TBH, I love killing bandits more than bots.
You're ignoring one of the best bows in the game and prefer dumb human NPCs over the incredible and diverse dinos?
TBH, I love killing bandits more than bots.
Guys, Im not sure overleveling should be a concern. I dont think your level affects any stats, only skills and perhaps access to certain weapons.
The amount of details is pretty absurd. It's hard not to fall in love with some of the prettier characters.The consistency, variety, and quality of all the character models in this game is nothing short of remarkable.
I really like this game's over world and mythology. I wish the character designs are more mixed race instead of obvious black/white/etc type characters.
It doesn't make sense to me that a small band of neo hunter gatherers have such a diversed race composition. (Yes I am taking the game's back story seriously.)
Have anyone seen this? It's pretty cool. I apologize if it's already been shown earlier.
You're ignoring one of the best bows in the game and prefer dumb human NPCs over the incredible and diverse dinos?
The amount of details is pretty absurd. It's hard not to fall in love with some of the prettier characters.
Playing the game and it feels like the most expensive & elaborate videogame production out there.
The war bow? Really?
Then what am I doing wrong? Cause it never helps.
This is creepy and awesome at the same time. Is it a real robot or someone is inside of it?
It's a utility bow, not a damage bow.
Use corruption mods to make dinos fight each other.
Use shock and freeze mods to inflict status effects on dinos weak to the respective elements.
Shocked dinos can't move so they are easy target for critical hits and exploiting the weak points.
Frozen targets take double damage from normal arrows and can't move very fast, so you can inflict tons of damage.
He better run.
The war bow? Really?
Then what am I doing wrong? Cause it never helps.
He better run.
to add to ruthless, the purple shots (tear shots) can rip off the armor and weapons of almost everything in one shot so you can get to the juicy bit faster.
Fire and ice shots work by hitting guys multiple times until they freeze/catch on fire/get corrupted, etc. It really opens up your options for killing stuff in a hurry instead of dodging and pinging them with your normal arrows (though that is fun as well).
How do I access the DLC content/ outfits ?
I also have another question (sorry!), the harvest arrows, what do those do?? I tried targeting the weapons parts of the bots with them but once again, they dont seem to do anything.
If there was one thing I'd like to see in the sequel, it's some truly sprawling open areas, like we see in games like W3 and Zelda BOTW. Like, where you can see miles and miles ahead of you at places you can go. I understand and accept that it's different in Horizon because it's such a mountainous region, but this is just something I'd like to see in the next game.
To make the Grazers with blaze canisters use Fire Arrows and hit their canisters (this should work on Grazers but not on Lancehorns). Use Tearblast to knock them off as you need the canisters to make fire arrows. A couple of good shots from the Precision Bow can knock them over and with mods installed can be pretty lethal.![]()
I see. Well, I need one Trampler heart and I dont want to rush into this next bot-cave unprepared so I think I'll get one, start utilizing it on wild-bots and see what happens.
I still cant grasp the blaze-bots: I shoot them with fire arrows but they hardly explode after 40+ fire arrows.
BUT, I was able to take out them weak birds but concentrating on those belly-bits, so I have that going for me.
I'm trying to see what works and what doesnt, but I can't nail the blaze explosives cause even shooting those with precision arrows arent triggering explosion (after the amour falls off).
I also have another question (sorry!), the harvest arrows, what do those do?? I tried targeting the weapons parts of the bots with them but once again, they dont seem to do anything.
Had a really rough time with a corruption zone that's on top of a vantage point that'sIt was 4 Chargers and a Bellowback. Virtually no tall grass.a concert venue.
It's so frustrating to have a 2 shot fire arrow only do enough damage to pierce the canister on a charger and not have it explode. There are 4 of them, they move fast and it's a small target. The game is making it essentially pointless to target that area rather than brute force them with straight damage. At the very least, when the thing is already ignited and I hit the charger's rear end with a fire arrow it should trigger regardless. Anyone else run into this problem? Maybe corrupted chargers are too tough for the starting bow, but what the fuck, nothing else shoots fire arrows that I've come across.
I think the one thing the open world aspect is missing for me is the sense of seeing a huge landmark in the distance and wanting to go see what it is. There are maybe a couple like Meridian, but I would love the experience of seeing a unique landmark from afar and trying to get over to it. Like maybe if Cauldrons were more prominently visible from a far?
the one thing I REALLY fucking hate about this game is that there's no good save feature. Killed two Thunderjaws, super stoked, looted them, then got killed by a couple glinthawks before I could get to save. so fucking frustrating.
To make the Grazers with blaze canisters use Fire Arrows and hit their canisters (this should work on Grazers but not on Lancehorns). Use Tearblast to knock them off as you need the canisters to make fire arrows. A couple of good shots from the Precision Bow can knock them over and with mods installed can be pretty lethal.
With regards to your spoilerit's for rabbits, boars etc. Get better chance of getting higher level crafting stuff.
Harvester Arrows are literally what they are for... Harvesting materials + resources
Like Striders have that blaze canister correct
If you kill it or blow it off the Striders arse it nets you 1 Blaze
Use Harvester Arrow bam, now you have multiple Blaze from the same drop
All those robots that are "Harvesting" you can up the count of their resources by shooting them with said arrow, its like a multiplier arrow
You get 1 Chillwater from a Snapmaw per on its back
So a total of 4
But if you kill it, without destroying the Chillwater part of its top spine
Use those arrows to gut them off it, netting you 4+ Chillwaters
Harvester arrows are used to recoup back resources way quicker
God I really wanna do the plot stuff but the motion sickness i get playing this is killing me
So I've did everything there is to in this game and obtained the platinum today. So I've had some time to think and have reached a conclusion that Aloy is one of the best characters we've seen in recent years, everything about her from her design, to her voice, her behaviour and her animations are just so charming that. Usually there is always some negative points to a character but in her case I can't find any.
Really hope they keep her for the following games.
I came into the generation pretty jaded on the open world formula. I'm happy to say that between this and Sunset Overdrive my faith has been restored.
I hope that Guerilla can nail it again. Can't see any way this isn't getting a sequel.
The one thing this game needs is a Pet command so I can let my Ravager know he's a good boy after we face off an army together. I feel so sad to leave him now![]()
Man, only being able to buy 1 of a resource at a time gets old real fast. I've had to buy a few hundred wires at this point (ropecaster bolts and precision arrows all day baby).
So I think I get it:
Harvest arrows are if you're starving for materials. Use them against bots/animals to increase the drop rate (or at least the pieces that fall off).
Blase canisters: Knock the off, and those can be used an explosives if the bots are close buy? The issue I have is with exposed canisters on the bots (I hit, them, i swear. I'm intoxicated now but I know for DAMN sure I hit them) and they STILL dont explode at least 7/10 of the time. The only success I have is with them birds, hitting their bellies I can almost get them to explode.
Had a really rough time with a corruption zone that's on top of a vantage point that'sIt was 4 Chargers and a Bellowback. Virtually no tall grass.a concert venue.
It's so frustrating to have a 2 shot fire arrow only do enough damage to pierce the canister on a charger and not have it explode. There are 4 of them, they move fast and it's a small target. The game is making it essentially pointless to target that area rather than brute force them with straight damage. At the very least, when the thing is already ignited and I hit the charger's rear end with a fire arrow it should trigger regardless. Anyone else run into this problem? Maybe corrupted chargers are too tough for the starting bow, but what the fuck, nothing else shoots fire arrows that I've come across.
Stop spoilering lol
Its nothing spoilerish about said material gathering in said game
Striders, Lancerhorns have canisters, they don't explode
That's the resource your hunting for lol
Striders for example drop Blaze, if you shoot off the Blaze canister, it doesn't explode doing massive damage, it's a component (you get +xp for breaking it off)
Some don't want to kill Striders and just say resource farm, just peg that canister blow it off and pick it up off the ground...
Same goes for Grazers and Lancerhorns
Those medium sized vials are what you really want
Most are best to be Silent Strike killed, pull out Harvester Arrow, shoot canisters and bulk up your resources, why?
You need Blaze to make fire ammo
You need Chillwater for freeze ammo
You need something vessel (I'm forgetting) for shock ammo
The further you get into the game, more weapons and ammos become available
You will bleed through materials if you don't resource or forage at a steady pace
I have 250 Blaze at all times, 150 of the other types
I go through Fire Bombs and Fire arrows like a mad man for what I'm doing in the game at the moment
Remember Robots have weaknesses, almost a rock, paper, scissors thing with elements
So I think I get it:
Harvest arrows are if you're starving for materials. Use them against bots/animals to increase the drop rate (or at least the pieces that fall off).
Blase canisters: Knock the off, and those can be used an explosives if the bots are close buy? The issue I have is with exposed canisters on the bots (I hit, them, i swear. I'm intoxicated now but I know for DAMN sure I hit them) and they STILL dont explode at least 7/10 of the time. The only success I have is with them birds, hitting their bellies I can almost get them to explode.
For some reason I can't call machines I've taken over and can't adjust camera angles in camera mode. Anyone going through the same thing?
First Thunderjaw I see in the whole game just happens to be the caulderon boss. But I finally beat it. Feels good man!
They are in Inventory > special boxes list item (or whatever that's called)