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Horizon Zero Dawn |OT| The Land After Time

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The JT

Neo Member
Played a couple hours, amazing. Only problem was the tutorial didn't stay on too long for me to read them, which cause some problem with the sawtooth encounter, wasted all my trip wires, didn't know how to use it, lol.


The combat is not strong for me right now (really not enjoying human combat), but the story is keeping me going. Hope this pays off.


^^ Go to the trader and get all of the treasure boxes. You should have a token for each.

You know, I am usually fussy and whiney about games, but I have not found anything I dislike about this game yet. Every system seems to work well. The experience reminds me a lot of Red Dead Redemption, only better.


Well, my copy got delayed, probably because of the massive storm hitting Chicago right now. Was hoping to play most of my day off tomorrow, but they usually deliver after 5 or 6 PM here.
The combat is not strong for me right now (really not enjoying human combat), but the story is keeping me going. Hope this pays off.

The combat with other humans is probably the weakest part of the game. It's not bad, it's just there. But my god the combat with the robo dinos is so amazing. Even more so when there are a handful coming at you at once.


Is it possible to activate like 3 missions or more at the same time?

I'm still in the beginning, when I started there were like 3 active quests, then dunno what happened and I was able to activate only 1.

Lady Gaia

My expectations were high, and they've largely been met. This game is something special.

Not every bit of the writing works, but more often than not the dialog is solid. It does a fine job of establishing character, motive, and context for everything that happens. The story itself definitely goes places within the first few hours, and the pace of unveiling new gameplay mechanics is pretty much spot on for me.

Anyone but the most pedantic who doubted the RPG designation should be satisfied. There are plenty of choices in how you approach the game, including lots of upgrades to equipment and different ways of tackling encounters. Is it RPG Lite? I don't think so. It's an open world RPG that doubles down on variety while stripping away much of the redundant nonsense. If inventory management is your favorite part of a game you'll find less to obsess over, but otherwise there's a lot here to love.

Now back to ducking spoilers and making my way in this amazing world.
So I just did the first
Cauldron (sigma)
quest. I was wholly unprepared for the
fight at the end, with the fire bellowback, but boy did beating that thing feel amazing.

Switch Back 9

a lot of my threads involve me fucking up somehow. Perhaps I'm a moron?
Can anyone tell me what's going on here?


Also, how the hell does one search for
vantages and vessels
? I have
the maps purchased which show the "hints"
but I haven't been able to find a single one yet, I must be missing something.
I'm loving my pre-order outfit, it has nice stats too. But I wish I could hide the helmet thingy.

I hope hide helmet is something than can be added via a patch.


Just finished my session. 6hrs of play today which is by far the most I've played a single game in one day in years.

My god this game is high quality in every which way. Don't quite understand those that don't like the combat but to each their own I guess.

6hrs in and only 11.4% complete. I'm at
the Revenge of Nora quest or whatever it's called. Hunting the killers

Absolutely love Aloy and honestly surprised I'm this invested in the story. Debating one more shortish session before bed. Bravo, GG


A few hours in
just became a seeker and am off to explore the world.

Took way too much time sidequesting already. So much for getting this finished before Zelda in 2 days.

Just want to give GG a shoutout for having every language option availiable in the startup sequence. As someone who wanted to play in German despite not speaking the language, and purely for asthetic reasons. HZD made it really easy to get started.


Loving every single bit of this game right now. Emotionally charged, calculated, fun. Love it.

Think I'm going to play bioware's latest offering next month and be left wanting.
Jesus, the intro chapter in this game is on par with The Last of Us and Uncharted 4.
That one scene when little Aloy interacts with the hologram of the father wishing his son a happy birthday got to me. This kid has been ostracized for her entire life, never having anyone besides Rost be kind to her, and this hologram gives her a glimpse of what genuine kindness and love from another person are like. Granted that Rost cares greatly for Aloy, but seemingly lacks in showing any affection - tough love, if you will.

Been playing for 5 hours so far and I'm totally engrossed in the story. Aloy is such a great protagonist who's brimming with personality. Love that the trading system that doesn't rely on a single currency to acquire new equipment. Side quests feel so organic in terms of how they are woven into the world and it inhabitants: none of them feel like busy work. Great stuff, Guerrilla Games.


Made it to
and the pop up in this city is kinda bad on regular PS4. It only happens if I'm not facing the structures for a bit and suddenly turn around. At least there's no slowdown. I wonder if Pro performs better there.
I feel so badass just spinning 90 degrees and putting an arrow into a Watcher eye at point blank range. The feedback is great.
Agreed. The feel of the combat and Aloy's movements have this fluid motion to them. Hard to put it to words.

This game feels like familiar ground, but it's so shockingly good it's different.

The Lamp

UGh, I'm sad I lost my early save file at the final mission. Why would they make the NA copy use different saved than the Latin American version even with the same languages :(
This game is so good, and the visuals are unbelievable. Literally, I didn't think my PS4 could achieve something that looks so good, within an open world.


Sorry about the compression, it went to twitter then some random conversion site to get it from jpg-large to jpg, doesn't quite do it justice but I don't want to quit the game to move the file over via USB.


is sharpening a shovel and digging a ditch
Loved the introductory chapters serving as a cool prologue. Didn't realize how quick they were going start throwing back story into it. The game is a very cool mix of Zelda, FarCry, and a some Metroid Prime with the interface and scanning. Interested to see how effective the upgrades are, only done half a dozen or so as of yet.


Wow if the girl stuck up on the tree top screaming SOMEBODY PLEASE over and over while you're trying to clear the area isn't the most annoying thing. I had to almost mute the game.


Wish they had trophy for difficulty. Always enjoy that. Wish game was a little harder.Wish Aloy when you are standing in place would change poses.

Really awesome world and characters. Nice to see GG branch out.


I think I'm going to cry tears of joy with this game, the quality of life things Guerilla have done with already existing features from other games like The Witcher is so goddamn beautiful.

When selecting quests it tells you in the quest menu how far they are, so I can efficiently plan which order to do my quests and when.
You can create quests for the upgrade materials for whatever you want to craft and focus on, Thank you Guerilla, you have no idea how much these minor things make a huge difference to me in open world RPG's. T_T

You fixed this shit Guerilla, you actually fixed it.
Can you override a Grazer? I'm crouching up to one and Aloy says "there's got to be a way to override even one of these things" so I'm assuming there is but when I get close there's no option to hold triangle and override.
Nope, more dino enemies updates would be cool. But the thunderjaw took them months to make

This is kind of a silly thing to say, I appreciate that the thunderjaw took a lot of work, but a lot of things in games will take a year or more to make.

For instance, it's common that a character in a video game will be modelled, rigged and animated by a single digital artist, and often that process will take them several months of back and forth. Sometimes you're entire job on a project can be to handle just a couple of characters.

Did they take 8 months to make? Yeah, sure, but the rest of the studio wasn't driven to a standstill while those artists worked on that component of the game.

I think I'm going to cry tears of joy with this game, the quality of life things Guerilla have done with already existing features from other games like The Witcher is so goddamn beautiful.

When selecting quests it tells you in the quest menu how far they are, so I can efficiently plan which order to do my quests and when.
You can create quests for the upgrade materials for whatever you want to craft and focus on, Thank you Guerilla, you have no idea how much these minor things make a huge difference to me in open world RPG's. T_T

You fixed this shit Guerilla, you actually fixed it.

It's the first open world RPG I have played where I haven't felt I had to struggle with cumbersome menus, overfilled inventories and ambiguous or non-helpful UI elements.

It's a UX masterpiece.
I'm only one sidequest into the game, but wow, I don't know what arcane techno-sorcery was used to make this game, but sony got their money worth. It looks fantastic, and is so far a blast to play.

REV 09

The combat is not strong for me right now (really not enjoying human combat), but the story is keeping me going. Hope this pays off.
I'm the opposite. Combat is interesting. Love the unique weakpoints. Story is meh. None of the characters are doing anything for me.


Randomly slipped into the 2nd cauldron with the
Thunderjaw-in-construction battle
that I was waaay underleveled for before I ever knew I completely missed the first. Holy shit I tried to beat it anyway then had to nope the fuck outta there.
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