I agree OP, i used to be uptight with my horror choices and say something similar, i still am to a degree sometimes, depends on my mood, where if it's just reliant on constant Jump Scares only and nothing else then i still tend to be dissapointed, but if it has good characters, story, or is just damn fun i will be happy with it, along with as many Jump scares as they want to present to me, or none.
I think what happens is the more we consume Horror the more desensitized we become to it, so somethings then will bore some of us, because we just want the thrill of a fright right? Or at least thats how i kinda felt in my twenties, now in my 30's maybe not so much.
But then i learned as OP has said it doesnt have to always be scary, it can just be taged horror and you can have a good time, like for example you may get a horror comedy with practically Zero to a few jump scares, and still will be enjoyable.
So now if i want to be scared as such I will consume horror media that is bizzare, twisted, full of dread and then it tends to stay with you, thats why some of the Japanese and other foreign movies started to intrigue me.
But also i will admit sometimes i am also happy just watching a bunch of schlock, or so bad it's good.
Overall i am not sure what i am saying, i am repeating stuff thats already been said, sorry about that, i am typing this whilst watching Tom Savinis Night of the Living Dead (this is in no way particularly scary, yet its one of my favourite Horror movies and a remake i may add) and am tired, but i think i am enjoying Horror more as a Genre as i grow older, not as something just to scare me.
Or to sum it up Horror is not just for Halloween, Horror is for life.