This is literally the best Accolades Trailer I have ever seen.
The music is fantastic, the escalation is genius, the scenes chosen are amazing looking and Aloy's voice over talk is intriguing, well acted and well written.
Everything about this game seems just oozes confidence. I've thought so since the gameplay reveal.
It's turned me into a goddamn fanboy again. Seriously. All the complaints pointed at this game, even now when it's clearly quality if not everyone's thing (of course) seemed to stem more from jaded or pessimistic perspectives - yet another open world game, a Tomb Raider/Far Cry/Ubisoft/etc clone? I feel it sometimes. Honestly feel like I'd almost fallen out of love with games recently. But this game, I swear, it makes me optimistic about games again, makes me really want to play it, makes me want to be Guerrilla's hype man, makes me want to buy it when I clearly can't afford it.