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HSG4: The perfect excuse to use PIP??

Brandon F

Well congratulations! You got yourself caught!
It's freaking uncanny how much junk this game forces you to unlock, and unfortunately single player sessions are required for any progress... Thus for the first time in like forever, I've reacquainted myself with the Picture-in-Picture feature of my Sony Vega....err actually my set has this fancy split-screen deal going instead, but same difference.

Though I actually absorb -very- little TV in my daily diet, taking in a block of Adult Swim whilst trying to beat this nerd Humphrey or build up course xp has been a perfect fit. HSG4's passive attention requirement mixed with redundant music makes the separate box a very attractive complement to the awesome virtual golf experience.

I've also been plowing through these Buffy Season 3 DVD's I recently borrowed and am absolutely impressed at how entertaining this show can be...especially while clearing the student test with a -5 score!

Now if I can just figure out how the hell these super spin shots work...
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