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How have games f*cked you up?

+When I have to write down or spell "Siphon", I always spell it with a y.

+When I finally find something that's been lost for years, I tend to hold it up above my head like a piece of the triforce.

+When I don't want to do something but I know I have to do it, the theme of the descent from Actraiser plays in my mind. "What? I need to go talk to the boss? (theme plays in head)"

+Any time someone remarks how I've done something reasonably well, I always attribute it to the konami code.

+I still get that stupid anouncers voice from Killer Instinct when I see or hear the word "Combo" anywhere. "C-C-C-C-C-C-combo!!!" :(


+ While walking through the hallways and cubicles at work, I peer suspiciously around the corners as if in a deathmatch, expecting a co-worker to jump out with a flak cannon at any moment.

+ In rooms with low ceilings, I jump up and smash my head at various locations, hoping that a mushroom pops out.

+ I am currently painting my car pink and installing a flamethrower under the front hood to more effectively deal with L.A. traffic.

+ When answering a phone, I invariably say "Hallo!" in the exact same accent as the Nazi voice chat from Enemy Territory.
- My custom mobile phone ringtones include Super Mario Bros (the first level), Super Mario Bros (Underworld) and the theme from Legend of Zelda. I'm toying with the idea of programming some Tetris music into it.

- I once accidentally wrote "Wreckless" instead of "reckless" in an article I was commissioned to write. And it was published, too. OH THE SHAME!

- When walking around corners, I strafe Quake-style. I try not to, but I catch myself doing it from time to time.

- I have a friend named Sarah Bryant.

- I once greeted someone in the morning with "Maishooda!" I immediately stopped playing Sim Golf after that.

- Sometimes, occasionally, just before I start up my car, I can hear the Starfox music in my head and I'll start making stupid babbling noises like Falco and that stupid rabbit-thing; or I'll do a high-pitched Mario-style "HERE WE GOOOOO!" Nobody's figured it out yet.
Forgot a few:

+If I win a close fight/race/shoot out, whatever in a game with friends, I always do the win pose from Trickstyle. I'm sure it's been seen outside that game but that's where I got it from.

+Funny game quotes. Right now, I've been saying a lot of "Ah shit! Ah diggidy damn!" from True Crime. My friends and myself tend to inject grunt quotes from Halo when appropriate, usually playing other games but sometimes just watching a movie or TV. Current favorites are, "Enemy!", "He's everywhere!" and "Bad cyborg."

ScientificNinja said:
- Sometimes, occasionally, just before I start up my car, I can hear the Starfox music in my head and I'll start making stupid babbling noises like Falco and that stupid rabbit-thing; or I'll do a high-pitched Mario-style "HERE WE GOOOOO!" Nobody's figured it out yet.

You know, a few people in my circle do the "Here we goooo!" thing. It used to get on my nerves but now I'm kind of desensitized to it.


My new mobile phone has the MGS2 Theme, Frog's Theme (from Chrono Trigger) and the Starcraft Terran Theme as ringtones (oh and they're all in mp3 format, polyphonic ringtones are SOOOO passe).

Whenever I see some guy on a TV show or movie flick get shot in the head, the Unreal Tournament announcer dude would say "Head shot" in my head. Either that, or I'll say it out loud in that obligatory futuristic tone.
I drop large blocks from the roof tops ... hoping to get a Tetris. But alas' I never do ... my murder trial starts in two weeks.


When I check the time and its 3:33, a voice somewhere in my head whispers "three thirty threeeeeeeeeeee..." Sometimes I catch myself saying it outloud. Scares the hell out of people.


- When it's time to clean up the appartment, I always say to my girlfriend that it was about time we did it because my comfort gauge was low (The Sims)

- My mother loves to buy accessories to decorate her house. At first I wouldn't understand why but then I realized that it was increasing her comfort gauge (The Sims again)

- When I turn corners, I always face it up like Solid Snake did in the MGS2 intro.

- When the SNES came out, I was always amazed to watch something get closer to me and I was amazed how the backgrounds on the road were scrolling at different speeds.

- When I open a door and it sounds like Chlik Chlok (the sound in Resident Evil), there is always a heartbeat sound in my head and I'm surprised of the loading speed.

- I look differently at the world since I played a MMORPG. I imagine all those people with names over their heads and think "Oh, this one has a EB Manager job." and "This guy chose the policeman job", etc...

There are many more weird things like that except that I just don't have them now.


I walk in racing lines, all the time, I always calculate the shortes route from point A to point B. Sometimes I even imagine driving that route with the current car in the current driving game, currently it's the RS200 from RSC2, that car ownz.


Queen of Denmark
It depends on which game I'm currently playing.

-While playing Super Mario Sunshine, everytime I walked outside and saw telephone wires or clothes lines, I immediately looked elsewhere around them to see if there was any place I could high jump to.

-While playing MGS:TTS, whenever I saw a box, I had an urge to grab it and take it with me, so that I could hide in it when someone approached.

-While playing Majora's Mask, whenever I saw someone pass me, I sort of wanted to follow them around and learn their routine, so that they'd eventually be added to my Bomber's Notebook and I could help them.

-While playing Doom, I had a strong urge to go to a high school and shoot up the place. Also, GTA3 made me want to kill hookers... OH NO, JOE LIEBERMAN IS WATCHING!


$50/hour, but no kissing on the lips and colors must be pre-separated
Whenever I sneeze, I tend to yell 'HADOKEN!' while I'm doing it. A little tradition that's no doubt annoyed my friends for years now.


back when the dreamcast was around, i binged on crazy taxi. i wasn't the same driver for a week. and i'm totally serious. that game really screws with your mind.


I walk around my house saying "Medic!" or "Medic, help!" in the Nazi voice from RTCW. Sometimes I say "Argh, medic!" in the Allied voice.


- I'll have random melodies pop into my head.. only to realize that it came from some random video game I haven't played in over a decade.
- I used to do this weird thing with my tongue as a kid when we were driving around. I'd put the tip of my tongue on my upper palate (just behind the teeth), and any time the car passed a driveway or crossed a road, I would pull my tongue away--as if my tongue were a game character jumping across caverns. I kept my mouth closed, so I doubt anyone ever noticed.
- One time I was walking along an overpass and looked down to see some building rooftops.. the J.C. Denton inside me said "you can jump that."



tedtropy said:
Whenever I sneeze, I tend to yell 'HADOKEN!' while I'm doing it. A little tradition that's no doubt annoyed my friends for years now.

Ahahah, one habit of mine was to do a shotgun fire while yawning (Pow chik chik). It was at the time we were playing Duke Nukem. Never knew why I was doing this.

Another thing that I'm used to do is to say "New Area" (with the Sega Bass Fishing's announcer's tone of voice) when I go to a place I never went before.


epmode said:
back when the dreamcast was around, i binged on crazy taxi. i wasn't the same driver for a week. and i'm totally serious. that game really screws with your mind.

Haha same here, I kept trying to use both feet in my real car and had to stop myself.

Sometimes i say "Owned" to my friends :)


I can bend the top of my thumb the wrong way because of the D-pad. I've been using it since I was five, so my thumb adapted or something.

Mama Smurf

My penis is still intact.
I find myself spelling reckless wreckless too. I notice immediately and change it, but still feel stupid.

I've never even played the damn game or even seen it in motion.


Cubsfan23 said:
I kept trying to use both feet in my real car and had to stop myself.
and not only that. i would accelerate/brake a lot harder than usual, and i had to stop myself from driving into opposing traffic (for points, i guess.) i had the same problem with burnout 2. maybe i should stop playing in first-person view.


Watching movies and name the brand, model of the gun, what kind of bullets it can use and the most deadly way of using it... CS sucks :(


-Whenever I see a security camera, I feel an urge to get out of its view.

-I actually remember when I was first learning to drive. My dad was about to take me out driving for my first time and I was in the car with one hand on the wheel, with my two feet on both the brake and accelerator, and my hand on the drive shifter (and it was an automatic). My dad gets in the car and is like, "What the hell? What are you doing?" I replied, "Well, this is how I always do it in Daytona USA."

-When I look down at square, tiled floors, I'll sometimes feel an urge to do some dance steps DDR style.

-There's been a few times when after I've said something stupid in a conversation, I'll think to myself, "Shit, I wish I could re-load."

-I remember eating a mushroom one time and being slightly disappointed I didn't get bigger.


insert blank space here
Senretsu said:
When I check the time and its 3:33, a voice somewhere in my head whispers "three thirty threeeeeeeeeeee..." Sometimes I catch myself saying it outloud. Scares the hell out of people.
hah same here!
And now I find it freaky whenever I look at the clock and it's the same number repeating no matter what number it is...

+ I also say owned to my friends.. and it caught on so now they say it too o.0
[Battlefield 1942, TFC, CS, etc.]
... random HADOKEN!s also caught on lol
+ I have the urge to run for cover whenever I'm near a tower or large building because of snipers :(
[Battlefield 1942]
+ I can also name almost any gun in the movies and state how to use them, etc. because of CS.
Wow...the 3:33 thing has really gotten in my head. I wake up at 3:33 a lot in the morning and then go back to sleep...and then in the daytime I almost always see the clock at 3:33 as well. We should start a club.


insert blank space here
I swear ever since I played that game... everytime (at least 80% of the time) I look at the clock it is either:
1:11, 2:22, 3:33, 4:44, 5:55, 10:10, 11:11, 12:12
It's freaky!!


Queen of Denmark
I also say owned on occasion, but most of the people I say it to have already heard it -- even those who aren't into gaming or the gaming scene. Maybe it's slowly becoming a mainstream word and we'll see it in the dictionary soon.

v.tr.1.) To dominate in a humiliating and significant way; i.e., in videogames, esp. first person shooters ("Shirley owned John in Counterstrike"). 2.) To be the recipient of intense domination, humiliation, and/or shame ("Damn, I was owned").
See also: 0wned, 0wn3d, pwned, ownzored, pwnzored)


A few years ago, my friend and I were in a car together and pulled up to a traffic light to let pedestrians cross the street. One of the pedestrians was an old hunchbacked lady with a walker.

My friend said to me, quietly, "3x Bonus."
I said, "But those old ladies are deceptively hard to hit."
He said, "We could probably finesse a Cunning Stunt Bonus out of this as well."


human5892 said:
I also say owned on occasion, but most of the people I say it to have already heard it -- even those who aren't into gaming or the gaming scene. Maybe it's slowly becoming a mainstream word and we'll see it in the dictionary soon.

v.tr.1.) To dominate in a humiliating and significant way; i.e., in videogames, esp. first person shooters ("Shirley owned John in Counterstrike"). 2.) To be the recipient of intense domination, humiliation, and/or shame ("Damn, I was owned").
See also: 0wned, 0wn3d, pwned, ownzored, pwnzored)

Doesn't "owned" orginate more from hacking than gaming?

It refers to the taking over of someone's website or server.


Prospero said:
My friend said to me, quietly, "3x Bonus."
I said, "But those old ladies are deceptively hard to hit."
He said, "We could probably finesse a Cunning Stunt Bonus out of this as well."

+ Writing 'ing' as 'ign'

+ Short attention span

+ Bitch, slut, whore, rape, and owned have all become apart of me and my friends vernacular...
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