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Homeworld Remastered |OT| All of this has happened before and will happen again

ACE 1991

Well, I really like this. It's much harder than I thought it would be.

I had to restart the 2nd mission - I thought I was supposed to go after the carrier.

Lol I did this too.

Everyone keeps saying that using salvage corvettes to take over enemy ships is one of the best tactics in the game. What is the best way to go about doing this in missions? I still don't have a good grasp on this mechanic.



I miss the salvage beams :(


Lol I did this too.

Everyone keeps saying that using salvage corvettes to take over enemy ships is one of the best tactics in the game. What is the best way to go about doing this in missions? I still don't have a good grasp on this mechanic.

See a enemy frigate? grab two salvage corvettes and right click the frigate

See a enemy corvette? grab one salvage corvette and right click it.

(I don't remember how many you need for a destroyer)

If your corvettes get destroyed in the process try to distract the prey with some fighters or corvettes first.


Yeah, but your salvage corvettes *always* get targeted immediately once it is in the vicinity of especially capital ships.

Or did that change in the remastered?


sputum-flecked apoplexy
Lol I did this too.

Everyone keeps saying that using salvage corvettes to take over enemy ships is one of the best tactics in the game. What is the best way to go about doing this in missions? I still don't have a good grasp on this mechanic.
Use fighters and frigates to pull off any fighters, then send salvage corvettes after their capital ships.

Annoyingly you have to micromanage them quite a lot, I vaguely recall that you could issue a capture command like you can issue an attack-all command by holding down the ctrl button before but now you have to individually send the appropriate number of corvettes after each ship you want to capture.

ACE 1991

See a enemy frigate? grab two salvage corvettes and right click the frigate

See a enemy corvette? grab one salvage corvette and right click it.

(I don't remember how many you need for a destroyer)

If your corvettes get destroyed in the process try to distract the prey with some fighters or corvettes first.

Use fighters and frigates to pull off any fighters, then send salvage corvettes after their capital ships.

Annoyingly you have to micromanage them quite a lot, I vaguely recall that you could issue a capture command like you can issue an attack-all command by holding down the ctrl button before but now you have to individually send the appropriate number of corvettes after each ship you want to capture.



See a enemy frigate? grab two salvage corvettes and right click the frigate

See a enemy corvette? grab one salvage corvette and right click it.

(I don't remember how many you need for a destroyer)

If your corvettes get destroyed in the process try to distract the prey with some fighters or corvettes first.

You need three for a destroyer I think, five for a cruiser or carrier.

Also, repair corvettes are your friends, set the "repair" command to your salvage corvettes, corvettes don't need to dock like scouts or interceptors, the repair corvettes will launch a magical healing beam that repairs them, with enough of them a salvage corvette can withstand even an ion cannon from a destroyer.

This is for HW1 OG though. I'm only in mission 4 so I haven't test this yet for a destroyer, but it works wonders for frigates and corvettes.
I've played through the first 8 missions of Homeworld 1 and think this remaster is amazing. I don't think purists will ever be happy with any changes and those people can play Homeworld Classic. I mean it's been pretty clear, at least to me, that this was going to be running on the HW2 engine. Can't say I've had any balance problems... mission 5 gave me trouble my first try but second try I aced it and it's been smooth ever since.

I did run into a few bugs:
- carrier I captured in one of the earlier missions can't produce units
- sometimes salvage units don't behave properly and need to be "reset." For example I send two to capture a frigate, one attaches and the second refuses to do anything. I need to detach the first one and give the order again for them to capture
- one crash to desktop in 5 hours so far
- graphics are messed up if you use MSI Afterburner or other overlay programs (not really their fault)

None of these have ruined my experience or anything though. Time to continue my journey home :D

BTW I needed 6 salvage corvettes for the carrier, 4 for destroyer.


I've gotten seem weird behavior with resource collectors and salvage corvettes trying to cooperate when grabbing wreckage with resource value. Sometimes they both try to latch onto the piece or the salvage corvettes don't properly deposit it so you have to have them manually drop it near the Mothership so that a collector takes it the rest of the way. Also, that kind of salvage disappears visually sometimes but can still be picked up.

ACE 1991

You need three for a destroyer I think, five for a cruiser or carrier.

Also, repair corvettes are your friends, set the "repair" command to your salvage corvettes, corvettes don't need to dock like scouts or interceptors, the repair corvettes will launch a magical healing beam that repairs them, with enough of them a salvage corvette can withstand even an ion cannon from a destroyer.

This is for HW1 OG though. I'm only in mission 4 so I haven't test this yet for a destroyer, but it works wonders for frigates and corvettes.

Question about repair corvettes: what is the best way to effectively use them? Do I keep them buy the mothership and send badly damaged units back to the mothership to repair them? Or should I just add them to a control group of other attacking units to keep them near and heal automatically (if such a thing is possible)?


Other thing that is broken is the formations. Most of the time the ships can't mantain them and others like the sphere formation are kind of useless now, I tried to make a defender sphere around a group of capital ships and they just made a sphere at the side...


Question about repair corvettes: what is the best way to effectively use them? Do I keep them buy the mothership and send badly damaged units back to the mothership to repair them? Or should I just add them to a control group of other attacking units to keep them near and heal automatically (if such a thing is possible)?

Set them to repair (y key) and select all the units you want them to cover, interceptors and scouts need to dock, corvettes and anything else will get the magic healing beam. But I recommend not using them for fighters, with the changes fighters do not retreat, so even when they are badly damaged they still keep going at it and don't dock in the repair corvettes.

Other thing that is broken is the formations. Most of the time the ships can't mantain them and others like the sphere formation are kind of useless now, I tried to make a defender sphere around a group of capital ships and they just made a sphere at the side...

This is terrible D: did you select all units and set sphere? or did you put the fighters to guard, and then only set sphere for them? the latter is the one that worked in HW1 OG.


This is terrible D: did you select all units and set sphere? or did you put the fighters to guard, and then only set sphere for them? the latter is the one that worked in HW1 OG.

I tried again just in case but nope I can't get them to make a spehere around a group or a single unit. Apparently the sphere formation only worked in HW1 so that's probably the problem because the game is built over HW2 engine.


Played through the first four missions last night, and I'm really, really enjoying this HW1 re-master. Thankfully, I haven't run into any bugs or crashes yet like some others have. Sure some things are a little different than the original, but they aren't, to me, any of the things that made Homeworld great. By and large, I find the new controls and UI an improvement over the old after hopping over to HW1 classic and doing a back-to-back comparison.

My primary complaint is that ships don't hold formation very well. Hopefully they'll patch it, but I don't expect much post-launch support out of Gearbox on this. I'm satisfied with what I got out of the game so far. Can't wait to play through the rest and HW2!

Buggy Loop

Gold Member
Played HW1 remastered last night up to the mission 4 i think? Didnt manage to finish the objective on time and i didnt save inbetween the mission so... anyway. So fun, i went to bed way past what i had in mind before playing.


Tears of Nintendo
WTF is this?






Did anyone knows what may cause this and how to fix it? I can't play the game with these graphical glitches goddamnit.

My system specs just in case:

W7U SP1 x64
AMD Phenom II X4 965 3.4 GHz
AMD HD 7950 3 GB


I tried again just in case but nope I can't get them to make a spehere around a group or a single unit. Apparently the sphere formation only worked in HW1 so that's probably the problem because the game is built over HW2 engine.

So formations are useless indeed, what a crappy thing.

Yes, they told us it was going to be built in HW2 engine, but that in no way implied formations were going to be affected in any way... this sucks...


Yeah, but your salvage corvettes *always* get targeted immediately once it is in the vicinity of especially capital ships.

Or did that change in the remastered?
I don't have firsthand experience but from talking to my friend who was playing the game (remaster) for the first time last night it sounds like they don't target them as much. I mentioned how the AI loves to target them when they show up and he said it didn't appear to be doing it but could be due to him not having a point of reference from the classic game.

I tried again just in case but nope I can't get them to make a spehere around a group or a single unit. Apparently the sphere formation only worked in HW1 so that's probably the problem because the game is built over HW2 engine.
This makes me wonder how the drone frigate works since the drones assume a sphere formation around the frigate when deployed. Unless they are somehow immune to the formation issues since they might be considered part of the frigate?

I wonder if anyone has brought this up on the Gearbox forums or with them via their support channel for an official response yet?


I flipped through the CE book and it looks like the lore is just a straight reprint of the Homeworld 1 historical briefings. What's revised about it? The description for the CE book said it would have 'newly uncovered details from the game's creators'.


Tears of Nintendo
Turn off MSI afterburner, RivaTuner, EVGA precision, Xsplit, OBS, or anything else that might be trying to insert an overlay or inject itself into the graphics pipeline.
Thanks a lot for the help! ;-)

The game looks absolutely fantastic (and even that is understatement). It is definitely the best HD remaster of one of the best franchises of all time as far as I'm concerned.


I flipped through the CE book and it looks like the lore is just a straight reprint of the Homeworld 1 historical briefings. What's revised about it? The description for the CE book said it would have 'newly uncovered details from the game's creators'.

Well... I don't expect any new bits to be highlighted yellow with a big sign pointing to them. So the only way to know is to look at both side by side I imagine.


Well... I don't expect any new bits to be highlighted yellow with a big sign pointing to them. So the only way to know is to look at both side by side I imagine.
What I was getting at is it doesn't look like anything meaty was added to the CE book, if there are any additions it looks to be minor, but maybe I was expecting too much.

Edit: I've seen one ommission, in page 26 of the CE book in the 'Guidestone Origins' section it's missing the entire second paragraph. And I spotted one addition, the first paragraph for the Kiith Paktu section in Clan Histories has an extra sentence. I've only been skimming through the book, I'll give it a full read later.


sputum-flecked apoplexy
So...mission 10 spoiler

You can't target the mines any more? Basically renders one of the routes through the level completely inaccessible.


So...mission 10 spoiler

You can't target the mines any more? Basically renders one of the routes through the level completely inaccessible.

Just fueling my suspicion that this wasn't tested. Either that or the conversion to the Homeworld 2 engine caused a ton of issues and they didn't know about them? It feels like there should be a disclaimer on it like with the multiplayer but at the same time that would have made it look bad I guess.

The Steam group has been made public so feel free to jump in everyone.


I got kind of upset in mission 3
after all the Taidani frigates including the one I captured and the ones being towed in by my salvage corvettes vanished after the cutscene
. Was that a one-time occurrence or is it always like this? Pretty lame if the latter.


I got kind of upset in mission 3
after all the Taidani frigates including the one I captured and the ones being towed in by my salvage corvettes vanished after the cutscene
. Was that a one-time occurrence or is it always like this? Pretty lame if the latter.

That sounds like a bug.


That sounds like a bug.

It's certainly is a bug (unless it's a deliberate design choice in the remaster, it wasn't like this in the original game), but I'm curious if it's recurring. It was mentioned in the post quoted below (click through to it because it contains a large quote), so it's not something unique to my game.

Although the graphics are nice, im disappointed by the gameplay changes gearbox implemented on this rerelease, posting from another forum i frequent, but it nails down most of my complaints:


Okay, I must say that they did a tremendous job in remastering the sound quality in both games. It's literally night and day. It's so great that much of the original tapes were still around.

The funny thing is that the low quality audio in HW1 gave the impression of distorted radio chatter. Like a more kind of low-tech and fragile technology embedded in this vast, deep space. Now it feels much more high tech and polished :lol
I got kind of upset in mission 3
after all the Taidani frigates including the one I captured and the ones being towed in by my salvage corvettes vanished after the cutscene
. Was that a one-time occurrence or is it always like this? Pretty lame if the latter.
That's gotta be a one off bug because all the ships I captured are still with me (at mission 13 now). Including the all-powerful heavy cruisers :D


never left the stone age
God damn, this game is so good and to think there's an entire campaign waiting after this one. I hope that expansion makes it way out somehow too.

I'm at the 5th mission and it's starting to get a bit more intense now, the space battles are so cool looking with the ships flying all around and dat buttery smooth 60 FPS on max settings is some hot stuff. One of the most faithful recreations of our time, I am certain.

Why on earth do my ships attack enemy vessels that are being salvaged though? I had one frigate get destroyed just before it was being docked :(

Edit: Said frigate was part of mission 3 btw, the rest that I captured came with me on the next level.


This is not how you do a sphere formation, Gearbox:

This is:

It seemed like they've either had problems with implementing the same features in Homeworld 2's engine or they simply released the product because they wanted to get it out the door.

Having the audio for the formations is missing as well (Pilots saying "Claw formation" and so on).

I hope it gets fixed in the patch.


never left the stone age
I thought it was a bit weird that the smaller ships weren't circling the big / weak links. I might hold off until they patch stuff, or some brave modders fix it properly.


Okay, I must say that they did a tremendous job in remastering the sound quality in both games. It's literally night and day. It's so great that much of the original tapes were still around.

The funny thing is that the low quality audio in HW1 gave the impression of distorted radio chatter. Like a more kind of low-tech and fragile technology embedded in this vast, deep space. Now it feels much more high tech and polished :lol
I had always thought of the distortion in the original game as a gritty or early technology that the Kushan hadn't grasped yet. Once I heard them mention how it was like that due to compression I was worried people would think I was nuts but I'm glad to see I wasn't the only one. Even though I enjoy the higher quality audio there is a part of me that feels at home (heh) with the original audio.


Comparison of Kharak System and the Scout


Comparison of Kharak and Banana Ship


Jesus. And someone said this wasn't worthy of the title of remaster.

That planet with a decent Enterprise/Falcon/Battlestar above it and we're golden.


They were never going to implement HW1's gameplay, were they. Just had to crank this out the door and hope the enhanced visuals wowed the crowd to make any complaints go away.


Can I just buy the originals? I own the originals in their boxes, but I doubt Steam would recognize the old codes.
They were never going to implement HW1's gameplay, were they. Just had to crank this out the door and hope the enhanced visuals wowed the crowd to make any complaints go away.


Can I just buy the originals? I own the originals in their boxes, but I doubt Steam would recognize the old codes.
The originals are included, yes. Just played through the tutorial without a hitch.

Any graphics mods people could recommend out there for the classic versions?
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