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HTC Vive Launch Thread -- Computer, activate holodeck

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That isn't what he is referring to. Elite still has some rendering issues with the Vive.

I've put in 141 hours of Elite with the Vive. I just set my SteamVR SS to 1.8 and Elite to Ultra with in-game SS set to .65. That is fine for now.

Frontier claims it is going to be resolved but was a bigger issue than original thought. Can't come soon enough since it is a game I'm playing a ton of.

It also has severe negative scaling with SLI on Vive but not Rift. I'd prefer the Vive for a number of reasons but Elite is just in relatively bad shape at the moment on Vive in comparison.
I'm pretty sure they've said as much either in interviews, tweets, or developer QA's, but an intentional mistake is still a mistake. The point you're missing is I'm not talking about first person locomotion. I'm talking about third person and anything else that currently uses an Xbone pad comfortably. For example you can imagine a future game that shifts scale or perspective for traversal of the game world (e.g. Lucky's Tale, Edge of Nowhere), but zooms in to first person room scale for things like combat or puzzles (perhaps swapping back and forth at the player's command). That's not something that can be done with the track pads, or rather it'd feel really horrible. Mythos of the World Axis is a tech demo that does just that, albeit on a limited scale (you don't do anything in first person besides sight see). Such a design is probably VR's best chance of delivering long format "traditional" games. A JRPG would be tailor made for such a system.

I guess you and I just have basic philosophical differences in what we want from VR. My biggest takeaway from having a launch Rift and launch Vive is that I do not want traditional games in VR. The moment a VR game asks you to pick up a gamepad, it has already lost.

Perhaps there will be aspects of Vive games that could be done with an analog stick, but I still think trackpads are sufficient. I was weened onto them with the Steam controller though, so maybe I'm just more comfortable with using trackpads.


I guess you and I just have basic philosophical differences in what we want from VR. My biggest takeaway from having a launch Rift and launch Vive is that I do not want traditional games in VR. The moment a VR game asks you to pick up a gamepad, it has already lost.

Perhaps there will be aspects of Vive games that could be done with an analog stick, but I still think trackpads are sufficient. I was weened onto them with the Steam controller though, so maybe I'm just more comfortable with using trackpads.

That's the thing though, it can be both, even in the same game. I think that's important to reach a critical mass, the hardware (and software) is too expensive for nothing but 2 hour long shooting galleries or puzzle/adventures. Steam controller is great, but it doesn't use a track pad for locomotion. They tried it in early prototypes but the blow back was universally negative, testers hated it, so they added the analog stick which is the default scheme. If you're actually building custom profiles to use the track pad, I don't know what to tell you, your taste is 1 in a million.
I decided to try Revive for the first time this weekend. Thought I'd test it out with Lucky's Tale. I've followed all of the directions at https://github.com/LibreVR/Revive, including rebooting Oculus. But I'm still getting an "Entitlement check failed" error. I thought this had been fixed. Is this still an issue?
Had some friends over tonight to show them VR stuff. Apparently my games are running in reprojection mode more than I thought! Guess I'll bump down the target render (currently at 2.0).


Finally tried Raw Data and it's pretty neat, if a bit sloppy (teleportation doesn't seem limited enough and punch didn't seem to be working with my left hand?). I only tried one session, is it possible to run out of lives?


Finally tried Raw Data and it's pretty neat, if a bit sloppy (teleportation doesn't seem limited enough and punch didn't seem to be working with my left hand?). I only tried one session, is it possible to run out of lives?
Nope, but levels after the first have you defending a datacore that does have a limited health resulting in game over.

The teleporting is restricted by an energy reserve, if you hit zero you are forced to wait while the system "reboots".
I've been going through my VR backlog the last couple days, yes I have a backlog because I bought a bunch of games when they were on sale just to have a lot of stuff to try out, and I never got around to all of it.

Earlier today I tried Quar: Battle for Gate 18, and I wanted to say it's pretty cool. Vive-exclusive, roomscale with motion controls. It doesn't seem to have made a big splash or got onto many peoples' "best VR games" lists. While I don't know if it should be considered one of the best, it is quite competent and polished for a VR game from a small studio, and I think they deserve more attention. The team was founded by artists and animators, and I think it shows.


One interesting thing about Quar that I didn't know before I started playing was that it is an existing tabletop property, by what looks like an equally-indie game manufacturer, ZombieSmith. Quar is essentially about goofy little anteater people in a World War 1 concept/aesthetic, played straight.

(actual miniatures, not a game screenshot)

The game is turn-based strategy, like Advance Wars or Fire Emblem, but the turns work a little differently. You choose one unit to move and act with, then the enemy chooses one, and it goes back and forth until all units have moved once, and then it's the next round (so if one side has more units than the other, they get to move more units all at once to end the round). There are a reasonable amount of different units with different abilities, from infantry to mounted cavalry to WW1-style tanks. These seem to be introduced sequentially as you make your way through the campaign.


Between missions you return to a home base kind of area and get to upgrade various buildings by spending a currency you earn from doing missions. You might make your infantry more accurate, or your tanks deal more damage, or improve morale for all units. And then you get to watch these buildings being modified and constructed, with tons of little details and animations going on.

One of the coolest things about the game is how it messes with scale, at nearly any time you can switch between an overhead view where you're a giant and being actual size down on the battlefield or around the base. The characters look good and animate well, which I feel is something that's missing from a lot of these early VR games. I feel so much more presence from being right next to a living creature of some sort. And there's some especially neat stuff in this game, even when you're in the middle of a battlefield you can wander over to the edge and find a little dude just reading a newspaper outside of his house. Outside of the characters I really love the design of the buildings as well. It kinda feels like playing a (huge) tabletop miniatures game with detailed characters and scenery.

Being turn-based you would be right to assume it can be kind of a slow game, and one you don't need to be standing to play. You can raise and lower the floor of the game, have the battlefield at chest height if you want. And it has a locomotion system similar to The Gallery: Call of the Starseed, where you can spin your thumb on the touch pad as you teleport to change your facing, which is perfect for seated play, you never have to move. Though of course you can if you like.

Between missions there seems to be a small story consisting of letters sent between a young quar and his uncle who is out on the battlefield, which is a nice touch.


I've seen some criticism that the game is fairly short at this time. I haven't finished it yet so I'm not sure exactly how short, but this is one of those games that I feel alright supporting so they can develop further titles, they clearly have some talent. And they've said they intend to continue updating the game in the future.

Check it out if you think it looks interesting!
Finally tried Raw Data and it's pretty neat, if a bit sloppy (teleportation doesn't seem limited enough and punch didn't seem to be working with my left hand?). I only tried one session, is it possible to run out of lives?
Nope, but levels after the first have you defending a datacore that does have a limited health resulting in game over.

The teleporting is restricted by an energy reserve, if you hit zero you are forced to wait while the system "reboots".

Actually yeah, you can run out of lives in both modes (last time I checked). You get like 4 or 5 I think.


Bought Paddle Up and Pierhead Arcade today. Holy crap. Absolutely two of the best games currently available. Paddle Up in particular is something that will keep me coming back a lot. I haven't tried out the other table tennis games but is one is super polished and feels great. Lots of practice modes to bring you up to a novice level quickly too. Absolutely love it.p and can't wait to play more online MP once I get better.

Also, still playing and loving Battle Dome.
A couple Quar screenshots. Either I forgot or never knew how to take screenshots in VR, so I just brought up the desktop and hit printscreen of the Vive's monitor output.



I know it doesn't look gorgeous but in person, seeing these rock cliffs and giant ruins and green groves giving way to autumn colors, it's really cool.

Also I keep noticing more cool details as I look around in the base. At the airfield there's this one quar who is super enthusiastic about his flag semaphore, dancing and twirling around.


Then a plane crashes right in front of you. A pissed-off quar hops out, stomps over to him, grabs the flags, and angrily shows him the right way to do it.


After he leaves, the first guy meekly picks the flags off the ground and resumes his dancing!

Evo X

Just got done playing a 3 hour session of AltSpaceVR, mostly Holograms Against Humanity.

Oh man, I can't remember the last time I laughed this hard or had this much fun in a game. Wish I would have tried it sooner
Got H3 last night. Really cool simulation of a gun range, though annoyingly it's actually harder than real shooting since you can't stabilize the rifle for shit. I can make a 300m shot with ironsights in real life, but can't do it with a 24x scope to save my life in VR ahahaha.

But still really cool! I did the gunasium, which is the COOLEST IDEA EVER until it starts to make you nauseous. I made it to about 55 targets before I quit on that one.
Got H3 last night. Really cool simulation of a gun range, though annoyingly it's actually harder than real shooting since you can't stabilize the rifle for shit. I can make a 300m shot with ironsights in real life, but can't do it with a 24x scope to save my life in VR ahahaha.

But still really cool! I did the gunasium, which is the COOLEST IDEA EVER until it starts to make you nauseous. I made it to about 55 targets before I quit on that one.
there are tons of rifle stock mods for h3 if you want to stabilize.
Yeah, none of these solutions are perfect. Ideally I want a forward grip, but also be able to quick-release that controller to manipulate the bolt or reload or whatever else.
Yeah, none of these solutions are perfect. Ideally I want a forward grip, but also be able to quick-release that controller to manipulate the bolt or reload or whatever else.

I wonder if there's a way to get it to just rest in the hole at the top, so that just pulling it away would release it, without interfering too much with the IR sensors.
Yeah, none of these solutions are perfect. Ideally I want a forward grip, but also be able to quick-release that controller to manipulate the bolt or reload or whatever else.
I wonder if there's a way to get it to just rest in the hole at the top, so that just pulling it away would release it, without interfering too much with the IR sensors.
The Falandorn one lets you do that. It has rubber where you place the controller so it sticks there but not so much that you can't take it out.

EDIT: Here's a better video showing that off with him playing H3.

the TMO

[cross posting from reddit!]

Hi! I'm one of the two dev of this game, Edge Guardian! Youtube Trailer Here


We are pleased to announce that will be available in a few weeks on Steam! We have released the coming soon page so you can wishlist the game and will update the devlog on steam and reddit so you can keep track of the updates!

We are really looking forward to hear your impressions and hope you like our concept. Feel free to ask any questions! See you later!
[cross posting from reddit!]

Hi! I'm one of the two dev of this game, Edge Guardian! Youtube Trailer Here


We are pleased to announce that will be available in a few weeks on Steam! We have released the coming soon page so you can wishlist the game and will update the devlog on steam and reddit so you can keep track of the updates!

We are really looking forward to hear your impressions and hope you like our concept. Feel free to ask any questions! See you later!

Lol. Looks pretty cool. Love the aesthetic.

Hmm, yeah that looks pretty good too. I hope somebody makes a more polished solution at some point.
Yup, there we go. That's what I need.

Also agree that hopefully someone makes a more polished one later.
There's also the MagTac which is going to have a Kickstarter soon:

NOTE: Not the final design
The design is fully modular, similar to modern weapons with picatinny systems. The bipod is a mil spec standard bipod that I can use for my real AR. The Buttstock is standard milspec m4 style buttstock, you can attach any m4 style stock you wish. The controllers attach via a magnet system.
This design is meant to allow the user to configure it how they like to play. Additional picatinny sections will be avaialble for those that want to snipe. The attachment pieces can be easily moved forward to give the bullpup feel.
We are working on developing a bolt on tracker, as well as a recoil system later down the road. This product is targeting (pun intended) shooter games such as the up coming Onward, H3, and Virtual Warfighter.

I'm guessing it will be pretty expensive though (like $100+).
There's also the MagTac which is going to have a Kickstarter soon:

I'm guessing it will be pretty expensive though (like $100+).

Oh, good! I'll happily pay a premium for a good modular frame, as long as it doesn't look like that.

These things might be moot in the not-too-distant future when fully tracked custom controllers start showing up.
[cross posting from reddit!]

Hi! I'm one of the two dev of this game, Edge Guardian! Youtube Trailer Here


We are pleased to announce that will be available in a few weeks on Steam! We have released the coming soon page so you can wishlist the game and will update the devlog on steam and reddit so you can keep track of the updates!

We are really looking forward to hear your impressions and hope you like our concept. Feel free to ask any questions! See you later!

Is there a website? Didnt notice it googling Edge Guardian Game


Holy crap the new mission in Raw Data is amazing.

And amazingly hard, just tried 3 times in coop and didn't make it (by a very tiny margin in the end, but still). It also seems designed to make claims that the game is a "shooting gallery" look even more off-base, since the level mechanics basically make it completely impossible to complete without moving a lot.

Also, afterwards I was moving around the house, and after talking to someone wanted to get back. At that point I was (for a split second) trying to use my teledash and wondering why it didn't work.
Just got my Vive, set up wasn't nearly as bad as reviewers were making it out to be. This is coming from a person who had an Oculus beforehand.

Aside from the Lab and Raw Data, are there any other must play Vive experiences? I just bought Holopoint so I'm eager to check that out as well.

Is there any guide or tips available to adjust the headset to your comfort level as well as adjusting the IPD?

Any help is appreciated, thanks!
Just got my Vive, set up wasn't nearly as bad as reviewers we making it out to be. This is coming from a person who had an Oculus beforehand.

Aside from the Lab and Raw Data, are there any other must play Vive experiences? I just bought Holopoint so I'm eager to check that out as well.

Is there any guide or tips available to adjust the headset to your comfort level as well as adjusting the IPD?

Any help is appreciated, thanks!

Vanishing Realms

Metal B

Video showing how the Game Master controls the enemies in Mythica VR including VR puppetry.
I like the idea, but not the product.
It looks like, they want to create an action-game, instead of an actually PnP PRG program. Some main features should be importing text files with notes, pdfs with rule books and overlooks of player sheets. With teleporting you could easily recreate turn-based systems. There are turns and you can only move as far, as your character can travel in meters. Every action let you throw imaginary dices.
The gamemaster should always be in an overview perspective (like a god), so that he can easily manipulate the scenes and have all information around him. Only if he needs to play an NPC, he should have the need to go into first-person (the players should always be in first-person). In this regard the puppetrying looks good in Mythica VR, it only needs a slider to change facial expression (Happy, Sad, Angry, Afraid, Disgusted, Surprised, Contempt and mixes between them).
Just got my Vive, set up wasn't nearly as bad as reviewers were making it out to be. This is coming from a person who had an Oculus beforehand.

Aside from the Lab and Raw Data, are there any other must play Vive experiences? I just bought Holopoint so I'm eager to check that out as well.

Is there any guide or tips available to adjust the headset to your comfort level as well as adjusting the IPD?

Any help is appreciated, thanks!

QuiVR (free!)
Space Pirate Trainer
Vanishing Realms
Out of Ammo
Zombie Training Simulator


Multiplayer (online):
Rec Room (free!)
Hover Junkers
Battle Dome (games are kind of hard to find right now though)
Dig 4 Destruction (has bot matches)

Multiplayer (local):
Keep Talking and Nobody Explodes
Ruckus Ridge VR Party

Gallery: Call of the Starseed
Galaxy Golf
Water Bears VR
Babel: Tower to the Gods

Space Pilot:
Elite: Dangerous
House of the Dying Sun

Cosmic Trip
DOTA 2: Spectator Mode (free!)
The FOO Show (free!)
Job Simulator
Tilt Brush
The Solus Project

Evo X

I can't for the life of me figure out how to get ReVive working.

I have Oculus Home installed and all the games and drivers up to date.

Installed ReVive multiple times. No tab appears in SteamVR and launching Revive Desktop does nothing.

Can anyone help?


Cool Smoke Luke
I can't for the life of me figure out how to get ReVive working.

I have Oculus Home installed and all the games and drivers up to date.

Installed ReVive multiple times. No tab appears in SteamVR and launching Revive Desktop does nothing.

Can anyone help?

make sure you set to run as administrator for steam and revive..
Anyone else try Playthings: VR Music Vacation? The price is a little steep for the amount of content (though your mileage will vary considering it's sort of a toybox), but not for the polish. The "end" sequence is pretty amazing. Like end of Call of the Starseed cool. Awesome experience and cool music toy/sandbox.
Had a damn revelatory night in VR this evening.

First, I had my first oh god I'm going to die moment. Was playing QuiVr, and was really into it. Nailed a few long shots in a row and was feeling awesome, quickly turned and shot to teleport to the right tower, and immediately my lizard brain was like OH GOD WE'RE DEAD as it perceived my standing riiiight at the edge. I really hadn't experienced a sensation like that in VR, not nearly. It was awesome.

Second, I played a couple full rounds of paintball in Rec Room. That game is increeeedible. Had a couple of really amazing moments. Teleported right in the middle of the enemy team, headshotted one guy, then immediately dropped to one knee as a whipped a 180 and nailed the second guy as his shots went JUST over my head. Fucking insane. Both enemy players laughed and seemed very impressed, and I just had a stupid grin on my face. What a glimpse into what VR can be.

Thanks man, this is very very helpful.

Just messed with Tilt Brush. Its amazing!
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