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Horizon Zero Dawn |OT| The Land After Time

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The combat feel repetitive because u are repetitive. Have you try to corrupt two behemut and watch them bull fight each other? Last shot each of them for the easy 7k exp + purp mats.

I didn't mean that the combat was repetitive I love how the game handles the combat I meant the game itself is quite repetitive.

It's just a personal feeling and a shame for me.
Ok I've been away for the past few days so I haven't been in this thread but I have to ask is there Tallnecks that just wander the map or just the 5 that you climb? It looked so cool in the trailers when you would just see 2 or 3 together


Platinum Get! Amazing game. See you all for part two as a PS5 launch title 😉

Oh my god, had a fairly cool emergent moment that was also a lifesaver.

I was doing a corrupted zone that was pretty difficult but I managed to kill a couple of enemies off. As I was fighting the rest, a pack of Glinthawks showed up (presumably to harvest) and they started fighting each other.

They cleared the corrupted zone for me! Then I just picked em off and went my merry way.
I'm sharing this in both threads.

I'm currently knee deep in Horizon and BotW and I've never felt such a gaming nirvana like this in the past. Sure I've played amazing games but I can't recall two legendary games SIMULTANEOUSLY.

It's a blessing and a curse because I'm torn on which to play every moment of my free time. Both of the worlds on display pull me in and transport me to them so effortlessly. BotW with its many wonders and discovery and Horizon with its sense of danger, gorgeous visuals and sublime combat.

I know deep down I'm going to have to commit to one of them and put the other aside so I can finish one but in this moment I can't choose. For now I'll continue whoring myself out :p

Gaming bliss.
Same. Although I'm enjoying Horizon a tad bit more ate the moment. To be fair, I'm not even that deep into Zelda yet but Horizon is awesome.
Okay I haven't done even level 12 main quest stuff yet and I'm level 36. I have 40k "gold", am I ever going to spend them or should I spend them on purple mods right now?

Also is there a trick to the gamble? Can I reload the save until I get the prefer modifier?

i wouldn't bother rerolling. just get some top-tier weapons and go hunt thunderjaws - they mostly have 3x purple mods everytime they die


I really need to start using more of my arsenal , but shooting off machine parts with the bow is soooo satisfying, goddamn.
A, there is a Vantage on top of a building near a tallneck near the southeast section of the map....... I can't seem to find a way up there.
I figured I can use the tallneck, but he doesn't get close enough.
Anyone have a side-quest glitch on them?

I'm facing issues with 2 of them:

1. Robbing the Rich in Meridian -
Quest it done, but when I go to talk to Ravan to complete it, he acknowledges that the sword has been returned but after his dialogue, nothing happens. Quest remains active 'Return to Ravan'.

2. Death from the Skies in Pitchcliff -
I'm supposed to check out this settlement for glinthawks attacks, but the activate quest and show on map options are greyed out for me, and when I try to pres 'X' to activate it, I get a message 'Can't activate quest: quest is paused'.

Is a side quest paused because I have a main quest in the same area? I hope that is the case for the second one.


Was looking for a metal flower and found two rabbits next to each other. They didn't move. Scanned them and came up with one as Jazz and the other as Jack. Lol. Nice little easter egg.


Hmm. Vallymeet Hunting Grounds? Plenty of Ice bombs for the sling? Try hitting the smaller bots until the ice gauge is full and use heavy melee attacks against them. Stay away from the Bellowback.

Is that the Strider one where you have to kill 5 in something like 1:30?

If so had a bit trouble with that one cause they run away and took 2 hits with my sling to freeze. Managed to do it in the end. No strategy tbh but fire, slow down time before they run off, second hit to fully freeze then R2 attack to one shot em and repeat 5 times.

Hunting Trial right? Take the left rope freeze bomb strider R2 insta kills it. That's one. Book it to the right into another strider, two freeze bombs R2. You got your blazing sun now sprint away.

I seem to get 4 outta 5 almost every time but they run so far that I run out of time before catching the 5th one. Then the Bellowback is always fucking with me and that doesn't help either. If I could ever start with the Striders grouped up it might help some.


I seem to get 4 outta 5 almost every time but they run so far that I run out of time before catching the 5th one. Then the Bellowback is always fucking with me and that doesn't help either. If I could ever start with the Striders grouped up it might help some.

Maybe try Ropecasting them first, one should either slow them right down, if not pin them. I got super lucky on that and they all stuck together.


I really need to consider a Pro at this point. Horizon runs like shit on OG PS4. Its fine at the beginning, but once you start to deal with camps, tallnecks etc the performance is really average. Basically where its crowded or fog plays a part it feels janky as hell. Much like FFXV did.


I've put in almost 30 hours on OG PS4 and the performance has been pretty close to perfect for me. Honestly couldn't even point out a moment where the performance ever dipped or anything.
So I'm nearing the end. I only have about 4 main quests, and a handful of side quests and errands.

I adore this game! Aloy easily ranks as one of the greatest protagonists in gaming. And while she's utterly fantastic, I was surprised at how great a lot of the supporting characters were. Almost everyone has depth, and have good reasons for doing what they're doing.

The world is fucking fantastic. There isn't a lot to collect, but there is so much to see. I often travel off the beaten path, not because there's something to collect or an activity to do, but because the world is simply enjoyable to explore.

The lore so far has been intriguing. Learning about the cultures of various tribes, how the apocalyptic past came to be, the different stories of the worlds inhabitants, are all so good. This is one of very few games where I actively read and listen to every bit of lore the game gives me.

I can go on with praise for Horizon, but there are a few things that bug me, and that I hope GG addresses in the inevitable sequel.

- Cutscenes, while mostly good, can use a bit more work. They're often jarring in that they just abruptly trigger in the middle of gameplay. GG should take a page from ND's book, and make it so gameplay seamlessly segues into a cutscene and vice-versa.

- Expand on tracking. GG absolutely NAILED the combat in HZD. While the combat is the meat and potatoes, you're often tasked with tracking as well. Tracking is a bit boring. I'd like GG to add a bit more depth and expand on it.

- A bit more customization in style. Aloy has already become quite iconic, so I understand GG wouldn't want players to change her fundamental look. But maybe customize small things such as being able change Aloys hairstyle (not color or cuts, just being able to wear it in different styles), and maybe add different warpaints as an option.

- The ability to customize separate pieces of armor. No need to mix Carja armor with Nora, but maybe each tribe can have customize sets.

- Climb anything! If HZD were to steal one thing from Breath of The Wild, it should be the ability to climb anything. Climbing cliffs and trees would be a perfect fit for Aloy. Maybe even introduce new traps that require scaling trees and cliffs to setup.

- Latch onto and scale enemies (Shadow of The Colossus style). In addition to climbing, I think it would be so much fun to climb onto certain enemies and be able to pry different parts off with a knife.

- Better melee combat. Other than finishing strikes and stealth kills, melee combat is useless. Just make it better lol.

Those are just a few suggestions. Overall, Horizon: Zero Dawn is a masterpiece, but it has room for improvement. Being the first game in a franchise, HZD hit a lot of the right notes, but I expect the sequel to be Guerrilla Games' Uncharted 2.


Just beat the game. Man, what a wild ride. I hope there's a sequel.

Shield Weaver armor
sure helped in the last battle,
but then, when doesn't being essentially invincible help? lol


I'm really enjoying this game - playing on VH seems to be right balance - every encounter can screw you over if you aren't prepared.

I love working out the strategy for each machine and how to take them down.


So I'm nearing the end. I only have about 4 main quests, and a handful of side quests and errands.

I adore this game! Aloy easily ranks as one of the greatest protagonists in gaming. And while she's utterly fantastic, I was surprised at how great a lot of the supporting characters were. Almost everyone has depth, and have good reasons for doing what they're doing.

The world is fucking fantastic. There isn't a lot to collect, but there is so much to see. I often travel off the beaten path, not because there's something to collect or an activity to do, but because the world is simply enjoyable to explore.

The lore so far has been intriguing. Learning about the cultures of various tribes, how the apocalyptic past came to be, the different stories of the worlds inhabitants, are all so good. This is one of very few games where I actively read and listen to every bit of lore the game gives me.

I can go on with praise for Horizon, but there are a few things that bug me, and that I hope GG addresses in the inevitable sequel.

- Cutscenes, while mostly good, can use a bit more work. They're often jarring in that they just abruptly trigger in the middle of gameplay. GG should take a page from ND's book, and make it so gameplay seamlessly segues into a cutscene and vice-versa.

- Expand on tracking. GG absolutely NAILED the combat in HZD. While the combat is the meat and potatoes, you're often tasked with tracking as well. Tracking is a bit boring. I'd like GG to add a bit more depth and expand on it.

- A bit more customization in style. Aloy has already become quite iconic, so I understand GG wouldn't want players to change her fundamental look. But maybe customize small things such as being able change Aloys hairstyle (not color or cuts, just being able to wear it in different styles), and maybe add different warpaints as an option.

- The ability to customize separate pieces of armor. No need to mix Carja armor with Nora, but maybe each tribe can have customize sets.

- Climb anything! If HZD were to steal one thing from Breath of The Wild, it should be the ability to climb anything. Climbing cliffs and trees would be a perfect fit for Aloy. Maybe even introduce new traps that require scaling trees and cliffs to setup.

- Latch onto and scale enemies (Shadow of The Colossus style). In addition to climbing, I think it would be so much fun to climb onto certain enemies and be able to pry different parts off with a knife.

- Better melee combat. Other than finishing strikes and stealth kills, melee combat is useless. Just make it better lol.

Those are just a few suggestions. Overall, Horizon: Zero Dawn is a masterpiece, but it has room for improvement. Being the first game in a franchise, HZD hit a lot of the right notes, but I expect the sequel to be Guerrilla Games' Uncharted 2.
I was thinking they could make it so there could be a vendor in Meridian that you could add a fur/piece of machine/symbols, etc, to a piece of armor. Sell dyes, little light up baubles to go on your bow. They don't need to make it customization to an insane degree, but little things like that could be pretty cool.
Holy shit, the draw distance for the bigger enemies is insane. I'm literally looking at a Thunderjaw walking across the map from me.
I was thinking they could make it so there could be a vendor in Meridian that you could add a fur/piece of machine/symbols, etc, to a piece of armor. Sell dyes, little light up baubles to go on your bow. They don't need to make it customization to an insane degree, but little things like that could be pretty cool.

For sure. I'd love to be able to visually customize Aloy's bow and spear.


Junior Member
I think I've played all I can for this GameFly rental. My priority is Zelda now. I only made it as far as
the first time you get a horse.

Horizon seems like a perfectly fine action RPG. Doesn't do anything extremely different from other recent ones but it does a few things a bit better. Specifically dealing with enemies in Horizon is more interesting than in Witcher 3 or Elder Scrolls because there seems to be a wider variety of enemies and weapons. The setting is good and contextualizes the gameplay unusually well. I'm still worried about the side quests and "errands" though.

I'll probably try to get it sometime in the future when I'm ready, but I don't know when. I have a feeling by the time I'm done with Zelda it might be pretty close to Persona 5, and then a month after that is Prey.


You need tear arrows to really knock things off well? Is there a particular type of bow to use those, or do you unlock them at a certain point in the story? I just got to meridian and have done a few of the side stories along the way. Also I don't think any of the traders have actually traded with me for useful stuff since the very early one where you get the tripcaster


Holy shit, the draw distance for the bigger enemies is insane. I'm literally looking at a Thunderjaw walking across the map from me.

It's really impressive in-general, you can even see NPCs walking around and doing stuff quite a bit away from
, it really helps makes the world feel alive.

You need tear arrows to really knock things off well? Is there a particular type of bow to use those, or do you unlock them at a certain point in the story? I just got to meridian and have done a few of the side stories along the way. Also I don't think any of the traders have actually traded with me for useful stuff since the very early one where you get the tripcaster

Sharpshooter Bows have them and pretty much, there's another weapon that's very good at taking off armour and parts, but doesn't have anywhere near the range or precision as the bow. You get the weapon from the
Hunters Lodge


You need tear arrows to really knock things off well? Is there a particular type of bow to use those, or do you unlock them at a certain point in the story? I just got to meridian and have done a few of the side stories along the way. Also I don't think any of the traders have actually traded with me for useful stuff since the very early one where you get the tripcaster

if you check the map there is a normal merchant in meridian. the other ones are named specialty merchant, etc. go to the normal merchant and he will have stuff that you are looking for.
You need tear arrows to really knock things off well? Is there a particular type of bow to use those, or do you unlock them at a certain point in the story? I just got to meridian and have done a few of the side stories along the way. Also I don't think any of the traders have actually traded with me for useful stuff since the very early one where you get the tripcaster

Blue precision bow has Tearblast arrows, so you can buy that.

Purple hunter bow also has a Tear arrow variant.
my ropecaster has 119 handling and fires so fast it's actually kind of silly. Really big drain on my wire supply though so I guess it's not that OP.

I have mine at ~170 iirc, it's ridiculous lol.

It was what saved me when I fought the 2 corrupted rockbreakers, hardest fight in the game IMO even counting the main missions.

Amazing as usual, you're a gifgod.

I really need to consider a Pro at this point. Horizon runs like shit on OG PS4. Its fine at the beginning, but once you start to deal with camps, tallnecks etc the performance is really average. Basically where its crowded or fog plays a part it feels janky as hell. Much like FFXV did.

Something is wrong with your PS4.


Oh my god, had a fairly cool emergent moment that was also a lifesaver.

I was doing a corrupted zone that was pretty difficult but I managed to kill a couple of enemies off. As I was fighting the rest, a pack of Glinthawks showed up (presumably to harvest) and they started fighting each other.

They cleared the corrupted zone for me! Then I just picked em off and went my merry way.

I saw a corrupted Stalker wander too close to a normal one while it was searching for me. The normal one nearly killed it for me and I finished it off.

I really really hope this game has DLC. After the end, the game resets to a state just before the final quest and I'd really like to see the world AFTER the final quest.
- Better melee combat. Other than finishing strikes and stealth kills, melee combat is useless. Just make it better lol.

You are doing it wrong. If you upgrade the strong attack you can knock down some mid-size machines in one/two blows, followed by a critical. Most of the times I don't even bother using my arrows/bombs on enemies like sawtooth or ravager.


So I'm nearing the end. I only have about 4 main quests, and a handful of side quests and errands.

I adore this game! Aloy easily ranks as one of the greatest protagonists in gaming. And while she's utterly fantastic, I was surprised at how great a lot of the supporting characters were. Almost everyone has depth, and have good reasons for doing what they're doing.

The world is fucking fantastic. There isn't a lot to collect, but there is so much to see. I often travel off the beaten path, not because there's something to collect or an activity to do, but because the world is simply enjoyable to explore.

The lore so far has been intriguing. Learning about the cultures of various tribes, how the apocalyptic past came to be, the different stories of the worlds inhabitants, are all so good. This is one of very few games where I actively read and listen to every bit of lore the game gives me.

I can go on with praise for Horizon, but there are a few things that bug me, and that I hope GG addresses in the inevitable sequel.

- Cutscenes, while mostly good, can use a bit more work. They're often jarring in that they just abruptly trigger in the middle of gameplay. GG should take a page from ND's book, and make it so gameplay seamlessly segues into a cutscene and vice-versa.

- Expand on tracking. GG absolutely NAILED the combat in HZD. While the combat is the meat and potatoes, you're often tasked with tracking as well. Tracking is a bit boring. I'd like GG to add a bit more depth and expand on it.

- A bit more customization in style. Aloy has already become quite iconic, so I understand GG wouldn't want players to change her fundamental look. But maybe customize small things such as being able change Aloys hairstyle (not color or cuts, just being able to wear it in different styles), and maybe add different warpaints as an option.

- The ability to customize separate pieces of armor. No need to mix Carja armor with Nora, but maybe each tribe can have customize sets.

- Climb anything! If HZD were to steal one thing from Breath of The Wild, it should be the ability to climb anything. Climbing cliffs and trees would be a perfect fit for Aloy. Maybe even introduce new traps that require scaling trees and cliffs to setup.

- Latch onto and scale enemies (Shadow of The Colossus style). In addition to climbing, I think it would be so much fun to climb onto certain enemies and be able to pry different parts off with a knife.

- Better melee combat. Other than finishing strikes and stealth kills, melee combat is useless. Just make it better lol.

Those are just a few suggestions. Overall, Horizon: Zero Dawn is a masterpiece, but it has room for improvement. Being the first game in a franchise, HZD hit a lot of the right notes, but I expect the sequel to be Guerrilla Games' Uncharted 2.

I agree with most of your points, but melee is not useless. Once you get the upgraded heavy melee attack (that knocks machines down more frequently) you can essentially melee down most medium sized robots. Heavy melee to knock them down, 1 or 2 crit hits, then heavy melee again when they stand up.

One main gripe I had was the camera switching so abruptly several times during every NPC conversation.


Yeah that guy was super wrong, If anything melee combat was too strong, because it got to a point where I have arrows and traps and all these cool tricks, and all I'd do is repeatedly heavy and critical the enemies,


Or is it just one of Phil's balls in my throat?
Killed my first thunder jaw. Holy shit. That was an intense fight.

Blessed purple shadow rope caster.
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