1.) Melee Combat
- Horizon's most glaring flaw is its close quarters combat. In most instances, players will engage enemies at a range but enemies in Horizon are swift, suitably intelligent and can rapidly close on a player leaving them with no option but to evade and counterattack. Also, some enemies are very resilient and can deplete an unprepared players resources and armaments forcing them to rely once again on melee attacks. What's here is serviceable but something akin to Bloodborne/Dark Souls would be fantastic in a sequel, where there are parries and linkable attacks beyond the standard light and heavy attacks. I'm not asking for Nioh or DMC levels of depth.
2.) Weapon Variety
- The weapons in Horizon are good but the number of archetypes is underwhelming. I expected with Guerrilla's pedigree there would be a greater ensemble of arms but I was left disappointed by the fact that we're left with 3 types of bows, slings, ropecasters and tripcasters. It would've been cool to uncover and wield ancient yet futuristic shotguns, sniper rifles, rail guns, flame throwers, rocket launcher, tesla gun, thermite launcher, remote mine layer, netgun. These things could be given a cosmetic makeover to fit in thematically with other tribal weapons. In addition to the ranged weapons, a better choice of melee weapons is welcome - a warhammer, axe, longsword, polearm. Weapons should be able to be modified as well.
3.) More Machines
- I like the variety we have now but more types would be appreciated. I felt that there were too many passive types of machines. I'd like to see some insect based machines like Praying Mantis, Hornets or Beetles. I was bummed there weren't any machines based on a Ankylosaurus, Stegosaurus, Spiked Lizard, Chameleon/Frog, Gorilla, Bears or Wolves. Not too many complaints here because the aren't many flaws. Even a anthromorphic machine would be super dope, a machine trying to kill you with a beam saber and smart gun would be a helluva battle.
4.) Command Machines
- Once a machine has been overridden, you should be able to give it directives like distract, attack, defend etc. The player shouldn't be limited to just either mounting or having the machine follow. This is just a minor way to enhance and add greater depth to a fun mechanic.
5.) Scale Large Machines and the Environment
- I'm expecting many of, if not all the machines in this game to return but I'm sure they'll be other, larger machines added in subsequent games, it'd be a cool mechanic to scale enemies to avoid detection and fighting them directly. This could be accomplished by latching onto them or using a grappling hook. Hopefully they'll be machines so large that other, minor machines live on and perform maintenance on them. It'd be a relationship mirrored by fish and birds eating parasites off of sharks and rhinos respectively.
- Like Link, it'd be awesome if Aloy could scale mountains and trees as well. This isn't an attempt to mimic Zelda but it's an opportunity to implement a great idea and have it mesh well with the game thematically. Exploration and trap laying is the name of the game in Horizon so there's nothing incongruous about its potential addition. Also, sometimes it's confusing knowing what can and can't be climbed and eliminates the "oddly colored" handholds in the game (when they're present). That's just a preemptive addressing for those who may be quick to claim "oh no, copying Zelda".
6.) Save Anywhere
- I'd like to be able to save anywhere (as long as there are no threats nearby) and make camp. Resting at camp will pass the time (which can be cool itself because maybe certain robots only appear at specific portions of the day) and regenerates health (not medicine). Here you cook food (which regenerates more health than raw meat), repair gear and weapons. I feel this lessens the need to pick as many curatives and will keep players engaged in the combat which is the main draw.
7.) Mundane Activities
- I love Horizon's combat as much as anyone but I'd like to just do things in the world that aren't missions or quests. I know the trials are there and they are great but something to break the repetition of combat would be nice. I mean actions like fishing, gwent-like card game, drinking, etc. These are just simple, optional things to pass time or make the world an more lived in so they don't add much to the game, but would be a nice little addition.
8.) Switch Shoulders
- This one is self explanatory really. It sucks being in a tight spot and having your vision obscured by some foliage or dilapidated building in the middle of an intense face off with a Thunderjaw, Stormbird or a pack of Ravagers + Shellwalkers & Watchers
9.) Board a Mech???
- I haven't finished the game yet, just a third of the way through but if a sequel features even larger prey maybe players could mount mechs and they'd still function the same as Aloy or whomever players have control of in the game.
10.) Swimming and Water Interactivity
- the smallest gripe. I just want water to register players moving through it. I know that Aloy gets wet but she makes no splashes or displaces any water when traveling through a body of water. I know the game is rendering and processing a ton of stuff so it makes sense why this was omitted but hopefully the sequel will be in PS5 where they have enough power to create suitable simulation. I'd like swimming to be streamlined and you can perform stealth kills from it, if approaching unsuspecting prey from underwater.
11.) Stealth and AI
- the robots are intelligent and aggressive enough...UNTIL you break sight and hide in a bush. That's fine but you shouldn't be able to pile a number of remains and corpses up and enemies still approach that bush haphazardly. Humans AI is more egregious because you expect them to use logic and reason and realize "hey, maybe I should probably shoot the shit out of that bush where my buddy's body is and where I heard a suspicious whistle attempting to lure me over". I think players should be able to dive below the surface of a body of water to escape line of sight should be implemented.
12.) The Camera
- the camera is great in most cases but becomes a hindrance when you're running away but trying to also see the Thunderjaw charging behind you so you know when to dodge. When doing this, you won't be able to see whats in front of you,so you're forced into a risky trade-off situation that both have shitty potential outcomes. I'd just like the camera to show more of what's in front of you or have the attack indicator blink only before an attack is about to hit you, not when an enemy is simply attacking,this way you'll know when you truly need to evade.
Well, that's my list. Feel free to tell me what you all think, whether you agree or disagree.
I think Guerrilla has all the talent in the world and I want them to be the first people to successfully combine a third person shooter with a deep melee component. It hasn't been done yet and I don't know why, although in my opinion Vanquish was the closet to merge the two worlds competently. Beyond that, I'm loving the game. Hopefully Guerrilla comes across this and implements some of, if not all of these things.
TLDR: HRZN2 Improvements:
1. Melee Combat
2. Weapon Variety
3. More Machines
4. Command Machines
5. Scale Machine/Environment
6. Save Anywhere
7. Mundane Activities
8. Switch Shoulders
9. Board Mechs
10. Swimming/Water Interactivity
11. Stealth/AI
12. Camera