Name me another story driven zombie game pre-2013 that emphasized stealth, resource management and third person shooting. If you do think of another, then points for you. But if that's the case, then name me another game that does nothing original but was heralded for its execution. TLOU is an anomaly, plain and simple and not every Sony publish game will match Naughty Dog. I remember when UC2, Sony said they wanted all their games to match it and what we got was GoW: Ascension, Killzone 3, Infamous 2, LBP 2, Twisted Metal, StarHawk, etc. No matter your personal tastes, you can't deny that they didn't leave a noticeable mark on the industry. It wasn't until TLOU that Sony had another AAA game that matched UC2. In short, the existence of TLOU has no impact on the quality of Horizon. It needs to stand on its own and distinguish itself from every other open world action game.