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Horizon Zero Dawn |OT| The Land After Time

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Prithee Be Careful

Industry Professional
Yeah, the game is littered with so many intricate details that just show the love that went into making this. Guerrilla has set the bar above even Rockstar standards, if you ask me. As the game is not just amazing to look at with lots of little details and a godly atmosphere, it also plays like a dream and has amazing controls.

Oh, did I mention how well the story telling is handled? I can't gush about this game enough.

I noticed yesterday that whistling against a sheer rock face or in a little canyon will give you a natural echo. Happens with incidental dialogue too - I skidded down a bank and she shout 'woah, I'll regret that" and it echoed back.

If that's happened in games before, I've never noticed it.

The Lamp

About an hour in.

Game is rather gorgeous. There are some problems though.

Bot AI is rather dumb. Surprisingly dumb. The fact there's no sort of self-preservation routine going on when they're investigating and see a sparking ruin of a machine next to them kinda takes me out of it. This leads to the stealth attack mechanic's ability to be abused to an absurd degree.

Conversations with quest givers or just general populace is incredibly flat. Voice acting is fine but the general framing and interaction of the conversation is super lifeless and disappointing.

You're dealing with the dumbest enemies in the game. Give it time :)


A post on a GAF OT within the first week that has zero hyperbole? Hats off mate, nice to see. I usually stay away from OTs at release as they are puke inducing, so its nice to see posts like these popping up.

Clearly, cause level-headed posts really aren't rare at all, even during the first days after release :p


thats just being bad at the game

Seriously. This paragraph

Unfortunately, these quality encounters are few and far between because more often than not, nearby enemies will swarm in and turn what should be majestic, strategic struggles into messy gangbangs with Aloy getting battered and bruised from all sides. There's no chance for strategy in these instances, just the pure survival of running and dodging, and taking shots whenever possible – I often died from being unable to deal with more than a couple of robots at a time, and I soon learned that running away was a better idea than trying to engage.

Is amazing. I can't tell if he was just lazy, didn't know you can change gear mid combat, or just bad at action oriented combat.

It reminded me of the polygon(?) review of TLOU combat, that accused Joel of not being a sharpshooter.


Generous Member
Only drawback is my PS4 pro is making a lot of noise. 🙃
But I'm either playing with 5.1 with volume up or my Sony headset
Is there any preset for this game ? Didnt check
I have to be honest i haven't heard the fan since i bought a pro


You're dealing with the dumbest enemies in the game. Give it time :)

Yeah I was thinking more about that. If they're supposed to be the equivalent of a grazing animal it's alright I guess. Not super engaging but I'd imagine a cow wouldn't freak out and run away if another cow dropped dead next to it. If they're going for a 1:1 behavioral comparison it works.


Looks absolutely stunning on my KS8000 55Inch, I can't wait to play more tomorrow morning.

Blown away by these graphics and gameplay.


More than a member.
I have to be honest i haven't heard the fan since i bought a pro
Mine is in a somewhat close area. Just front is open. Maybe that's why. Doesn't bother me much

Damn I'm gookng in vacation tonight. Won't play much. And I come back switch and Zelda will be waiting for me as well


Has anyone that have ordered the game from Webhallen (Sweden) received their copies yet? My Special Edition was supposedly shipped on Thursday; either it's lost in the mail, delayed (fucking Postnord) or Webhallen are lying. A bit worried now, especially since I was hyping myself to some Horizon time today...
So, is Very Hard unreasonable for a first time player?

No, this is the type of game i dont think should have a difficulty option. But since it has story etc, i can understand why it does.
VH will really will just demand you to learn the combat systems and take full advantage of all the possible strategies. I am super immersed playing this game right now.


Seems like a fine starting point if you're looking for a challenge

Currently trying to decide between hard and v hard myself, despite not being the best action game dude man around

Very Hard all the way my man, even if it hurts early on :b Hardest difficulty in games like this tend to be most rewarding once you get ABC's down for how game plays and interacts with player, imo.


  • Shit ton of collecting and crafting
  • A lots of collectibles
  • Towers for mapping the world
Nothing Ubi esque, eh? If this was Ubi released game people would be ripping in just for those three. I'm hyped for this game and can't wait to get my copy tomorrow, but come on.

Few years later I'm still waiting for that day with TW3.
People rip on Ubisoft because their games are mechanically trash and they haphazardly drown their games with checklist gameplay with zero thought. Horizon doesn't suffer from these things at all from what I've played.


I've held off from reading too much about the game but I have a quick question-

how integral is stealth to the gameplay? can i eschew it completely in favor of blowing shit up?


  • Shit ton of collecting and crafting
  • A lots of collectibles
  • Towers for mapping the world
Nothing Ubi esque, eh? If this was Ubi released game people would be ripping in just for those three. I'm hyped for this game and can't wait to get my copy tomorrow, but come on.

Few years later I'm still waiting for that day with TW3.

Towers aside, collectibles and crafting are an old trope of mmos and open worlds. The combat is actually good in this one.


Looks absolutely stunning on my KS8000 55Inch, I can't wait to play more tomorrow morning.

Blown away by these graphics and gameplay.

There is some debate in the KS8000 thread right now re: Dynamic Contrast with HDR. Do you have yours turned on by chance?


  • Shit ton of collecting and crafting
  • A lots of collectibles
  • Towers for mapping the world
Nothing Ubi esque, eh? If this was Ubi released game people would be ripping in just for those three. I'm hyped for this game and can't wait to get my copy tomorrow, but come on.

These things don't bring a game down just because they're included, it's their implementation that affects that.


People rip on Ubisoft because their games are mechanically trash and they haphazardly drown their games with checklist gameplay with zero thought. Horizon doesn't suffer from these things at all from what I've played.

Basically this.

"Open-world" can be done serious justice (as Horizon is demonstrating). It's the difference between meaningful and engaging content, and padded busywork that is divorced from the gameplay, narrative, and world.

Ubisoft games have a ton of stuff to do... but no real reason or motivation to do it other than "because it's there". What I've seen from Horizon (copy is still in the mail...), there's far more meat there, more substance, more reason to engage the player and spur them forward with satisfactory resolutions for the player's time and effort.

Marrying that open-world structure to quality content and then bolstering it with strong combat, smooth animations, a strong narrative, and stunning visuals really does make Horizon a "complete package" type of experience that's a far cry (no pun intended) from the typical Ubisoft "checklist" formula.


Seems like a fine starting point if you're looking for a challenge

Currently trying to decide between hard and v hard myself, despite not being the best action game dude man around

No, this is the type of game i dont think should have a difficulty option. But since it has story etc, i can understand why it does.
VH will really will just demand you to learn the combat systems and take full advantage of all the possible strategies. I am super immersed playing this game right now.

It's not hard if you're not playing like superman. All in all it's just trial and error, and using the weapons and tools the game supplies.

Thank you all. I normally play open world games on the highest difficulty because doing side content will make you out level the main story line, but the power curve in Horizon generally seems lower than it is in Fallout/Witcher/Dragon Age. Good to know.


Very Hard all the way my man, even if it hurts early on :b Hardest difficulty in games like this tend to be most rewarding once you get ABC's down for how game plays and interacts with player, imo.

As long as things don't get too unfair, that is, but it doesn't seem like Horizon will throw any cunty curveballs at ya

So yeah, leaning towards very hard


is there anything to do in the tutorial zone apart from those 2 early quests? Not sure if I should go back in there as I rushed it without realising
Preloading now. 9 and a half hours to unlock. What's with the dynamic theme being timer locked too btw? I was gonna apply it immediately to set the vibe on my PS4.
Helps a limped guy on the ground for a side quest, then he thanks me for my good deeds..

.. Several hours and major events later.. He's still lying there spewing the same line.

This kind of thing is totally off-putting to me. I hope there aren't more like this.
  • Shit ton of collecting and crafting
  • A lots of collectibles
  • Towers for mapping the world
Nothing Ubi esque, eh? If this was Ubi released game people would be ripping in just for those three. I'm hyped for this game and can't wait to get my copy tomorrow, but come on
Collectables and crafting are not Ubisoft things. They're open world/RPG things

Deleted member 752119

Unconfirmed Member
Mine's out for delivery! Hate that I got sucked into a meeting at 4, was hoping to be able to leave around 3 today. Oh well. Busy week so I'll get a few hours here and there and really dive in this weekend hopefully.


i'm getting bored of it

i don't know if it's because the game has nothing unique in it except the fact that you're fighting Robot Dinosaurs or is it because Witcher 3 ruined every open world game


Played for a few hours last night. It's alright so far. Be a lot nicer once I get some more/different weapons.

Feel like hard was a good choice. Some of these encounters early on got my heart going. Can get pretty intense. Can't wait to see what else is out there. Did a pretty good job at avoiding spoilers so ive only seen a few of the enemy types that were showcased in trailers.

Great looking game. Feel like I need a new TV or to get my properly calibrated. These games never look as good as game play I see on tube sites and what not.


So are there like caves or interiors inside bldgs to explore or is it all just outside? Not sure what secrets to find if it's all out doors...
i'm getting bored of it

i don't know if it's because the game has nothing unique in it except the fact that you're fighting Robot Dinosaurs or is it because Witcher 3 ruined every open world game

Don't think of it as Witcher ruining it for you, just think of it as you've tasted the best there is, but there's still many other great flavours out there for that are still great in their own way.


i'm getting bored of it

i don't know if it's because the game has nothing unique in it except the fact that you're fighting Robot Dinosaurs or is it because Witcher 3 ruined every open world game

Based on your post history, I would just move on.

I'll give you $35 for it.


i'm getting bored of it

i don't know if it's because the game has nothing unique in it except the fact that you're fighting Robot Dinosaurs or is it because Witcher 3 ruined every open world game

Between TW3 awesome story and world building, and more recently Nioh exceptional RPG mechanics, the landscape has changed and games have to be much more to impress. Im about 3 hours in and keep thinking of putting Nioh back on lol.
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