Killer Queen
Decided I'd watch the movie today to get my mind off something that's been bothering me lately. So, I didn't really find it scary, but that's something I like about it, there weren't any jump scares and the monster itself isn't gruesome or terrifying, a lot of the violence is somewhat off screen and I think theses are the movies strengths, but I can understand why a horror fan might not enjoy the movie. Overall I thought it was great and I enjoyed it a lot, it wasn't what I was expecting but I really appreciate what the creators did with the characters and its overall theme. I think the end was cheesy
but at the same time, it works. My favorite thing about the movie though is probably the theme of
and that was something I really needed at this point. So I'm glad I took the time to watch it. I'd probably rate it a 9.8, there's nothing I'd add, change or fix but something is keeping me from saying its perfect or a 10.
Implication of the father being the Babadook
not letting emotional baggage control your life