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Horizon Zero Dawn |OT| The Land After Time

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Is there no way to turn off the destination markers in gameplay?

This game, it's something else. Got it Monday and played it some. Woke up early to play it Tuesday before work. Played it on Wednesday some, after work. Didn't touch it Thursday, Friday I played Zelda some on Switch.

Yesterday (Saturday) and today I have put the bulk of my time in (almost 20 hours in total between Sat and Sun but 34 hours overall) and boy does Guerilla have a gem in their hands. As an open world game it doesn't nothing revolutionary. It does the conventions of open world games very very well but it doesn't redefine the genre. But the combat, the combat against those RoboDinos is something else. It's almost like sex, it's so darn good. Aloy feels great to handle, the multiple bows, the ropecaster, the slingshot (which I don't use much) it's all sooooo good.

I always do my homework and scan enemies, I read my notebook before going into battle and take out the enemies very methodically. When facing off against multiple different enemies and you have the right set of weapons to take them on...I can only describe it as a very choreographed scene.

And it's so very pretty. I bought a 4K/HDR TV in November specifically for this game and boy am I glad I did. The beautiful photos I take and continue to take. The Moonlight coming out from behind a building and splashing in the ground, the light the enemies give off at night. Such a pretty pretty game.

Killed my first two Thunderjaws today and that was something else. Stormbird fight?? Sooo good. Rockbreaker? Too that ugly mother down. Killer a Ravager with his own cannon? You bet I did. Destroy the Bellowback's backside? You betcha. Kamikaze Snapmaw? Unfortunately for me yes. I pried off the coverings to a Snapmaw's blaze canisters and got to close. I shot off a fire arrow to finish him off and he pounced on me, the blast taking him and Aloy out.

Horizon ZD is "EMERGENT GAMEPLAY". My friend is playing the game and he decided to finish off all the cauldrons, allowing him to control all the RoboDinos. I've focused on grinding the max capacity of my ammo pouches and have generally been a more stealthy player but still packing a punch. Shell-Walkers were trouble for me until I found out what a Tearablast arrow was.

I can go on and on without saying, really nothing at all as I am now. But this game is a revelation. Gameplay is King and Horizon has no peers.

Are you guys experiencing dark colors in your saved clips??

Colors of my saved videos are all messed up

Yup. I saved a couple vids and playing them back they look oversaturated af. The PS4 does warn me saying that colors may be different due to HDR. But this oversaturation is too much.


I've just been farming the same thunderjaw over and over. He drops two purple modifications every time and I can safely kill it in 20-30 seconds. I made a video but for some reason I can't connect my PS4 to youtube anymore, I've uploaded tons of videos but it's just busted I guess.
I've just been farming the same thunderjaw over and over. He drops two purple modifications every time and I can safely kill it in 20-30 seconds. I made a video but for some reason I can't connect my PS4 to youtube anymore, I've uploaded tons of videos but it's just busted I guess.

I also can't connect. It keeps asking me to sign in over and over.


I've just been farming the same thunderjaw over and over. He drops two purple modifications every time and I can safely kill it in 20-30 seconds. I made a video but for some reason I can't connect my PS4 to youtube anymore, I've uploaded tons of videos but it's just busted I guess.
20 to 30 seconds? Wow that's pretty fast. What's your tactic? I'm much slower and so far I am trying them down and taking off their disc launcher and using it on them


Wasn't tired so decided to boot the game up at midnight and just do one main mission. 4 hours later here I am. Almost at the end now I think. This story is really great.

dr guildo or anyone can I rely on you for doing a photo achievement to check if Aloy has pupil dilation like in Uncharted 4:


or The Last Of Us:

Or Heavy rain:


No need to have exact situation like in Heavy Rain where light hits directly the eye which makes the pupil shrink while the other stays in normal state.
Just check in dark areas if the pupils are dilated and compare when the eyes directly face the sun and post the pictures.
I just completed the story and that had to be one of the best stories I've ever had the pleasure of playing through. The whole back story of what caused things to get how they were and so forth was just so damn compelling. Early this morning I was playing and got to the point when you found out
about what exactly zero dawn was
I couldn't stop playing it was just so fucking good.


Just finished my first cauldron and was impressed. I figured it would just be a small area to explore but it was huge with a boss fight. Nice change of pace from the open world gameplay.


20 to 30 seconds? Wow that's pretty fast. What's your tactic? I'm much slower and so far I am trying them down and taking off their disc launcher and using it on them

I have a 170 handling rope launcher that can tie it down almost instantly. I pre-load 3 frost arrows into my war bow which has 3 good frost mods. I pull him by knocking off one of the launchers, once he's frozen and tied up he dies VERY fast to the disc launcher. I'm on hard mode too.


I think by the end of the year some of the new Zelda shine will have wore off.

Unlikely. Zelda has a season pass including a DLC dungeon. Id be shocked if they didnt release a GOTY edition for the holidays which will keep it fresh in everyones minds.

Now back to Horizon. Im about halfway through (i think) and im having a blast. Finding out
that Horizon takes place in Future USA
is kind of a bummer after i chose to play in German for asthetic reasons.

However Im still really glad to have the language options.


I think I may have screwed something up due to me over thinking the trophies. Spoilers about a specific character...

I avoided Nil earlier (he had the green exclaiming "new icon" icon over his head), but haven't seen him since. Will he not come up now at all in my game?
You guys are taking out Thunderjaws in under 30 seconds now?

Holy shit.

he is extremely easy to deal with if u have the tools.

Step 1: blast his two guns

Step 2: rope his ass down.

Step 3: pick up said guns and blast him to kingdom come. Freeze his ass first if u want it quicker.

Step 4: profit.
Thunderjaws are pretty easy to pick apart. I have more trouble with Corrupters. Fuck those mother fuckers.

Put some 1-2 fire gem on ur main arrow (if you farm thunderjaw, you should have a couple of 40% fire damage). 2-3 shots and u can put the fire debuff on most corrupted enemies. Then proceed to rain fire arrow on them.


I have a 170 handling rope launcher that can tie it down almost instantly. I pre-load 3 frost arrows into my war bow which has 3 good frost mods. I pull him by knocking off one of the launchers, once he's frozen and tied up he dies VERY fast to the disc launcher. I'm on hard mode too.

That's awesome. I should look into getting better mods. Takes me plenty of shots to tie stuff down. Honestly not even sure how the handling mod works.


I think I may have screwed something up due to me over thinking the trophies. Spoilers about a specific character...

I avoided Nil earlier (he had the green exclaiming "new icon" icon over his head), but haven't seen him since. Will he not come up now at all in my game?

That character apparently doesn't matter for any trophy. In regard to the spoiler itself, I'm not sure.
Is he not on the old place? He might be at other camps. Sometimes he will be at bandit camps to fight with you.

Handling mod = you can reload and shot faster.

Cool. Thanks :)


I wish they'd add a 'buy multiple' option on merchants. Wire is suffering.

Thunderjaws are pretty easy to pick apart. I have more trouble with Corrupters. Fuck those mother fuckers.

those are why I have a hunter bow with 3 fire mods in it.

stormbird is by far the strongest enemy I've run into at this point. But I learned some tricks since the last one I fought.


That character apparently doesn't matter for any trophy. In regard to the spoiler itself, I'm not sure.
Is he not on the old place? He might be at other camps. Sometimes he will be at bandit camps to fight with you.

As far as I can tell, no, he's not.
I'll check again tomorrow. I just finished the
Maker's End
quest &... I need to lie down.
Dude, I agree. Also, 100 space max inventory is not enough. it should be like 400. I ended up selling so much stuff...

100 slots would be fine if resources would stack higher. You have your Blaze and Chillwater and other crafting resources taking up 5+ slots each. It get a little ridiculous.


Tear off Disc Launchers, rope down and freeze seems to be the best way to wreck Thunderjaws for sure. Trying to get a couple more mods and I'm dropping these things super fast. Just sucks when Tearblast knocks the launcher way far away.


Surprised at how many times I've died lol

I need to stop being frugal with tripcaster ammo

Investing in forager has me at 170+ wire but I'm still a cheapo in fights


Am I the only one that loves the outfits in the game?

The outfits/armor in most rpgs are usually super generic armor or they go completely over the top with giant pauldrons and other elements it looks laughable.

The outfits in Horizon however each evoke a sense of the culture from that type of land and people and the use of colors is great, instead of everything being generic grays and what not.

I like the use of head-dresses with feathers and/or machine parts, it gives the game its own unique style that you simply don't find in other games.
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