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Horizon Zero Dawn |OT| The Land After Time

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I just cleared the corrupted zone with the two corrupted rockbreakers.

Goddamn, I can tell, without the shield-weaver, this would have been a real pain in the ass.

One of the rockbreakers ended up dying on top of a rock:


Is the shield weaver the best outfit in the game ?

To an extent, yes. As long as the shield is kept up by not taking enough damage before it has time to recharge, it's the best.

When the shield is off it's actually the worst outfit, because it has no stats or mod slots.

The shield is very durable though (on normal)
Horizon went from my favorite PS4 game this gen to Epic Top 20 all time status as soon as I heard
Lieutenant Daniels
voice in my focus. Can't wait to see how the story finishes, I've completed most of the game (LVL 41) and left it for last.


Am I good to start selling all the animal and machine parts for shards since I've bought all the shadow weapons and have all capacity upgrades now? They take up so much inventory space.


Am I good to start selling all the animal and machine parts for shards since I've bought all the shadow weapons and have all capacity upgrades now? They take up so much inventory space.
Once I realised I can just buy any of the bits I need from other merchants, I sold everything* so I'd never run into a full inventory again.

* except ammo components ;-)
Yo just had my first quest bug in the game and what a shitty time to experience it. I was doing this side quest and one of the tasks was to kill a storm bird. After a couple attempts I realised I massively under prepared so I got out of the area by jumping down a rope. Next thing I know the kill the storm bird task was complete. I only shot one arrow at it as well :(
The shield is very durable though (on normal)

I'm playing on hard and even against two corrupted rockbreakers at once it rarely came to the point where I lost my shield.
Its a complete game changer, because once you got it you can be way more aggressive with these large enemies. You can just rush a Thunderjaw duo, the shield-weaver will manage.
The challenge is somewhat gone, but is still insanely fun to just wreck machines. I think thats the purpose of this thing. Just something that lets you not worry about things so much so you can wreck machines however you like :D


I'm playing on hard and even against two corrupted rockbreakers at once it rarely came to the point where I lost my shield.
Its a complete game changer, because once you got it you can be way more aggressive with these large enemies. You can just rush a Thunderjaw duo, the shield-weaver will manage.
The challenge is somewhat gone, but is still insanely fun just wreck machines. I think that the purpose of this thing. Just something that lets you not worry about things so much so you can wreck machines however you like :D

Good to know :)

I've only played on normal for first playthrough, so could not speak of the higher difficulties.

How do I get this shield weaver outfit it sounds great

A quest for it opens up when you collect your first power cell. You need to collect


Anybody do the area with 3 corrupted Behemoths? I tried it once, got roflstomped, died and never did it again.
I found one with only 2 corrupted Behemoths. Took care of one with a ravager cannon from a site nearby, and tearblast and fire arrows made short work of the second.


Any tips on inventory management? Mine just got full for the first time.
Mark down which robot hearts needed for shadow weapon/armor.
Mark down which animal bones and skin for the pouches.
Keep materials for crafting ammo.
Sell all the rest.


Anything totally safe for selling? I don't want to sell anthing I might need for upgrades.

Is there a shop selling animal materials?

Well you can get anything later on again by hunting.

Or buy most of the machine parts later
at the dude in meridian.
Belive me... Later on you will drown in money and just buy everything.

Just keep really rare stuff and parts that you will need for upgrades that will come soon



Fuck it, starting a second play through on Very Hard, anything I should know? Did normal on the first playthrough, was maybe a bit on the easy side but not bad at all by AAA standards.

I'm not sure I've ever replayed an open world game like this since Morrowind.

Edit: I thought I was pretty thorough, but I'm missing like 90% of Text Datapoints - World. Is there a guide on finding those yet? Glad they're not required for Platinum, but I still kinda want 'em


Enjoy :)
Finished Horizon last night and I had a great time with this game. All my criticisms are basically nitpicks as the whole package is pretty solid.

Randomly Getting Stuck
Happens frequently and is a general nuisance. There were a lot of times where I was mid battle, rolling around to dodge enemies only to get stuck on a rock or something similar. It's pretty annoying when you are walking throughout the world and get stuck, but mid battle is incredibly frustrating.

This game is incredibly gorgeous as we all know. Sometimes though I found myself being unable to see things, mainly in the mountains with snow, or fire areas. I get it's kind of the point, but again, it can be really frustrating to be attacked by things you are having a hard time seeing.

For the most part, I really enjoyed the Cauldrons. They could be a lot better though. I know everyone is tired of talking about this game and Zelda in the same discussion, but the Cauldrons could really benefit from having different themes like in Zelda. After the first two the awe went away, they looked too similar and they barely differentiated from each other.

Human AI
As we all know, the Human combat in this game leaves a lot to be desired. Battles were incredibly easy and lacking when compared to everything else you do in the game. The bandit camps were easy and didn't require much thought, it just kind of felt like a grind to complete them all. I understand machines losing interest in you quickly, but I think the human enemies shouldn't give up on looking around for you. They find one of their dead buddies, look around a bit, then go back to their original position. I feel like they should be able to do more damage to you as well, I never really felt threatened while battling humans.

The story in general was kind of bland to me. Aloy was fantastic as a character but everything else left a lot to be desired. Someone mentioned it a few pages ago but having all the data points and journals in the same area really hurt my interest too. I wasn't going to stand around reading and listening to entries all at the same time. If they were spaced out throughout the game it would have helped a lot. I understand why they kept the journals so close together for continuity purposes but come on, the game has robot dinosaurs. Scatter them throughout the world, no one would mind.

I've never been a big fan of collecting stuff in open world games as there never seems to be much of a point. However, I got all the Banuk figures. Having the visual clue showing there was one in the area plus the climbing/platforming actually made finding them fun and engaging. Maybe if they had less vantage/flowers and created more interesting ways of collecting them I would be more willing to collect them. They built an awesome world, why not show it off a bit more by placing things in challenging places?

That's pretty much everything. Nothing was really wrong with this game, there's just some minor tweaks GG can do to make the next game incredible. I feel like it could be an Uncharted 1 -> Uncharted 2 jump in quality.

Congratulations to GG on creating such a wonderful game and I am happy to see it has been successful. It is well deserved and I can't wait for the sequel with cowboys, Horizon 2: High Noon.
I'm beginning to get the feeling
the current civilization isn't the first time life has been restarted on this planet post old ones, just the most recent one.
Anything totally safe for selling? I don't want to sell anthing I might need for upgrades.

Some items say only for selling for coins

Others like Chillwater I always end up with way too much of so I sell until it only takes up one slot in inventory (50 per) and they are 4 bucks each.
This game is kinda long.

Yea it was too long for me.

I don't even like open world games. I felt a little pressured to finish by about 3/4 through, which is generally not a good sign.

Taking out some of the missions or platforming sections in the main storyline I think would've been beneficial. Really wasn't a fan of some of the forced jump here/walk this hallyway/search this room nonsense.
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