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HP custom desktop (i7-6700, 980Ti, 16GB Ram, 2TB HDD, 500W) for $1127 with coupon

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So Pascal is second half of this year and will be double the performance of today's top end card....I feel like I'd regret buying this.
The 980 Ti replacement won't be out for 2ish years. First as a new $1000 Titan, then as a $500-750 1080Ti or whatever they'll call it.

The Pascal card releasing later this year will be the mid-range chip, similar to what the 680 and 980 were. It'll have similar performance to the 980 Ti, maybe 5-20% better.


Man thats a deal. Its easy to think its a mistake(its not). I hope lots of folks jump on this. Deals like this are beyond rare.


It's in my cart and it is a beast.

I like PC gaming, but I'm so into my Xbox One and PS4, I'm not sure I can justify it. I have a nice (non-gaming) laptop so this would be dedicated to gaming.

Must resist?
So Pascal is second half of this year and will be double the performance of today's top end card....I feel like I'd regret buying this.

The only reason to jump straight to the next gen GPU in the fall would be for VR, I'd think. If that's the plan, just buy it with the 970 then sell the 970 for a new card.

Alternately, go with the 980Ti and buy a new card next year or in 2 years time when the 980Ti may not provide a great VR experience.

The 980Ti buys you time to get to the second generation of Pascal cards and get a clear understanding of what it will really take from a GPU to drive the VR games you want to play adequately. The 970 means you're going Pascal at launch. The 980Ti will give you 144Hz gameplay on high resolution options for the foreseeable future, so if you're not looking to jump to VR quickly it is clearly the better option.

The 980 Ti replacement won't be out for 2ish years. First as a new $1000 Titan, then as a $500-750 1080Ti or whatever they'll call it.

The Pascal card releasing later this year will be the mid-range chip, similar to what the 680 and 980 were. It'll have similar performance to the 980 Ti, maybe 5-20% better.

Thanks for the note. I'll keep that in mind too.

It's in my cart and it is a beast.

I like PC gaming, but I'm so into my Xbox One and PS4, I'm not sure I can justify it. I have a nice (non-gaming) laptop so this would be dedicated to gaming.

Must resist?

No jump in. You can almost retire the XBone completely with this since almost all XBone exclusives will come to PC as well. Further you can make it your home for all multiplats, as it will provide a superior experience to either console by a country mile whether you connect to a nice monitor or a TV.

In fact, it may be time for me to sell my XBone.
The 980 Ti replacement won't be out for 2ish years. First as a new $1000 Titan, then as a $500-750 1080Ti or whatever they'll call it.

The Pascal card releasing later this year will be the mid-range chip, similar to what the 680 and 980 were. It'll have similar performance to the 980 Ti, maybe 5-20% better.
Yikes, that sucks. Is this due to nvidia purposely holding back tech b/c they have 80% market share and no real comp or is there legit reasons?

The only reason to jump straight to the next gen GPU in the fall would be for VR, I'd think. If that's the plan, just buy it with the 970 then sell the 970 for a new card.

Alternately, go with the 980Ti and buy a new card next year or in 2 years time when the 980Ti may not provide a great VR experience.

The 980Ti buys you time to get to the second generation of Pascal cards and get a clear understanding of what it will really take from a GPU to drive the VR games you want to play adequately. The 970 means you're going Pascal at launch. The 980Ti will give you 144Hz gameplay on high resolution options for the foreseeable future, so if you're not looking to jump to VR quickly it is clearly the better option.
I want my next setup to be able to run VR really well...I can't fathom buying a new pc and not being able to run high end VR. And I don't want to resell cards or buy a new one in 2 years. I want a single gpu that will last for years and run VR with ease. I feel that should be the goal for most people.
I want my next setup to be able to run VR really well...I can't fathom buying a new pc and not being able to run high end VR. And I don't want to resell cards or buy a new one in 2 years. I want a single gpu that will last for years and run VR with ease. I feel that should be the goal for most people.

You can always wait until next year for a similar deal. I have no doubt that the machine can run VR really well. There's a reason this deal was being passed around the VR subreddits. Regardless, you'll be looking at upgrading the GPU in a couple of years because the tech keeps changing. So if your desktop is adequate right now to get you through 2018, stick with what you have and reassess then.


Yikes, that sucks. Is this due to nvidia purposely holding back tech b/c they have 80% market share and no real comp or is there legit reasons?
Pretty legit reasons. If you're curious, this writeup from PCPer explains everything:


tl;dr - process shrinks are becoming harder and harder, Moore's law is no longer the case. They have to slow down and stagger releases in order to stay profitable.

Who knows, with better competition, that might NOT be the case. But it is the case regardless.
mkenyon is making me feel less buyer's remorse about this.
I was just thinking the same thing!
Good. You shouldn't have any.

Also keep in mind you can sell the 980 Ti when you're ready to upgrade to get a solid $250-350+ chunk off whatever new card you buy.


Man thats a deal. Its easy to think its a mistake(its not). I hope lots of folks jump on this. Deals like this are beyond rare.

HP has been having these kinds of sales quite regularly on their gaming prebuilts, since at least as far back as July of last year.

I'd have bitten by now, but I'm a bit iffy on the reliability. Waiting 'til buyers of these can chime in on how they're doing a year down the road. With my luck HP will discontinue the gaming line by then, but if not I hope they'll still be doing these sales.
You can always wait until next year for a similar deal. I have no doubt that the machine can run VR really well. There's a reason this deal was being passed around the VR subreddits. Regardless, you'll be looking at upgrading the GPU in a couple of years because the tech keeps changing. So if your desktop is adequate right now to get you through 2018, stick with what you have and reassess then.
Then why did you say this:

"The only reason to jump straight to the next gen GPU in the fall would be for VR, I'd think. "
" Alternately, go with the 980Ti and buy a new card next year or in 2 years time when the 980Ti may not provide a great VR experience."

Sounds like it won't be future proof for VR of the...future. Will we be able to run a game like QB with crazy gfx at high settings in VR? I know it's not a VR ready game or what have you but speaking hypothetically.
Honest question...never played on a pc...how would this run street fighter 5?
My 2008 CPU + 970 runs Street Fighter 5 @ 3440x1440 @ 60fps with max settings locked. So...quite well.

Then why did you say this:

"The only reason to jump straight to the next gen GPU in the fall would be for VR, I'd think. "
" Alternately, go with the 980Ti and buy a new card next year or in 2 years time when the 980Ti may not provide a great VR experience."

Sounds like it won't be future proof for VR of the...future. Will we be able to run a game like QB with crazy gfx at high settings in VR? I know it's not a VR ready game or what have you but speaking hypothetically.

Certainly there is no such thing as future proofing (though this CPU is pretty close to "future proofing" as you can get).

Today the 980Ti is recommended for the best VR experience. Next year, something else will be recommended for the best experience. To be sure, the 980Ti will run whatever comes out for the next couple of years quite well. At top settings? Maybe, maybe not. We won't know until the tech is out and the games are out. I would expect the 980Ti to be quite good for the foreseeable future. In a couple of years, however, you'll probably want to upgrade for an even better experience.

I know it will run the games that I want to play in VR (Elite: Dangerous, EVE Valkyrie, Star Citizen) well. That's enough for me. I'll worry about what's next once some things come out that make me feel like I need to upgrade the GPU. The rest of the rig should be fine no matter what.
Honest question...never played on a pc...how would this run street fighter 5?

I'm new to this too, but the people who know stuff seem to be indicating that this is literally top of the line.

I'm trying to figure out if I should be buying a high refresh rate monitor or a high res monitor.

First desktop for me, ever.

Anyone having problem completing checkout?

Keeps getting error at last step Confirm Order.

I imagine they are slammed with orders. Also, try a different browser.
I'm new to this too, but the people who know stuff seem to be indicating that this is literally top of the line.

I'm trying to figure out if I should be buying a high refresh rate monitor or a high res monitor.

First desktop for me, ever.

Whether you go high refresh or high resolution is sort of your own personal preference. I'd recommend going to a local PC store and sampling what's on the floor to see what size and resolution you want. There's no wrong answer. It will also depend on how much your budget is for a monitor. There are monitors that may be recommended but are outside of your budget.

Anyone having problem completing checkout?

Keeps getting error at last step Confirm Order.

FWIW, I had no issues.
Just be patient during the long page loads.

I bit on it. Figure I can always cancel tonight if I feel buyer's remorse later.

You certainly can. I have 30 days before it even ships, then another 30 once I get it. And chances are if you call them telling them you're getting cold feet after you get it, they'll knock some more off to get you to keep it.

Deleted member 17706

Unconfirmed Member
What's the quality of the parts?

If you put a 680ti at around $650, the 6700k at around $380, and a good motherboard at around $200, and RAM at around $70, you're already a bit over the price of this setup after the coupon.

So, pretty much, you're getting all of the other bits and pieces, a copy of Windows, as well as having it put together for you, all for no extra charge.

Seems like a damn good deal assuming the parts they use are good. Would hate to have a cramped case with no upgrade ability or a shitty power supply.

It is, most definitely. Only drawbacks being a fairly limited motherboard, PSU, and case.

Here's the most value oriented build I could put together with the same parts.

PCPartPicker part list / Price breakdown by merchant

CPU: Intel Core i7-6700K 4.0GHz Quad-Core Processor ($364.99 @ NCIX US)
CPU Cooler: Cooler Master Hyper 212 EVO 82.9 CFM Sleeve Bearing CPU Cooler ($24.75 @ OutletPC)
Motherboard: Gigabyte GA-Z170MX-Gaming 5 Micro ATX LGA1151 Motherboard ($138.99 @ SuperBiiz)
Memory: Kingston HyperX Fury Black 16GB (2 x 8GB) DDR4-2133 Memory ($69.89 @ Amazon)
Storage: Kingston SSDNow V300 Series 480GB 2.5" Solid State Drive ($119.99 @ Amazon)
Video Card: MSI GeForce GTX 980 Ti 6GB Video Card ($599.99 @ Micro Center)
Case: Fractal Design Node 804 MicroATX Mid Tower Case ($94.99 @ SuperBiiz)
Power Supply: SeaSonic 650W 80+ Gold Certified Semi-Modular ATX Power Supply ($69.99 @ Newegg)
Total: $1483.58
Prices include shipping, taxes, and discounts when available
Generated by PCPartPicker 2016-02-19 14:25 EST-0500

This has a much better motherboard, a fairly large SSD, an amazing PSU, will run quieter, and has better options for upgrading down the line. But these are all small things that don't really impact performance, outside of the higher clocked CPU.

Or all of this! Obviously, this is a great option for those who don't want to bother building their own, but it's not quite the steal it looks like it might be, in my opinion. Especially when you consider that you're wasting your time if you don't have an SSD at this point. Needing to get this thing home, purchase and insert a separate SSD, and then hope you don't have any issues reformatting and reinstalling Windows on your new hardware configuration sounds like it may be more trouble than it's worth for some.


I would totally jump on this deal if it were 2017. PS4 + my 4 year old PC are good enough for the moment, but I know I'll get the itch once this generation starts getting long in the tooth. I added everything to my cart, went to checkout, but I had to stop.

Great deal, though.


I would totally jump on this deal if it were 2017. PS4 + my 4 year old PC are good enough for the moment, but I know I'll get the itch once this generation starts getting long in the tooth. I added everything to my cart, went to checkout, but I had to stop.

Great deal, though.
Same here.

This is seriously a good deal but I dont want to invest in a top-end GPU when a new generation is on the verge of coming out.


can't grow facial hair
Had this popped up back in November, I would had purchased this with no hesitation. I upgraded my gpu to the 980ti and got a Dell SG2716 monitor so those two upgrades equal to the price of this computer. Anyone that gets this computer should get a SSD and they are set for a long time.


Feeling really excited about joining the PC Madster Rakes. Any suggestions on what kind of monitor and ssd I should buy with this? I'm new to the game.

If you can afford it, a 27" 1440p 144hz G-sync from Acer or Asus. Def 144hz if you get a different, though. The samsung 950 evos ssds are good.



The power supply is a Delta 80 Bronze Unit and the SSD brand is Sandisk. Not sure what brand 980ti it is.
I seriously know nothing about PCs, I have a gaming laptop right now. I'm getting mixed signals right now... I was thinking about a 2k budget for Oculus Rift and a PC. What is the ballpark going price for a monitor that can fully take advantage of these specs? And when I buy an SSD, will I run a risk of fucking shit up (both software and the physical PC itself) if I have absolutely no prior experience in building PCs? I'm so close to pulling the trigger but I'm so fuckin clueless, haha

EDIT: a better question may be how long would I have to research my purchase and still be able to cancel? Haha
What is the ballpark going price for a monitor that can fully take advantage of these specs?
You can spend anywhere from $500-$1300, depending on what features you want and the size.

when I buy an SSD, will I run a risk of fucking shit up (both software and the physical PC itself)
Not really. Cloning hard drives isn't a big deal these days. and no, you can't hurt the computer by changing drives.

EDIT: a better question may be how long would I have to research my purchase and still be able to cancel? Haha
It'll be about a month to ship and you'll have 30 days to return it after that.
I have an older model of the HP Envy series, and I'm fairly certain the motherboard will have Secure Boot on it. I didn't even know what that was at the time, and it caused a bunch of problems when I attempted to switch out the terrible graphics card. If you want to switch parts out for some reason, you'll have to turn Secure Boot off. Other than that, the parts have worked fine and are easily interchangeable. The case mine came in was too small for significant upgrades, but perhaps this model has a larger one.
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