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HTC Vive Launch Thread -- Computer, activate holodeck

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Yeah, I'm gonna pass for now at that price, I think. €20 and I would have been downloading already.

Agreed. I will never pay more than that really for the type of games that are coming out that are dedicated to VR. I know I will play it once or twice and probably never again once the "OH my god it's VR!" phase wears off.


yeah, the price for Raw Data is a bit much for a gallery shooter, (which unfortunately seems to be the genre a lot of the higher budget games seem to be going for).

Going to hold of for a proper sale, alternatively if it gets very good feedback.
Holy shit Raw Data.

It's early access as fuck (every other bullet I fire triggers a red flash in one eye), but wow. One round and I'm soaked in sweat. And I'm not exactly out of shape. But holy shiiiiit it was intense. Right now it doesn't seem like there's enough scaling for 1 vs 2 players. As a single player I was fairly overwhelmed, though as the Katana chick I had enough health to do alright.

Boomerang blade is hard as hell, but satisfying. I've noticed that you can throw it sideways with a bit of a twist to get it to toss at enemies like one big flat disc, but that of course takes practice too.

Overall, had a blast, but I need to shit and shower after it. I'm dripping. From one round.

Also there are other chapters, and you're encouraged to teleport around (especially as a katana user). The second level looks pretty large but I'll save that for later.
I wouldn't say Raw Data is as "polished" as Space Pirate Trainer, so much as there's a lot more meat to it. Space Pirate Trainer IMO is very polished, and is one of the most no-fuss VR games I have, but Raw Data, while still filled with jank here and there, has a lot more to it, and is very obviously soon to have even more.

Also boomerang katanas.


Can't get past the second mission alone, those jumping bots are a nightmare. Scaling is for two players not one me thinks.

Playing with someone else is hilarious fun though. :D


I wouldn't say Raw Data is as "polished" as Space Pirate Trainer, so much as there's a lot more meat to it. Space Pirate Trainer IMO is very polished, and is one of the most no-fuss VR games I have, but Raw Data, while still filled with jank here and there, has a lot more to it, and is very obviously soon to have even more.

Also boomerang katanas.

The real jank will happen when they get that sword duel thing in.

But yeah, Raw Data has always looked like a more fleshed out SPT.
for the few minutes it will be there let's take a picture



So, Raw Data.

It's absolutely awesome. Zipping around the level taking out robots with your katana while your co-op companion shoots down flying drones is amazing, and already feels quite polished.

The way quests are designed, the whole VA, the unlockable skills and the mission progression -- even with early access limitations -- make it markedly different from the more Arcade-ish Vive experiences available right now.

Graphically, it's one of the best-looking VR games out, easily.

Note that this is the first thing I played in VR coop, so it's hard to judge just how much of my enthusiasm is down to that and how much is due to the game itself. But ultimately it doesn't even matter, I had a blast.

That is, after I managed to get the game to run well. For some reason I had an issue for the longest time where I'd drop two or three frames roughly every second. I finally managed to somehow eliminate it, and that's what the impressions above are based on, but after restarting the game the issue was back and I haven't managed to get around it yet. Just look at this shit.

But yeah, Raw Data has always looked like a more fleshed out SPT.
I think that's selling it short. And also not really doing justice to the gameplay, I zipped around the level and ducked behind cover all the time.
Played a bit of Raw Data.

Holy shit! Once you turn all the settings to the max and you get to calibrate everything...amazing.

And it's not really just a better SPT; it still is a gallery shooter, but with dynamic covers, coop, the need to manually recharge, change weapons, use melee and everything feels like the next big step xD

Once we figure out locomotion...damn.

It's hard as fuck for one player though.
I will say I'm now eagerly awaiting a new video card.

Does anyone else have the issue where firing the pistol causes flashes of color in one eye?


I think that's selling it short. And also not really doing justice to the gameplay, I zipped around the level and ducked behind cover all the time.

Was meant in comparison to it being a "polished SPT" comment, and going back to when we first got real footage for it and it was all stand in place shooting. Even back then it looked like a more fleshed out version of SPT, not a more polished version. From there it has evolved.


So while you guys are having fun with Raw Data, I played som VR Funhouse. I wasn't even that impressed graphically tbh (running on a GTX 1080). Also, first thing that happened was my hands were wrong in game. Checked in SteamVR and hands showed correctly but VR Funhouse just refused to assign them correctly, even after restart.
Anyway the skeetshooting was most fun I suppose, also the boxing part, other than that, I don't know, it's not like you can really see the effects of SMP or compare it on and off as is, so not sure what Nvidia is trying to showcase with this.
So while you guys are having fun with Raw Data, I played som VR Funhouse. I wasn't even that impressed graphically tbh (running on a GTX 1080). Also, first thing that happened was my hands were wrong in game. Checked in SteamVR and hands showed correctly but VR Funhouse just refused to assign them correctly, even after restart.
Anyway the skeetshooting was most fun I suppose, also the boxing part, other than that, I don't know, it's not like you can really see the effects of SMP or compare it on and off as is, so not sure what Nvidia is trying to showcase with this.
It was a showcase for fluid and physics simulations also the hair on the coconuts looked pretty cool but yeah I agree with you it isn't something I would use to show off to my friends and I didn't find it that technically impressive. Considering the huge power of the Gtx 1080 i am surprised this was the best they could do
What GPU do you have. Reading reviews it seems that the game doesnt run well with AMD cards.
AMD 390.

It's playable as it is, as long as I play the katana chick, but I guess that means we'll end up getting some further optimization.

Hopefully the flashing doesn't happen if it's a co op partner firing.


Raw Data is pretty cool. Graphics look pretty great though I'm still not a fan of having hands/arms represented in game. I got to the second level and it gets so hectic dealing with everything. Much more to it than SPT which I enjoy as well. This having coop is pretty cool. Has anyone tried it out or is interested in trying?


Ordered a Vive today from Currys in the UK, should be arriving tomorrow. According to the Steam VR performance test, my machine is "capable" (i5-7570K, 16GB RAM, HD 7970 overclocked to 1050MHz) so I should be okay for the moment - we have a sample RX 480 at work I might be able to use if needs be.

Really looking forward to using it. I've used the Oculus Rift before and loved it but this looks on a different level. Any suggestions for games I should go for, obviously I get the three with it and I also have Elite: Dangerous which I believe works?
Ordered a Vive today from Currys in the UK, should be arriving tomorrow. According to the Steam VR performance test, my machine is "capable" (i5-7570K, 16GB RAM, HD 7970 overclocked to 1050MHz) so I should be okay for the moment - we have a sample RX 480 at work I might be able to use if needs be.

Really looking forward to using it. I've used the Oculus Rift before and loved it but this looks on a different level. Any suggestions for games I should go for, obviously I get the three with it and I also have Elite: Dangerous which I believe works?

Personally, I would suggest:
Audioshield (rhythm match music heaven)
Holo point (archery workout)
The lab ( should be your first port(al) of call)
Vanishing realms ( my favovorite game so far) (sort of zelda-esque dungeon crawler)
Budget cuts demo ( always finish with this when I demo the vive)
Pool nation (this is a great social experience)
I was gonna suggest Space Pirate Trainer....but in the last hour be changed to....
Raw Data( shooting heaven!)

If you have a wheel:
Project cars (my most played great game).


I am gonna purchase Raw Data I love how it looks, I just hope it holds up and I have enough fun that I think it's worth it. The other big game I bought similarly priced was Hover Junkers and I unfortunately refunded it because it didn't click with me and didn't feel worth it. Hope I won't have to refund this one.


AMD 390.

It's playable as it is, as long as I play the katana chick, but I guess that means we'll end up getting some further optimization.

Hopefully the flashing doesn't happen if it's a co op partner firing.

The reviews specifically mention the 390/390X, so it seems that you arent alone
Ok, been into a long coop session with Raw Data...amazeballs.

It's not just stand there and shoot; you can move freely in the map, hiding behind cover, sneaking up on baddies, flanking, teleporting at the last moment to avoid missiles, wow.

Playing with a friend and actually seeing him moving and performing badass moves (albeit a bit glitchy) is something else.

We've unlocked a couple of perks and some new maps. Can't wait for more content (and dual wielding).


Raw Data seems really cool but hard for 1 player. Dissappointingly im not getting great performance in this VR game either and it's making me sad. Low High whatever setting I notice ghosting on the gun from reprojection and feels just wrong enough I can't get fully immersed. If I turn off reprojection I get drops just under 90 fps so turning is horrible without the reprojection. It seems like the only things I get solid 90 fps performance out of is cartoony style games like The Lab but my 1080 should be doing fine, I see people loving the game with 980s and 980tis and even lesser cards. Idk what's wrong but it's ruining the fun in half my VR games.


Was giving some thought to putting my order off a couple more weeks until the end of the month, but reading all the Raw Data impressions and seeing that empty room next to my office... urghhh
Raw Data seems really cool but hard for 1 player. Dissappointingly im not getting great performance in this VR game either and it's making me sad. Low High whatever setting I notice ghosting on the gun from reprojection and feels just wrong enough I can't get fully immersed. If I turn off reprojection I get drops just under 90 fps so turning is horrible without the reprojection. It seems like the only things I get solid 90 fps performance out of is cartoony style games like The Lab but my 1080 should be doing fine, I see people loving the game with 980s and 980tis and even lesser cards. Idk what's wrong but it's ruining the fun in half my VR games.
I've heard the latest Nvidia drivers help if you don't already have it installed. After installing them and restarting my PC it runs great for me on a 980.


I've heard the latest Nvidia drivers help if you don't already have it installed.

Thanks but I am. I could try installing again. I feel like nuking my whole system because of this problem, I don't even wanna use my Vive much anymore because of this. I'll just keep trying things.

In other news I tried A-10 VR that my friend gifted me and it's pretty good for the price. Soo yeah why did I buy the 1080 again when this is what I'm playing :(
Raw Data: There's something extremely satisfying about teleporting up to a robot and point black capping them in the head. Not really feeling the sword combat yet though. I think it needs to be a little more slice and dicey with dismemberment and stuff. Right now it feels more like a baseball bat.


Raw Data: There's something extremely satisfying about teleporting up to a robot and point black capping them in the head. Not really feeling the sword combat yet though. I think it needs to be a little more slice and dicey with dismemberment and stuff. Right now it feels more like a baseball bat.
Yeah the sword needs some work. I ended up just throwing it everywhere instead of meleeing.

I still haven't managed to beat the second area in single player. It gets pretty rough when the torso bots and the rocket guy are in at the same time. Using the sword to swat away the torso bots when they're on you doesn't seem to work. The gun seems much better/easier to use imo.
It was a showcase for fluid and physics simulations also the hair on the coconuts looked pretty cool but yeah I agree with you it isn't something I would use to show off to my friends and I didn't find it that technically impressive. Considering the huge power of the Gtx 1080 i am surprised this was the best they could do

Damn really? I was super impressed with it, didn't think those kind of physics simulations would be possible this gen for vr without most cards coming to a crawl. Was pleasantly surprised it ran so well on my 970. I thought it had one of the best senses of hand presence of anything I've tried on Vive. A lot of that due to quality of animation with hands, good collision detection for things like the glove and mallet, for a tech demo it showcased the physics really well. Lots of subtle haptic feedback you don't feel in hardly anything else available now too, the swords in particular did this exceptionally. Closest I could compare it to is Irrational Exuberance, but even that was more pronounced. I'd love to see this utilized in other games but like most nvidia tech demos it'll prob live and die on that exe.


everybody needs go checkout NVIDIA's 'VR Funhouse, its really cool carnal games. if you have friends over that never used VR before this is game to show them.


How can you tell when reprojection is being used?

By now I can tell by how it feels when the camera turns, not quite as good as the real 90 fps but still good. If you're monitoring fps with something like afterburner u can pop the headset off and if it shows that it's been running locked at 45 fps.


So, Raw Data.

It's absolutely awesome. Zipping around the level taking out robots with your katana while your co-op companion shoots down flying drones is amazing, and already feels quite polished.

The way quests are designed, the whole VA, the unlockable skills and the mission progression -- even with early access limitations -- make it markedly different from the more Arcade-ish Vive experiences available right now.

Graphically, it's one of the best-looking VR games out, easily.

Note that this is the first thing I played in VR coop, so it's hard to judge just how much of my enthusiasm is down to that and how much is due to the game itself. But ultimately it doesn't even matter, I had a blast.

That is, after I managed to get the game to run well. For some reason I had an issue for the longest time where I'd drop two or three frames roughly every second. I finally managed to somehow eliminate it, and that's what the impressions above are based on, but after restarting the game the issue was back and I haven't managed to get around it yet. Just look at this shit.

I think that's selling it short. And also not really doing justice to the gameplay, I zipped around the level and ducked behind cover all the time.

Welp, you sold me Durante. Just bought it. I'm demoing VR for 7 people this weekend and this just got added to the list.
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