The lighting in this game is breathtaking.

The lighting in this game is breathtaking.
Quick question, why can't I seem to increase the counter for the 'training quests' for new weapons ?
I bought a precision bow and have taken out a few watchers with the arrow to the eye but the counter still says 0. Does this need to be done in stealth ?
it needs to be done as the active quest.
I think I had it as active but will check again. Thanks.
I stupidly clicked a spoiler tag in another thread about Aloy being a strong protag, ended spoilt.
I shoulda known better, but I wish people would at least mention it's a completely game spoiling spoiler.
Yeah I avoided the post you guys mention, man people are so careless.I stupidly clicked a spoiler tag in another thread about Aloy being a strong protag, ended spoilt.
I shoulda known better, but I wish people would at least mention it's a completely game spoiling spoiler.
I stupidly clicked a spoiler tag in another thread about Aloy being a strong protag, ended spoilt.
I shoulda known better, but I wish people would at least mention it's a completely game spoiling spoiler.
Yeah, that's a fucking dick move a day after the game has goddamn released. Feel bad for you dude.
I stupidly clicked a spoiler tag in another thread about Aloy being a strong protag, ended spoilt.
I shoulda known better, but I wish people would at least mention it's a completely game spoiling spoiler.
Uhh even at the start of the game you can oneshot a Watcher by shooting in in the eye (it's weakspot).
You actually need to hit the eye though.
So what's the consensus on the difficulty? I do like having some challenge so I'm wondering if I should play this on normal, hard or very hard.
Are there any differences other than the usual things, such as damage dealt and received? Apparently, we get less items from looting?
Lmao, I guess I have a bad aim
Thank you
Yeah...I looked at those and didn't feel the difference is enough. I though you may have spotted some additional/enhanced visual features rather than just a sharper/cleaner picture.There are some comparison shoots a few (a lot) of pages back, the general consensus is, overall, it looks better in 1080p on performance.
Whether this is by design, or a bug / issue, is unknown.
Best thing to do, is try it for yourself and switch between the two.
I stupidly clicked a spoiler tag in another thread about Aloy being a strong protag, ended spoilt.
I shoulda known better, but I wish people would at least mention it's a completely game spoiling spoiler.
Holyshit it was saved to the cloud!! Thank you man you just made my night! Phew...
I am level 12 or 13 and the first cauldron recommends to be level 8. Is it okay to enter?
I'm not sure which post and thread you saw but I noticed a thread with the old 4chan fake spoilers under a tag, though. You might've seen those.
TFW you're level 20 and doing main quests that are level 7 and 12...
This one, but to anyone else, FFS don't click on it, as it appears to be game end spoiling.
This one, but to anyone else, FFS don't click on it, as it appears to be game end spoiling.
I've finished the game and every side activity so I could tell you in yes or no terms if that's a fake spoiler in PM or something if you want.
I don't know as I haven't tried it, but maybe that feature that lets you create errands or whatever for yourself will help?I farmed Shell-Walker all night. I can't get a shell walker heart.
Is there a way to get this to drop ? A way of defeating it ?
I think I'll leave it thanks, just having the air of mystery that it may or may not be true is enough ambiguity for me!
I don't think it's actually missable so don't stress it. If you want to know why, late game spoilers ahead:About the "missable" trophy:All Allies Joined
what a stupid trophy to include in an open world action rpg adventure game, limiting your choices in such a way to be able to get that trophy.
I'm like 10 hours in and I think I already screwed it up.
About the "missable" trophy:All Allies Joined
what a stupid trophy to include in an open world action rpg adventure game, limiting your choices in such a way to be able to get that trophy.
I'm like 10 hours in and I think I already screwed it up.
I don't think it's actually missable so don't stress it. If you want to know why, late game spoilers ahead:after the final mission the world state reverts back to where it was before you started the final mission so you can try it again as many times as you like. So you can complete the side quests at your leisure and then try the final mission again for the trophy to pop.
Same thing happening to me lol. Level 17 and main mission is level 7 lol
I don't think it's actually missable so don't stress it. If you want to know why, late game spoilers ahead:after the final mission the world state reverts back to where it was before you started the final mission so you can try it again as many times as you like. So you can complete the side quests at your leisure and then try the final mission again for the trophy to pop.
I don't know as I haven't tried it, but maybe that feature that lets you create errands or whatever for yourself will help?
it just points to a shell worker area and that's it...
I'm pretty sure the trophy's not actually missable. Just check the wording.
Given Aloy's actions, all possible optional allies joined the defense.
]"That would mean that it reverts back to how it was before beating the final mission, with all sidequests completed, so If I did not recruit an ally even if finishing the sidequest, it will still be finished after finishing the game, wont it?"The final mission reappears in your quest log after you've finished the story and credits have rolled so you can finish the side stuff in peace.
Hearts are just rare drops, you might have to kill 3-5 machines to get one typically.
I'd assume then that the requirements for the trophy are dynamic, depending on your actions?
No restriction on how to kill it ?
Pro tip: Tear arrows make life easy, eventhough they don't really do much if any damage.