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HTC Vive Launch Thread -- Computer, activate holodeck

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I've been really interested in driving cars lately but haven't had any experience with it at all, so rather than risk thousands of dollars, I got Ford Pinto for a cheap "demo" of driving a car.
My question is, how representative is something like Ford Pinto to the experience that Tesla X provides?
This car analogy should answer your question ;)
The project being about Darth Vader is about the least inspired choice they could have made.

What a lead-up to that reveal, too. There's so many characters (on and off screen) and stories in the Star Wars Universe. We're going to tell one about the single most prominent and explored figure in sci-fi. Bold.


The Birthday Skeleton
SW Celebration VR stuff is on right now if you're interested


Edit: Trials on Tatooine releasing on Monday for free.

Finally! I got excited when they announced it then sad when they said they won't make it available so now I'm back on board of the happy train.

WOW, David Goyer is working on a new proper Star Wars story experience for VR with walking - about Darth Vader!!!!

That's interesting. I guess it will sync with Rogue One launch.


Anyone using the new version of DolhpinVR? Seems like this thing still runs like garbager on my PC vs the older 4.0 version. The one exception is Xenoblade Chronicles which runs flawlessly. I can run it at 1440P with no drops. Twilight Princess/Windwaker still have inconsistent framerates and will go anywhere from 15FPS-30FPS. It's crazy to me that my R9 270 ran both of those games better than my 1080. F-Zero GX doesnt even run anymore.


Just a heads-up: obviously (or well, obviously in retrospect) the Steamvr supersampling setting applies to Rift games launched through Revive as well. So if you experience inexplicably bad performance (or great IQ) in those, that would be the reason.

(Also, this is my first time trying Revive. Remarkably polished, I didn't know you'd just launch games directly from the SteamVR interface)


Any way to prevent steam from booting when launching The Lab via .exe? Because have family sharing in my house, the stupid game wants me to ask for permission to play it. Wtf.
Does increasing the rendering target help a lot with the resolution issues people had in Elite? I know the game has its own supersamping settings, I'm just trying to figure out the best way to play the game in VR. Am I still better off playing it on my Rift?
Does increasing the rendering target help a lot with the resolution issues people had in Elite? I know the game has its own supersamping settings, I'm just trying to figure out the best way to play the game in VR. Am I still better off playing it on my Rift?

yes and no.

SS are a must have in Elite, but anything above 1.5x stutters like a milkshake in an earthquake
Are you referring to the render target settings? Or the in-game SS, or either? Also, what kind of milkshake?

Both actually.

Elite's SS are bugged in anything above 1.5x but we really dont know if it overrides or are overridden by the external SS settings.

In any case, the external SS does help at high cost.
I know something is wrong but can't figure out what. It only occurs in VR games. I've tried uninstalling drivers with DDU 5 times now and have installed the latest drivers. I tried opting into steamvr beta to see if that helped but it made no difference.

SteamVR has a little pop up on the monitor when an application is running too slowly, I get it in pretty everything.
I have i5 4670k @4.1 ghz, GTX 1080, 16 gb RAM, 1 TB SSD and 1 TB HDD.
All my normal games have been a significant leap over my 970 and run well. Benchmarks are all in the range of other people with 1080s. VR is the only issue.
I get the same notification I also gave a gtx 1080. However all my vr games run perfectly fine even though I regularly get the performance is low pop-up


How useful is a wheel for the likes of project cars, dirt rally etc? The cheaper thrustmaster T150 is only £70 at Argos in the UK at the moment and I'm contemplating it, but I don't play a huge amount, plus I wouldn't easily be able to mount it - can't go on my desk as it isn't line of sight from the lighthouses.
How useful is a wheel for the likes of project cars, dirt rally etc? The cheaper thrustmaster T150 is only £70 at Argos in the UK at the moment and I'm contemplating it, but I don't play a huge amount, plus I wouldn't easily be able to mount it - can't go on my desk as it isn't line of sight from the lighthouses.

You do need to mount a wheel to something like a desk. Don't use it on your lap or whatever.

Personally I don't regret my T300 wheel. It makes sim racing games much more enjoyable


Any idea why my Dolphin VR games look like this?


There's the VR image in the background that works like intended, but there's also a 2D screen in front of my eyes. So "double image".


Does the melee character become more fun in Raw Data when you have upgraded a couple of abilities? It felt very chaotic and one-note to teleport around, waggle the sword a bit, and repeat. The only thing that breaks up that cycle is the super annoying flying drones that grind the action to a halt and force you to precision deflect their energy attacks. I guess it works better in co-op when you have a partner with a gun that presumably takes care of the drone situation?

The gun character is quite fun to play in singleplayer mode, though. The aim, shoot, teleport and reload cycle seems more skill based than the melee stuff. It feels really satisfying to use that starting pistol and the reload system is automated enough that it doesn't get in the way of the action.

Other than the useless melee character, my only big issue with the game is that the aliasing is quite bad. I guess some downsampling will take care of that, though ... Hopefully without breaking my poor last gen GPU.


Does the melee character become more fun in Raw Data when you have upgraded a couple of abilities? It felt very chaotic and one-note to teleport around, waggle the sword a bit, and repeat. The only thing that breaks up that cycle is the super annoying flying drones that grind the action to a halt and force you to precision deflect their energy attacks. I guess it works better in co-op when you have a partner with a gun that presumably takes care of the drone situation?

The gun character is quite fun to play in singleplayer mode, though. The aim, shoot, teleport and reload cycle seems more skill based than the melee stuff. It feels really satisfying to use that starting pistol and the reload system is automated enough that it doesn't get in the way of the action.

Other than the useless melee character, my only big issue with the game is that the aliasing is quite bad. I guess some downsampling will take care of that, though ... Hopefully without breaking my poor last gen GPU.

Throw the sword


Did anyone here buy a Vive in store? I bought mine from a Microsoft store and supposedly there's some registration required to get the pack-in games. Was linking my account in the setup process enough?
Dumb question incoming, how do you change the settings in VR Funhouse? Can't find the options for the life of me. I also didn't get enough sleep last night.

Edit: Found it. You have to hit Escape on your keyboard to bring up the menu. I tried to do it in game with the HMD on. Kind of annoying you can't change the settings from there.


How useful is a wheel for the likes of project cars, dirt rally etc? The cheaper thrustmaster T150 is only £70 at Argos in the UK at the moment and I'm contemplating it, but I don't play a huge amount, plus I wouldn't easily be able to mount it - can't go on my desk as it isn't line of sight from the lighthouses.

I had a T300 before I got VR(No longer have a wheel now) and I'd say for Project Cars it makes the game easier because the sensitivity for controllers is just configured really badly imo. Getting a wheel for Dirt Rally will make the game harder but way more immersive.


Has anyone trying Nvidia Funhouse had a bug where the game just sends you flying into the void forever? It happens to me less than a minute after i launch the game, every time.


Dumb question incoming, how do you change the settings in VR Funhouse? Can't find the options for the life of me. I also didn't get enough sleep last night.

Edit: Found it. You have to hit Escape on your keyboard to bring up the menu. I tried to do it in game with the HMD on. Kind of annoying you can't change the settings from there.
You can, turn to your right on the scene with baseball bats and soccer balls laid in front of you.


I get the same notification I also gave a gtx 1080. However all my vr games run perfectly fine even though I regularly get the performance is low pop-up

I've noticed a lot of that too since the last update. The monitor seems overly sensitive. For example, Audoshield has always had a stutter during load screens for me (both my 390 and now 1080) and drops a few frames so it sets off the alert but the game run buttery smooth with nary a blip on the frame timer graph during actual game play.

Side note, if you are still on the Nvidia 368.69?(from a week or so ago) driver, your boost may not be working properly in VR on your 1080 and it may be forcing base clock 100% of the time. Noticed the issue while I've been tweaking my settings and found that there is recent update that corrects it.


Having screwed around a bit with Raw Data, I can agree with the person that mentioned the IK being annoying. Seeing the wrists putting the little bit of the arm you see in entirely the wrong direction breaks the immersion. Feels less like a part of you at that point and more like you're driving another person's body. Kind of funny how seeing something wrong can be far more jarring than not seeing anything at all.

Beyond that, I'm not big fan of the graphics compromises I have to make for the game. The default is blurry and heavily aliased, and 1.4 scaling and up is a recipe for reprojection kicking in with my 980ti (worse while looking at the menu for some reason). I can't stand aliasing in VR, and reprojection on a game with lots of animation and head movement is equally annoying. It's just barely passable at 1.2-1.3 scaling on the visuals side while avoiding reprojection, but I still get frame drops. Not often, but sometimes. Quite distracting when they happen regadless. I'm not sure if it's due to the GPU being taxed by effects or the CPU being taxed by physics since they're typically happening at the same time. Didn't feel like expending the effort to diagnose the cause. I'll probably just shelve the game for now.

And so long as I'm going on about annoying things, I hate when the haptic feedback on the controllers cuts out in Audioshield. Really screws with you as you rely on that pulse as much as any visual effect to detect whether you've successfully blocked an orb. Actually, I'd say I rely on it more since my visual concentration is on what's coming up, and not on what the blocked orb is doing. No pulse? Flips concentration to confirm what went wrong, and then you're no longer preparing for the upcoming orbs. Thankfully it's rare, because the dev will probably never get around to fixing any of the issues in that game. (Which is yet another annoyance lol.)


Having screwed around a bit with Raw Data, I can agree with the person that mentioned the IK being annoying. Seeing the wrists putting the little bit of the arm you see in entirely the wrong direction breaks the immersion. Feels less like a part of you at that point and more like you're driving another person's body. Kind of funny how seeing something wrong can be far more jarring than not seeing anything at all.

I must be weird because I like this feeling and like the IK lol, I understand why people rather not have it though.


I'm liking Raw Data less and less each time I play, and currently have major buyer's remorse. The jank is just too much for me to get past.


I must be weird because I like this feeling and like the IK lol, I understand why people rather not have it though.

Yeah, it's a personal thing. I could have sworn they were going to give the option for hand/hand+arm/full body rendering from an article/video from some time ago. Either I'm crossing games (possible but unlikely given how few high profile VR games there are), or they've changed course.
I'm liking Raw Data less and less each time I play, and currently have major buyer's remorse. The jank is just too much for me to get past.

Good thing the game is still in development where they can fix a lot of that jank.

They were pushing on content the last bit, so I'm going to guess that we're going to see some smoothing out of the jank as they get feedback/revenue/time while working on the other classes.


Dirt Rally with Revive is unplayable for me at all but ultra low settings and even then I feel like its using reprojection. I have an i5-6600K and a OC'd 1080 @ 2000MHZ


Dirt Rally with Revive is unplayable for me at all but ultra low settings and even then I feel like its using reprojection. I have an i5-6600K and a OC'd 1080 @ 2000MHZ

Had a similar problem. Same chip @4.4 and a 1080(no OC when testing). Not 100% sure what cleared it for me but I reinstalled SteamVR, removed all workshop addons (read about possible issues with some camera/controller skins), recalibrated room setup, reinstalled nvidia drivers and made sure to close or drop all performance analysis tools behind the game. Dirt runs pretty smooth on high. Only minor hitches as stages load.


What kind of really blew my mind in Raw Data is I blocked a robot from punching me with my left hand, and shot him twice in the chest with my handgun in the other hand. It's blurring the lines between straight melee and shooting mechanics that makes it so much more interesting than your typical wave shooter.

It almost becomes like this close quarters combat simulator.

I would love to be able to grab a robot and use them as a shield of sorts, though that may be difficult to convey weight unless your character is also super strong.


Having screwed around a bit with Raw Data, I can agree with the person that mentioned the IK being annoying. Seeing the wrists putting the little bit of the arm you see in entirely the wrong direction breaks the immersion. Feels less like a part of you at that point and more like you're driving another person's body. Kind of funny how seeing something wrong can be far more jarring than not seeing anything at all.
As I said previously, the IK is necessary for the multiplayer. They could have an option to turn it off for your own character and only show the hands though.

I'm not sure if it's due to the GPU being taxed by effects or the CPU being taxed by physics since they're typically happening at the same time.
As far as I can tell, it's all GPU. I can just about maintain 1.4 scaling and "epic" AA with my OC'ed 1080.

To me, the feature which makes Raw Data more fun to play than any other VR action game so far is the coop.


I'm liking Raw Data less and less each time I play, and currently have major buyer's remorse. The jank is just too much for me to get past.

Same. I Refunded it after the sword bot clipped into my body for the third time instead of having any kind of duel with me. Not to mention being annoyed by the aliasing and feeling like my character was too short despite messing with height settings over and over. I also just DON't think I have the space to play it the way it needs to be played. I have a decent amount of room for standing style games but I smacked my wall once with my controller which leads me to believe this one just isn't for me.

Oddly my 40 minutes spent with this game that I was pretty excited to play has me feeling down on VR in general. I went onto Ebay to see what used Vive's were going for after playing it. I feel like I'm holding out for that one game that's going to justify the entire purchase but at the same time I doubt that game will come with this first wave of headsets. Also, I think I am sick and tired of freaking shooting gallery type games.. it's like the only game type that devs seem capable of.


I had a T300 before I got VR(No longer have a wheel now) and I'd say for Project Cars it makes the game easier because the sensitivity for controllers is just configured really badly imo. Getting a wheel for Dirt Rally will make the game harder but way more immersive.

Do you still play racing games in VR with a controller? Are you finding it fine? A wheel seems a no-brainier for immersion and presence but setup might need me to buy another desk, or a wheel stand pro which is more expensive than the wheel.. And move it in/out of the tracked space when I'm playing. Might result in me hardly using it


I installed MineCrift yesterday (since I enjoy casually playing MineCraft once in a while) just to try it out.

Three hours later and I am sweating like a pig and so tired but GODDAMN is it good. The whole feeling of being in the MineCraft world, the excellent control scheme (I'd love there to be actual movement instead of teleporting but I'll deal with it) and just being able to punch pigs.

This is my "killer" game.
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