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Homefront |OT| of The Greater Goliath Republic

Deadly Cyclone said:
I disagree with you completely, but whatever.

So far I am having fun with the multiplayer. There are a few things here and there that need tweaked, but overall it is a solid experience.

That's fine . . . I know I'm being pretty harsh on the game, and I'd love to see them tweak everything to make it better, but right now I feel like it was a waste of time for everyone involved. It does nothing really different than the competitors . . . more like half-assed.

If they made some small modifications, I think it would be a solid, yet unexceptional, shooter. Right now, pass.
bishoptl said:
oh man that totally backfired :\

So what we have here is basically a junior fight? Meow. Or some such.

By the by, though maybe this should be a thread of its own (or not), but the gaming industry, specifically the one that deals with army hoorah gaming, is starting to feel hostile. I get that demize there didn't mean for things to sound hostile, but between the garbage timing of that, and the stuff that has crept up to the surface re: COD developer angrywars, it's starting to feel like the devs are being damaged by their own source material. Hostility and desensitized dudebags, or something.

I blame the lack of mechs, personally.


Damn Gaf is hating right now. i picked up both 360 and PC going to compare tonight but shit i fell like i might have wasted money.

Deadly Cyclone

Pride of Iowa State
SirButterstick said:
That's fine . . . I know I'm being pretty harsh on the game, and I'd love to see them tweak everything to make it better, but right now I feel like it was a waste of time for everyone involved. It does nothing really different than the competitors . . . more like half-assed.

If they made some small modifications, I think it would be a solid, yet unexceptional, shooter. Right now, pass.

Battle Points and Battle Commander alone are two huge things none of the competitors really have. Those are enough to differentiate this from your average CoD match to keep me going, plus the addition of vehicles and drones to a game in which you feel a bit lighter than Battlefield BC2 makes it a great compliment to playing BC2 or CoD.


SirButterstick said:
LOL no. You're wrong. It's really a shitty CoD clone. What do you call Ground Control mode or whatever . . . a Domination ripoff? It's CoD reskinned and with different maps.

Steam tells me about 6 hours so far. A little longer than 10 minutes. About 1 hour of that has been in single player. And I can tell you I'm pretty much done with this shitpile already.

Buyer's warning: this game is pure shit. If you're spending $50, you're better off getting Blops or the way-superior in every regard BC2.
Domination ripoff.........Jesus


VASPER said:
Damn Gaf is hating right now. i picked up both 360 and PC going to compare tonight but shit i fell like i might have wasted money.

From the images I've seen, the textures on the 360 version look muddy and low res.

It's probably the reason why everybody is saying the game looks like shit, because the PC version looks pretty good.
EviLore said:
Frontlines: Fuel of War developer was all I ever needed to know in order to avoid it for anything more than $5.

What about bf1942:Desert combat developer?
Had I heard that one when the game was first announced I would have done cartwheels all around my living room.
Frontlines was a pretty bad game. It's why I'm cautious about this game.

Still we dont have enough larger scale mp games. Even Crysis 2 seems to going smaller scale. I want to believe these dudes can deliver a solid mp game.

SP never really looked that great to me.

Deadly Cyclone

Pride of Iowa State
KAOS CHEFS just posted this over on the official forums:
"Homefront’s dedicated servers are currently at capacity, and this is causing some matchmaking issues for players attempting to join an online match.

The demand for the servers has outstripped our expectations – so although we’re thrilled that Homefront is proving to be so popular, we’re doing all we can to bring more servers online to cope with this demand ASAP.

Please bear with us – as more servers come online, you should find you’re able to join matches easily and play Homefront the way it’s meant to be played – with 32 players on dedicated servers"


SP is above average. Very scripted, good graphics, engagng enough story. I felt too restricted on movement though.

MP? Wouldn't know since the servers are all down.

So far, it feels nothing like CoD to me. It's a little stiffer and slower. If anything, the movement reminds me of Perfect Dark Zero. I like the guns and they offer a lot of variety through ADS. Auto-aim (remember I've only done SP) is a lot less than CoD.

For those on the fence, I wouldn't hesitate unless you got another game in mind. For my situation, I was just getting tired of Blops and wanted something different. This is hitting the spot except for the stupid ass MP which they better fix soon.


So whats the general consensus from gaf havent been keeping up with thread. So far i got multi-player isnt good

edit: thanks jedi mike


magicaltrevor said:
It's too bad so many of you are having server-issues, because I've been playing this on my PS3 all night without any issues and I'm still totally in love with the multiplayer.

It's probable that most people are picking this up for 360 and that's the version that probably has the most issues.

All this is guesswork though.


SneakyStephan said:
What about bf1942:Desert combat developer?


That's still who I see them as. Frontlines was just a push to get a 50p MP game out on consoles. Homefront is 94% downloaded, so maybe my positive impressions about them will change.


Trucker Sexologist
Rahxephon91 said:
Frontlines was a pretty bad game. It's why I'm cautious about this game.

Still we dont have enough larger scale mp games. Even Crysis 2 seems to going smaller scale. I want to believe these dudes can deliver a solid mp game.

SP never really looked that great to me.
The graphics in FoW were meh and the gunplay was pretty bad. Awful, even. But a lot of the other MP elements held up pretty well. Problem is, FPSs with B level production values don't really hold up well in the marketplace. Especially if they're MP focused.

Maybe CliffyB had a point. No surprise that Section 8 went digital download and I'm pretty worried for Brink now.
ok, beat the campaign and have been playing the multi for an hour or two. word of advice for anybody that cares: dont waste your money! this game blows. some good ideas but poorly executed. if this was 2002 then I might be impressed, but it truly feels like a dated game with really bad gunplay, graphics, and controls. I only rented this but still feel cheated for the 8 bucks I paid to rent it.


Rahxephon91 said:
Well saying it moves like Perfect Dark Zero isn't the best way to sell the game.

Not sure where you got the impression that I was trying to sell you the game. I don't own stock in THQ and don't care if you buy or not. Just trying to explain how the game feels to me and I definitely get a PD0 vibe from it... btw, I liked PD0.


SapientWolf said:
The graphics in FoW were meh and the gunplay was pretty bad. Awful, even. But a lot of the other MP elements held up pretty well. Problem is, FPSs with B level production values don't really hold up well in the marketplace. Especially if they're MP focused.

Maybe CliffyB had a point. No surprise that Section 8 went digital download and I'm pretty worried for Brink now.

At least Brink looks like an amazing game.


Just finished up the single player. Went through in a single sitting and enjoyed it. While the game is short I think had they tried to stretch it out it would have simply resulted in certain parts being dragged out way too long. The whole story and how it plays out is what got me interested in the game in the first place and I wasn't disappointed. However things like enemies shooting through objects and killing you from more than half way across the field can be a pain in the ass. Haven't touched MP yet and probably won't get around to it until later today or tomorrow.


SapientWolf said:
Maybe CliffyB had a point. No surprise that Section 8 went digital download and I'm pretty worried for Brink now.

Brink doesnt look like it has shitty production values however. Its always looked a shit ton better than homefront in gameplay walk throughs.


CozMick said:
But what will the Killzone 3 haters play? this was their savior.
Bad Company 2?
MMaRsu said:
At least Brink looks like an amazing game.
Yeah, I'm pretty excited for Brink, mehself

Anyway...going to play a bit of Homefront. Between this game and Dragon Age 2.. I seem to be buying a ton of keepers, lately.
jedimike said:
Not sure where you got the impression that I was trying to sell you the game. I don't own stock in THQ and don't care if you buy or not. Just trying to explain how the game feels to me and I definitely get a PD0 vibe from it... btw, I liked PD0.
I don't think you are amigo. I just used that phrase as way to say those impressions don't sound fantastic to me.


Trucker Sexologist
MMaRsu said:
At least Brink looks like an amazing game.
So did Quake Wars. It could be amazing online and still be eviscerated for not having a full featured single player campaign. It's starting to feel like the entry point for a $60 action game is getting a lot higher.


SapientWolf said:
So did Quake Wars. It could be amazing online and still be eviscerated for not having a full featured single player campaign. It's starting to feel like the entry point for a $60 action game is getting a lot higher.

Well, nowadays if you're a multiplatform shooter but don't have Call of Duty or Battlefield in your name, you're already fighting an uphill battle.
SapientWolf said:
So did Quake Wars. It could be amazing online and still be eviscerated for not having a full featured single player campaign. It's starting to feel like the entry point for a $60 action game is getting a lot higher.

Just speaking for myself here, but I am more likely to be forgiving of a game with a strong SP and weak MP than the other way around. I want to be able to get a good deal of entertainment from a game without relying on other people being present, the tech necessary to connect (and remain connected), or the behavior of other people. With a strong SP, I'm guaranteed something. Length, that's a different matter, but I think a completion time of less than 5 hours would call for those 5 hours to be quite incredible.
AltogetherAndrews said:
Just speaking for myself here, but I am more likely to be forgiving of a game with a strong SP and weak MP than the other way around.
Especially so for a game like this where the premise is the main selling point.


SapientWolf said:
So did Quake Wars. It could be amazing online and still be eviscerated for not having a full featured single player campaign. It's starting to feel like the entry point for a $60 action game is getting a lot higher.

Shadowrun didn't have a single player campaign and that's still being played online till this day.


SneakyStephan said:
What about bf1942:Desert combat developer?
Had I heard that one when the game was first announced I would have done cartwheels all around my living room.

I was doing that. Then I remembered Frontlines and I let out a groan. Then I started watching all the videos people were jizzing over and my alarm bells started ringing full scale.

I could maybe ignore the whole CoD vibe, but the words coming out of the developer's mouth were exactly what I didn't want to hear for a shooter (and not the reason I loved DC so much). I think we've seen enough evidence to realize that DC was lighting in a bottle.
Picked this game up this afternoon. Bought it mostly for the multiplayer and hope they get the server issues fixed that people have been talking about. Will fire it up tonight and try it out. Was getting tired of BLOPS and if the COD "commentators" were hating on it, they must of done something right.
MMaRsu said:
Shadowrun didn't have a single player campaign and that's still being played online till this day.
Shadowrun would've done much better at a lower price imo. It also had too few maps and if I remember correctly it was joined at the hip to Vista. Clusterfuck entirely, and thats not even getting into the rage of the existing fanbase.


Full suite of PC options. Pretty much every graphical setting you could ask for, FOV slider, dev console that doesn't require a config edit or anything. It's 2004 all over.

Game looks good too. Very High everything. no ambient occlusion. 4xmsaa 60fps on a 275 gtx. Getting 99% usage on GPU and CPU. Good job on that front Kaos.


Haven't tried the MP, so that's another story. The technical side of the SP is very very good. Not cutting edge, but it's not a console port in the front end.


Wow...first time joining MP (360) and it hard locks my 360 (it's a Jasper)...WOO.

EDIT: and now the servers are down...even though there are folks on my friends list playing with (what appears to be) open slots in their match...I can't join them. So frustrating when you've been waiting to play all day after work/kid. Ah well back to BF:BC2.


Ever since I got RIFT I have not bought any games, so I am due now. So for PC how is the game? And being a mainly console gamer, does the game incorporate the 360 pad pretty good?

Thanks for any input, I am sitting on Steam tempting to hit the "buy" button.
Shorter than average campaign. Spotty MP. Yep. Saved some money with this one. I was looking forward to Homefront from all the advanced hype but I'll wait until it drops later this year to give it a look.


Ok, so there's some fun to be had in multiplayer despite the campaign being one of the worst in recent memory. I do suck at it right now, though. Snipers pretty much prevent me from moving anywhere on the map, and I didn't start racking up kill streaks until I went sniper myself. Kind of laggy too, which is weird. If the game tanks I think it would be a safe purchase at $25 for MP. Assuming you're sick of CoD and BF.


Trucker Sexologist
SapientWolf said:
Multiplayer is pretty fun, when the framerate holds up. Homefront, I like you, but you don't look good enough to drop under 60fps on my PC.
Ok, quick update. I was getting random drops to 30fps in multiplayer and it looks like there's some kind of bug. SP is not affected.
Everything seems so middling with this game. Campaign looks short & average, multi sounds adequate but not outstanding. And it's already devolving into team sniper deathmatch..?

After feeling burned by jumping into KZ3 day one, I'm going to wait this out and see what people are saying a few weeks from now. Hopefully by then we'll see it's true strengths, weaknesses, and what kind of community it creates.

It's brutal that there are so many multiplayer focused shooters releasing this year, competing for the same player base.


I dunno, I like it, but I'm not crazy about it. I'd rather be playing CoD/BC2/Halo.

If Amazon puts the trade value as 38-40, I'll cut my losses and just dump it :/
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