So I'm nearing the end. I only have about 4 main quests, and a handful of side quests and errands.
I adore this game! Aloy easily ranks as one of the greatest protagonists in gaming. And while she's utterly fantastic, I was surprised at how great a lot of the supporting characters were. Almost everyone has depth, and have good reasons for doing what they're doing.
The world is fucking fantastic. There isn't a lot to collect, but there is so much to see. I often travel off the beaten path, not because there's something to collect or an activity to do, but because the world is simply enjoyable to explore.
The lore so far has been intriguing. Learning about the cultures of various tribes, how the apocalyptic past came to be, the different stories of the worlds inhabitants, are all so good. This is one of very few games where I actively read and listen to every bit of lore the game gives me.
I can go on with praise for Horizon, but there are a few things that bug me, and that I hope GG addresses in the inevitable sequel.
- Cutscenes, while mostly good, can use a bit more work. They're often jarring in that they just abruptly trigger in the middle of gameplay. GG should take a page from ND's book, and make it so gameplay seamlessly segues into a cutscene and vice-versa.
- Expand on tracking. GG absolutely NAILED the combat in HZD. While the combat is the meat and potatoes, you're often tasked with tracking as well. Tracking is a bit boring. I'd like GG to add a bit more depth and expand on it.
- A bit more customization in style. Aloy has already become quite iconic, so I understand GG wouldn't want players to change her fundamental look. But maybe customize small things such as being able change Aloys hairstyle (not color or cuts, just being able to wear it in different styles), and maybe add different warpaints as an option.
- The ability to customize separate pieces of armor. No need to mix Carja armor with Nora, but maybe each tribe can have customize sets.
- Climb anything! If HZD were to steal one thing from Breath of The Wild, it should be the ability to climb anything. Climbing cliffs and trees would be a perfect fit for Aloy. Maybe even introduce new traps that require scaling trees and cliffs to setup.
- Latch onto and scale enemies (Shadow of The Colossus style). In addition to climbing, I think it would be so much fun to climb onto certain enemies and be able to pry different parts off with a knife.
- Better melee combat. Other than finishing strikes and stealth kills, melee combat is useless. Just make it better lol.
Those are just a few suggestions. Overall, Horizon: Zero Dawn is a masterpiece, but it has room for improvement. Being the first game in a franchise, HZD hit a lot of the right notes, but I expect the sequel to be Guerrilla Games' Uncharted 2.