Hey guys... I started playing last night. I'm maybe an hour or so in and I'm playing on normal. I think I've done 2 quests. It seems a little easy so far. Does it get more challenging the further I get into the game or do I need to change to hard?
It takes less than a second...
I think Horizon Zero Dawn definitively marks the end to the 'GG can't make a good game' narrative. They knocked it out of the park with this one.
Hey guys... I started playing last night. I'm maybe an hour or so in and I'm playing on normal. I think I've done 2 quests. It seems a little easy so far. Does it get more challenging the further I get into the game or do I need to change to hard?
Pretty sure that mission is broken. At least mine is.Where are the boar skins on the inventory
Exactly? Can't find them at all and i need to either sell some or drop some for a side mission
Been on hard throughout the whole game, although there are some parts where I get my butt kicked, the challenge has been perfect. It does get more challenging the further you go into the game though.
I'm on very hard around where you're at and it's been too easy even though I can't aim worth a shit using analog. Hoping like you the difficulty ramps up.
So outfits to me seem pretty much just cosmetic.
The stats aren't all that, except for like the Stealth/Resistance to Melee one, and the only difference is the amount of mod slots they offer.
Think I'll just pick whichever one I think looks best and go with that.
Aim assist on or off? Played the opening with it off and found it surprisingly difficult. I don't want easy auto-aim so please tell me that with it on, it isn't too easy.
to anyone that has completed the game, any approx on length?
I plan on main story and side quests.
So does a spoiler free trophy list exist for this by chance? I'm enjoying my time so much I may go for the plat. But I also really don't want to be spoiled about plot type stuff.
Set the HUD to Dynamic.
Thank me later.
I like Dynamic HUD. Pretty much everything disappears, except the compass at the top, and you can just put your finger on the touchpad to bring the full HUD back up for a second.
I feel like that narrative ended with killzone 2? And really, killzone 3 and mercenary? Good games at the very least, and great in KZ2's case.
can't wait to play this once I get home from vacay
Yea, the game is a technical marvel but what impresses me the most is just how well written it is. Of course I'm not very far into it so there's still a chance the plot will careen off a cliff but so far I'm hooked. I want and NEED to know where this is all going. One of my biggest issues with the Killzone series was just how little I cared for the story (even though it had tons of potential). Props to GG for stepping up in this respect.
Did you hit R1 to highlight the tracks? When you follow them you may come to the end of it and need to examine something else to rehighlight and continue following the track.
I finally got a fox skin for unlimited fast travel.
Bro, you kidding? Did you not see the crazy amount of posts pre-launch for this game saying they're it looks cool but they're worried because it's from Guerrilla games. Even I was worried they wouldn't be able to craft a compelling narrative.
I'm very happy to have been wrong.
r2 on the map.. requires a consumable you make with boney meat.
I It's 100% unnecessary, though. Just auto-pick stuff.
I was just running out of chillwater a couple of hours ago, now I've got 119 of it. Dunno what happened lol.
That Brom scene wasn't that bad like in the video tbh.
Really like what detail you can see when in photo mode.
Also a test of sorts to see if it really captured the 4k frame or not
I grabbed the CE on a whim today, and this came up with the BB employee. Glad to see that so far, there's no sign of GG's usual ham-fistedness.Been thinking about this game while at work today. I want to be playing it.
Bro, you kidding? Did you not see the crazy amount of posts pre-launch for this game saying they're it looks cool but they're worried because it's from Guerrilla games? Even I was worried they wouldn't be able to craft a compelling narrative.
~30 hours. With side quests about 50-60 hours
my impression is that all watchers have a set path - if you highlight them and press R1 the track they follow highlights...then pressing it again deselects...I assume this is because you can only see one track at a time (or it'd be confusing).
This is how it worked in the 'tutorial' and has worked a couple times since...I can only think that not all have a set path but if that's the case why let me select and deselect it's path?
ooh how does this work because I am pretty sure I have a fox skin.
You need to consume things for fast travel? Man, I hope there's a quest or something that makes fast travel free.
You need to consume things for fast travel? Man, I hope there's a quest or something that makes fast travel free.
I'm really itching to play right now... only 3 more hours of work :/
Maybe check your TV's settings for any post-processing like dynamic contrast and stuff... and disable it?
No, I can see what you're getting at. The grass around 20+feet ahead changes from dark to light, dark to light. I myself have not noticed it although I'm sure it must happen in my game (and everybody's game) too. I have no fix though except try to ignore it or don't flick the camera up and down too quickly.
I noticed it in the second part of the video after someone pointed it out. Are you sure it's not just the game and definitely your display?
There's a Fast Travel Pack with unlimited uses that can be purchased.
Playing this game on HDR on my OLED is like sex.
I really like how they handled the initial exposition dump. Talking to the infant makes it feel much more natural than normal.
Everything is disabled.
I feel like I got Ubi'ed in regards to combat. Armor destruction feels very low impact damage wise and the visual impact seems to amount to purple glowy bits for a short time? I dunno, it just hasn't felt too good so far and the Dino's and humans also don't seem to get impacted much by weapons damage.
Feels very bullet spongey rather than strategic the way I hoped armor destruction would.
Cauldrons are amazing. It's like entering a completely different world. They really nailed the contrast