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Horizon: Zero Dawn | Review Thread

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Dreams in Digital
Haven't people noticed a trend when it comes to PS4 exclusives? It's never is Zelda like Horizon but rather is Horizon like Zelda. I find that telling to be honest. It's as if the subliminal messaging is automatically set to 'Sony too'. Surely I'm not the only one that has spotted this? It's getting boring. I remember when the 'media' suggested Killzone was Sony's Halo killer, and then not long after that it was suddenly 'Sony said Killzone was their Halo killer.' They never said that at all but to this day it remains 'Sony too.'

So, can we stop with that now and just enjoy the thrill of knowing another great AAA game is about to grace our PS4s.
I hope other developers like Ubisoft learn from this. It's better to make a more modest sized open world and put more focus on making a great ai to make the world feel alive (Like how S.T.A.L.K.E.R did) instead of "Our map is thousands of kilometers wide" and be empty as fruck
I think this is easily zeldas year if it's everything we hope it is. I'm close to finishing Horizon and it's not something you play to replace zelda, horizon is something different, an open world game that is more more witcher like world where it's about combat with enemies and missions with a good story. Zelda seems to have a living breathing world where nearly everything can be interacted with, gameplay systems upon gameplay systems, like the rain making rocks slippery. Horizon has none of that, nor does it have puzzles or any of the other multitude of things a zelda game has. But it doesn't have to cause it's not trying to be that game, it's a game where you hunt giant robots and I would be shocked if battles in zelda will be close to as thrilling as it is in horizon.

Either way it's ok to want both for different reasons.


Should I get the standard digital version or the deluxe digital version? I want to pre-order this weekend so I can preload it.
I think this is easily zeldas year if it's everything we hope it is. I'm close to finishing Horizon and it's not something you play to replace zelda, horizon is something different, an open world game that is more more witcher like world where it's about combat with enemies and missions with a good story. Zelda seems to have a living breathing world where nearly everything can be interacted with, gameplay systems upon gameplay systems, like the rain making rocks slippery. Horizon has none of that, nor does it have puzzles or any of the other multitude of things a zelda game has. But it doesn't have to cause it's not trying to be that game, it's a game where you hunt giant robots and I would be shocked if battles in zelda will be close to as thrilling as it is in horizon.

Either way it's ok to want both for different reasons.

Exactly. The way games are paired here in a competitive manner often does a disservice on both accounts. I am personally looking forward to both, although Horizon more so.
Either way it's ok to want both for different reasons.

Yeah, ever since the E3 preview for both Zelda/Horizon popped up last year it's clear they're both very different games with different design cores.

If Horizon invites comparison with Far Cry/Tomb Raider, then I see Zelda as one that invites comparison with MGSV.


I think this is easily zeldas year if it's everything we hope it is. I'm close to finishing Horizon and it's not something you play to replace zelda, horizon is something different, an open world game that is more more witcher like world where it's about combat with enemies and missions with a good story. Zelda seems to have a living breathing world where nearly everything can be interacted with, gameplay systems upon gameplay systems, like the rain making rocks slippery. Horizon has none of that, nor does it have puzzles or any of the other multitude of things a zelda game has. But it doesn't have to cause it's not trying to be that game, it's a game where you hunt giant robots and I would be shocked if battles in zelda will be close to as thrilling as it is in horizon.

Either way it's ok to want both for different reasons.

This should be repeatedly quoted.
I think this is easily zeldas year if it's everything we hope it is. I'm close to finishing Horizon and it's not something you play to replace zelda, horizon is something different, an open world game that is more more witcher like world where it's about combat with enemies and missions with a good story. Zelda seems to have a living breathing world where nearly everything can be interacted with, gameplay systems upon gameplay systems, like the rain making rocks slippery. Horizon has none of that, nor does it have puzzles or any of the other multitude of things a zelda game has. But it doesn't have to cause it's not trying to be that game, it's a game where you hunt giant robots and I would be shocked if battles in zelda will be close to as thrilling as it is in horizon.

Either way it's ok to want both for different reasons.
Yes. People need to wrap their head around this instead of flaming useless fanboy war


Man, I wish Sony would just press the switch and be all "SUPRISE, the game is out early and you can play it this weekend. Enjoy xoxoxo."


Haven't people noticed a trend when it comes to PS4 exclusives? It's never is Zelda like Horizon but rather is Horizon like Zelda. I find that telling to be honest. It's as if the subliminal messaging is automatically set to 'Sony too'. Surely I'm not the only one that has spotted this? It's getting boring. I remember when the 'media' suggested Killzone was Sony's Halo killer, and then not long after that it was suddenly 'Sony said Killzone was their Halo killer.' They never said that at all but to this day it remains 'Sony too.'

So, can we stop with that now and just enjoy the thrill of knowing another great AAA game is about to grace our PS4s.

I approve
I think this is easily zeldas year if it's everything we hope it is. I'm close to finishing Horizon and it's not something you play to replace zelda, horizon is something different, an open world game that is more more witcher like world where it's about combat with enemies and missions with a good story. Zelda seems to have a living breathing world where nearly everything can be interacted with, gameplay systems upon gameplay systems, like the rain making rocks slippery. Horizon has none of that, nor does it have puzzles or any of the other multitude of things a zelda game has. But it doesn't have to cause it's not trying to be that game, it's a game where you hunt giant robots and I would be shocked if battles in zelda will be close to as thrilling as it is in horizon.

Either way it's ok to want both for different reasons.

I take the opportunity to thank you for all the impressions about the game and test analysis you have done. It was pretty cool for us who don't have the game yet.


Yeah Zelda vs Horizon is this year's The Last of Us vs GTAV.

BoTW will get the higher scores, but Horizon will win more GOTY picks.

Bookmark my post.

Bookmark my post when I say that's 100% not gonna happen.

Unless it is given by Sony only websites lmao
Green man gaming is selling the digital copy for $55.99. $4 off but still better than $60.



Haven't people noticed a trend when it comes to PS4 exclusives? It's never is Zelda like Horizon but rather is Horizon like Zelda. I find that telling to be honest. It's as if the subliminal messaging is automatically set to 'Sony too'. Surely I'm not the only one that has spotted this? It's getting boring. I remember when the 'media' suggested Killzone was Sony's Halo killer, and then not long after that it was suddenly 'Sony said Killzone was their Halo killer.' They never said that at all but to this day it remains 'Sony too.'

So, can we stop with that now and just enjoy the thrill of knowing another great AAA game is about to grace our PS4s.

or maybe it's because Zelda has been around for 20+ years and Horizon is a new IP..
Exactly. The way games are paired here in a competitive manner often does a disservice on both accounts. I am personally looking forward to both, although Horizon more so.

Because the level of discourse in Gaming side on GAF is often not much better than somewhere like GameFAQs, as much as a lot of people here like to think otherwise. Some of the shit I've seen in Horizon and Phil Spencer threads (for example) is so childish.

The constant need to compare and compete everything baffles me. Just does good games a disservice. The only similarity Zelda and Horizon have are that they're first party open world games that release in early March. Thats where it ends. They're both trying to do different things and from the looks of it, do a damn good job of doing so. My two most anticipated games of 2017. Can't fucking wait.
Because the level of discourse in Gaming side on GAF is often not much better than somewhere like GameFAQs, as much as a lot of people here like to think otherwise. Some of the shit I've seen in Horizon and Phil Spencer threads (for example) is so childish.

The constant need to compare and compete everything baffles me. Just does good games a disservice. The only similarity Zelda and Horizon have are that they're first party open world games that release in early March. Thats where it ends. They're both trying to do different things and from the looks of it, do a damn good job of doing so. My two most anticipated games of 2017. Can't fucking wait.

I really do with gamers would come together more and enjoy what they all love and that's games instead of fighting so much. All of these games are great and they're fun to play. BotW and Horizon are two games that will make 2017 a year to remember.
People will enjoy both games for different reasons; people will prefer one over the other because it more closely aligns with their tastes. Everything will be OK, and we'll have two amazing games to play.


There should be more tampons in gaming
or maybe it's because Zelda has been around for 20+ years and Horizon is a new IP..

That's true but that's irrelevant. They don't share so much that they are readily comparable. It'd be more accurate to compare Zelda:BotW to Dark Souls/Bloodborne or to Dragon's Dogma. People won't do that however because Zelda is clearly taking inspiration from them and an iconic franchise taking influences from a much later, but acclaimed franchise isn't something that favorably supports the message folks are trying to convey. People are superficial in their critiques and comparisons and they see vibrant colors with eclectic vistas and they think "oh Horizon is clearly copying Zelda", it's a silly idea. Both games clearly belong to different paradigms but since the games launch so close to one another on competing platforms, people have to dismiss a completely unrelated game to justify and reassure them of their purchase of the other.
Because the level of discourse in Gaming side on GAF is often not much better than somewhere like GameFAQs, as much as a lot of people here like to think otherwise. Some of the shit I've seen in Horizon and Phil Spencer threads (for example) is so childish.
Ding ding ding. Also I'm surprised the guy who downplayed horizon and gg in general in the other thread showed up on this page


I believe Horizon and Zelda are not the only contenders, its still very early in 2017 and there are games that might dethrone them by the end of the year. Red Dead Redemption being the most favourite... maybe even the new AC that they have been hiding.
I believe Horizon and Zelda are not the only contenders, its still very early in 2017 and there are games that might dethrone them by the end of the year. Red Dead Redemption being the most favourite... maybe even the new AC that they have been hiding.

This year is packed with contenders. Hell, Nioh is already one for me. I wouldn't be surprised if it ends up being my game of the year in the end.
I believe Horizon and Zelda are not the only contenders, its still very early in 2017 and there are games that might dethrone them by the end of the year. Red Dead Redemption being the most favourite... maybe even the new AC that they have been hiding.
Got Mario too.

Either way, I'm glad we can have a discussion about GotY without it leaning heavily toward one game or another. Multiple competitors show how great the year was.
I think this is easily zeldas year if it's everything we hope it is. I'm close to finishing Horizon and it's not something you play to replace zelda, horizon is something different, an open world game that is more more witcher like world where it's about combat with enemies and missions with a good story. Zelda seems to have a living breathing world where nearly everything can be interacted with, gameplay systems upon gameplay systems, like the rain making rocks slippery. Horizon has none of that, nor does it have puzzles or any of the other multitude of things a zelda game has. But it doesn't have to cause it's not trying to be that game, it's a game where you hunt giant robots and I would be shocked if battles in zelda will be close to as thrilling as it is in horizon.

Either way it's ok to want both for different reasons.
Horizon has ants on trees tho. Also botw looks really empty while horizon seems to be packed with action.


I'm excited about the possible prospect of a Horizon sequel. What do you guys think would make the game better? I can just think of a larger world filled with a bigger variety of things to do. Better or more interesting Human enemies, too.


Horizon has ants on trees tho. Also botw looks really empty while horizon seems to be packed with action.

You can praise Horizon without putting down BoTW with falsehoods, as the previews state otherwise concerning it being empty or not. It's almost like you ignored his post of it being alright to want both for different reasons.
Horizon has ants on trees tho. Also botw looks really empty while horizon seems to be packed with action.

This is true, but I also think horizon is a smaller world than BOTW. Yesterday I wanted to make my way through an covered part of the map and after running like 20-30 seconds there is almost always something in your path. A patrol of watchers, a new nest of robots, or worse. I kept getting pulled into a new fight or something to collect right smack in the middle of that herd. So I have to commend them, you can't walk far without encountering something to fight or collect, whether you want to is up to you though.

I am about 40 hours in 64% done with 13 main missions (11 side quests and like 8 errands) completed, I don't know how many the game has but I think I haven't even gotten half way with the main story I am so distracted by just hunting.
I'm excited about the possible prospect of a Horizon sequel. What do you guys think would make the game better? I can just think of a larger world filled with a bigger variety of things to do. Better or more interesting Human enemies, too.

Continuing the zelda theme, I think Environment interaction. The world is GORGEOUS, you can't do much with it. Sure trees fall when creature hit them, so it's not static but Aloy can't use much to her advantage. Setting fire to plants or having trees drop would be cool. But more importantly being able to have abilities to better traverse. Some kind of hookshot like device which allows you to rapidly climb or reach new heights would be great. I want a game where getting to places is a puzzle in itself and the world is more than just what robot is around the next corner.

Also I would think of maybe having some way to actually control some of these robots. That might be asking too much but imagine if the hack lets you control a watcher. I think that would take the gameplay to new levels. Or the ability to ride the big stuff.

Since I am a massive zelda fan of course I would want cauldrons to be more zelda like. Usually I want every game to be more zelda like so that's just me.
Haven't people noticed a trend when it comes to PS4 exclusives? It's never is Zelda like Horizon but rather is Horizon like Zelda. I find that telling to be honest. It's as if the subliminal messaging is automatically set to 'Sony too'. Surely I'm not the only one that has spotted this? It's getting boring. I remember when the 'media' suggested Killzone was Sony's Halo killer, and then not long after that it was suddenly 'Sony said Killzone was their Halo killer.' They never said that at all but to this day it remains 'Sony too.'

So, can we stop with that now and just enjoy the thrill of knowing another great AAA game is about to grace our PS4s.

Horizon is a brand new IP. Zelda has been around for 31 years.

This isn't surprising.


Dreams in Digital
or maybe it's because Zelda has been around for 20+ years and Horizon is a new IP..

Oh, come on, you know as well as I do that the only reason they're being compared is because they're both open world games. Zelda wouldn't even be in the conversation if that wasn't the case. I wonder how many games Zelda Breath of the Wild is going to be compared to? Farcry? Don't Starve? Skyrim? Let's see shall we ...?

People just don't want to give Sony credit. It's pathetic.


Traps that involve springing trees and placing bait.
Also baiting water-based creatures.

Anyways. I think that can be an interesting thread in a month from now when many of us have completed both Horizon & Zelda.


I think this is easily zeldas year if it's everything we hope it is. I'm close to finishing Horizon and it's not something you play to replace zelda, horizon is something different, an open world game that is more more witcher like world where it's about combat with enemies and missions with a good story. Zelda seems to have a living breathing world where nearly everything can be interacted with, gameplay systems upon gameplay systems, like the rain making rocks slippery. Horizon has none of that, nor does it have puzzles or any of the other multitude of things a zelda game has. But it doesn't have to cause it's not trying to be that game, it's a game where you hunt giant robots and I would be shocked if battles in zelda will be close to as thrilling as it is in horizon.

Either way it's ok to want both for different reasons.

This really can't be quoted enough.

It's so annoying that some people try to make wars out of every single aspect of these games instead of seeing the merits of each one and being happy with it.

It really is very much ok to want/buy/like both and some people in these threads just need to get over it already.
The Zelda comparisons will literally never make sense to me. Zelda seems more like an MGSV open world than anything else tbh.

But ah well, I expect another round of stupid Zelda fanboys bringing up Horizon in threads that don't need it.


Let's not forget that Sony was the one who pushed the Halo killer for Killzone. PlayStation Europe put a DriveClub trailer saying "Forza Killer" as well. I'm glad that Sony wised up with Horizon and didn't do the whole Killer thing. Because it only guarantees a backlash.

EDIT: it seems I was wrong about the Killzone PR. My memories must be playing tricks on me.
Let's not forget that Sony was the one who pushed the Halo killer for Killzone. PlayStation Europe put a DriveClub trailer saying "Forza Killer" as well. I'm glad that Sony wised up with Horizon and didn't do the whole Killer thing. Because it only guarantees a backlash.

Zelda Killer

What's up with US GAMER? I would never think of this game as a 2.5 out of 5. Did it not gel well with him or something?

That is pretty extreme. I'm curious to see what I feel about the game. They gave Gravity Rush 2 a 4.5/5 though!


Let's not forget that Sony was the one who pushed the Halo killer for Killzone. PlayStation Europe put a DriveClub trailer saying "Forza Killer" as well. I'm glad that Sony wised up with Horizon and didn't do the whole Killer thing. Because it only guarantees a backlash.
No and no.

They did not push for anything.
Let's not forget that Sony was the one who pushed the Halo killer for Killzone. PlayStation Europe put a DriveClub trailer saying "Forza Killer" as well. I'm glad that Sony wised up with Horizon and didn't do the whole Killer thing. Because it only guarantees a backlash.

No, they didn't.
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