at least.

Yea, it won't happen if all they're doing is releasing DDO and a remaster of DD. It's stupid. I last read that DD sales were at 2.3 million, why wouldn't they release a sequel? It's crazy to let that property sit and just sink resources into a re-release that likely won't move much software when a sequel would sale a fair amount and also expand the fanbase as well. I hope you're wrong and they do release a DD2. If Deep Down was any indication, Capcom is interested in acquiring the fans of the Souls series and so they should definitely release a Dragon's Dogma sequel, a game in the same vein but with it's own distinctive identity.

They need to see if there's still an audience for DD on those platforms, likely before putting efforts into a localization and server support for DDO.


Sorry, trying to find it back now, it was around release.
Pretty sure there's elements showing it's a sequel at least.
I'm really interested if you actually find it, especially since you said they would have said that countless times.
I follow that since the beginning because i really want Dragon's Dogma 2. And the only thing i remember them actually saying about that is when Itsuno said sometimes after the release of Dark Arisen that he already has a lot of ideas for a sequel.

For Dragon's Dogma Online they said that this is specifically for the Asien Market and they had nothing to announce regarding a western release. That was after the release of DDO and i could imagine that they said something about bringing it over since then, but i didn't hear anything myself.

But as i said, never anything even close to DDO being DD2.
TGS 2015 had a good number of announcements ( King of Fighters 14, Yakuza 6 and Kiwami, Gravity Daze 1 HD and 2, Ni-Oh, Danganronpa 3, Bloodborne The Old Hunters DLC etc) unless you mean Capcom specifically.

They could definitely announce something there but it's probably mostly down to the timing lining up.
Yeah, I meant Capcom.
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